



5 Years
Extra large
10-26-2013, 03:25 PM

Each moment that he stood before his aunt was another moment that could be taken advantage of. There were so many wolves fighting around them, there had to be someone that was keeping an eye on them. But then again, everyone was so busy fighting, that they could go unnoticed. He really hoped they could. He didn't want to fight anyone, even if he had agreed to fight alongside Valhalla and Seracia. Icy gaze would remain fixated on Sendoa's features, watching as she struggled to make a decision. He knew how much of a pull Isardis had on her; he was her brother after all. But he knew that he had something of a pull on her too. He just hoped that his pull in this instance, would be stronger than the ghost's.

I will go if you promise to leave this place with me and stay away until the fight is through. Surprise rippled through him, though his features remained impassive. She was willing to go with him. Just like that. Without a fight. Part of him was relieved that he wouldn't have to fight against his own blood, but the other part of him was still unsure. Why would she give up that easily? I promise not to participate. Now let's get going before anyone notices. He would gently nudge Sendoa as she would rise, turning so that his body was parallel to hers, limbs pulling the titan back towards the Tortugan border, hoping that he would be able to get away before his retreat was noticed. He had done it. He had managed to get his aunt to come back with him. But at what price?

-attempts to leave with sendoa in tow-

Talk like this

Bronze i


12 Years
10-26-2013, 03:53 PM
Her defenses were solid, but his body would not give in so easily, despite his age. His own eyes would narrow, forcing his shoulders forward and keeping his head down, unwilling to let her grip her neck.

His teeth would catch hold on her side, and he jerked his head from left to right repetitively, attempting desperately to tear the flesh further. bronze was rewarded with the taste of blood and fur, but that was not a signal of his victory. He continued to hold tight to her aside, hoping the shaking of his skull would be dramatic enough for her to falter.

He winced as flesh was torn from his shoulder, growling out in pain as she contacted with his side. His counter would continue as the two were locked in a dangerous embrace.

Bronze vs Lova Round 3/?

Attacks: shaking head as jaws grip flesh to try to tear it more

Defenses: shoulders rolled forward, head lowered to protect neck,

Injuries: shallow bite to side w/ light bleeding, soreness to side of neck


10-26-2013, 07:50 PM

His attempt at coming at Isardis from behind would be seen, though Tidus had not missed some sort of mark. Isardis' head came towards him to try and headbutt?(That's what I got from the read..) his left side, and it would land it's mark. Though the distance from Tidus' to Isar was close in Tidus' perspective, and though the headbutt landed Tidus would feel slightly light-headed, and he hoped that Isar felt it too but he couldn't determine that for himself; though no significant damage save for maybe a possible bruise would stop him. Afterwards, it would seem that his teeth would grasp the demons left shoulder/nape of the neck instead of his intended attack towards the beasts thigh. It was then that from the corner of his eye, he saw a form come rushing towards them. His heart lifted as the woman would make her charge towards the king; he was not alone in trying to take down the white ghost! Hoping that the woman was able to distract Isardis, Tidus would narrow his eyes as his teeth were bared in a defiant snarl. Ears plastered to his head, hackles rose, tail tucked, his shoulders tucked forward to protect the sides of his neck and he would bunch his scruff for added protection. As his jaws gripped the beast, Tidus would act upon rapid instincts and thoughts as he always did when he was in a sticky situation, and as he kept his grip with his teeth he would rapidly pull back, hoping to rip whatever flesh he had in his jaws and then release for his next move.

Tidus would quickly take a step back, releasing his prey and dropped down as low to the ground as he could get, thus narrowly dodging Isar's seeking teeth and and roll in the opposite direction of where Riv was coming from, (Rolling to Tidus' right; Isar's left) then he would come to be on all fours and shoot forward to Isardis' hind legs, his claws digging into the earth for traction. He would attempt a direct launch to bite and grab the thinnest part of his leg; the achilles tendon. If his teeth hit his mark, then the boy would grip with sharp canines and yank his head back to try and rip the thin area to tear and make pained the beast he was up against. If his attack was successful, or if it missed, he would try to latch onto whatever else he could.

Tidus & Rivaxorous Vs. Isardis for Maim/seige

Round: 2/3

Defenses: Tidus would narrow his eyes as his teeth were bared in a defiant snarl. Ears plastered to his head, hackles rose, tail tucked, his shoulders tucked forward to protect the sides of his neck and he would bunch his scruff for added protection. Quickly takes a step back, releasing Isar, and then drops low th the ground to perform a roll to Tidus' right; Isar's left. Claws dug in the ground for traction.

Attacks: Makes an attack towards Isar's left hind achilles tendon(since tidus rolled to the left), and would try to bite down and then rip/tear it. If unsuccessful, he will try to grab whatever else he can.

Injuries: Minor bruising under his jaw from Ryu's previous rump bump; Bruising on the side of his face where Isardis headbutted him.


The Judge


10-26-2013, 10:05 PM

Due to NOBODY not fighting back againts IMPRA'S challenge for Themisto in the three day time slot, THEMISTO IS NOW A GLACIEM WOLF. Because Themisto no longer has a rank with which to defend Cormalin, CORMALIN IS NOW A GLACIEM WOLF. Because Cormalin no longer has a rank with which to defend Bronze, BRONZE IS NOW A GLACIEM WOLF

There are no knockouts involved in this fight. Bronze, Themisto, and Cormalin may continue to fight for maims. Satis, Argent, and Impra are allowed to issue more member challenges, as they are still ranked Glaciem members.

Themisto, Bronze, and Cormalin are exempt from being challenged for for 2 (two) OOC weeks.

The Judge


10-27-2013, 12:36 AM

Artemis vs. Sephiroth for Seige/Knock Out

Round 1


CLARITY: 10 / 10
Great clarity.

No powerplaying found.

DEFENSES: 10 / 10

Full points for protected throat, open jaws, pinned ears, narrowed eyes, raised hackles, balanced stance, splayed tows and balanced tail.

ATTACK: 6 / 10

Full points for attacking ribs and hit with left shoulder.

INJURIES: 10 / 10

First Round

Round one Artemis Total: 46 / 50


CLARITY: 10 / 10
Great clarity.

Sephiroth was focused on a large fight before Artemis attacked him. He was also attacked from behind yet he managed to almost completely dodge Artemis' attack?

DEFENSES: 9 / 10

Full points for open jaws, narrowed eyes, protected throat, pinned ears, balanced stance, splayed toes, tucked tail and raised hackles.

ATTACK: 6 / 10

Full points for attack to scruff and attempt to raise up on Artemis and then attempt to attack neck.


Shallow cut on right side of ribs, bruised right side.

Round one Sephiroth Total: 41 / 50

Round 2


CLARITY: 10 / 10
Great clarity.

I know Sephiroth's other attacks were pending but you need to acknowledge each attack in your post following theirs if you do not want them to assume the damage or to have PP points deducted.

