


10-24-2013, 07:27 PM

The mans vocals erupted in a snarl as his teeth failed to connect full on with his intended target. The man he sought to injure as much as possible had thwarted his attack, and Sephiroth's teeth snapped away just to leave behind a small wound upon the males scruff. Sephiroth would move back slightly to make room for his next attack against the black man. His eyes glanced briefly towards his two Alphas, a smirk displaying as he saw Chrysanthe aiding him in his attacks against the male. Sephiroth glanced for a quick second at Oddity's attempted attack towards Syrinx, and he prepared himself to leap forward and lunge at the man. Sephiroth was bigger by three inches, just enough leeway for him to rise over his opponent. Before he could do that, however, as his ears fell back he took a couple steps to the right and from the corner of his eye saw a form coming towards them. Whipping his head around, he saw the form of a young she-wolf coming towards him. Baring his teeth and narrowing his eyes, he would prepare for her attack. Head lowered over his throat, ears pinned, legs spread for balance, claws digging the dirt for traction, toes splayed, tail tucked, scruff bunched and his hackles rose as he sidestepped slightly to the left, barely saving his side from a brutal rib break as her teeth glanced off, but leaving behind a shallow mark that would produce a thin drop of blood. Having narrowly missed that, her shoulder did manage to hit him though her hope to send him off balance failed as he had prepared himself for the onslaught. He was a soldier, a machine bred for war and he was highly skilled and trained by none other then Angeal. Her attack would surely leave a bruise, but it was a small price to pay. She was just inches short then he, and his body was corded with steeled muscles that could deal unwanted damage to those who decided to rush him head on.

Her tackling effort would instead make him take a couple steps back, and then he would attempt to lunge forward towards her right side and aim to grab her scruff in his jaws. If it worked, then he would position his body at an angle and rise on hind legs to try and get a grasp around her shoulders. His attempt here would be to hold her as close to him as possible in order to immobilize her. His hind legs would spread for balance, and his toes splayed out to aid him. If he landed his initial attack, then he would release and go for an attack to the side of her neck. He wasn't aiming to kill her, oh no. That's not the way Sephiroth did things unless one truly deserved it. He hoped his attack would hit, and if it did then he would continously try to shake his head as vigorously as possible and hopefully cause pain to the area and/or tear skin. This attack would be painful if landed, and if all else failed then he would try other tactics.

Fight Stats

Round: 1/Infinite Sephiroth Vs. Artemis

Defenses: Teeth bared, eyes narrowed, Head lowered over his throat, ears pinned, legs spread for balance, claws digging the dirt for traction, toes splayed, tail tucked, scruff bunched and his hackles rose||When he rises on his hind legs, then legs will spread and toes will splay for balance.

Attacks: Initial attempt to lunge forward towards her right side and aim to grab her scruff in his jaws If it worked, then he would position his body at an angle and rise on hind legs to try and get a grasp around her shoulders. His attempt here would be to hold her as close to him as possible in order to immobilize her. Secondary attempt whether his initial attack landed or failed, he would release her neck and go for an attack to the side of her neck. If successful then he would continously try to shake his head as vigorously as possible and hopefully cause pain to the area and/or tear skin.

Injuries: Shallow cut on his right side near his ribs, bruising to his right side.

Out Of Character Notes: Sorry if it sucks or doesn't make sense ~_~ Lemme know if you need more clarity XD

The Judge


10-24-2013, 08:53 PM
Default to SENDOA

Due to LEON not posting in the allotted (48hr) time, SENDOA is the winner, and LEON IS NOW KNOCKED OUT OF THE SIEGE.

Leon must give up by either passing out, submitting, or running away and can no longer fight in this thread.


10-24-2013, 11:18 PM

The voice of demons would rise through his body to come out from the Devil's rippling jaws. He wanted someone to die today, and if he was the one to fulfill that then he would stop at nothing to slaughter as many as possible today. Aqua blue eyes fell into slits as he descended upon the grey warrior, ears flattening and his hackles rising like hellfire. Jet was an unstoppable machine, and today he would seek the blood pool of his enemies. Glaciem would be the pack to rule the lands...until he got his own that is. His charged had worked, and he slammed his chest into the grey warrior. It would result in bruising to Jet, but it was minor and not a major detail for him. Though for the other warrior it might as well be. Jet gathered his muscles as he rose on hind legs, his head snaking forward and his teeth met their target. He shook violently once Pontifex's scruff was within his grasp, relishing in the taste of blood as he tore skin. Likewise, his claws also met their mark and raked down the mans face over the eye area, and felt flesh give way under his claws. The warm trickle of blood was felt between his toes as he kept up his attack. His tail lashed side to side as he shook his body along with his attack, trying to do as much damage as he possibly could. Narrowed eyes focused on his bloodied target, and he would then attempt to bring his forelegs up and around the grey warriors neck to get a hold as he sidestepped to the left to try and bring his body around.

It was then that the demon saw another figure hurdle towards him, and charge towards his leg. Though her attack would be thwarted when he had sidestepped away and to the side of Pontifex, thus her attack narrowly missing her target. With a defiant snarl and his teeth still implanted into the grey brutes scruff, he would lift his sought after leg and aimed to stomp or kick down on her muzzle to try and force her mouth to snap shut and/or daze her. He used the grip he had on Pontifex as balance and he would try to drag him down on top of the girl, or at the least use Pontifex as a sort of shield to get in the way of her attacks towards him. He spread his hind legs for balance, toes splayed and claws digging into the earth for traction. He would tuck his tail then, to protect himself and he rolled his shoulders forward to further protect his vitals. His lips were curles, wrinkling his muzzle. It was then that Pontifex would try to aim a bite towards Jet's right forelimb. Jet shifted his position slightly so that Pontifex's teeth came into contact with the bony area of his right shoulder instead, puncturing skin with a half inch deep wound. He would attempt to push against him, to try and force his jaws to open wider so that it would be harder to get a good bite. Jet let loose an ominous rumble as he felt a trickle of blood stream down from the puncture wounds. The slight pain only enraged Jet more, and pain would fuel him. He adored pain, consumed it with a passion as it was the only thing that drove him forward.

Fight Stats

Jet Vs. Pontifex & Surreal for Maim/seige

Round: 2/infinite

Defenses: Eyes narrowed, ears flattened, hackles raised, hind legs spread for balance, toes splayes, claws dug into the dirt for traction, tail tuckes, shoulders rolled forward, lips curled.

Attacks: Attacks Against Pontifex: attempt to bring his forelegs up and around the grey warriors neck to get a hold as he sidestepped. He would attempt to push/press his shoulder to try and force his jaws to open wider so that it would be harder to get a good bite
Attacks Against Surreal: aimed to stomp or kick down on her muzzle to try and force her mouth to snap shut and/or daze her.

