


10-26-2013, 08:31 PM (This post was last modified: 10-26-2013, 08:39 PM by Sendoa.)

Almost as soon as her paws crossed the border she would whirl around and face him, eyes narrowing and lip curling ever so slightly. ?Do you have a death wish, Taurig?? The boy had been a fool to show up at such a scene, much less to show up and steal the third most highly ranking member of Glaciem - an enemy pack. What exactly possessed him to think that this had been a wise move? What made him think that he had gained anything out of all of this? She had been forced to make a decision that she was positive would hurt her brother in some way, and now here she was - out of harm's way but very far from doing any real good for Glaciem whom she still owed her loyalty. Her tail twitched irritatedly, not particularly at him - but rather at the situation as a whole. She loved Isardis to the moon and back but that didn't mean she agreed with or was proud of the decisions he had made as of late. Perhaps he would hate her for going, for allowing herself to be stolen away (though she doubted he would know she let herself be taken, for he had been involved in a fight of his own), or perhaps he would think of her as smart for offering herself as a martyr and keeping Taurig from the battle. Which way his mind would sway.. she had no way of guessing. She could only wait and hope it would be the latter - and that she could possibly, by some miracle, talk some sense into her pallid brother.




5 Years
Extra large
10-26-2013, 08:42 PM

In terms of a smart decision, this was probably not one of his smartest, like the claiming of Tortuga. It had gained him his sire as an enemy, as well as the pack that the ghost ruled, but now that some time had passed since then, the cobalt Re had found himself not regretting his decision. Had he not decided to leave glaciem, he would've probably been forced to fight in the seige right now against the wolves of Valhalla and Seracia. By leaving Glaciem, he had showed the pallid monster that he wasn't always right, if at all. That not everyone was a willing servant to him, especially his own flesh and blood. And now he had taken a prized thing from the albino; Sendoa. He knew how much his aunt meant to the beast and what better way to ruin him that take something precious. It wasn't right to think of his aunt as a thing but that was probably how Isardis saw her. Taurig didn't see his aunt as an expandable weapon, a pawn. She was his family. A friend.

As expected, the minute they laid paws on Tortuga soil, Sendoa was reprimanding him. Do you have a death wish, Taurig? A smirk would tug at the edges of his kissers, ebony limbs pulling him in front of his aunt. Not necessarily, but one has already been given to me by your dear brother, so technically you can say that I do. There was a hint of sarcasm to his words. What did it matter that he would tick the Ice King off even more? He already hated him, this was only adding fuel to the fire. Isardis wouldn't harm Tortuga, of that he would make sure of. If he wanted the Re's head, then he was by all means welcome to try and get it.

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10-26-2013, 08:54 PM

She was frustrated to say the least, but there was little she could do about it now. She had made her decision, however foolish Isardis might see it. A sigh fell from her lips as he assured her that he didn't necessarily have a death wish, but that Isardis certainly wanted his head. ?Didn't anyone ever tell you not to poke a hornet's nest? He would have let all this go with the scars on your face.. but now he's going to want blood.? And mine's just as red as yours... she would add in her head. Isardis would hate her, she just knew it. Perhaps there was a chance she could make him understand, but it would be slim at best. Oh, what a mess her life had become. She rocked onto her haunches, ?And why in hell did you have to barrel me over to get your message across? It's not as if my head's as thick as some other wolves we know.? Perhaps Isardis needed his head knocked around to let him know that he ought not let his pride rule his every decision, but Sendoa was always open to conversation when it could help the situation. The ebbing pain in her side had calmed to a dull stiffness, and she knew it would be gone in a day or two - at least it wouldn't leave her with a limp for half a season like the last quarrel she'd been in.




5 Years
Extra large
10-26-2013, 09:05 PM

He could tell that she was somewhat frustrated, or irritated. It was coming off of her in waves. And how could she not be. He had just taken her from the pack that she had sworn her allegiance too and now the Ice King was sure to hate her like he hated him. Perhaps not nearly with the same intensity, but he would be extremely upset with Sendoa. Whereas with him, he would want his head on a pike, considering he had betrayed Isardis and now taken one of his most important wolves. Oh well. All is far in war. Didn't anyone ever tell you not to poke a hornet's nest? He would have let all this go with the scars on your face.. but now he's going to want blood. Let it go? The cobalt Re scoffed at her words. There was no way the Ice King had let his past discretion go. It wasn't in his nature. Don't give me hope for something that would've never happened Sen. We both know he would've tried to kill me that day I claimed Tortuga if you hadn't managed to stop him. Since I left, my blood is the only thing that will sate his hatred for me, regardless if I had taken you or not.