DEFENSES: 10 / 10

Full points for balanced stance, splayed toes, protected neck, narrowed eyes, pinned ears, raised hackles, tucked tail.

ATTACK: 4 / 10

Full points for pushing up into Sephiroth and attempting to attack throat.

INJURIES: 8 / 10

Minor wound to scruff.

Round two Artemis Total: 39 / 50


CLARITY: 10 / 10
Great clarity.

"the female would now be on top of his body" I know you wrote an OOC note for this but you can't assume things for the other character.
"then Sephiroth would be on his paws in an instant to face off with her once more." doing this after a sequence of multiple attacks make's it difficult for the other player to react, you are also assuming that the other player will be in a position where this is possible.

DEFENSES: 8 / 10

Full points for narrowed eyes, protected throat, pinned ears, bristled fur, open jaws, and counter.

ATTACK: 5 / 10

Full points for continued attack to scruff, attack to neck and attempt to kick to belly.


Bite wound to right shoulder.

Round two Sephiroth Total: 36 / 50


Artemis: 85 /100

Sephiroth: 77 /150

And the winner is...

Artemis! Sephiroth is now knocked out.


Artemis- Minor bite wound to scruff, bite wound to neck, heavily bruised belly.

Sephiroth- Shallow cut to right side of ribs, brusied right side of ribs, bite wound to right shoulder/neck area.

Okay, I just want to say the clarity in your posts was just amazing. Thank you so much for the ease to judge.

Aly: you did really great. You lost some points in PP for not acknowledging some attacks. I know it can be tricky but you need to always acknowledge other player's attacks in your reply. Otherwise great attacks/defenses. I would add one more minor attack to your posts to fill in the attack points, using forelimbs or planning a second attack.

Dragon: I talked to you on skype regarding your posts (:


10-27-2013, 02:03 AM
Midnight waited counting to the beats of her heart as around her the battle ebbed and flowed, ten beats passed and still no challenge was forthcoming bearing her teeth in a snarl she turned surveying the field if no one wanted her blood then she would just have to go take theirs, it was not the most poetic sentiment but her mind was focused on other things. Her eyes settled on a pair to the right locked together in combat she recognised the old male, his coat a pattern of browns black and whites littered with past scars, but not the white and grey female with the black tail, whose back was to her. A vicious smile crossed Midnights face as she took her first steps, here was her first target.

Midnights ears stayed down and she stayed low as she moved, her tail tucked, her vision tightened as she got closer ignoring the continuing battle that raged around them, she moved as if heading for a different battle then two metres from the fight she broke into a sprint changing her direction slightly so that now there was no mistaking her target. The girl was not much larger then she and so when she reached the dame Midnight did not have to rear much, her strike was aimed for the dames neck, and with any luck she would hit the dame shoulder digging her teeth into the thinner fur of the upper neck and through it to the muscle beneath. if she hit elsewhere she would try to hold tight hoping surprise would make the dame release the male .

Her forelegs hit the ground after her attack and she shored up her stance once more swinging her body so it lay along side the dames facing the same direction as the girl, Midnights claws dug down into the earth and the muscles in her legs tensed causing her to lower her body slightly dropping her centre of gravity once more. Her ears and tail had yet to rise as she shifted her head slightly trying to make eye contact with her comrade.

Midnight and Bronze Vs. Lova for Seige

Round 1 / Infinite

Defences:| Eyes narrowed, head lowered over his chest to protect her throat, claws digging into ground, low centre of gravity, flattened ears, tail tucked, Body swung away from opponents jaws.

Attacks:: lunge at opponents right side, aims to bite into the top of lova's neck behind her head

Injuries: None

KO's Achieved: 0/5




Extra small
10-27-2013, 08:10 AM

OOC: hey love, just wanted you to know that was actually your second turn with oddity c: this will be ready for judging after this post.

He had wolves attacking nearly every side of him, and it was a beautiful thing. The savage would surely bare a scar or two? Eyes were narrowed in on his opponents core (chest) so his peripherals could better assess what would come his way. Ears were slanted back against his skull and limbs were evenly positioned for balance. Tail was struck out to act as a rudder and shoulders were rolled forward to assist his neck by encumbering his vitals in fur flesh and fat. Also to aid this effort the boy had scrunched his neck up a bit. Head was low--over his breast with jaws agape. Knees were ever so slightly bent and he could feel the dirt between his nails as he pulled for traction. Tucking his chin where and when he could the beast made his move to finish off his enemy.

Syrinx's jaws would wrap around Oddity's left lef and as he had made the attempt to squeeze he would easily taste blood. a smile contorted over his dark lips and he released the limbs. (also with ignorance of syrinx's attempt to slam i can assume this) His right shoulder would easily meet it's mark and a fast and heavy slam would press into the other's chest The reverberations were felt in his limb--he wondered what the other felt.

Tail wavered behind him as he heard the snarls and roars of the other contestants around him. He could hear the rage in voices as Sephiroth failed and Syrinx would immediately allow his own roar of discontent to explode from his lungs. "He could feel teeth scrape above his eye and he could feel the teeth colide. blood poured from the quarter inch deep gash on his fore-head and clearly fell down his face. the blood would obviously come over his eye and result in spotty seeing. Still, with his working right eye he would twist his head to his left and aim the same attack at Oddity's right eye. The goal was to place his top set of teeth just before Oddity's left eye and his bottom set behind his right. Hopefully successful, and regardless of being so, he wold snap his jaws together. The resulting scar could be a beautiful thing.

Simultaneously, Syrinx would aim to reach his left limb up and between the man's right limb. Nails generally weren't effective, but in an area with little to no skin which was already soft--he had his confidence. Nails would make an attempt to rip the skin that was his armpit. Success would only result in blood loss of the beautiful kind--but he was ready. Weight was re-distributed between the three limbs remaining on the ground and syrinx prepared for the worst...or the best.

Syrinx & Chrysanthe vs. Oddity

For Blinding

Round two



4 Years
10-27-2013, 05:42 PM

By whatever explanation the ebony behemoth would remain rigid, motionless in his standings. Quite impractical really, the babe would not forget; convinced now that he was the kind to stand and take virtually any damage that was thrown at him. He was slow, too bold for his own health, and he was bound to trip up somewhere. He threw his weight into her shoulder attack and the gazelle-marked oddity would find the duo meeting on similar forces; clashing together with a power that could potentially equalize their strengths into a somewhat pointless tango of wit. However she wasn?t disheartened, and upon the initial grasping of flesh, however misplaced it had been, the woman would strive to worsen the damage to the tender area by attempting to plunge her snout more-so into flesh, to use canines to mercilessly grasp towards the shallow bone in an effort to tunnel down to the structures of his ribcage in two to three linked, and rapid blows.

