
Stolen Away In The Dead of Night



Advanced Fighter (100)

Beginner Intellectual (0)

8 Years
04-23-2023, 09:43 PM

Isa was infuriated, to say the least. The blue woman had been out hunting on Armada lands, working to fill the stores. As she ran after her prey, the fae didn't realize that something was hunting her as well. More t=han one something. A trio of slavers had glimpsed the lady's glacial coat and had decided that she might fetch a fair price. With practiced ease, the trio of dires hemmed the woman in. They'd done this many times before, she could tell. Though the little woman was fiery and she put up a fight, she was no match for three of them and soon they overtook her. One of them knocked her hard on the head after she'd bitten the face of another and Isa went out like a light.

To save themselves from more injury, the brutes trussed the fae up, tying forelegs and hind legs together. When Isa regained consciousness, she was hanging upside down from a sturdy pole, each end carried by two of the men. They'd tied her mouth shut as well and so she couldn't even curse them. All the woman could do was thrash a bit, but they'd bound her so tightly that her movement didn't affect them much.

Thunder rumbled in the sky and the three slavers exchanged glances before changing course. Isa could smell thick rain on the air and knew that soon the land would be obscured by heavy rainfall. Again and again thunder crashed as the storm moved closer. The trio picked up their pace, hightailing it to a series of caves where they dumped the fae unceremoniously onto the stone floor. From her place on the stone, Isa could see strange drawings on the walls every time that the lightning illuminated the space. What was this place? A shiver tore through the blue woman and she realized that they'd left her cloak behind; the one that Sirius had made her. Would someone find it and think to come to her aid or would she once again find herself on a ship and swept out to sea? Time would tell. For now, all she could do was lay on the cold ground and wait.




The Hallows
High Councilor

Master Fighter (240)

Master Hunter (275)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

11 Years
Dire wolf

LegendaryWealthySamhain 2022Statue 1 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
WordySilver Medal 2020Critical Hit!Critical Fail!Trick 2019Promptober 2019
04-23-2023, 10:57 PM
I can't destroy what isn't there
The Warlords patrol had taken him to the border where the scent of Isa and strangers mingled. Confused and concerned, he had followed the trail and found her coat, discarded in the undergrowth without a care. He remembered how possessive she had been of the cloak. Worried to leave it behind, least another take it. He held the cloak beneath his muzzle as rage overtook him.

It wasn’t the first time that wolves had thought to take what belonged to him. That time, it had taken him far too long to realise what had happened. His Zee… His Zee had suffered in their paws for months before he had rescued her. Isa would not know the same pain. He tossed her coat over his shoulders, though it wasn’t made for his broad back. He tied it securely so he would not lose her coat, and took off after the trail.

The rain began to fall as he left the Armada territory. The darkened sky lit up in sudden, bright intensity as a flash of lightning struck the sky. It was some time before the thunder rumbled in its wake. Telling him the storm was still a distance off. But, judging by the rain, it would find them.

It was difficult to track beneath the outpour, but he sent out Marshal, Bast, and Bear. Each following the direction the trail had hinted at before the rain had swept it away. It was Bast that returned with news. She had seen flashes of colour - wolf coats, in the caves just off the territory by the Armada beach. Changing course, the Warlord followed his companion. Arriving at the caves as another flash of lightning struck. Reflecting on the whites of his markings, and the whites in his angry eyes. It lit up, also, the guard on duty at the cave. There, there she was. He saw a flash of her familiar coat on the stone floor. He opened his mouth, and a rolling roar fell off his tongue. Anger. Possessive, and white hot as he charged into the cave without a thought to tactical advantage.




Advanced Fighter (100)

Beginner Intellectual (0)

8 Years
04-27-2023, 05:54 PM

Bumps and bruises, the blue woman could feel them under her fur. Her kidnappers hadn't been very kind, which was funny, considering she was essentially merchandise. Isa didn't go out without a fight and the brutes had the wounds to prove it. The stone ground was cold and the fae could feel that cold in her bones. She was going to be incredibly sore after this.