Injuries: 4 half inch puncture wounds on his right shoulder.

Out Of Character Notes: Since Ponti neglected Jet's attempted attacks, i'm going out on a limb here and assuming they landed since that whay it says in the guidebook :/ "If you do not respond to an attack made by the other character, they can assume it was landed and damage was inflicted. You must comply." <--told to post that.

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think



5 Years
Extra large
10-25-2013, 12:03 AM

He had sent Tidus, Hansel and Gitan out before him, as well as Viridian, Io and Zara. Had he made the right decision in involving himself in the war? It was too late to back down now. He had given his word to both Syrinx and Maverick and there was no way he was backing down. He needed Valhalla and Seracia on his side in case Glaciem ever decided to come and knock on his door. With the amount of warriors he had in his pack, he wasn't sure he would be able to handle an attack without some back up. He just hoped that this war would knock Glaciem down for quite some time and allow him to build up his pack to a more efficient level.

Ebony limbs would drum steadily against the earth as he followed the lingering trail of his pack and the Valhallan messenger Thane. The organ in his chest kept pace with his limbs and his breathing was even and smooth. He could die today. He could loose a limb. He could loose his life. But it wouldn't happen. Or at least not very easily. He had family to come home his younger siblings and Maija...The look in her eyes when he'd said his goodbye would flash across his icy gaze but he would reluctantly push it the recess of his mind. He couldn't allow himself to get distracted. One tiny slip up, a split second of misfocus and he could be done for. He had to concentrate. This was what he'd been training to do since he'd been able bodied. He could do this. He could. Or at least he hoped so.

The sounds of war would reach him before he saw hide or hair of it, but the sight he came across made the hackles across his spine raise defensively, scarred ears flattening against his skull, frame tensing with unease. Blood. Snarls. Growls. It was chaos. Wolves from his side were tag-teaming the wolves from Glaciem and Amenti, and it brought a wry smirk to his dark lips. Val and Seracia weren't loosing, so that had to be a good sign. The cobalt Re would stop at the edge of the fighting, icy gaze dancing across the figures of the wolves fighting. He saw Syrinx fighting against Oddity, Chrysanthe involved in a group tag-team, his men already in the heat of battle. But one figure caught his attention; Sendoa. His half aunt. While she was loyal to Isardis, the man knew that she had an undeniable attachment to the cobalt Re and he hoped that that attachment would work in his favor. Initially he hadn't come with the intention to challenge for anyone, but this was war. There was no being nice in a war and he knew that Isardis was out for his blood. Why not take one of his best assets before he got his head ripped off?

He would allow his attention to zero in on Sendoa, watching as she easily took down what he assumed to be one of the Valhallan wolves. Her right side was facing him and she wasn't aware that he had arrived. He had to seize the moment. Powerful limbs would push the titan forward, ready to initiate his plan and put it into action. He could only hope that Isardis was too busy with something else to pay attention to his wolves. Skull would lower to align with his spine, chin dipping towards his chest, tattered ears falling flat against his skull, icy eyes narrowing into slits just big enough to allow narrow visibility. Ebony plume would act a rudder to help the titan keep his balance, weight evenly distributed between all four limbs as he approached, though his weight was quickly shifted forward as he came within striking distance of Sendoa, right shoulder jutting out to act as a battering ram. Right forelimb would be bent slightly more than the rest in order to position his shoulder in the spot right behind Sendoa's elbow, right in her ribcage in an attempt to barrel her over. Shoulders would roll forward in the same motion to scrunch the scruff around his neck in case she decided to turn around and snap towards him. Toes would be splayed, talons digging into the soil for traction he waited for his body to slam into his aunt's, jaws snapping towards her right thigh, looking to bite into it and perhaps disable her.

Taurig vs. Sendoa for Sendoa

Round 1 of 3?(we can make it four if you want)

Defense: Skull would lower to align with his spine, chin dipping towards his chest, tattered ears falling flat against his skull, icy eyes narrowing into slits just big enough to allow narrow visibility. Ebony plume would act a rudder to help the titan keep his balance, weight evenly distributed between all four limbs. Shoulders would roll forward in the same motion to scrunch the scruff around his neck in case she decided to turn around and snap towards him. Toes would be splayed, talons digging into the soil for traction.

Attack: right shoulder jutting out to act as a battering ram. Right forelimb would be bent slightly more than the rest in order to position his shoulder in the spot right behind Sendoa's elbow, right in her ribcage in an attempt to barrel her over. jaws snapping towards her right thigh, looking to bite into it and perhaps disable her.

Injuries: None yet

Talk like this


10-25-2013, 01:52 AM

His attempts to mount the female would fail, but he would not fall away empty handed. His teeth made contact with her tail, and that was better then nothing. He snarled as he felt her rump lift, making contact with his jaw though not as hard as she was probably hoping. The movement had caused him to release her tail after dealing some damage, and he would fall away to the left just narrowly missing her hind legs as they struck out towards him. He made to attack her again, but before he could she had fled.

Panting, Tidus turned his attention to Hansel and his sister and her companion, nodding to them to go. "I'll try and hold off whoever goes after you." he said quickly to them as he would then guard their backs. To his relief, however, nobody appeared to challenge them and then the three were off the scene. Tidus looked around for an opponent, and not far away he saw his Alpha arrive on scene. Tidus' blue eyes roamed Taurig's noble stature, his gaze falling on the injuries that Isardis had inflicted upon his own son for leaving. Tidus remembered to the day when Taurig had shown them and told them about what his Father had done for "betraying" the family. He watched his Alpha make a move towards a Glaciem woman, and Tidus' sense of loyalty would kick into gear and his anger would flare up. It wasn't right for a Father to treat his own blood like that. Tidus himself had particularly been close to his family and was devastated when they all got slaughtered. His usual calm and gentle gaze would turn to ice as he searched about for the Glaciem king. He would go after him today in his King's name.

Tidus would look around for the demon, and it wasn't too difficult to spot him. The light shone upon the Albino's pale skin, and Tidus would begin his sweep towards him. At his angle, he would come up behind Isardis, just out of his sights. He moved swiftly upon silent paws, hackles raising, eyes narrowing, ears falling back as much as possible, his body pulled forward and the motion would bunch his scruff. His head lowered over his throat and aligned with his spine as his tail streamed behind him to act as a rudder for balance. Tidus would roll his shoulders forward to further protect his vitals, weight evenly distributed upon swift paws and his claws digging for traction. He aimed for Isardis' backside, mouth gaping open as he neared his target to deliver a surprising and painful blow. He hoped his teeth would make their mark, hopefully he could grasp as much as he could and hold on to cause as much pain as possible, and with it would come blood. Tidus would aim an attempt towards the right hind thigh of the white beast. His body would lower slightly to the ground, weight evenly spread should the daemon try to turn and force him to the ground, but Tidus would not allow that chance. If his attack succeeded, then he would try to rake forward with his left paw in an attempt to unbalance the white king. Should any of his attacks fail, then Tidus would sweep his head up to try and deliver a good bite to the kings right haunch and attempt to tear skin and cause the king to bleed. His aim today would be to cause as much damage as possible for what he had done to his Alpha. Tidus had begun to see Taurig as a brother, and with that Tidus would treat him as if he were a blood brother. More so, the brother that Tidus never had.

