
May I take you home?




Master Fighter (340)

Master Hunter (330)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

An icon representing the specialty Mangler Mangler

5 Years
Extra large

OverachieverSamhain 2022Double MasterThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
05-01-2023, 11:44 PM

Kotori had given a few days of thought before taking action.  There had been a balance of taking time to consider what he wanted but not wanting to wait too long and risk losing something else.  For now, the goal was to get the black and white princess to join his pack so he could get to know her that much better.  The grander hope was that he had found one he could continue to respect and enjoy her presence.  Could she possibly be the princess he’d been waiting for to request to be Kotori’s mate?

Not to put the meat before the hunt.  First, he had to find her and get her to agree to come back with him and join his pack.  Then he’d spend a bit of time with her to be certain.  No need to rush and regret later.  His mind circled about her fine features, brilliant black and white coat, perfect manner of speech, and proud demeanor.  Kotori felt his tail raise, swishing back and forth remembering how perfect she seemed on first impression.  Maybe, maybe he could finally get what he’d been waiting for.  

Summer had come to Boreas but as he crossed into Auster he could feel where winter was seeping into the land, always an interesting change of pace.  Kotori remembered Ochi’s scent well enough that he when he found her trail he picked up his pace with more confidence.  She had been going to find Hanzo which lead him to Auster and beyond the hallows and by that point he’d managed to catch the scent that had Kotori imagine her once more.

The scrubland, with its packed hard dirt ground, dry thin patches of grass, and scattered trees felt empty, with fewer signs of life.  It was here, but more subdued and hidden under the ground or up in the trees.  Her scent was stronger as he continued south in this location, finally he howled for Ochitsuki, hoping she was as close as he imagined to hear him.  Would she even be interested in his offer?  If she’d found Hanzo she might just stay with him for all Kotori knew.  

"Kotori Fatalis"
[Image: HMmbDEu.png]



Intermediate Fighter (45)

Beginner Intellectual (0)

7 Years
05-15-2023, 06:22 PM

Ochitsuki had spent the night with Hattori's pack and had thought long and hard about her future. Nothing was certain for the woman anymore. Before the coup, it was believed that she would be the next leader of her clan. Now there was no clan and Ochitsuki Ishii was princess of nothing. She would never be a normal wolf, but she was essentially on the same level as them. The woman had nothing, but that didn't mean that she was nothing.

The black and white fae had been deep in thought when a voice rang out, calling for her. Her brow furrowed for a moment and she felt the bandage that covered her eye. Enough of that. Ochi swept the bandage aside and tossed it into the fire. The fae blinked a few times against the light as her eye had been covered for a few days, but was soon good to go. Ochi cut through the bamboo, her lithe form sliding between the sky touching stalks until she found herself on the opposite side. She moved out aways onto the water-starved landscape and noted an earthen figure that seemed to almost blend in with the shadowed landscape itself. It was amusing to the woman.

Moving beneath the one of the giant trees, Ochitsuki came face to face with Kotori, looking upon him for the first time with both her blue and orange eyes. "Kotori-sama" the woman greeted him with the barest of nods. "I am surprised to see you here. Is everything okay?" The fae's brow furrowed slightly as she asked. Had her enemies followed her trail to his lands? She imagined that he might be a bit more upset if that had been the case, but she would rather ask than assume.




Master Fighter (340)

Master Hunter (330)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

An icon representing the specialty Mangler Mangler

5 Years
Extra large

OverachieverSamhain 2022Double MasterThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
05-16-2023, 12:32 AM

Kotori waited for Ochitsuki wondering how things would work out.  How had her conversation with Hattori gone? What if she didn’t want to leave when he asked?  Kotori disliked not getting what he wanted so that much was a sour thought.   Fortunately, it appeared he didn’t have to delve into thoughts for too long before the black and white fae appeared.

Where as Kotoro blended with the landscape Ochitsuki stood out in it with her brilliant white.  Something was different and it took a moment to realize what seemed off was realizing her eyes were different colors.  Prior to now the other one had been injured and then bandaged.  Obviously she appeared stronger now as well.  

“Ochitsuki, I’m glad to see you are well.” The man smiled when asked if all was alright.  “It is now.  I was concerned for having sent you off on your own with your injuries.” ‘Sent her off’ was hardly the most accurate phase with how she had been the one determined to leave on this mission.  Still, it seemed the best way to phrase it for his response.  “Also, I wanted to ask you to join Valta.  If you have completed your quest I would like for you to come back to my land.  I offer you a new home.  In the short time I have known you I have seen you as a woman of strong character and beauty.  I’d like more time with you and get to know you better still.” Hopefully, he hadn’t waited too long this time.

"Kotori Fatalis"
[Image: HMmbDEu.png]



Intermediate Fighter (45)

Beginner Intellectual (0)

7 Years
05-24-2023, 12:37 PM

"Sent her away" brought a small look of amusement to the woman's monochromatic features. She'd left of her own volition, but she could see the reason that Kotori had chosen such wording. It was more diplomatic than telling her that she'd run off without saying goodbye. It had been easier for her that way. Easier for both of them, really. No strings, no ties, yet here he was. Why?

Pale ears shifted as Kotori began to speak again. He pulled no punches and told her exactly why he was here. He wanted her to join Valta. He wanted her to join Valta? One slender brow arched in question but the fae reacted little more, instead waiting for him to finish speaking.

The situation was an odd one, to say the least. Kotori spoke aloud his observations of her and confessed that he would like to get to know her better. Ochitsuki remained quiet for a long moment, considering the request. Initially her reaction was to deny him and stay with Hattori. Why though? There was a sense of familiarity with Hattori, but nothing else. He was not her kin, nor was he as welcoming as she had hoped. Hattori hadn't been rude, but he hadn't sympathized nor embraced her plight, not that she needed it. The point was, there was nothing for her here.

Ochitsuki stared straight into Kotori's gaze, assessing, scrutinizing, thinking. She had nothing in the world, so what did she have to lose? "I accept," she spoke clearly, dual-toned eyes closing for a moment as her head dipped in a graceful bow. Her sword was already slung around her neck and shoulder, so she was ready to go when he was. Just as she had done to Kotori, there was no need for goodbyes with Hattori.