Regardless of if the youth hit bone or not she would withdraw, striving to take any fragments of grasped flesh or splintered structures with her, rudely re-calculated by a sharp and painful blow to her flank. Naturally, her pain response would be to react, a violent left-wards throw of her pelvis aiming to clash with the mans face and skull, left hind-limb simultaneously moving outwards to cover the balance of the thrust. Her defenses would re-check; limbs square, weight equal, spine aligned, tail tucked, abdomen tense, elbows bent, chest slightly lowered, toes splayed, claws digging for traction, shoulders rolled, chin tucked, hackles raised, ears pinned, eyes narrowed. It would be then that golden gaze would come to rest intently upon the left-side of his lower abdomen, satisfied to find it unprotected as she would thrust forwards with the power of her hinds, dropping elbows in an attempt to get ever-so-slightly beneath the ebony male as gaping jaws would seek to latch canines into the delicate lower abdomen where she would aim to relentlessly hold.

Satis vs. Cormalin ? Round 2 of 2?

For Dominance/KO.

Defences: limbs square, weight equal, spine aligned, tail tucked, abdomen tense, elbows bent, chest slightly lowered, toes splayed, claws digging for traction, shoulders rolled, chin tucked, hackles raised, ears pinned, eyes narrowed, jaws ready.

Attacks: Attempting to worsen damage behind the left elbow area (which corma previously said landed), pelvis thrust towards opponents face as he bites her flank in an attempt to cause pain, lack of balance, or force him to release any hold. Elbows then dropped and jaws sent for the left-ish side of his lower abdomen, to attempt to sink teeth into flesh and vitals, and hold.

Injuries: First round. Torn skin on the left flank.

OOC: Because Satis? member challenge defaulted, we are continuing this new fight as if it were still apart of the attacks of the other. It is to be judged along with round 1 of the Bronze challenge.

The Judge


10-27-2013, 08:18 PM

Oddity v Chrysanthe & Syrinx for Blinding/Knockout

Round One

oddity ?

clarity ? 5 out of 10 ; the angle that oddity runs to attack syrinx was never specified, i.e. head-on, at a ninety degree angle to syr?s right side, etc. ??if he were to succeed he wanted to tear flesh off tear it and severe it ?? it should be clarified exactly how oddity would attempt to do this, i.e. by thrashing his skull, pulling back, etc.

powerplay ? 9 out of 10 ; there should have been an attempt to close the distance between he and syrinx, for someone easily could have intercepted the attack or syr could have avoided it completely.

defense ? 8 out of 10 ; tail flagged, toes splayed, balanced, ears pinned, eyes narrowed, rolled shoulders, hackles raised, chin tucked.

attack ? 3 out of 10 ; bite to syrinx?s right shoulder (+3). no points were awarded for the attempt to crash into syrinx (specified in the attack summary) since it was not clearly stated in the post that that is what he was trying to do.

injuries ? 10 out of 10 ; first round.

round one oddity total ? 35 out of 50

chrysanthe ?

clarity ? 8 out of 10 ; it should have been specified at what angle chrys was attempting to crash into oddity?s hip.

powerplay ? 9 out of 10 ; there also should have been an attempt to close the distance between chrys and oddity, for someone could have easily intercepted the attack or oddity could have avoided it completely.

defense ? 6 out of 10 ; hackles raised, eyes narrowed, head lowered, ears pinned, tail out, shoulders rolled.

attack ? 7 out of 10 ; attempt to crash into oddity?s right hip (+2), attempt to bite into oddity?s lower spine, vital (+5).

injuries ? 10 out of 10 ; first round ? none.

round one chrysanthe total ? 40 out of 50

syrinx ?

clarity ? 9 out of 10 ; repeated gender confusion in regard to oddity.

powerplay ? 10 out of 10 ; nothing of note.

defense ? 10 out of 10 ; head lowered, jaws gaping, neck scrunched, shoulders rolled, hackles raised, weight evenly distributed, knees bent, tail out/spine aligned, eyes narrowed, ears pinned, chin tucked.

attack ? 6 out of 10 ; attempt to slam right shoulder into the center of oddity?s chest (+2), attempt to blind oddity in his left eye (+4).

injuries ? 10 out of 10 ; first round ? skinned right shoulder.

round one syrinx total ? 45 out of 50

Round Two

oddity ?

clarity ? 0 out of 10 ; ?While both Seph and the alphess failed to knock him down?? it was never specified why they failed in their attacks. ??his defenses keeping the man from getting a full hold on him?? what defenses would stop seph from getting a hold on oddity?s scruff? ?Syrinx's jaws pulled onto his left leg?? & ??latch her jaws onto his spine shifted to his right top of his back leg?? the severity/depth of those wounds needs to be specified, not just stated in the injury summary. ?Oddity shifted his weight fully forward?? with what part of oddity?s body is he attempting to slam into what body part of syrinx?s? ??shaking his body trying to violently make it difficult to latch onto him?? this was hard to imagine and something extremely awkward to attempt given that oddity is currently throwing his weight forward and attempting to latch onto syr?s left eye.

powerplay ? 0 out of 10 ; ??Oddity's eyes shifted towards Chrysanthe?? I found that unfair since chrys was positioned near his right hips, pretty much behind him and out of view, so he basically foresees her attack. ??Seph to his left, the alphess to the right?? major source of powerplay here as it was specified in chrys? post that she was on the same side as seph, not opposite sides. oddity completely disregards syr?s attempt to slam into him without reasons specified for the attack not hitting. there was also way too much movement in this post ? oddity first steps, then rears back onto his hinds, then thrusts his weight forward, then lands back upon all fours? that was unfair towards the others involved in the fight since it gives them no time to respond to all of oddity?s movements.

defense ? 4 out of 10 ; limbs spread equally apart, tail tucked, toes splayed, rolled shoulders, eyes narrowed, ears pinned. subtracted two points from initial score for compromising his balance when rearing back.

attack ? 6 out of 10 ; attempt to slam into syr (+2), attack to syr?s left eye (+4).

injuries ? 4 out of 10 ; puncture wounds to scruff, bite/grasp to left forelimb, bite/grasp to right hind limb.

round two oddity total ? 14 out of 50

chrysanthe ?

clarity ? 10 out of 10 ; nothing of note.

powerplay ? 10 out of 10 ; nothing of note.

defense ? 8 out of 10 ; eyes narrowed, ears pinned, tail tucked, head lowered, hackles raised, shoulders rolled, weight evenly distributed, hinds squared, toes firm on ground. subtracted one point from initial score for lifting her paw and thus compromising her balance.

attack ? 6 out of 10 ; attempt to yank on odd?s right hind limb (+2), attempt to apply pressure to the bite (+1), attempt to trip oddity (+3).

injuries ? 10 out of 10 ; none.

round two chrysanthe total ? 44 out of 50

syrinx ?

clarity ? 8 out of 10 ; ?HE COULD FEEL TEETH SCRAPE ABOVE HIS EYE?? it should be specified why oddity?s attack did not hit in full. ??REACH HIS LEFT LIMB UP AND BETWEEN THE MAN'S RIGHT LIMB?? reaching his left limb between oddity?s right limb made no sense to me.