Tidus Vs. Isardis for Maim/seige

Round: 1/Infinite

Defenses: hackles raising, eyes narrowing, ears falling back as much as possible, his body pulled forward and the motion would bunch his scruff. His head lowered over his throat and aligned with his spine as his tail streamed behind him to act as a rudder for balance. Tidus would roll his shoulders forward to further protect his vitals, weight evenly distributed upon swift paws and his claws digging for traction. His body would lower slightly to the ground, weight evenly spread.

Attacks: Aims to bite Isardis on his right hind thigh and attempt to hold on. If successful, he will then attempt to sweep/rake his left paw to try and trip/unbalance Isardis. Should any of his attacks fail, then Tidus would sweep his head up to try and deliver a good bite to the kings right haunch

Injuries: Slight/minor bruising under his jaw.


Leon I


11 Years
10-25-2013, 04:07 AM

As the fighting swirled around Leon and as chaos rolled out in front of him, Leon's thoughts would keep diverting to Ash. He kept wondering if she was safe, whether an enemy would try to stop their journey to Seracia, or whether their enemy had already slipped through the lines of war to go thwart the fleeing members of his pack. So preoccupied was he that he did not see his opponent until last minute, catching her from the corner of his eye. The Glaciem woman aimed to charge him, and she would be somewhat successful. Leon would turn midway, his shoulder taking the blunt of her attack and then fall back on his haunches. Her teeth snapped at his scruff, the tip of her teeth catching on his scruff just before he fell back and his caught skin would tear with his weight falling back. Due to his fall, the swipe of her paw would catch his face on the side of his cheek, leaving shallow claw marks that would bleed slightly instead of where she had previously aimed. As a last retalion effort, he would snap his jaws open and attempted to deal a quick bite to her paw before he moved away from her. Leon released a gasp at the sudden motions, and though this was War his head didn't seem to be entirely in the game. His thoughts would keep lingering to Ashtoreth, and he wondered if he would be able to make it back to her at all after this. His Glaciem opponent seemed well educated in the art of fighting, and though Leon had once been lead warrior of Valhalla, some of his skills it seemed had died away during his journey. His heart pounded as he scrambled to his paws, ears flattening and a growl escaping his throat. His cheeck stung from where Sendoa's scratch had landed, and it was during his last thoughts that he had made his final decision. He did not want to risk being torn apart from Ash, the woman whom he had just barely confessed his love to today. To him, she was well worth living and he wanted more time with her before he departed this world. Chest heaving from his previous blow, he would back away at a side angle and keep his sights on her. Once he was far enough, Leon would turn and dash away in the direction of Seracian lands.

Leon Vs. Sendoa round 2?/INFINITE

Attacks: Attempts last retaliation bite at her paw before he scrambles up to flee

Injuries: severely bruised right shoulder, bruised haunches from the fall. Small bit of skin torn away from his scruff, bleeding slightly (Might leave a small unnoticeable scar). Shallow scratches on the right side of his face that are bleeding slightly as well (Might leave thin scar).




10-25-2013, 05:50 AM

These Glaciems were such bloodthirsty creatures. The oddly marked female was eager to be shedding more to the earth, and he watched her weight shift from that eagerness, before she set her defenses and began to approach, stalking like he?d once watched a cougar do. From very afar. The stalk turned to a lope, closing distance. His dug his hind claws into the ground, tail flicking to align with his spine in an almost casual gesture. He could see the intelligence in her eyes, and he knew better that to think she would keep with a head on charge. He let his training take over, watching her eyes. The eyes were the gateway to intention. There was a certain gleam that came, right before an ac actual strike, that wasn?t present as she made the first attack, a darting inward to his right shoulder. He stayed put, defenses still in place, toes splaying further to dig his claws deeper into the ground.

She bounded leftward, and attempted to slam her shoulder into his. He retaliated then, meeting her shoulder with his own as powerful hindquarters drove him into the lunge. His intent was to bowl her backwards, or knock her off her balance, and possibly surprise her. He felt her teeth connect with the sensitive skin of his lower side, several inches behind the elbow, his lunge having kept him just ahead of his elbow being captured. The pain was forced back to a corner in his head, to be addressed later when this mess was over. Her teeth tore a good chunk of flesh from his side, and he snapped his head forward, aiming to bite down on her hind leg, particularly the spot where the skin of her thigh and that of her body met in a thin, stretched piece. If he landed his bite, he?d attempt to yank backward, with intention to pull her off balance. Paws fell into the squared stance, balanced and even, weight canted backward on his haunches once more, and he forced himself not to keep weight off of the painful side.

His tail thrust out, rudder like, for added balance, ears pinned, eyes narrowed, teeth bared, his hackles raised to add more protection along his neck as his shoulders rolled forward to add to that protection.

Fight Stats

Cormalin vs Satis for Bronze's Freedom

Round: 1 of 3

Defenses: Original defenses still in place during the beginning of Satis' move. Toes splaying further for more traction by claws. As Satis truly attacks, he makes a dual move, both defense and offense, attempting to ram his shoulder into hers instead of retreating or flinching backward. Both an attempt to unbalance her, and an attempt to shove her away. No defending move to protect side/elbow, except for this move. Paws balanced and squared, weight rocking back on haunches again. and he resets his defenses once more (NOT going to flood ya with pretty much the same thing as at the beginning of this section.)

Attacks: Attempting to ram his shoulder into hers with weight behind his move, hoping to shove her off balance
(maybe even surprise her, since he's been pretty much statue still until this point.), or knock her off her feet. If the prior, he will attempt to lunge forward a step and fasten his jaws around the point of her thigh, and maybe catch the thin skin just above that point.

Injuries: Bruising on the left shoulder, and a nasty gash several inches past his left elbow, bleeding pretty badly.

Out Of Character Notes: Yumpy and I decided to Spree this last night, however, I had to scurry and get packed up because Azazyl and family stopped by the house to pick me up on the way to Jackson hospital. So, This post is finished kinda later than I intended. (Also not sure if the two days has passed yet or if she's still on one.- Anyway, one sucky, tired and distracted fight post done! <33 GuysPs, I wish I could draw wolves better to give Yumpy a better idea of what he's doing. I hope it's not too confusing. For her and the Judge



10-25-2013, 11:44 AM
ooc: i would have posted sooner - but i was waiting for seph and then found i didn't need to xD and um, are these fights being judged now?