Lightning illuminated the cave once more and, as she lay there, facing away from the entrance, a deafening roar echoed through the space. It chilled Isa even more than the cold stone. Was some sort of giant bear coming to reclaim its home? Tied up as she was, was she going to die? Isa's heart hammered in her chest and she fought to stay still, hoping that whatever had entered the cave wouldn't see her. The moments ticked by and the bound woman could only wait to see what fate had in store for her.




The Hallows
High Councilor

Master Fighter (240)

Master Hunter (275)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

11 Years
Dire wolf

LegendaryWealthySamhain 2022Statue 1 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
WordySilver Medal 2020Critical Hit!Critical Fail!Trick 2019Promptober 2019
04-27-2023, 06:29 PM
I can't destroy what isn't there
The Warlord could not lose her. The strength of that conviction shocked him to his core, even as he felt anger replace all his other senses. It was almost with a feeling of Déjà vu that he charged in to rescue her from the slavers.

He took down the first slaver with the strength of his momentum. They hit the ground hard, but he didn’t take the time to finish them off. He kept on coming, deeper into the cave as he found the wolf that straightened first. That looked the most likely to be in charge. The fight was short, and brutal. The leader was determined, and no stranger to a dirty fight. By the time they were lying cold on the stone floor, the Warlord was bleeding from numerous cuts, and limping slightly on one paw. Bast and Bear had kept the others off his back as he fought, and those fights were shorter. With the help of his companions, there were soon only two wolves breathing in the cave. The rolling sound of thunder grew closer as he limped slowly to where Isa was lying. He extended his claws, and cut through her binding. A strange energy seemed to be zipping through his limbs, and it was hard to remain still enough not to cut her.

When she was released, he grabbed her and hauled her to her paws. His blood and the blood of the slavers mattered the polar bear fur… he would have to apologise for marring it. But later, when commonsense returned. For now, there was a wildness in his eyes as he grabbed her again, and mashed his lips to hers. There was nothing gentle or tender in the motion. Only anger - possessive and wild. His lips vibrated against hers with a growl almost too low to hear




Advanced Fighter (100)

Beginner Intellectual (0)

8 Years
04-27-2023, 07:35 PM

The fight behind her had Isa clenching blue eyes tightly shut. She willed herself to stay still and quiet as the smell of blood mixed with the smell of rain. Screams and snarls echoed throughout the stone cavern and Isa's heart still hammered against her chest. Fate was against her, it seemed. If the slavers were killed, would she be left here to starve to death? A bear wouldn't exactly free her, now would it? Would anyone even think to come for her? She was a slave, afterall. Not terribly important in the pack. Aside from that, rain would have washed away their trail. Worry ate at Isa's mind until she felt as though she would be sick. That would have been bad too, seeing as how her mouth was tied shut.

Then, just as suddenly as the fight started, it stopped. Eyes still clenched tightly shut, Isa felt something touch her and a soft whine pulled from her throat against her will. She waited for the bite to come, but it never did. Instead, her bindings were cut and the blood was soon rushing back to her limbs quite painfully. Pins and needles and acid rushed through the blue woman's legs and paws and another whine drifted free. The binding on her muzzle was sliced away and finally Isa opened her eyes. Oh...

Glacial orbs rested upon the infuriated face of Sirius. The warlord was bloodied and not all of it was his own. Isa had just begun to open her mouth to apologize for causing him trouble when one big paw wrapped around her and she was pulled into a kiss. The kiss wasn't gentle or soft. Quite the opposite. It was rough and hard and full of emotion, just like the man delivering it. The fae's eyes went wide for a moment in shock, but the feel of his lips on hers was surprisingly pleasant and she just couldn't ignore it. Isa returned the kiss, one paw raising to rest on the brute's dark cheek. Eventually she pulled back enough to whisper, "You came for me. I... I didn't think anyone would come." And then the reality of the situation settled in place of the shock and Isa curled her neck, burying her face into the warlords thickly furred chest. Then... she did something that was very out of character. She cried.