powerplay ? 5 out of 10 ; syrinx ignores oddity?s attempt to slam into him without reason for doing so.

defense ? 10 out of 10 ; eyes narrowed, ears pinned, limbs spread equally apart, tail out, shoulders rolled, neck scrunched, head lowered, knees bent, nails digging into soil, tucked chin. no points deducted for lifting his forepaw off of the ground because of the mentioning of reestablishing syr?s balance.

attack ? 7 out of 10 ; attempt to blind oddity (+4), attempt to swipe claws along tender area of oddity?s armpit (+3).

injuries ? 9 out of 10 ; small gash on forehead.

round two syrinx total ? 39 out of 50


oddity ? 49 out of 100

chrysanthe ? 84 out of 100

syrinx ? 84 out of 100

And the winner is...
Chrysanthe and Syrinx! Since Syrinx is one of the winners and fought to blind Oddity, he succeeds in his endeavor. Oddity must give up by either fleeing, passing out, or submitting and may no longer participate in this siege.

oddity - blinded in his right eye, puncture wounds along his scruff and puncture wounds to his left forelimb (will take five ooc days to heal), gashes along right hind limb (will take one ooc week to heal), cuts along his right armpit (will take three ooc days to heal).

chrysanthe - nothing.

syrinx - gash above left eye (will take three ooc days to heal).

sei - watch your clarity and powerplaying. make sure to specify as much as you possibly can, acknowledge every attack thrown at your characters, allow other participants in the fight to react to your character's movements before making too many of them, and be sure to realistically dodge when you do.

seren - you lacked mostly in attacks/defenses so try to incorporate as many defenses as you can think of into your posts. otherwise, great job!

lu - you tripped up at the end because of your failure to mention odd's slam attack, so be sure to acknowledge every attack thrown at your characters. your posts were very fluent and easy to follow along and your defenses were up to par.

[ judging by aly ]


10-27-2013, 11:56 PM
permission to pp seph given by dragon.
next fight starts at third paragraph.
since riv didn't post her second round yet, i attempted to have artemis do the same thing she did with seph: draw riv away from her current fight. therefore, i've made this artemis vs rivaxorus instead of artemis and isardis vs tidus and rivaxorus. if you have any questions, sei, feel free to skype me.

The brute?s skull would thrash back and forth to lightly tear at the excess rolls of flesh and fur at the base of her neck, causing the adolescent?s lips to unfurl over gluttonous incisors in a display of irritation and utmost fury. Her chest would succeed in impacting that of her adversary?s, the force of her entire mass knocking him backwards and onto his spine beneath her. Forelimbs would ground themselves on either side of the male?s skull and hind limbs would spread equally on either side of his abdomen to limit his leeway of escape, desiring to keep him in the vulnerable position she had forced him into for as long as she possibly could. Jaws would fail to encase the vital jugular of her opponent as they had intended to, instead locking upon the area where his right shoulder and neck met, penetrating deep beyond the surface of his flesh. Before she could unhinge her jaws to relinquish her obtained grip upon the male, pain seared through the upper right portion of her neck as her adversary?s teeth plunged approximately two-thirds of the way beneath the rolls of fat encumbering her neck, extracting an audible growl from the viper as she felt the puncture wounds bubble with blood. The male did not end his assault there, however, for it was then that he delivered a forceful kick to her shielded underbelly, bruising it there accordingly and causing the babe?s abdomen to retract slightly in recoil.

With a desire to end this match swiftly to keep her injuries at a minimum, the babe would lift her right forepaw from its position pressed against the earth, sliding it up towards the male?s neck and applying pressure against it as her paw-pads breached the area above his windpipe, intending to hinder the male?s breathing and threaten his life. As the muffled chokes of her adversary resounded in her ears to indicate the success of her attack, pride rushed through her interior and a sick smirk contorted her countenance, only elongating across her velvet lips as the brute released the side of her neck and his body went limp with submission, announcing the ruthless adolescent as the winner. Stomping on his windpipe in one final act of contempt, the wench removed herself from her position above her opponent and relinquished her grasp upon his shoulder, backpedalling a few steps before throwing a snarl in the direction of her defeated opponent.

Although she had managed to defeat one of the opposing team members, there were numerous others battling upon the bloodied field that she wished pummel, mismatched gaze scanning the hectic scene in search for her next opponent. Pupils locked upon the pallid form of the Glaciem king interlocked in combat between two other assailants, breaching the decision to even out the match as she targeted the tawny female to Isar?s right (Rivaxorus). Elongated limbs pumped swiftly as the adolescent tore off in an attempt to close the distance between she and her target, seeking to approach from behind the female at a forty-five degree angle from her (Riv?s) right haunch. Meanwhile, the babe would secure her defenses as she made her hopeful approach, her skull lowering over her breast to shield her neck from grasping and drawing back slightly to bunch excess flesh around her neck, ears pinning against her crown and eyes narrowing to thin but visible slits. Shoulders would roll forward to provide the base of her neck with rolls of fat, hackles would raise, jaws would unhinge and lips would peel back to expose bleached incisors as her tail would tuck between her hind limbs to shield her underbelly and her chin would tuck against the curvature of her neck. Limbs would attempt to remain equidistant apart throughout her sprinting to keep her weight evenly distributed among them, knees bending to lower her center of gravity, toes splaying across the earth, and nails biting into the soil for traction.

If/when she was within striking distance of her opponent, forelimbs would push up off of the earth and outstretch before her chest, left forelimb seeking to hook around Riv?s lower back while her right forepaw would attempt something more ambitious, grounded hind limbs squared in an attempt to maintain her balance. The babe would expose the tough bone of her right heel in an attempt to slam it into the lower portion of Riv?s right-sided ribs (lower portion meaning the ribs located at the bottom of Riv?s ribcage), intending to break or fracture the targeted bones with the combined force of her hopeful hit and weight that had shifted towards her front half during her attack. The viper would attempt to throw her weight onto her opponent?s back by aiming to hit the bottom of her own chest along the lower portion of Riv?s back, hoping to force the other onto her stomach beneath her. Meanwhile, eager jaws would target the center of her opponent?s spinal cord, skull angled slightly to the left as she attempted to wrap her jaws around the bones located at the center of Riv?s spine, the pressure applied behind her intended bite hopeful in breaking the bones they wished to grasp. Defenses would remain secured throughout her attack and attention would reside upon her current fight and surroundings, wishing to take no chances during the war.




move ONE of TWO

ATTACK rearing back onto her hind limbs as she approaches from behind riv at a forty-five degree angle from her right haunch, forelimbs outstretched before her body with the intentions of wrapping her left forelimb around riv's lower back and her right forepaw seeking to slam into riv's lower right-sided ribs, hoping to fracture the bones located there with the combined force of her hit and weight. attempt to throw her weight onto riv by attempting to hit the bottom of her chest along riv's lower back, jaws angling towards the left in an attempt to wrap around the center of riv's spinal cord to break the bones located there.