She slammed into him, but she failed to throw him off entirely. Somehow, through both she and Sephiroth's attacks the bastard managed to remain standing. She had aimed to bite into his spine as she attacked, but the dark male managed to rear upward, but not being the type to give up, her sights had to shift and her bite ended up being applied to the upper part Glaciem male's leg. The woman would snarl, aiming to keep hold of the place she had grabbed onto and yank backwards and to her left. Her attempted placement was made so that she could be positioned somewhat behind the dark male to further protect her right side from being suddenly attacked and open her vision up to more of the battlefield. She would attempt to yank while trying to apply pressure to the area if she so could, hoping to snag muscle or arteries that would either make movement harder for him or make him bleed until he couldn't fight anymore.
Meanwhile she would try and trip him, using her left paw to try and snag his right back leg and sweep it toward her so that he could no longer stand on it. She would try and strike with her attacks in the moments that he had reared onto his hind legs, trying to topple the beast before he could get settled on all four of his paws once again.
Her defenses remained set, her eyes were narrowed, her ears pinned to her skull, and her tail tucked behind her now that she was mostly stationary. Her head was lowered over her throat as the man was shorter than she was, and she was aiming for his right thigh. Anger and adrenaline kept her hackles raised along her spine, and her shoulders were rolled to protect the sides of her neck. The woman's balance was secure, her weight spread evenly over all four legs, her back legs squared, and her toes dug into the ground to keep her properly weighed down despite the male's constant shifting.

defenses: eyes narrowed, ears pinned, tail tucked, head over throat, hackles raised, shoulders rolled, weight shifted equally over all legs, back legs squared, toes digging into ground, re positioned to see more of the battlefield and position herself further from oddity to see him if he attacks her

attacks: aiming to keep her grip on oddity's leg and shake her head while yanking backward and to her left. aiming to swipe his right back leg from beneath him to throw him off balance.

injuries: none

The Judge


10-25-2013, 01:07 PM

vixe v morgan for knock out

Round 1

10 for clarity-

10 for powerplaying-

9 for defenses-

5 for attack-

0 for injuries-First round

Round one vixe Total: 34/50


8 for clarity-

10 for powerplaying-

4 for defenses-

5 for attack-

0 for injuries- First round

Round one morgan Total: 27/50

Round 2


9 for clarity-

10 for powerplaying-

4 for defenses-

6 for attack-

7 for injuries-

Round two vixe Total: 36/50


8 for clarity-

7 for powerplaying.

4 for defenses.

5 for attack.

7 for injuries.

Round two morgan Total: 31/50

Round 3

5 for clarity-

3 for powerplaying.

9 for defenses.

2 for attack.

5 for injuries.

Round three vixe Total: 24/50


8 for clarity-

9 for powerplaying.

3 for defenses.

4 for attack.

4 for injuries.

Round three morgan Total: 28/50

Round 4

8 for clarity-

6 for powerplaying.

8 for defenses.

5 for attack.

4 for injuries.

Round four vixe Total: 31/50


8 for clarity-

7 for powerplaying.

2 for defenses.

5 for attack.

5 for injuries.

Round four morgan Total: 27/50


vixe: 125/200

morgan: 113/200

And the winner is...

vixe! morgan must give up by either submitting, fleeing, or passing out. She now has one KO added to her score.


vixe- Four gouge wounds to the top of his skull, split hear that is bleeding heavily. Flesh wound on his right front shin. Four deep puncture wounds to his left shoulder. Bruising as well. Leg damaged and he will begin limping after this battle. All will take one OOC week to heal. These injuries will follow him to his next fight.

morgan- Puncture wounds in shoulder, flesh and hair loss. Moderate bite to area behind left leg over ribs. Bruising as well. Three scratches along bridge of muzzle. All will take one OOC week to heal. These injuries will follow her to her next fight.


Tips for both writing, and some suggestions. (no points are deducted here)

For Dione
Not gunna go into detail, but watch pp and too much movement in posts.

For Secret
Defenses, defenses, defenses. Always add them all to your post. Watch out for pp as well and too much movement.

- By [Aislyn]



10-25-2013, 06:40 PM

A violent ripping would tear from the throat of the devil itself, the most hostile, spine-jutting roar reverberating from a soul so foul and decayed by the sights that would rot his foundation. Taurig had shown, and so foolishly attacked his former-father at the throat; launching his body for the health of the woman the albino so loved. His heart shook with blackening venom, poisoning his stream to the extent that he could momentarily do no more than tremble violently where he stood; salivating like the rabid beast he had so suddenly become. He spluttered, a spitting of rage sending transparent threads flying about his pale form in a frenzy of blood-lust. He swore to the gods of hell, if Sendoa failed to rip that kids throat out then he would do it himself. It was the last straw, and the child would soon perish.

It seemed however, that he would be granted the body of a lesser worth to play with; to kneed free his health and sanity and rip the idiotic creature to the shame he?d so quickly become. He had chosen a foolish time to attack, war with The King was dangerous in it?s own right, and when brewing with the rage of betrayal he would stop at nothing. Not foolish enough to allow a wolf to approach at such velocity from behind, Isardis would hear his speeding arrival and whip his body around to face the being just before the foolish creature was upon him. And rapidly, however calculated, with the extreme motions of his thrashing skull, the albino would aim to blast the side of his own skull into the left-ward skull and cheek of his opponent, to cause surprise and potential light-headedness of the boy.

He would feel jaws collide with the fatty spaces between his left shoulder and nape and a vicious snarl would rip free of his pipes. Rapidly the king would re-aim, attempting to push his now left shoulder into the jaws and face of the biting virile to throw him off momentarily, before quickly sending his own jaws reaching out for the left side of the marked beasts lower jaw, to potentially grasp it, disarm him and relentlessly tighten around bone and flesh. Meanwhile defenses remained, eyes narrowed, ears pinned, hackles raised, weight even, limbs squared, abdomen tense, tail tucked, toes played, claws gripping for traction, shoulders rolled, chin tucked, muscles rigid.

Isardis vs. Tidus - Round 1/3 ? For Blindness

Injuries: bite wound between neck and shoulder into the skin and fat.

ooc; super fast post as I am going away!