Now thinking about it as he allowed his haunches to fold beneath him to sit like the blue woman, it would dawn on him that he had potentially put his aunt in the line of fire. She could very well take care of herself, possibly hand Isardis' ass to him, but she wouldn't fight him like she hadn't fought him. But Taurig would. If the bastard intended to come and hurt his aunt, he would stand in her place and duel with the beast until his last breath. He had caused all the trouble so far and he wouldn't let anyone take the fall for him. And why in hell did you have to barrel me over to get your message across? It's not as if my head's as thick as some other wolves we know And just like that the air around them would become relaxed, a sheepish smile curling his dark lips at her words. See I thought I would have to fight with you in order to get you to come along, so that's why I barreled into you, but had I known that you wouldn't strike against me, I probably would've used a gentler method to get your attention. There was amusement to his words as he stepped forward, taking her left ear between his teeth and gently tugging it; a familiar sign of affection from the Re.

I've missed you, you know. He said now a bit more quietly as he pulled away from her to sit down again. Although he would've preferred different circumstances to get her here, he was glad that she had come with him. He had missed her dearly.

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10-26-2013, 09:19 PM

Perhaps Isardis wouldn't have let it go very easily, but he had so keenly switched his attention and hatred to Valhalla that Sendoa was sure he wouldn't have even though of Taurig for quite some time. Not while Valhalla presented a much more appealing target. Still, eventually his frustration would have switched back to the Re of Tortuga and they would be right where they were now.. except Sendoa would be on the Glaciem side of the spectrum. What would have happened then? She would have had to directly ignore orders from her brother, she would have had to betray him in order to keep from fighting against Taurig. That would have been an even more difficult decision than this one. ?But I did manage to stop him, and I could have again...? if only I hadn't just broken his trust. There was little chance of him ever being swayed by her opinion again. She would relax as they discussed his methods of getting her here - one of which she hadn't expected from him but certainly amused her nonetheless. She chuckled as he explained the reasoning behind his bull maneuver - he had sincerely thought she'd put up more of a fight. ?I hope I didn't disappoint you by coming quietly,? she would murmur with amusement. It wasn't something she was accustomed to doing, but deep down she had her reasons. He would close in and tug at her ear, letting her know he missed her. With a sigh she would almost resentfully admit, ?I've missed you too. Your father forbade us to see you, though that doesn't mean I haven't thought of you often.? More often than I'd care to admit. With a sigh she would allow her tail to curl around her hips. ?I hope you're prepared, Taurig. His pride is unrelenting.? There was no way in hell Isardis would leave her here, unless of course he disowned her as well - which could very well be a likely solution for the pale man if he believed this to be a betrayal. Of course, his feelings would all be determined on the plans she had made on the battlefield and the way here - and whether or not he took to them like she hoped he would.




5 Years
Extra large
10-31-2013, 07:48 PM

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He didn't know if Isardis would really come for him and Tortuga, but it was a very real possibility. Isardis was just that much of a bastard that if someone he wanted was no longer under his control, then no one and nothing else could have them. It was a ridiculous notion to think that he could own the entire world. He was one solitary wolf and there was certainly something wrong up inside his head. There was really no remedy for the crazy Ice King, except to try and deal with him to the best of one's abilities. There wasn't much else that one could do with him. But I did manage to stop him, and I could have again...[/i] A serious look would crease the Re's features at her words. Do you really believe that Sen? His voice would take on a low, serious tone. There was just no way she really thought she would be able to stop him, unless she got physical with him. After this, there was no guarantee that Isardis would ever listen to her again.

[u]I hope I didn't disappoint you by coming quietly.
The seriousness would be tossed aside as a half smile would curl the titan's lips, skull shaking in a silent no. If anything, he was more than glad that she had come quietly. He never wanted to raise a paw against his aunt if he could help it. I've missed you too. Your father forbade us to see you, though that doesn't mean I haven't thought of you often. I hope you're prepared, Taurig. His pride is unrelenting. He was glad to know that Sendoa still thought of him, even though she wasn't supposed to be anywhere near him while she was still allegedly loyal to him. If I wasn't prepared I wouldn't have taken you.

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10-31-2013, 08:09 PM

'Do you really believe that Sen?' ?I don't know,? she would murmur. But I'd try until I died. In all honestly she doubted she'd ever have the same amount of pull on Isardis that she'd once had, but there was a chance that he could grow to love and trust her again if she could only talk Taurig into releasing her. It wasn't as if she were a prisoner, she'd simply been claimed. There was a difference, wasn't there? Surely there was. But those thoughts ceased as their conversation traveled to a far more tranquil subject. He seemed confident - almost too confident - and she wondered if it was his youth that made him feel so powerful against his sire. Sure, he'd stood up against a simple maim, but did he truly know his father's strength? Sendoa knew that she didn't even know the strength of Isardis - no one could fully measure it. ?It's hard for anyone to prepare to knowingly butt heads with their own sire. I trust you knew what you were doing, but I'll never be sure you fully anticipated the consequences.? Had he understood what risks he'd taken on by bowling her over? Not only could she have attacked him or even killed him, but now he would likely have a bounty on his head. He would certainly at the very least be put on the top of Isardis' hit list - if not worse. Did he understand the weight of all of this? She sighed. ?But alas, we can breathe for today at least. I know he won't have regathered his strength so quickly - even if the siege has ended.? She gazed at him, emerald eyes meeting topaz. ?Our time together may be limited, let's make the most of it. Show me your home, Taur.?
