
Dust Devils

Hermes/Nav Seasonal


The Hallows

Master Fighter (242)

Advanced Navigator (60)

2 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022
04-18-2023, 07:54 PM
Kea liked the bifrost. He could see out into the ocean from either side of the sand bar. It was close enough to the Hallows that he could explore it without worry - so long as one of his parent’s companions were nearby. Today, there was a harsh wind picking up across the bar. Tossing sand every which way, and it was a struggle to keep it out of his eyes.

He trotted down the Bifrost, Spud at his heels. Every now and then he would stop, pairing across the distance, and imagine he could see the hint of sails. Pirates were a thing, right? Wouldn’t it be wicked cool if the Hallows had to fight off pirates?

He was halfway across when the wind picked up even stronger. Now just a toss of wind now, but an actual funnel! He watched as it began to form across the sand. He had never seen anything like it! It was a cone of wind and sand and it was coming towards him! He let out a yelp and started to run, heading away from the funnel - which meant heading towards the Boreas side of the bar. “Hurry, Spud!” he said to his slower polar bear companion. The chubby little ball of white struggled to match his pace.

WC: 217

"Ciaran Carpathius"



Master Fighter (245)

Expert Navigator (235)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

3 Years
Extra large

Pride - Gay (MLM)Samhain 2022
04-18-2023, 08:19 PM

**Set before Enki turns himself over to Insomnia**

There has been plan that Enki has been silently entertaining in the back of his mind. The repercussions of it will be felt through his family and so, the boy has yet to act on it. But as more days pass with the possibility of being found and dragged back to Insomnia lands against his will… well, it is beginning to sound nice. Since the idea has made the boy restless, he has started taking long walks. Sometimes, he doesn’t return to Ashen for a few days.

Paws pull the boy to the beginning of the land bridge that unites Boreas and Auster. His head is lowered, gaze on his paws as he is lost deep in thought. For the millionth time, he weighs the pros and cons in his head when a shouted voice pulls his attention up. Stopping mid-stride, Enki quickly lifts his baby blue eyes from his paws and finds a tall pup running toward him. With him, is a pudgy polar bear that is waddling franticly trying to keep up with the pup’s pace as a funnel made of sand chases them.

Winds whip in every direction, tugging at the lanky teenagers form in an attempt to pull him over. Enki is surprised to find that it is beginning to rain and that the weather has suddenly turned foul. Without hesitation, the boy leaps forward, racing toward the pup and shouting in an attempt to be heard over the howling winds and pounding rain, “Get down!” The funnel of sand will not hurt them but the sudden storm might send them into the water that now rages around the pair. Time slows as he races out toward the pup.

WC: 283
Total WC: 500 / 1500

"Enki Klien"


The Hallows

Master Fighter (242)

Advanced Navigator (60)

2 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022
04-30-2023, 02:17 PM
He was looking over his shoulder constantly as he ran, watching the swirling wind that chased him. It seemed to him to be almost conscious, malevolent. It was chasing him, for sure! He wanted to yell at it to leave him alone, but he needed to save his breath. Looking back as much as he was, he didn't realise there was another wolf heading towards him. Not immediately. The voice that called out to him was mostly snatched away by the sudden change in weather. As if the dust devil had summoned a storm with it, he felt water start to pelt his coat. But the words were enough to catch his attention and he looked forward - and saw the stranger. He saw a snatch of dusty, stormy colours and green eyes as the other wolf galloped towards him. "Wrong way!" Kea yelled out, wondering why the wolf was running towards him. The pup was far more scared of the dust devil than a bit of rain.

He didn't realise how dangerous a storm would be on the sandbar, with nothing to break up the strength of the storm between him and the sea. Spud however - as always - grasped the situation more clearly than the pup. The problem was, his heavy form was difficult to drag across the loose sand. He couldn't catch up to his wolf and pull him down. He made a few disgruntled grunts as he renewed his efforts, huffing and puffing after his wolf. The rain increased even as they ran. Turning into a wall of water that drenched then, and a howl sounded in the air. The wind, growing and growling around them.

Wc: 278



Master Fighter (245)

Expert Navigator (235)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

3 Years
Extra large

Pride - Gay (MLM)Samhain 2022
04-30-2023, 04:25 PM

The wind whips sand every which way, flinging it into Enki’s eyes and causing him to squint against the stinging pain. Rain pelts the Klein boy as his gangly form gallops across the sand bar, racing toward the unsuspecting pup and his companion. Waves swell and crash against slim sand bar, slamming into the wolves and threatening to wash away all those who dare to attempt to weather out the storm in the open.