10-25-2013, 06:47 PM

Almost immediately after launching an attack she would feel a swift glancing blow to her paw and then he was fleeing. How pitiful, a warrior of Valhalla running from her very being. It would be then that a flurry of cobalt would flash in the corner of her eye, just enough to alert her to someone's presence, but not enough to let her know that she was under attack. However, the sudden barreling force to her side was certainly enough, and within seconds she found herself crumpled upon the earth in heap - a dull ache ebbing in her shoulder and hip bones on her left side. The Sentinel was dazed and confused, and immediately moved to cover her vulnerable underside, still unaware precisely whom she was fighting. But then he was there, a flash of his eyes let her know in an instant - Taurig. With haste she would calm herself, knowing he meant her no harm - but what exactly was his motive in barreling her onto her side in the middle of a damn siege? ?Have you lost your mind?!? she would huff, not ready yet to launch an attack of her own - not on her beloved nephew. She would remain as she now lay, twisted back onto her stomach to protect it in the event that he had some crazed thirst for her blood. Ears lay back against her skull as her heart pounded in her chest - uncertain of just what was going on. At one point in life she had never imagined anything that could take her mind off of a war - but it seemed he was capable of doing so. Head still spinning, she would bare her teeth - demanding an answer from her exiled kin and hoping it was decent enough to warrant the pain that ebbed in her side where she'd fallen.

Sendoa v Taurig
for Sendoa
round 1 / 3 (3 is fine with me, though I'm not sure they'll get there...)
Attacks - none taken.
Defenses - ears laid back, fangs bared, laying on her stomach for protection.

Injuries - Moderate - Severe bruising in her shoulder & hip bone on her left side



10-25-2013, 07:30 PM

The lady writhed with anger, entering the battle field was a dangerous thing, among getting herself harmed for a fight she shouldn't have been involved with. But, it pissed her off, to hear of the man who had decided to make foolish decisions. He had caused Epiphron strife, the queen of Seracia deserved better for her family. Not to have some stupid bastard who thought he was of the purine kind trying to rip through foundations. Rivaxorus has seen what her father had done, and the same rage then, filled her now. The muscled female burst through her form as she spotted the gleaming white form next to a Tortugan. A deep growl erupted from her throat, a sound, that didn't even sound like it would come from someone like her. Suddenly she was snapped into her murderous mode, teeth glistening as she ripped across the Valhallan lands towards the inch taller male. Her ears moved to her skull, as she narrowed her eyes, keeping her chin tucked. Suddenly her body would shift to the right, so that her left side was facing his right. She would attempt to slam all one hundred thirty five pounds of her weight into him with enough force to attempt to throw him off.
As she dug her claws and splayed her toes into the dirt for traction the menacing beast tucked her tail between her legs. Jaws splayed viciously as she aimed to try and latch onto the upper part of his right shoulder. Her red eyes kept locked on him as she tightened her abdomen muscles. Rolling shoulders inward, and scrunching up her scruff to protect vitals. If her jaws were to hit its mark she would severe, she would cut, and try to cause him pain. Something so hideous to those who saw her as a kind lady. Hopefully the boy with her would be able to help, blind the kind, take away something that was precious to him. Anger filled her blackened heart so quickly as she made sure her weight still tried to press against him. Rivaxorus wouldn't let him win; just as she hadn't let her father win in his foolishness.

1/3 Tidus, Rivaxorus v Isar for Maim/Blindness

Attack:; Attempting to slam all of her body weight into his side, then snapping her jaws around to latch just above his right shoulder. If she were to hit her mark, she will grind as deep as she can to hinder the movements in his right leg and attempt to cause eminence pain.

Defense:; Ears pinned to the back of her head, toes splayed and all four limbs digging into the dirt. Abdomen tightened and tail tucked between her legs. Shoulders rolled in ward, Scruff scrunched to protect vitals. Eyes locked on the enemy.

Injuries:; N/A




10-25-2013, 09:19 PM
Defenses never dropped; legs spread equally apart, limbs evenly bent, weight fairly distributed, claws attempted to bite into the dirt for better traction, toes spread, body lowered to produce a better center of gravity, tail lashing out behind her, hackles raised, head lowered to align with her spin, neck scrunched, chin tucked, jaws parted, eyes narrowed and ears pinned back. Muscles were tense enough to prepare for action, yet not too tight as to restrict her motion.
Alas, her eyes set upon a man who was coming towards her, and Argent was not one to remain still. She charged forwards and to her left at the last minute, avoiding Themisto?s shoulder attack completely, as she was not directly in front of him and with that attack he had made no move to pivot towards her. She sought to brush parallel with him, her right side seeking to touch his right, with her head seeking to face his tail. The woman wanted to step to her right, hoping to slam her forward momentum into Themisto?s front right side, hopefully right behind his right shoulder. His jaws were unable to reach her left side face, instead slicing along the right side of her neck, right behind her jaw. Themisto managed to obtain slight punctures in her neck (slight due to the defenses she?d taken to defend her neck, as well as the large amount of fur on a wolf?s neck in such an area), as well as ripping out some fur, and no grip was obtained due to her forward momentum. Alas, the wound still stung, a reminder that she had to be careful if she wished to win this battle.
Jaws hungrily sought to bite on top of his spine, trying to land just a bit before the midpoint of his torso, her intention to bite down with a powerful, fierce grip so that she might cause him severe pain. Her jaws were attempting to crush, hoping to grip, ready to tear down her opponent as necessary. Argent was nothing if not a loyal servant, and she very well knew what she was doing. If she could win, Valhalla would be down one more ranked member who could challenge.


ATTACKS: Attempting to slam the outside of her right shoulder into Themisto?s right side; attempting to bite into his spine.
DEFENSES: legs spread equally apart, limbs evenly bent, weight fairly distributed, claws attempted to bite into the dirt for better traction, toes spread, body lowered to produce a better center of gravity, tail lashing out behind her, hackles raised, head lowered to align with her spin, neck scrunched, chin tucked, jaws parted, eyes narrowed and ears pinned back. Muscles were tense enough to prepare for action, yet not too tight as to restrict her motion.
INJURIES: slight puncture wounds on her neck behind her right jaw, missing fur from the area



5 Years
Extra large
10-25-2013, 09:46 PM

He didn't want to fight his aunt, but he knew that she would most likely respond. She was a trained warrior like he was, and there was no way she was going to stand idly by while he had at her. Or at least he never thought her capable to do so. To his surprise, his attack to the blue warrior actually landed. His larger mass collided with her own and she would go tumbling towards the ground. Sturdy limbs would tense, talons digging into the soil as the titan slid a few steps forward in an attempt to slow his rapid momentum. Sendoa would right herself onto her belly, smartly keeping her vitals protected, even if she didn't need to fear anything from him because he wouldn't get her while she was down. She appeared to be dazed and rather confused, and he could somewhat understand why. She would've never thought that he would appear in the war, much less initiate an attack on her. Well barreling into her wasn't much of an attack, but it had managed to disorient her.

Have you lost your mind?! She wouldn't rise to reprimand him, though her dark lips would curl back over weapons, demanding an answer from him. Well. So much for trying to take Sendoa. Come join me Aunt Sen. Come to Tortuga with me. Please. Look what Isardis has done to Glaciem. He's brought them to their deaths. Please. If she wasn't going to fight, then he would try to reason with her, beg if he really had to. If she wasn't going to fight him, then he wouldn't fight her. If there was a way to get her to come to Tortuga with him, he would try it. He was close to getting his siblings to stay with him. Why not have his aunt join him?