The Hallows
High Councilor

Master Fighter (240)

Master Hunter (275)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

11 Years
Dire wolf

LegendaryWealthySamhain 2022Statue 1 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
WordySilver Medal 2020Critical Hit!Critical Fail!Trick 2019Promptober 2019
04-27-2023, 07:46 PM
I can't destroy what isn't there
His eyes were closed, and he could taste blood in his mouth. Kissing Isa washed away some of its tang, marring her own coat in the process. The possessiveness inside of him was only rising. Almost overwhelming him with its need to pull Isa closer, closer, closer. Then she was pulling away from him. His growl deepend, a warning, and then softened as she curled into him. He held her closely, tightly. Until the whites of her legs were bloodied by the stain of his own coat. “I always come for what’s mine” He said, his voice gravely and dark.

The stink of dead bodies only grew stronger as he held her, and his heart rate refused to slow. He couldn’t rid himself of the fear. Of the thought of arriving and finding he was too late. “Did they touch you?” He asked, he needed to know. He couldn’t kill them again, and he certainly wasn’t going to give them the honour of a burial, but perhaps they had family he could seek out… the Warlord had never been completely sane when it came to his family being in danger. Was that what Isa was now, family? He didn’t know if he could give her anything more than raw, and rough emotion. He didn’t know if he could ever marry again, nor was he entirely sure he wanted to. Shame crept into him as he continued to hold Isa. It tasted like betrayal, though his Wife’s body was long given to the earth. He growled again, the emotion only further enticing the anger in his system.

It took him a while. Too long, truly, to realise that Isa was crying. He lessened his death grip in her coat, through only marginally. “I will always come for you.” he said, and it had the burn of truth.




Advanced Fighter (100)

Beginner Intellectual (0)

8 Years
04-27-2023, 07:58 PM

Sirius loosened his hold on her only slightly and asked if they had touched her. Isa wondered if he was implying that they may have taken her against her will. The woman gave a light shake of her head, then raised a paw to wipe the tears from her eyes. " I touched them more than they touched me. Did you see the bite on the one's face?" Though her eyes were still wet with tears and somewhat red, she gave the man a reassuring wink.

Ire still boiled the man's blood and it seemed as though he wasn't yet rid of the bloodlust that had taken hold of him. Isa was patient, if anything. She stayed against him for as long as he needed to hold her, and hold her, he did. It was as though he needed to cling to her to assure himself that she was real. That she was alive. To say that Isa was moved would have been an understatement.

Though she had shown a flash of good humor, the tears of shock and relief still flowed down the fae's pale cheeks. As if he'd just noticed her state of emotion, the giant's grip loosened just a bit more. With stark clarity and the promise of more blood, Sirius assured her that he would always come for her. Something tightened in Isa's belly and she gave a little shudder at the severity of those words. There was such deep promise in the behemoths growling tones. She believed him.

"Take me home," the woman whispered softly, still leaning against the warlords chest. The feeling had finally returned to her paws and legs and, now that she could move a bit, she could feel the deep bruising where she'd been beaten into submission. Though the situation was serious, Isa couldn't help but tease the brute a bit. "You know, before coming to these lands, I'd never been injured so many times in my life." Then her muzzle lifted and she placed a kiss on the side of his own muzzle. Her words were soft, but incredibly heartfelt and clear. "Thank you."




The Hallows
High Councilor

Master Fighter (240)

Master Hunter (275)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

11 Years
Dire wolf

LegendaryWealthySamhain 2022Statue 1 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
WordySilver Medal 2020Critical Hit!Critical Fail!Trick 2019Promptober 2019
04-27-2023, 08:07 PM
I can't destroy what isn't there
His voice grew even more gravelly, if such a thing was possible. In that low, unhappy growl he clarified. “Did they force themselves on you?” Though he was glad to hear that she had fought them. Her words brought a face into clarity, and he knew which wolf she had meant. She had fought hard against the Dires, and had been outnumbered. He had neglected her training, however, and he felt that now in the wake of his fear.

Take me home What else could he do but fulfil her wishes? Still holding her tight - enough to take much of her weight - he started to walk. Bear appeared on the other side of her, gently moving her paws around the wolf to take even more of her weight. “I would think your saying i’m bad for you, but this is the second time you live by the strength of my paws.” He remarked, the gravel in his voice started to recede. She leaned forward to kiss the side of his muzzle, but before she could pull away he tightened his grip in her coat. Dragging her closer as he pressed his muzzle against hers again. His mouth was slightly ajar, breathing in the scent of her, tasting her. Savoring her. “Twice, you’ve needed my help, Isa. It’s like you can’t live without me” He said, voice only half joking as he finally released her from the kiss. His paws already moving, obeying her spoken wish and taking her home.