Thankfully, the unknown pup hears Enki’s voice and he watches as the pup looks toward him and shouts… something. All he can see is the pup’s lips move but the wind steals away the words before they can reach his ears. Rain, waves, wind, and now thunder create a cacophony of sound around them as the storm rages with all the primal force that nature has to offer. The dust devil that swirls behind the pup, driving him toward Enki, is the least of the yearling’s worries.

He knows it won’t do any more damage than imbed the granules of sand in their coats. Annoying but no real threat. No, it is only a symptom of a much larger, more dangerous, problem and the pup does not seem to realize it. Enki, needs to reach them so that he can force the pup to hunker in place because, the longer they are upright, the higher the chance that they will be swept out into the anger waters.

Legs churn as the wind tries to pull him over, shoving and tugging against his frame with a fierceness, the young boy has rarely seen. He does not stop, does not slow his hectic pace as he pushes his body to stay upright and moving. Lightening rents the sky, flashing brightly before disappearing. Thunder follows right on its heels, booming at a deafening octave and causing his ears to ring. Bright spots dance in his vison, a gift left in the lightnings wake.

The distance closes and Enki aims to slam his frame into the pup, hoping to force him down so that he can cover the younger boy with his body. If they can ride out the worst of the storm laying down, their chances of survival will increase drastically.

WC: 372
Total WC: 1150 / 1500

"Enki Klien"


The Hallows

Master Fighter (242)

Advanced Navigator (60)

2 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022
04-30-2023, 05:19 PM
The danger quite suddenly became apparent as the first wave rose and swelled over the sandbar. Drenching the pup and almost washing him off his paws. He yelped in surprise and fear, realising at last that the dust devil might not be his biggest danger. His paws started to slow, and he concentrated more on keeping his footing. What should he do? It was too far to run either direction now. They were a good distance from either side. The dust devil was almost on top of him, and his ears tucked against his skull. 

Then the stranger was there, knocking into him. He let out a surprise yelp as he tumbled to the ground of the sand bar. Then Spud was on top of both of them, heavier than either boy. Hunkered part way beneath a wolf and a bear, there was nothing more Kea could do. The dust devil was upon them now! She scrunched his eyes closed and ducked his head into the other boy's coat. He felt the moment the wind tunnel hit them. Felt the brush of wind and sand as it swept over them… and then it was gone. Another wave crashed over him, washing away some of the sand the dust devil had left in its wake. But it did little to clean up. Clumpy sand and salt clung to his fur. The least of his worries. He realised how he had fled from something that wasn't dangerous, and into the arms of the storm.

"What do we do now?" He yelled at the other wolf. They were close enough that the wind couldn't snatch his words too badly now. He knew the other wolf was helping him. Had seen the storm as the danger and not the little wind funnel. 

Wc: 298



Master Fighter (245)

Expert Navigator (235)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

3 Years
Extra large

Pride - Gay (MLM)Samhain 2022
04-30-2023, 11:31 PM

The moments had felt like an eternity, stretching out forever as Enki ran towards the pup. But, what felt endless had been no more than a few moments in time. He reaches the pup, unceremoniously slamming into him and shoving the stranger to the ground. The pudgy cub that had been waddling after the pup reaches the pair not too long after and pins them to the ground. With the added weight, the water will not be able to sweep them away.

What the pup had been running from is upon them and Enki slams his eyes shut, turning his head to bury his face underneath his armpit. Ears flatten to keep as much of the sand out of his ears and the pair wait out the swirling winds. It is gone quickly and a wave crashes near them, spraying the trio with its frothy water. The stranger yells and Enki blinks open his eyes, squinting against the raging storm around them.

Craning his neck so his mouth is close to the pup’s ear, the yearling calmly tells him, “We are going to run back the way you came. I will make sure your bear makes it safely across. Okay, on the count of three.” Looking up to the cub that pins the boys, Enki gives the bear a small nod before slowly counting down, “One.” The wind howls its displeasure, screaming at them its rage that the boys have dared to challenge the storm.

“Two.”, Lightning flashes brightly, blinding white in the darkness that the clouds create. Thunder chases the light, booming fiercely as Enki breathes out, “Three.” The bear shifts, releasing the boys from its weight and the yearling swiftly pushes himself to his paws and shouts, “Go slow! Be sure to keep your paws under you!” With that, the trio carefully make their way back to land, not stopping until they are back on solid land and far away from the water.

Together, the trio wait out the storm far from the reaches of the angry ocean.

WC: 340
Total WC: 1788 / 1500

"Enki Klien"