Taurig vs. Sendoa

Round ?/? (you think they'll fight?)

Defense: None

Attack: None

Injury: mild bruising to his right shoulder

Talk like this


10-26-2013, 12:54 AM
confirmed by drag that seph and artemis were face-to-face during seph's attacks.
also, it was discussed that the fights for sieges would be two rounds and judged to keep fairness, but i don't know if that's official yet. dragon and i both wanted this judged, though.

Determination lingered in the viper?s gaze as she came barreling forward towards her opponent, a snarl wracking her countenance as her pupils interlocked with his own, infuriated that he had managed to foresee her attack upon a chance. Her momentum, however, would not be slowed, and as she neared the masculine figure of her current adversary, gaping jaws hopeful in shattering ribs and left shoulder eager to slam against his abdomen, both of her intended attacks were denied accessibility as the male shifted towards the left. Jaws would receive a petty consolation for their intention to severely injure the brute, instead managing to graze along the flesh guarding his ribcage to extract the faintest drop of blood while her shoulder successfully impacted his abdomen but failed to knock him off balance despite the brute force applied behind the attack. The male did not dwell upon the minimal wounds he had received for very long, instantaneously pivoting to face her head-on before lunging towards her right.

The babe, however, had no intention of granting him the advantage of a slight angle, swiftly stepping towards her own right to bring their bodies at a head-on collision, bracing herself for impact as her knees bent to lower her center of gravity, her limbs spread equidistant apart to establish balance and equally support her weight, her toes splayed across the earth to further secure her balance, and her nails clipped into the soil beneath her for traction. As his body greeted her slightly smaller body and his jaws reached to grasp the scruff of her neck, she made no attempt to stop it, allowing his incisors to penetrate about half of an inch deep into the excess layers of fat and fur courtesy of her rolled shoulders and scrunched neck, extracting a faint grunt from her unhinged jaws that yearned for a new target as his teeth plunged beyond the surface of her flesh. The assault did not end there, however, for it was then that the brute reared back, balancing himself upon his hind limbs as his forelimbs came crashing down slightly behind her rolled shoulder-blades. Realizing that the male?s balance would likely be compromised due to the fact that only two of his limbs were grounded, it was then that the babe decided to take action as the male attempted to pull her into a grotesque embrace, hind limbs coiling to build momentum before abruptly extending again as she shot forward, attempting to crash the top portion of her chest against the bottom of the male?s in order to knock him onto his back beneath her. Simultaneously, her lowered skull would tilt upwards slightly to enable her parted jaws access to the male?s jugular in an attempt to wrap her jaws about it (likely exposed due to the fact that Seph would have to reach over Artemis? head in order to obtain her scruff), top set of teeth seeking to penetrate deep into the top-left portion (Artemis? POV) of the male?s neck as she angled her skull slightly to the left while her bottom set of teeth would seek to pierce flesh towards the exact center of his neck, hoping to severely wound the male and threaten his life with the grip she desired to obtain. Meanwhile, her defenses would remain upheld; her eyes narrowing to slits, ears slicking against her crown, hackles rising, and tail tucking to shield her underbelly. No chances were to be taken here ? anyone could intervene at any given moment, and the babe wished to offer herself as much protection as she could muster.




move TWO of TWO

ATTACK as seph's forelimbs fall around her shoulders, artemis shoots forward towards him, attempting to slam the top of her chest against the bottom of his in order to knock him onto his back. simultaneously, artemis attempts to obtain a grip to seph's neck with her teeth, hoping to severely injure him and threaten his life with blood loss.

DEFENSE knees bent, limbs spread equally apart, toes splayed, nails clipping into soil for traction, shoulders rolled, neck scrunched, head lowered, jaws parted, eyes narrowed, ears pinned, hackles raised, tail tucked.

INJURIES half-inch deep puncture wounds to her scruff. PLEASE NOTE that seph's attacks following his attempt to raise onto his hind limbs are pending injury, since artemis initiated her attacks immediately after he rose onto his hinds, and the injuries she may obtain from those attacks may vary depending on her success/failure.


10-26-2013, 05:36 AM

A ferocious snarl would rip from his larynx as the she-devil collided with him head on. Sephiroth did not back down from his new challenge, allowing their bodies to collide as he made to "hug" her, and it would seem that his teeth would grip their intended target upon her scruff. His hind legs pushed back against the ground to hold his weight forward so that it would be harder for her to knock him over. The man would shake his head side to side in an attempt to tear what his teeth had implanted upon, and cause her pain. Just mere seconds after, however, he felt the rapid push of her chest thrust against his own, and his eyes would narrow in slitted anger as his ears flattened against his skull simultaneously. With a grunt, he would allow her to push him back, as this gave him a new idea. Having her in his tight grip(Based on what I see from your post?) Sephiroth would attempt to pull her down with him as he tucked his shoulders and curved his spine to aid in him in his fall. He would fall upon his back, his shoulders rapidly thrusting forward to protect his vitals and the female would now be on top of his body (Assuming the tactic worked). Her intentions towards his neck would be thwarted then, as the falling movement would move her upwards slightly past his neck. He would then duck his head slightly underneath her jaws, his head protecting the center of his neck now as her teeth caught, instead higher up at the nape of his neck where his right shoulder bone was now protruding. He would snarl with the pain of her teeth embedded into the upper portion of his shoulder and the skin of his neck, though it did not deter him in the least as he made his next move. Sephiroth continued to keep his eyes narrowed and his ears laid back, fur bristling and his teeth bared in a fearsome grin as he sought to bite the wenches right side of her own neck now. At the same time, his himd legs would seek purchase upon the girls stomach, as now in this position it would be easier. If he could pull this off, then his teeth would grip whatever he possibly could whilst his claws raked her sensitive underbelly. Once the knight had excreted enough pain from her should his raking attack hit or miss, he would then attempt to kick upwards to fling her over his body and head and away from him. Should that work, then Sephiroth would be on his paws in an instant to face off with her once more.

Sephiroth was a man of war, a soldier bred for it. He was taught to now allow pain to weaken him during his battles, and that training had payed off. Though he had bite wounds and bleeding marks, they would not pull his mind or body away from the fight at hand. To him, these were only minor and they would not stop him from executing the enemy. Or, at the very least, defeat them in battle. Though he was trained to kill, he had change some after meeting certain wolves during his journey throughout these lands. Life was to be valued, and to waste it was in needless fights was no longer Sephiroth's mission. Though it didn't stop him from fighting from time to time against those who sought it. And he would damn well use his skills to protect his home. This was one of those times, and he would be damned if he lost his life on the fields of war today. Hackles bristled then, at the overpowering thoughts of the strangers blood seeping upon his tongue from the previous attack. Though he disliked fighting females, there seemed to be no gender discrimination in battle. Of that, he was certain.