DEFENSE head lowered, neck bunched, ears pinned, eyes narrowed, shoulders rolled, hackles raised, jaws parted/teeth exposed, tail tucked, chin tucked, limbs spread equidistant apart, knees bent, toes splayed, nails biting into soil for traction. as she rears back, she squares her hind limbs to maintain her balance upon them.

INJURIES [ from previous fight: half-inch deep puncture wounds to scruff, bruised underbelly, two-thirds-inch deep puncture wounds to upper right neck ] first round.



10-28-2013, 07:23 AM

Preoccupied with the assault he faced, Isardis would have had no opportunity to notice the going-ons between Sendoa and Taurig; however perhaps if he had, the pale king would have wasted not a breath to issue the blue babe with his nearing death. To betray was one crime, but to wound and thieve the vital pulsing of the albinos jugular, his life-line, his adore? it was the last straw, and the betraying fool?s existence would be short lived. Regardless, the albino ghoul would leave no room for distractions; attentions focused to that of the unwise monochrome virile as skull would land against the structures of Tidus? left face, mind craving the results of his next attack as brain would swiftly begin to brew over.

It seemed however, that a splitting of pain near his shoulder would come accompanied by the thump of a woman who he had failed to notice coming earlier; her body tossed against his side as the man would find himself somewhat alarmed, however chosing to embrace the moment as he fleetingly allowed her impact to toss both their weight towards Tidus; left shoulder loosely sent towards Tidus? own left blade as he attempted to use the angled momentum of Rivaxorus? body-power, hinds uncoiling. The girl threatened to distract him, however suddenly his foremost opponent would drop, and before thinking it through any more, Isardis would lunge towards his foolish form (snout pointed towards Tidus' left stomach), now seemingly sprawled belly-up, and aim a rapid attack of flashing canines towards the softest structures of his exposed lower abdomen; where he would attempt to dig into the vital organs behind the ribs and hold as the beast would possibly continue to roll away from him; hoping that he would persist onwards and cause unknowing and critical damage to himself before standing.

It seemed his forward motions towards Tidus would excuse him unknowingly from the red womans blow, however a pale Amenti vulpess that had recently captured his attentions would engage within his aide; a mental note creasing about the folds of his mind as he promised to remember her. He would attempt to stick close to the foolish man, angled snout-to-left-side, hinds pivoting, somewhat puzzled by his willingness to expose vitals in a sluggish attempt at maneuverability. Their angles had shifted since initiation, and so upon the lifting of his bodice the polar opponent?s attempt at reaching a hind limb would be proven unsuccessful as Isardis would strive to follow the momentum of his skull; elbows still dropped from his previous attack as a fleeting bite would be felt clasping the skin between his left forelimb and the creased fat deposit of his frontal chest.

A yelping of painful offense would claw from the jaws of the now blood-thirsty King; narrowed rubies calculating a vicious bite to the offenders eyes as elegant skull would rotate significantly right, ambitious to send gleaming orifice an educated distance apart as he would strive to fittingly sink upper canines into Tidus? left eye socket and a lower canine into the mans right simultaneously; seen as an attempted grasp downwards and over the face, willing to try and pivot his jaw until he felt them fall into place. If the boy wanted to play with fire he would learn to get burned; Isardis never fought with low intentions- it was all or nothing, and so he would so ambitiously strive to take both the brujos eyes, or completely eliminate his vision. Defenses would still stand; limbs square, weight equal, spine aligned, tail tucked, abdomen tense, elbows bent, chest slightly lowered, toes splayed, claws digging for traction, shoulders rolled, chin tucked flush against throat to prevent any access to jugular, hackles raised, ears pinned, eyes narrowed, jaws ready.

Isardis vs. Tidus ? Round 2 of 3!

For both eyes/blinding.

Defenses: Clearly listed in last para.

Attacks: Aiming to use Riv?s force of her sideways push to hit Tidus? left shoulder blade with Isars left shoulder blade; the momentum of him moving away causing Rivs bite to miss. Tidus then drops to roll and Isardis leaps towards him in an attempt to stay close, aiming a vicious bite to the exposed abdomen as Tidus is rolling; striving to latch and hold onto the soft vitals of his flesh and organs (positioned Isars snout to Tidus? stomach/left when standing). I got quite confused with the clarity of some angles here, but Isardis then aims a blow to both of Tidus? eyes in an attempt to completely blind- rotating skull downwards and to the right to try and latch over the top of the face and into the sockets.

Injuries: Very slightly bruised right side, torn skin and fat between shoulder and neck on left, minor bite would to fat layer on leftward chest and very top of left forelimb. Angles were a bit weird on the last one, so I just played it as if Isar?s front-ways angle exposed his forelimb/chest more so than anything; he should have had plenty of time to react to Tidus' roll.


10-28-2013, 07:43 AM

There wasn't much Lova could do about any of this, her flesh teared and she simply let out a small snuff of a growl. It wasn't much because of her thick coat, the russian woman jerked her head(or at least attempted) to the right to tear off flesh from where she had grabbed him. Though suddenly feeling teeth near the back of her neck she reared up on her hind legs in an attempt to thwart the girl off. Back claws digging into the ground as her shoulder still rolled inward would make it difficult for the black bitch to get a hold on her. Lova shook from left to right to try and confuse the girl suddenly dropping down in another attempt. Her ears still pinned to the back of her head, and eyes narrowed as she tucked her tail.
Lova twisted her head around to try and grab any source of fur on the right side of the dame, and tear it off. Even if she could get a hold she would force her effort to throw the black fae forward. Her muscles tightening as she scrunched up her scruff, rolling it forward as she tried to pull the female off.

3/3 bronze and midnight for seige.
Attack:; Jerking her head to the right, then throwing herself about to try and get midnight off while biting at whatever she can on her right side.

Defense:; Scruff rolled to prevent large bite wound, eyes narrowed, tail tucked ears pinned. Back toes clawing into the dirt.

Injuries:; Slighty tearing on left side, irritation on her cheek. Quarter inch wound on back of neck with slightly missing fur.




