
These days that never end


10-25-2013, 02:27 PM

Ever since most of the pack had disappeared to go to this war that Isardis had insisted on bringing upon Valhalla the territory had been eerily quiet. Euphrosyne had done little but rest in her deen for the last few days, leaving only to get water or grab a bite to eat. Her stomach had grown huge with her pregnancy and even a short walk around the forest she called home was beginning to be a chore. She was determined to stretch her legs today though, so she slipped out of her den and into the cold autumn air, moving slowly out into the territory.

Her emerald gaze drifted lazily over the trees and she wondered who would still be hanging around Glaciem instead of being off to war. She'd like the company, whoever it may be. She knew that soon enough she would be trapped in the den with pups to care for so might as well get her socializing in now while she still could. Russet-tipped ears flicked here and there, searching for any noise, and her nose pulled in the air around her to try and catch any scent. Surely there was someone out there that would want to keep a pregnant fea company.


Talon I


4 Years
10-25-2013, 02:46 PM (This post was last modified: 10-25-2013, 02:48 PM by Talon I.)

It had been some time since he had truly spoken to Euphrosyne. It seemed to him as though much of her attention that had once been focused on him had shifted, rather unsurprisingly, to Isardis. It shouldn't have made him feel jealous, as he was the father of the children growing inside her womb; and yet he couldn't help but feel a pang of disappointment. Not only because she seemed a bit fond of Glaciem's leader, but also because soon she would have kids of her own soon. For the last couple seasons, she had grown to be somewhat of a mother figure to him, and he dreaded the thought of being replaced.

And yet when her scent reached his twitching nostrils, as the boy wandered the lands quietly, he did not hesitate in responding to it. His solemn expression was rapidly transformed, the corners of his lips turning upward ever so slightly in a smile as his pace increased. Still he was growing into his lanky frame, beginning to fill out his skinny body; no longer did his ribs protrude so drastically from his sides, but he was still small for his age. Since Kangi had reunited with him, he had grown a bit more confident, and yet he was still a shy, meek thing. But as Euphrosyne came into his visit, as he proceeding forward, he let out a happy bark. The lands were quiet -- all of the wolves who intimidated him so badly were off to war, and Glaciem was safe and quiet at last.

"Euph!" he called out happily, tail beginning to wave happily behind him.


10-25-2013, 05:38 PM

The familiar scent of her favorite young male found her nose and moments later his friendly voice met her russet dipped ears. A happy smile spread across her muzzle as she turned to see him, her emerald gaze lighting up when she saw him. "Talon!" she replied just as happily. She padded up to him, having to waddle a little as she walked, meeting him halfway. She chuckled as she thought of what a sight they must be, her a very pregnant fea and him a small, three-legged male. She didn't mind though. He was perfect to her.

She nuzzled him affectionately and gave his forehead a playful lick, her tail waving behind her as well. She was happy to see that he was still growing and was putting on weight as well. He looked much better than the day all those months ago when she had found him on the riverbank outside of his old pack's territory. "How have you been, sweetheart? How's Kangi?" genuinely concerned about him and his friend. She hated that she didn't get to spend much time with her adopted son, but with the pregnancy Isardis liked to keep a close eye on her most of the time and she just didn't get out as much as she wanted to.


Talon I


4 Years
10-29-2013, 11:33 AM

Everything was changing. He was beginning to feel more like an adult rather than a child, and it terrified him, because he had expected so much more from himself now. Instead he was living in a strange pack, where he wasn't even sure if he was content; feeling alone and unsure more often than not, even with his two best friends living here with him. But he masked his insecurities with a gentle smile as he approached Euphrosyne, tail wagging gently behind him. He was insecure by nature -- he would not let this ruin the little time he had with Euph.

She walked strangely, and seemed to recognize it too; he giggled playfully at the sight. "I'm good," he said, his gaze sweeping over her frame, fixating on her rather wide belly. "And I think Kangi is good too." She seemed to be taking a bit of time to get used to everything her, so quickly he changed the topic. "You'll be having babies soon, huh?" he inquired gently, leaning to place his nose on her belly, as though wanting to feel the pups inside wriggle and squirm. Would they be like siblings to him? Or would he not be allowed to influence them? He was fairly certain Isardis thought he was some kind of misfit. "I really want to help you take care of them."


10-30-2013, 10:56 AM

She was glad to hear that he and Kangi were doing well, but she could tell that he was distracted by something. Her emerald gaze followed his to her swollen belly. His question and the way he rested his nose on her side made her smile. "Yes, very soon indeed." As if to testify to this, her pups squirmed as they often did now, pushing against her side with their little paws. Euph winced slightly, but smiled all the same. It was always wonderful to know that her pups were well and she took that movement as a sign of this.

His next statement surprised her, but not because she thought he wouldn't want to, but because she thought that it would go without saying that he would be a part of their lives. A reassuring smile touched her muzzle and she gently licked his cheek. "Of course you can, Talon. As far as I'm concerned, you are going to be their older brother and you can be there for every step of the way if you want."

Euphrosyne worried a lot about Talon's image of himself. With a brute like Isardis around it was easy to feel less than adequate and she was sure it was even worse for Talon. She had seen how Isardis treated him. She had even often thought how bringing him here had been a mistake... but there was no getting away from Isardis now and she couldn't bear to leave Talon all on his own, so here he was. It wasn't ideal, but at least they were together as they had a home. "I don't care what Isardis says, you'll always be my son," she said gently, nuzzling the boy affectionately.


Talon I


4 Years
11-02-2013, 09:30 AM

Talon was used to things changing, but this would be a huge change. His nose trailed along her belly, a purely innocent gesture, wanting to feel her children writhing inside her. She'd never really been around a pregnant woman, and it was interesting to him. His silver eyes grew wide as he thought he felt one of the children kick, a grin growing on his face.

Euphrosyne said they they would be like siblings to him. It was a pleasant thought, and behind his lanky frame his tail began to wag furiously. And yet it was scary, too -- he'd had siblings who had abandoned him. What if he was just a bad brother? A bad son? He stifled a whimper from escaping his throat at the prospect of being unwanted by Euph's own children. "I hope I can be a good brother," he said seriously, considering the prospect. It would be exciting, but he couldn't help but feel wary.

But his surrogate mother seemed adept at knowing exactly what to say to ease his worries, and he would lean into her happily, sighing. "Thanks Euph," he said softly. "You're the best."