Advanced Fighter (100)

Beginner Intellectual (0)

8 Years
04-27-2023, 08:22 PM

Maybe there was something wrong with her, but the guttural growl of the giant before her sent shivers of pleasure through the woman. She liked it. She liked it a lot. Sirius had proven that he was a dangerous beast and that seemed to thrill Isa. He asked if they'd forced themselves on her and again she shook her head in the negative. They hadn't wanted to damage the merchandise that much.

Sirius pointed out that he'd saved her twice now and a little grin pulled at the fae's maw. That grin hurt a bit from the split in her lip, but she couldn't stop it. Teasing one another was their thing. It made her happy. It felt good. She needed to feel good right now. Moments ago Isa was sure that her life was over. Now she was standing here, alive and free, kissing a giant man whom she'd previously thought was a bastard. Well... maybe he was still a bastard. He was far less insufferable though.

The bear came up beside her, taking some of her weight as they prepared to walk. Isa could have made the trek back, but she would accept the help if that's what he wanted. Her kiss and thanks were met with another burning kiss from Sirius and a barely audible groan worked its way out of the cerulean woman's throat. Again Sirius spoke, his words teasing as a bit of his anger faded away. It was Isa's turn to be serious. The woman's tongue flicked out to pull a bit of blood away from the man's maw and she whispered against his lips, "Perhaps I can't."




The Hallows
High Councilor

Master Fighter (240)

Master Hunter (275)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

11 Years
Dire wolf

LegendaryWealthySamhain 2022Statue 1 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
WordySilver Medal 2020Critical Hit!Critical Fail!Trick 2019Promptober 2019
04-27-2023, 08:36 PM
I can't destroy what isn't there
The Warlord shivered as the sound of her own interest escaped her lips. He was clawing at his control, but it was barely contained. Nearly burned away with the fear and anger that had been pumping through him just moments before. As her tongue brushed against him, he growled at her. Displaying teeth for a moment, before lashing his own tongue forward, swiping at the blood of her split lip.

He was kissing her again, and her words vibrated their lips. “We should head back.” He said, his own voice a low whisper, though he made no attempt to move. “If we don’t go now, Isa, I can’t guarantee your safety.” His words were a warning, and his voice a rumble. He was leaning into her again. Feeling the warmth of her coat a sharp contrast to the storm at the den’s entrance, only a few feet from where they stood. The wind brushed some of the rain onto the wolves, but the cold did little to take away the heat he could feel pooling in his stomach, and spreading across his limbs. If Isa wasn’t careful, he would not claim responsibility for his actions.




Advanced Fighter (100)

Beginner Intellectual (0)

8 Years
04-27-2023, 08:46 PM

Heat. There was pure heat between the pair of them. The tension was thick and, for a moment, Isa felt bad for the bear that had to witness it all. The rough lick to her split lip brought another shuddering gasp from the indigo fae and her own teeth flashed for a moment. Sweet and caring, yes, but Isa was also dark and adventurous when it came to intimacy. Sirius was walking a thin line with her.

Again they kissed and Isa's sound of pleasure was a bit louder this time. She wasn't ashamed of her desires nor was she ashamed of letting him know the effect that he had on her. A warning met the woman's ears and a soft, sultry chuckle danced its way up the smaller wolf's throat. "If we don't leave now, I can't guarantee yours." With a small, chaste peck to the giant's cheek, Isa pulled away and began walking towards the entranceway of the cave of her own volition.

No doubt Sirius and Bear would catch up with her quickly with the way that she limped, but Isa didn't need to be carried or babied. She didn't have broken bones this time. As she walked, she thought. In all of her days, Isa had only lain with one man and that man had been her husband. Their love life was rich and fun and passionate. Isa was no shriveled up old woman. Sirius ignited that passion within her and, if he propositioned her, she would acquiesce. It would be his choice, however. The man had lost his wife more recently than she had lost her husband and had yet to come to terms with it. Isa wouldn't do something that could potentially ruin what they had built. And so, she denied her urges for both of their sakes.