10-28-2013, 08:09 AM

ooc:; Riv is going to still try and attack Isar, and use Artemis in order to do so. ATTEMPT to anyway. So I will put round 2.
To her dismay her jaws would miss completely of the male, how he thwarted the attack she did not know, even from her momentum it seemed odd. As soon as she felt the warmth of another wolf, she dropped nearly sinking completely to the ground. Riv was not an idiot, she had more experience than the world could offer to her. As Artemis' weight caused her to throw herself forward, Riv backed up slowly scratches beginning on her lower portions(as well as painful bruising) as she tried to raise herself up and forward and hopefully, painfully pushing the girl straight into Isardis who had tried to escape her grasp. Jaws that tried to grab hold of her, only scratched the top of her neck ripping fur off of those portions. Her hackles bristles with rage, as she rose herself again over the smaller girl. If she had succeed with her attack her weight would fall forward again. Assuming that if Artemis at least rolled over her and landing on Riv's left side, if not hitting Isar, she would possibly be able to slam herself into the girl in an attempt to press her into the ground or throw her even more forward into a roll.
The viscous lady kept her ears pinned back, chin slightly lowered to her chest as she rolled her scruff forward. She raised her two front paws in an attempt to press them against Artemis' chest or between her shoulders if she were on the ground. Jaws splaying to get to try and get to the tender parts of her neck and make the lady pass out. Pushing herself on the girl, if she could, would also throw her head up if her bite were to hit its mark. Making the girl(or try to) run into Isardis yet again. Rivaxorus nearly wasn't even there any more, her stomach muscles tightened and toes splayed out within the dirt. Tail tucked between her legs as she let her plans out fold. Her eyes narrowed and locked now on Artemis.

2/3 Artemis and Isar

Attack:; Ducking, she tries to push her weight suddenly up and forward with the help of Artemis' momentum in the hopes of thrusting her into Isar's right side or under his legs. She then tries to pummel herself into artmeis once more and raise her paws to pin her down. If she succeeds then splaying out her jaws to reach for the tender parts of her neck to make her pass out, and throw her at Isar for more distraction in those attempts.

Defense:; Scruff rolled forward, toes splayed into the dirt. Ears pinned to the back of her neck and chin tucked slightly inward. Her tail is tucked and stomach muscles tightened eyes narrowed and locked on Artemis.

Injuries:; Scratching and bruising across lower half towards her back, small lacerations on back of neck as well as ripped fur from jaws.




10-28-2013, 11:08 AM
The alpha had heard her challenge, had hoped that someone would intercept the way they had Syrinx, or that there was a member of her own coucil that would respond - but it would seem that the others were wrapped up in their own battles. She had not taken an injury in her last fight, and her brother had gotten out with little done to his own person. Whatever he decided to do he was free to do it - she had business to attend to.

Chrysanthe would waste no time to lock eyes with the albino woman. She had seen her when she re-positioned herself to glance at more of the battlefield while in her fight with the dark male. Honestly it hadn't been much of a fight on her part - as the brute had decided to go after Syrinx instead of she or even Sephiroth. She had issued a challenge, and it went unanswered - Chrysanthe did not yet know the effects of such a thing, but she would be livid once she knew. For now, she would respond to the woman with the little pit of rage that Glaciem had raised from her before the battle - and by now she was ready to fight, adrenaline pumping, mindset completely switched to destroy and this had been the woman who had called for her.

She would approach her swiftly, her feet carrying her toward the female. The alpha would try to approach her from an angle, facing the woman's right side and hopefully somewhat from behind. After bounding toward the dark brute to try and slam into him while her brother was facing down Isardis, it put her on a more forward angle of the battlefield. Hopefully she would succeed in her placement. "Sorry I was a bit... preoccupied." She would say, responding to the bitches earlier bark. And that would be all of the warning that the pretty thing got before Chrysanthe would launch her attack.

Although she was shorter than the woman, she was more muscled than the lithe beauty. Hopefully she would be able to use that against her at least somewhat. Her feet would carry her at a sprint toward the woman's right side, where she would lunge at her opponent. Both of her front paws would leave the ground as she attempted to slam into her opponent's side, and her back legs would follow, as she was throwing all of her weight into this attack. Her front paws would attempt to find balance on the woman's back, and also try to claw painfully into the flesh of her opponent's back. Chrysanthe would not let herself loose speed with her approach. She hoped to crash into the other with enough force to throw her balance off - and possibly toss the tall, regal female to the ground where she could try to continue her assault. With her head lowered, she snapped her gaping jaws, attempting to grab onto the taller woman's lower back on her right side. Even if she managed to topple the woman she would try to hold onto any flesh that she might have, in an attempt to rip it away from her using the force of her fall.

Her eyes were narrowed, her ears pinned, and her hackles raised with fury that this war was still raging on. Her tail acted like a rudder behind her to try and keep herself balanced. Her muscles were tense, especially her back legs - as the alphess was hoping that she could use them to ground herself after trying to knock the woman over. Her stomach was clenched, both in anticipation for the fight, and to protect it as much as possible since it was somewhat accessible with her lunge, Rolled shoulders would protect the sides of her neck, and if she succeeded in her positioning her vitals would be well away from the woman's jaws.

defenses: eyes narrowed, ears pinned, hackles raised, jaws agape, head lowered over throat, tail positioned for balance, back legs squared, shoulders rolled, stomach clenched, muscles tense, attempting to position herself away from Impra's jaws, attempting to use Impra to keep herself somewhat balanced

attacks: attempting to slam into Impra and get her to the ground, attempting to bite into the right side of Impra's back, attempting to use her claws to cause some pain to Impra's back

injuries: none.

vs. Impra for Impra

round 1 of ???



10-28-2013, 11:37 AM

It was odd how with one simple movement his attack could be completely thrown off. Fangs dug in a bit farther back than his destination, and all he got out of it was some tuffs of fur. He quickly spit them out, but before he could react she was on him. It made him realize how much he truly hated fighting, and why he never did it in the first place. Her shoulder slammed into his right side, and her teeth purchased his scruff. It was obvious she was going for his spine, he had seen this move when Adette turned lethal against Gerhardt. His lips curled into a snarl as pain surged through his body. "I need my goddamn plants right now..." He would think to himself. He could feel her teeth digging deeper and deeper into his flesh, and if he didn't want a damaged spinal cord, he would need to give.

His defenses did not drop in fear that she might attack again, but it was obvious that he was giving in. He did not fight back, instead he merely stood there while she had a bundle of his flesh in her mouth. "I give, I give!" He would screech behind clenched jaws. "I never wanted to fight you, I was just sent to help. I had to answer your challenge. I'm so sorry if I hurt you." He would say softly. If she remembered him from their first encounter than she should know that he was not lying. A heavy sigh would press through clenched teeth as eyelids closed. he was now property of Glaciem, along with Bronze and Cormalin. What in the hell should he do now? Maverick was going to be pissed.




9 Years
10-28-2013, 06:54 PM
Alsander Grey

Alsander was aware of Caerul?s victory over the raven lassie, of his joining in to help bring down this woman. He was even more aware of her teeth digging in, of the tearing sensation as she managed to turn her head a bit. However, she gave up as he went for her face, going limp, head falling back to the ground. Her muzzle was well painted by his blood, and he felt every ache in his body throbbing with his pulse, but he couldn?t let it show.

