
Thread with Mouse?



10-17-2013, 01:20 AM (This post was last modified: 10-17-2013, 03:06 PM by Ashtoreth.)
I've been sort of restless with characters lately, so I'm making one of these to try and attempt to spice things up a bit and get that bleh feeling to go away. If you see someone that you'd like to thread with, for whatever reason, feel free to post, even if it's irrelevant to anything I write regarding them. I'm always game for a thread (unless I'm super full up on them which is rare).

As always, colored names link to profiles:

ASHTORETH :: Female. Five years old. Single. Valhallan Psi (lead hunter).
  • - Meeting with newly appointed hunters individually or in small groups

    - Preparing for a large hunt

    - Developing a new crush?
Summary: Basically she's keeping busy doing her job in the pack so she doesn't have to dwell on the fact Valhalla is going to war. She doesn't like it, fighting makes her uncomfortable 'cause she's super poor at it, and she'd rather ignore it while she still can. She's also kind of getting up there in age (only five, but still), and I think it's maybe time for her to settle down a little? I know she's had the hugest crush on Leon for the longest time, but I almost feel like the time it's taken so far to get their relationship where it's at - which still is farther than where it should be I think - is making it lose its luster. So if someone wants to try and woo her by making the first move - because, honestly, she's too awkward with serious emotions to own up to them - then be my guest.

MERCIANNE :: Female. Four years old. Single mother of six. Snow Rogue Healer.
  • - Find Kestrel

    - Find Kestrel

    - Find Kestrel Don't lose the other five pups
Summary: If it's not obvious, she's worried about Kestrel. Her only daughter has gone missing, and, of course, she's envisioned the worst. What she doesn't know is her worst fears are right: her daughter's been kidnapped. She's going to be frantically trying to find her while at the same time being overly protective of the rest of her small horde, and may actually be considering carting her lot into a pack to ensure they are safe. If she'd join anyone, it would likely be Ludicael, so if someone there would like to meet the troubled mother and possibly offer asylum, that would be cool.

RUNE :: Male. One year old (reversed b/c of update). Seeing Alamea. Ex-Tortugan Rogue.
  • - Continue training with practice spars

    - Learn of current state of Tortuga

    - Find a new home (preferably Mt. Volkan)
Summary: Rune sort of has a one track mind too. Ever since Tortuga was disbanded he's been wanting to get back, and since none of the other adults are seemingly working on it he's taking it upon himself to reclaim their home. So his primary focus for now is training and learning what he can about the pack before he goes in to challenge, though the longer it takes the less motivated I personally feel. But there's just no other place that I think he fits in, so he'll continue with his target for now. Might lurk around Valhalla and Alamea in the meantime. He'd be recruiting for if he takes over, but he (and I) are not that overconfident. But if someone wanted to become a spar buddy with him, it would be really helpful.

TAHLIA :: Female. Five years old. Wife to Bane, mother of two. Seracian Dame.
  • - Tend to her new family

    - Show off her new family

    - Get back into shape
Summary: Happy Tahlia is happy. She finally has her family - regardless of what everyone thinks of her husband - and she's going to be focusing on them for the most part. Already though the kids are growing quick, so she'll have time for wandering on her own again, and mainly working to get herself back into shape since she feels the pups did a number on her body. But she's all for showing off her pups and could possibly do with a little learning from other, more experienced mothers. Also someone to gossip with would be nice.

CALLISTO :: Female. Three month old pup. Single not interested. Sheltering in Ludicael.
  • - Find nice places of solitude across Alacritis

    - Avoid Severus like the plague

    - Harass healers and become engrossed in the healing arts
Summary: Only three threads, all barely a few posts in, and I already love her. She's somewhat of a mouthy little hermit, likes her privacy and personal space, tends to care for herself above others. For the moment she's staying in Ludicael with her family since Amenti's been usurped, but has a tendency to wander where she pleases to avoid a sister she feels is clingy (Sorry Circe!) and a brother who only lives to irritate the crud out of her. Normally she avoids others if it can at all be helped, so she doesn't typically make for the best company, but if your wolf is a healer, watch out. She'll talk your ear off trying to learn about the plants, their uses, techniques, and pretty much everything that has to do with healing and the like. She already stopped Cael and plans to keep learning from there. (Extra points if they are remedies that tend to have adverse side effects - she'd love to have some of those on hand for special cases)

ANAIS :: Female. Newborn pup. Single too busy adventuring. Seracian Filius (puppy).
  • - Explore all of Seracia

    - Explore all of the Southern territories

    - Make friends with everyone she meets
Summary: Anais is destined to become my little adventurer. She's going to boldly be wandering everywhere, meeting everyone, and likely getting herself into a bit of trouble though never enough to truly be in danger. I'd love for her to get to meet some of the other pups of Seracia, and maybe even get a few to tag along when she starts venturing out beyond their borders. She becomes playable on Friday (Oct. 18th), so expect fun little pup threads then!


10-23-2013, 10:54 PM
Rune :D

Tidus can be a spar buddy and Lily can be a friend if he wants :3
Byakuro too can also be used as a friend and spar partner on occasion, all 3 are in Tort so if he wants to learn more of it then yeah perfect no? x3