Fight Stats

Round: Round 2/2 Sephiroth Vs. Artemis for Seige

Defenses: Eyes narrowed, ears flattened, shoulders tucked and spine curving to aid him in his fall, then after he is on the ground his shoulders thrusted forward to protect his vitals, head lowered over throat, hackles raised

Attacks: Attempts to bite the right side of Artemis's neck or grab whatever he can in that general area. Attempts to rake his claws on her underbelly, and should it hit or miss he will then kick upwards to fling her up and over his head and away from him.

Injuries: Shallow cut on his right side near his ribs, bruising to the right side of his abdomen. Inch and a half deep bite wounds on his right shoulder bone/nape of neck.

Out Of Character Notes: If anything confuses you, let me know and i will clarify ^_^


10-26-2013, 06:16 AM (This post was last modified: 10-26-2013, 06:17 AM by Renesme.)

Renesme- knocked out=[

Her oppoinment would keep his leg inbetween her jaws, trying to open them up so wide that she could no longer clamp down. Turning the cranium slightly to the side to free some of her jaw Renesme would attempt to clamp down on the leg and tear the whole muscle away, by now it was almost impossible to breath, he was heavier and taller then her, and it started to take affect as he'd try to attack her faceshe'd sink her head right back to the floor and her head body would go limp in submission, as his brother would join she'd put her right paw to her chest, squeezing it in as the brute clips it- Renesme was out, that was for sure.

Renesme and raven VS Alsander and caerul for knock out

Round- OVER


Attacks- N/A

injuries- Bruising to the side and a faint bite wound to the side of her neck, a small chunk out of her front leg and a small bite wound to the right.

Notes- Sorry for how late it is, I went overtime because I had to stay in hospital over night as they had to examine me over and get me ready for an operation the next day, so because of this Renesme is out. Points id like to make bri- I find it really unrealistic how she missed the kick to the males precious area because a kick movement would be quite fast and how could alsander see it? Also when Ren had a firm grasp on his joint a wolf wouldn't just try to jab it down someones throat because it'd worsen there pain and limit there strength when they need to run an all? haha:3. I know some of my moves may not of been as realistic but id like to of pointed that out, Your a great fighter though, congratulations btw!:)

The Judge


10-26-2013, 01:00 PM

canttina v gael for gael

Round One
canttina ?

clarity ? 6 out of 10 ; regarding the chest bump, it should have been specified exactly where canttina was aiming to hit, i.e. his lower chest, upper chest, middle chest, with whatever part of her own chest. in regards to cant?s bite attack, her intentions for attacking his lower neck needs to be specified, i.e. to draw blood.

powerplay ? 7 out of 10 ; although the distance is bound to be closed during a fight, there should have been an attempt to close the distance between canttina and gael, because gael could have backpedalled or someone else could have intercepted cant. ?It would hurt both of them?? please do not assume anything about the other character, no matter if it seems logical. wolf ultimately decides what gael feels and what he does not.

defense ? 6 out of 10 ; shoulders rolled, nails biting into soil, hackles raised, ears pinned, teeth exposed, knees bent. raised tail was not counted as a defense for that would not aide canttina at all.

attack ? 5 out of 10 ; attempt to slam her chest against his own (+2), bite to the lower right side of gael?s neck (+3).

injuries ? 10 out of 10 ; first round.

round one canttina total ? 34 out of 50

gael ?

clarity ? 8 out of 10 ; regarding the attack to cant?s scruff, what gael?s intentions were for attacking the scruff needs to be specified, i.e. to draw blood, to gain control of her head.

powerplay ? 10 out of 10 ; nothing of note.

defense ? 7 out of 10 ; hackles raised, knees bent, chin tucked, ears pinned, shoulders rolled, tensed muscles, toes splayed, tail aligned with spine, jaws parted/teeth exposed. subtracted two points from initial score for compromising his balance when he raises himself up.

attack ? 4 out of 10 ; attempt to grasp cant?s scruff (+4).

injuries ? 10 out of 10 ; first round. deep puncture wounds to upper right chest, lightly bruised left shoulder.

round one gael total ? 39 out of 50

Round Two

canttina ?

clarity ? 7 out of 10 ; the depth of the puncture wounds to cant?s neck needs to be specified. ?her jaws slammed down onto his left upper chest?? her jaws hit his right chest. if this was through cant?s perspective, that needs to be clarified.

powerplay ? 5 out 10 ; ?left upper chest, about where his collar bone would be?? although logical and correct (clarified through gael?s next post), never assume anything. ?he then leaned up, attempting to pull her up?? to my understanding, gael pulled up as he attacked cant in order to better access her scruff, not afterwards. ??these two actions would result in major tissue damage?? again, do not assume what cant?s attacks will manage to do to gael.

defense ? 5 out of 10 ; ears pinned, knees bent, tail tucked, eyes narrowed, hackles raised.

attack ? 2 out of 10 ; attempt to chew into gael?s chest. no points were awarded here due to the fact that it?d be impossible to chew on him when her molars can?t connect due to his flesh being in the way (+0). attempt to whip her skull around to damage tissue (+2). attempt to break gael?s left front toes. no points were awarded here due to the ineffectiveness of this technique; in order to actually break the bones, weight would need to be applied behind her paw to crush gael?s, and gael?s forepaws are not even on the ground at this point in the fight (+0).

injuries ? 6 out of 10 ; bruised chest, bite/grasp to scruff.

round two canttina total ? 25 out of 50

gael ?

clarity ? 8 out of 10 ; ??smash her toes.? the toes upon which paws need to be specified.

powerplay ? 1 out of 10 ; ??puncturing the woman's hide, drawing blood.? cant never mentioned gael managed to draw blood, so do not assume an injury dealt upon her. ??the young Adravendi would take a firmer hold on her scruff, shaking his larger skull from side to side?? both of these attacks need to be made as attempts.

defense ? 6 out of 10 ; chin tucked, eyes narrowed, ears pinned, shoulders rolled, tail aligned with spine, balanced.

attack ? 6 out of 10 ; tighten grip on her scruff (+1), skull thrashing (+2), attempt to break cant?s toes (+3).

injuries ? 7 out of 10 ; deep wound to chest.

round two gael total ? 28 out of 50

Round Three
canttina ?

clarity ? 8 out of 10 ; cant?s incentive for aiming for gael?s neck needs to be specified, i.e. to plunge deep into his flesh and damage arteries, etc.

powerplay ? 7 out of 10 ; in regard to cant?s paw attack, I found it unfair how cant manages to maintain her balance upon broken toes, esp. since she?s lifting her good leg up and her weight would shift towards her left to apply further pressure upon the wound.

