
Im no vampire but you make me wanna suck your blood




Master Healer (285)

Master Fighter (350)

An icon representing the specialty Poison Master Poison Master

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

2 Years
Extra small

Rapid Poster - GoldWordyUnderachieverCritical Fail!
05-26-2023, 12:36 PM

She had been given permission to wander down to the cove as long as she promised not to leave it. For those that knew Delphi would understand that if those instructions had not been explicitly given to her, she would have indeed left the Armadan territory. It wasn’t that she purposefully sought out trouble. The young and slightly chaotic girl often got easily distracted, overly curious, and slightly too rambunctious. Especially after her run in with that very mean and nasty boy who had nearly docked her entire tail, her parents had been a bit more careful about keeping the small girl close.

So when she had been allowed to go down to the cove, she jumped at the chance. With the afternoon sun at her back and sea birds twirling in the air above her, Delphi raced down toward where the water sparkled. The pup hardly looked where her paws were going as she near stumbled down the rocky path. All she wanted to do was splash about in the waves. She wanted to douse herself in the cold water. She wanted to run along the sand and race the birds. To be free of the ever watchful eye of her parents. Why did she even need her tail anyway?

A few feet from the bottom of the pathway, a rather too large rock came into view. Unfortunately for Delphi, it was at the last second. With no time to dodge or jump over the rock, her front right leg scraped against it as she went tumbling. Losing her balance and rolling down the last few feet until she landed on her back on the sand, one could hear her groan from a distance. Closing her eyes tightly as her face winced, she knew at least her leg was sliced open. The searing pain of an open wound now full of sand was pretty agonizing.

“Help? Anyone?!” Her high-pitched screech was as loud as she could manage. Which for her, wasn’t that loud. The pain wasn’t nearly as bad as losing half of her tail, but it was still pretty bad. Rolling onto her side as she lifted her cheek from the sandy shore, Delphi tried to inspect the injury. Flexing her toes, she could tell it at least wasn’t broken, but she would need help bandaging it. “Help!” She shouts once more as she releases a sigh of pain and lays her head back down on the sand.