Caerul went for her leg, and Alsander gave a short bark, narrowing his eyes at his brother. ?She submits. Let her be.? He raised himself, gold and green eyes peering into the emeralds of the defeated. ?You fought well. Now get out of here.? Irish baritone was brusque, and he removed himself from her. His leg throbbed, silver fur below the wound soaked crimson from his own blood. He knew better than to fight on the leg. But Surreal was over there, fighting alongside a grey male, against one of the Glaciem wolves. His father was fighting a strangely marked female. There was an older male, beige in color, going up against a small grey and white lass.

Syrinx and Chrysanthe had just come out victorious against a dark male. His leg throbbed painfully, and he pulled from the fight with a reluctant sigh. Fighting on the leg would possibly render him useless for the Pack. He?d risk hurting it worse, or a wolf attacking the already weak point. So he slipped away, toward Erani?s den. But he would be back.

-Exit unless stopped-

Fight Stats

Round: Fight Over



Injuries: Severe injury to leg, gashes to thigh, scratches to face, bruises to side and... ummm. (I'm very tired... And can't recall the rest of the injuries.)

Out Of Character Notes: Sander didn't see her attempt to kick his balls. He felt her muscles contracting and her body heaving. Also, ya gotta remember that this is also a semi-realistic site. A lot of the moves I've seen done in spars and fights aren't something that I've seen in wolf Documentaries.
I will be bringing a different character in, should Sander exit successfully. Just.... have to figure out who. xD


10-28-2013, 06:58 PM
TO THE JUDGE -- please read the ooc note at the end of the attack/defense/injury summary as it is very important in regards to this post and riv's.
also, i'm assuming this is now a 2 v 2, and the posting order should be: tidus, isardis, rivaxorus, artemis (at least to my knowledge).

She had reared back onto her hinds, hoping to remain out of plain sight by positioning herself at a forty-five degree angle from her adversary?s right haunch, but still her opponent managed to react to her presence before she had even made impact with the tawny lass. Narrowed eyes would flash with fury as her current adversary lowered her body to avoid Artemis? attempt to throw her weight onto the woman?s lower back, right paw failing to connect with the woman?s targeted right-sided ribs for reasons the adolescent could not fathom and left forepaw touching back against the earth on Riv?s left side so that her own abdomen loomed over her adversary?s (since Artemis had aimed to wrap her left forelimb around the left side of Riv?s lower back during her previous attack). As her adversary shuffled backwards, causing Artemis? incisors to barely graze the top of the woman?s neck, Artemis would attempt to push off of her left forelimb as her weight shifted towards her hinds, hoping to ground her left forepaw back on her opponent?s right side where the remainder of her paws resided so as to reestablish her balance and remove herself from her awkward position above her opponent. It was then that her adversary chose to raise herself from her lowered position and maneuver forward, but with Artemis positioned at a forty-five degree angle from the bitch?s right haunch, she would be exempt from the woman?s attempted assaults, including the attempted bite as it was illogical for the woman to reach her neck when she (Artemis) was positioned towards the woman?s rear (realistic dodge).

Defenses would solidify as plots for her impending attack coursed through her twisted mind, mismatched gaze narrowing to thin violet and metallic slits, ears pinning back against the contours of her skull, and tail creeping between her haunches to shield her vulnerable underbelly from attack. Shoulders would roll forward to provide the base of her neck with rolls of excess flesh and fur, hackles prickling to add further protection, and neck scrunching back some to encumber the front and sides of her neck with layers of fat. Skull would lower over her breast and gaping jaws would tuck against the curvature of her neck to buffer any attempts to grasp her lower jaw, limbs spreading equidistant apart to evenly distribute her weight while her knees would bend to lower her center of gravity, toes splaying across the earth to further secure her balance while her nails clipped into the soil for traction. Satisfied with her defenses, Artemis would attempt to extend her parted jaws towards the bottom portion of her opponent?s right-sided ribs, intending to crack the bones located there with the pressure applied behind the hopeful bite she attempted to deliver to her adversary?s ribs. Simultaneously, left forepaw would lift from its position against the earth, weight shifting evenly among her three grounded limbs to maintain her balance while she attempted to hook her left forepaw around her opponent?s right hind limb, intending to yank the woman?s limb back towards her (Artemis?) body with the hopes of majorly compromising the tawny lass? balance so that she may trip and fall to the earth beneath her.




move TWO of THREE

ATTACK attempt to bite into riv's lower right-sided ribs with the intentions of breaking them, attempt to hook her left forepaw around riv's right hind limb with the intentions of pulling back towards her body to unbalance riv.

DEFENSE eyes narrowed, ears pinned, tail tucked, shoulders rolled, hackles raised, neck scrunched, head lowered, jaws parted, chin tucked, limbs spread equally apart, knees bent, toes splayed, nails clipping into soil for traction. when she lifts her left forepaw, she redistributes her weight between her three grounded limbs.

INJURIES [ from previous fight: half-inch deep puncture wounds to scruff, bruised underbelly, two-thirds-inch deep puncture wounds to upper right neck ] none this round.

OOC i would like to let the judge know that, yes, i did pp artemis by saying she hovered over riv, but all with good reason. it was assumed in riv's post that artemis flew over riv to the front of riv which was extremely unrealistic and unfair in my opinion given the fact that artemis reared onto her hinds to crash the bottom of her chest on riv's lower back. had she leapt at riv, perhaps it would have been a different, but the only logical positioning for artemis since riv dropped down to avoid artemis' attack would be to have her left forepaw touch against the ground on riv's left side, since she had attempted to wrap her left forelimb around riv's left side anyway. therefore, i did pp artemis' position slightly but i didn't have her do anything in regard to attack to make it completely unfair on riv. riv's attacks on artemis also revolved around artemis' assumed position towards the front of riv, so that is my given reason behind having artemis dodge them. sorry if anything is confusing but this post was extremely hard for me to write :/



7 Years
10-28-2013, 07:36 PM

Surreal?s teeth snapped shut on air as the target sidestepped out of harms way. A moment later, she saw the foot lift, and ducked instinctively away, though not in time to avoid deep slashes from Jet?s claws to mark the bridge of her muzzle. It was enough to jaw her slightly, but she shook it off, and saw that Jet?s belly was unprotected, and Jet was trying to wrap his front legs around Pontifex. Surreal lunged, jaws reaching for the open belly, avoiding the area where the point of his thigh could have jutted upward to smash her face. If her attempted bite succeeded, she would do her best to saw her teeth into his flesh. And then she would attempt to rip away as she leapt back, hopefully clear of attack, and hopefully taking a good amount of the enemy with her in her jaws.

Either way, she would execute the leap backward, falling into a balanced stance, chin tucking and ears flattening, eyes narrowing, and teeth bared, while her spine straightened and her tail tucked for protection, her hackles raising as her shoulders rolled forward and her neck scrunched. Toes splayed out and her claws dragged furrows in the ground before she pushed off in a fast sprint, center of gravity held low to the ground, intending to ram her weight into Jet?s rump, shoulder dropping slightly in a position to hopefully slam into his hocks, hoping to knock him down.