defense ? 4 out of 10 ; ears pinned, eyes narrowed, knees bent, hackles raised, tail tucked. paws digging into the earth counted for nothing and didn?t make much sense. one point deducted from the original score for compromising her balance by lifting one of her paws off the ground and failing to mention anything about adjusting her weight to balance herself.

attack ? 5 out of 10 ; bite towards the center of gael?s neck (+5). no points were awarded for cant?s attempt to swipe at gael due to the fact that a wolf?s claws are dull and would likely not break skin at all.

injuries ? 5 out of 10 ; rips and tears along her scruff, broken toes in left forepaw.

round three canttina total ? 29 out of 50

gael ?

clarity ? 6 out of 10 ; the wounds to gael?s chest needs to be specified, i.e. the depths or severity of the wounds. ??to try and shove the crazed she-wolf?? it needs to be specified as to what body part of gael?s would impact what body part of cant?s, as well as specify the incentive for shoving her, i.e. to push her back or to bruise her.

powerplay ? 5 out of 10 ; cant?s swipe attack was disregarded. although the attack would have done little to nothing to gael, it still needs to be acknowledged.

defense ? 6 out of 10 ; tail aligned with spine, weight distributed, chin tucked, ears flattened, eyes narrowed, jaws unhinged, shoulders rolled. I would have docked you two points for rearing back and compromising his balance by doing so, but since you mentioned redistributing his balance, only one point was taken since his balance would still be jeopardized.

attack ? 4 out of 10 ; attempted shove (+2), attempt to bite into cant?s right ear (+2). one point was docked from what you would have received out of the bite to the ear since cant?s ears were pinned.

injuries ? 8 out of 10 ; bite to the center of his chest.

round three gael total ? 29 out of 50

Round Four
canttina ?

clarity ? 6 out of 10 ; ??move her front legs in a motion to where the two would dance together.? it should have been specified exactly what cant was attempting to do here, i.e. the attempted positioning of her forelimbs. the incentive for her attack to gael?s already-wounded chest needs to be specified, i.e. to have her teeth plunge even deeper into his chest to further damage tissue, etc.

powerplay ? 4 out of 10 ; ??she reacted very quickly, countering him.? the wording used here made it seem as if canttina was successful in countering him. you also completely fail to mention gael?s attempt to shove cant.

defense ? 4 out of 10 ; tail tucked, ears pinned, eyes narrowed, hackles raised, knees bent, claws digging into soil. two points deducted for rearing back onto her hinds and failing to mention anything of reestablishing her balance.

attack ? 3 out of 10 ; bite to an already-wounded area (+3).

injuries ? 9 out of 10 ; pierced ear.

round four canttina total ? 26 out of 50

gael ?

clarity ? 9 out of 10 ; ??aim towards his right shoulder again?? cant aimed for the upper right portion of gael?s chest, not his shoulder.

powerplay ? 6 out of 10 ; it was never mentioned that gael released cant?s ear, yet he made an attack to her abdomen with his jaws. ??would quick drop downwards?? as gael and cant are interlocked with their forelimbs, I felt that the success of this would really be unlikely.

defense ? 6 out of 10 ; ears pinned, eyes narrowed, chin tucked, knees bent, tail tucked, shoulders rolled, limbs spread evenly apart. one point docked from initial score for compromising his balance by lifting his forepaw off the ground and failing to reestablish his balance.

attack ? 8 out of 10 ; bite to abdomen, vital area (+5), swipe to cant?s ankle to knock her off balance (+3)

injuries ? 8 out of 10 ; deep gashes along forehead/bridge of muzzle.

round four gael total ? 37 out of 50


canttina ? 114 out of 200

gael ? 133 out of 200

And the winner is...

gael! canttina must give up by either submitting, fleeing, or passing out, and she is no longer able to participate in the fighting during this siege. gael's status as a wolf of valhalla may no longer be contested during this siege.


canttina ? broken toes in left forepaw, will take two ooc weeks to heal. permanently pierced right ear, tears in scruff that'll take three ooc days to heal.

gael ? deep gashes in upper chest and moderate gashes to lower chest, will take an ooc week to heal and will permanently scar over. gashes along forehead/bridge of muzzle will take five ooc days to heal.


Tips for both writing, and some suggestions. (no points are deducted here)

i felt that most of the attacks during this fight on both of your parts were minimal and repetitive and that both gael and canttina could have done more. i felt the damage that was taken on both of your parts was also very realistic -- not one of you took minimal damage the entire time and that was refreshing. my tips for both of you would be to go into detail with your attacks and injuries, including the intentions behind every attack and the severity/depths of the wounds received just to ensure clarity. be sure to include as many defenses as you possibly can to raise the defense score; i know of more than ten so feel free to skype me asking for a list c: good job, guys!

- By [ aly ]


10-26-2013, 03:01 PM

She had become what she always feared: weak. How was it possible that the two creatures she cared about most in this world were both contending for her presence at the exact same time? Isardis needed her in this very moment, but need was much different than want. Taurig wanted her, and she feared that her brother wasn't ever going to be capable of wanting her the same way her nephew did in this precise moment. To be wanted was something she had never really known she desired, but now that it had occurred she was baffled and confused. It didn't help her confusion any that she had been knocked off balance with ease by the cobalt male who now tried to talk sense into her. 'He has brought them to their deaths.' The words resonated deep in her chest. She knew they were true, but fighting wasn't something she was afraid of - it was something she loved. Still, she hadn't exactly agreed to go to war for her brother, it had just happened, and she wasn't sure this was where she wanted to be in this precise moment. She had never agreed to fight against Taurig, that wasn't part of the deal. Black lips slithered over pearl fangs, sheathing them for the time being as she tried to process what was happening - what her decision would be. Plans ran through her mind, and she knew what she had to do. Isardis would hate it - she was sure, but if he just trusted her like he said he would then all would work out as necessary. Someone had to be the martyr, and she would volunteer. ?I will go if you promise to leave this place with me and stay away until the fight is through.? There was little more to be said. If they didn't hurry it was likely either one of them would be wrapped up in yet another battle. She would rise to her paws tentatively, showing him she meant him no harm, and then prepare to leave with a few deliberate steps in the direction of Tortuga's borders. Before she went too far, Sendoa would cast a knowing look in her brother's direction - if only he would look and realize that this was not a betrayal, it was a sacrifice.

Exit Sendoa w/Taurig

Sendoa has submitted to Taurig and agreed to go with him. Both are now out of the siege.

The Judge


10-26-2013, 03:10 PM
Taurig v Sendoa

Due to SENDOA not fighting back for her freedom, TAURIG is the winner, and SENDOA IS NOW KNOCKED OUT OF THE SIEGE AND BELONGS TO TORTUGA.

Sendoa may no longer participate in the siege, and must leave at once for Tortuga.

Sendoa is exempt from being challenged for for 2 (two) OOC weeks.