

solo seasonal/PO



Expert Fighter (200)

Expert Hunter (120)

4 Years
Extra large
Dragon Mod

05-09-2023, 12:26 PM

He hadn't been around as much as he probably should've been. The Ancora male had opted to scour the lands beyond Armada for any remnant of anyone potentially related to him. Some part of him felt a call. A sort of pull he couldn't quite place. Since his parents passed, and the loneliness he felt in a pack full to the brim, the hermit wolf wondered if he'd feel a little less lonely if he could find blood relatives. So far though...absolutely no luck. He had been back and forth between pack lands to tend to a few duties and then gone for several days or sometimes a couple of weeks at a time, but his searches continued to come up empty-handed. Maybe they were all gone. Maybe they just weren't around anymore. He shouldn't be sad about it though, right? In a sense, he'd always been alone since his mother and father died.

Today though, he prepared for a day of patrol and perhaps he'd check down at the market to see if there was anything worth getting. He was still working on the armor he had inherited from his father. Slowly but surely, he was fine-tuning, altering the design a bit, and working the leather in a way that would preserve the original piece but also work for him. He had been hesitant on cutting out eye holes for himself. Since his father had been blind, the need for eyeholes wasn't necessary. But now? If he wanted to use it for himself, he definitely needed it. It deserved more than just sitting on display collecting dust.

Leaving his den, he headed off to patrol the outskirts of the Col. He had passed by a few others, but said nothing. A nod here, a grunt of acknowledgment there. These wolves were still strangers to him. He hadn't made a whole lot of effort to get to know them, nor had they made an effort to get to know him. The Warlord had made promises when he joined. But so far? Grim had yet to be brought out of his reclusive shell, let alone encouraged to do so. Maybe this was how it always would be regardless of whether he stayed here or not. No matter. He pushed all of that to the side and decided to redirect his mind to the task at hand. Trouble seldom came to Armada's borders, unless it was a pirate, of course.

He took a trail up and around towards the Col's highest point before taking a less-walked path that he often liked to take to get out. It was a bit more dangerous than the well-worn paths that were already made, but he always managed just fine on this one. The sound of the gentle wind blowing over the Col was soothing to his soul. The warmth of the Summer air even more so. But with it, came a distinct scent. The smell of dead flesh and blood. On guard now, and curious, Grim pressed forward until he came across the scattered carcass of a creature he couldn't identify anymore. Whatever had gotten it had torn it to literal shreds.

He moved with caution to investigate, and soon enough detected the mingling scent of rogue wolves and...something else. It was a scent he hadn't come across before. It smelled Avian, but he had little contact with birds outside of that strange one that had barged into his den some months ago. Sniffing around, he was unaware that the flying predator was watching him, and evidently, it was not happy that he was in its territory.

Before he knew it, he felt talons scoring across his flank and the flap of wings, and the rush of air that came from them. Spinning on his heel in surprise and with a snarl, he came face to face with a harpy eagle. The raptor took flight before he could react properly, but it appeared to want to come at him again. Snarling, Grimoire took up a defensive stance to try and protect himself. He could run to get out of there, but the bird would overtake him in no time. As it came back, talons outstretched, Grimoire lunged with snapping teeth and used his horns to deter its attack. Its talons clashed against his horns, and he took the opportunity to aim a slash with his own claws, though he barely grazed the bird and took no more than a few feathers. Screeching with anger, the Harpy Eagle circled back around, seeking to dive-bomb the horned wolf. Grim prepared himself again, though his footing here was precarious at best. This wasn't the best place to try and fight a flying enemy! When it dove at him, he jumped out of the way. The bird landed with a hard hit to the ground, and Grim had also knocked the air from his lungs when he clashed against the stone. Both he and the bird were dazed, and a flurry of feathers surrounded them after the eagle's crash landing.

Trying to catch his breath, he stumbled back to his feet and groaned with the pain of the bruise that formed on his side. Glancing at the raptor, it seemed to be struggling a bit. It swayed on its feet as it tried and failed to get back in the air, and he noticed that one of its wings now looked crooked. A sudden realization of what had happened hit him. The bird had broken its wing! Were it any other situation, he probably would've just left the raptor alone and taken off. But considering this thing had attacked him first, he might as well finish the job. Besides, roast harpy eagle sounded like something he'd be interested in trying, not to mention those feathers would be useful! With a final surge of adrenaline, Grim sprinted the short gap between them, lowered his head, and drove his horns straight through the bird's breast. Its wings beat at him for several heartbeats before finally falling limp.

WC: 1,006