Her muzzle was on fire from the scratches that had reached the bone. They bled freely, but she stuck to her training and ignored the pain. A muzzle wound wasn?t a life or mobility threatening injury. Her ears remained flattened, eyes narrowing, and her tail thrust out slightly for balance, while her paws did their best to remain balance with the center of gravity. Her shoulder were rolled forward still, for added ramming strength as well as protection.

Fight Stats


Defenses: Starting Instinctively ducking at the kick. | falling into a balanced stance, chin tucking and ears flattening, eyes narrowing, and teeth bared, while her spine straightened and her tail tucked for protection, her hackles raising as her shoulders rolled forward and her neck scrunched. Toes splayed out and her claws dragged furrows in the ground before she pushed off in a fast sprint, center of gravity held low to the ground. | Secondary: Her ears remained flattened, eyes narrowing, and her tail thrust out slightly for balance, while her paws did their best to remain balance with the center of gravity. Her shoulder were rolled forward still, for added ramming strength as well as protection.

Attacks: Attempting to bite into his belly, and rip flesh away when she jumps backward. | Charging in low, intending to ram into Jet's rump area, shoulder low for an attempted ramming to his hocks.

Injuries: Four gashes to the bone on the bridge of her muzzle, bleeding freely. Will heal into clear scars.

Out Of Character Notes: Gods it took me so long to figure out something. Wolf intends to default Pontifex (Eep), so soon, She'll be on her own unless someone helps her. So sorry for being late, and thank you for not defaulting me, even though I'm late. I've been intent on Azazyl, so... I'll be better next time, I promise! XD

[Image: a5Wob8t.png]
Surreal's family is allowed to crash any thread she is in, regardless of it being private or not.

The Judge


10-28-2013, 09:56 PM


Round 1

8 for clarity. What angle did he approach Lova?

10 for powerplaying. nothing of note

5 for defenses.

4 for attack. A realistic, single attack to the scruff.

10 for injuries.First round.

Round one BRONZE Total: 37/50


7 for clarity. Where did Bronze?s attack land? I don?t think she could have hit his armit from their current angle either.

10 for powerplaying. None noted.

5 for defenses.

5 for attack. Shoulder press to throat (not very strong or realistic), attempted snap at his armpit.

10 for injuries.Shallow skin cuts and hairloss to the scruff. First round.

Round one LOVA Total: 37/50

Round 2


9 for clarity.

4 for powerplaying. ?But he pushed his body into hers?, ?Biting down tightly, he would push further into her shoulder.?

2 for defenses.

4 for attack. Single bite to the ribs.

7 for injuries. Bruising to throat/neck, bite wound to side.

Round two BRONZE Total: 26/50


6 for clarity- No specifics listed in regards to where attacks are landing and aimed etc.

10 for powerplaying.

5 for defenses.

5 for attack. Worsening damage to side, bite at ribcage.

7 for injuries.Bite wound to ribs.

Round two LOVA Total: 33/50

Round 3

8 for clarity- Nothing messy, just not very much detail to get a good idea of the going-ons.

10 for powerplaying.

3 for defenses.

3 for attack. Worsening damage to ribcage bite.

7 for injuries. Deepened wound on ribs/side.

Round three BRONZE Total: 31/50


7 for clarity- Where was her flesh tearing? Where did she aim to bite on her side?

10 for powerplaying. None noted

5 for defenses.

3 for attack. Attempting bite blindly at Midnights side.

7 for injuries.Bite wound behind the skull.

Round three LOVA Total: 32/50

8 for clarity- what angle did she approach?

6 for powerplaying. ?so when she reached the dame?, ?swinging her body so it lay along side the dames facing the same direction as the girl?.

6 for defenses.

4 for attack. Bite towards the nape behind the skull.

10 for injuries. None.

Round three MIDNIGHT Total: 34/50


BRONZE: 94/150 (divided by 3) = 31.3

LOVA: 102/150 (divided by 3) = 34


And the winner is...

MIDNIGHT & LOVA! Bronze is now knocked out of The Siege.

Because this is a draw, Midnight and Lova may choose to continue their fight for ONE more round. The winner of this round will determine who is the final victor. The posting order being: Midnight, Lova.

Midnight has two days to make her response, or the challenge will default in Lova's favour.


Tips for both writing, and some suggestions. (no points are deducted here)
Good fight! Nyx I suggest watching your PP and add in more defenses.

Seimei, you would score really well if you could also add a couple more defences in and incorporate more complex attacks.
- By [YUMPY]


10-29-2013, 12:33 AM
Midnight held her bite firm as the girl reared, letting her front legs lift her full weight hanging from her jaws and balanced on her two hind legs she hoped this would pull open the wound more allowing more blood to flow, she dug her claws deeper into the soil and her tail came out from under her body trying to balance the upright stance. As the girl shook her head thrashing to free herself Midnights teeth slipped slightly and she tried to bite down on a smaller area, she hoped more damage had been done by the girls own movement but could not be sure. Midnight snarled bringing her front legs up hoping to push the girl away and at the same time draw her head back to try and pull free any flesh she still held. The girl dropped and midnight released her hold, she had been thrown from her position beside the girl, into a position which exposed her right shoulder to the dames flashing teeth. The moment Midnight released she returned to the offensive trying to strike again further down the girls body her teeth aimed for the girls shoulder, she would bight harder this time attempting to reach the muscles which lay beneath of the thick white grey fur.

A searing pain caught her unaware as teeth sunk into the fur over her right shoulder and it began to tear away she tried to mimic the girls movements as the male before her had but it was no longer a waltzing dance but a wild jig and she had no chance, the fur tore free. It hurt a sharp stabbing ache that came in waves but the muscles below had only been minorly damaged, she would have a limp but it would not be serious. The moment the skin ripped away she tried to turn her body so that it lay at right angles to the dames own, she also tucked her head closer to her chest trying to guard her throat from the response she knew would come, if she had managed to catch any part of the girls body between her jaws she will shake her head in an attempt to deepen any wound she may leave, or preferably tear loose the flesh that she holds.

She had lost track of the male opposite and could only hope that he had inflicted some damage of his own. Her fore paws had re-established contact with the ground and she tensed the muscles once more, it made her shoulder scream in agony and she choked down a whimper. She ready to leap away from the blow when it undoubtedly came.

Midnight Vs. Lova for Seige
Round 2 / 2
Defences:| Eyes narrowed, head lowered over his chest and pulled in to protect throat, claws digging into ground, low centre of gravity, flattened ears, tail tucked, Body at right angles to the opponents body( if successful), muscles tensed to spring away if needed
Attacks:: rebiting the area on the neck to sure up contact, pulling head back to tear of neck flesh, striking at the woman?s right shoulder, shaking head to try and tear shoulder flesh free or deepen the wound.
Injuries: skin and fur removed from right shoulder causes pain and slight limp some inhibition of right leg use
KO's Achieved: 0/5