
The outsider


09-08-2013, 01:22 PM

She'd sliver around the willow tree's secured into the shadows. The youth was merely strolling, kissing the grounds beneath her paws. The small streams make the most beautiful, peaceful noise that perhaps only the autumn dame would understand. She was alone, but happy- well as much as an orphan could possibly be. Her nose would trail inches above the soil, to inhale whomever may of crossed recently. Autumn gave the maiden a rest from hiding, finding water frequently to cool down her system and now, the air would have a slight breeze brushing against her slender bodice. A sigh would escape the ebony lips, her beauty never really catching the eye. Not because she wasnt a sight, but because she never strays close to others to get the chance to see her properly. Laying down upon the ground would Poppy relax and put a single paw over her maw, half tempted to just fall asleep on the spot.

ooc: Sorry for the short start, other people insist on booting me of.

Table by Pann, Image by Jolee


10-28-2013, 03:28 AM
The cool breeze of the autumn season cast itself upon the young male. He reveled in the coolness, as it meant winter would approach soon. And winter of course, was his favorite season. He wanted so badly to feel the cool snow under his paws, but alas he would have to wait for the opportunity. If he could join an ice pack he would do so in an instant, but of course the only two packs that resided in the North were ones that had completely different views and morals then he did. One was run by power hungry women, the other by power hungry and prided beasts that he would steer clear of. Both he would keep away from in fact, not wanting to risk himself in their presence. Though he had scented the scent of Glaciem upon his mom, he hoped she wasn't an actual part of their pack. He wanted to see her again, but knew not where exactly she was...and he would not go near the Glaciem borders to find out.

After several minutes of walking, Byakuro would weave in and out of the danglings fingers of the trees until he came to a stop. Panting, he'd cast his gaze about for water, as his throat would plead with him for a drink. He would turn to another direction to seek water, and it was then he'd turn his sights upon another that walked the same lands as he. Curious, the young male would approach with caution, wondering who she might be. "Hello there, my name is Byakuro. May I ask what yours is?" He would inquire politely, soft vocals drifting eagerly and relaxed in the air before them.


11-16-2013, 06:08 PM

OOC: Sorry for how late this is!

The small cranium would raise level with her shoulder blades, watching a figure loom closer. She was not that fond of strangers, especially males. It wasn't that she had anything against them, but more of the fact that she gets timid of what they may do. For a moment Poppy would take the time to look upon the water, staring at her reflection, before detaching and pinning upon the brute. " What do you want? has no one ever told you to never talk to strangers."

Her tail would swish slightly to the side, before giving into a light smile. " im Poppy, member of Tortuga." The first time she had sought out the place it was under a different rule, newt. The woman had taken Poppy in as her own, and for that the dame would be greatful. Though there where still others to meet. Like her newest edition to the family- the pups, as well as alsander and ameiva.

Table by Pann, Image by Jolee


11-27-2013, 09:43 PM
He would watch her reaction, and it seemed to him that she was hesitant. He waited patiently, his tail wagging slightly behind his gleaming white body as he waited for her to speak. It only took a few moments for him to get a response, though not one he was expecting. "What do you want? has no one ever told you to never talk to strangers." His ears splayed back as he glanced away, like a pup being scolded. He bit his lip for a second before responding, he hadn't ever been told that. Having only been growing up with his father, and with his mother out of the picture, he was usually independent and fending for himself. His old pack was close to each other, and when Byakuro's father became gravely ill he came here to find his mother. Well, he had found her...but she was in a pack, and it just so happened to be his packs enemy.

" be honest, no. You see, I grew up without my Mother, and my Father was always busy. I came to these lands not too long ago in search of my Mother, because my Father has fallen gravely ill...I just thought that it would be a good opportunity to introduce myself before approaching. Common courtesy, y'know?" his ears perked forward again, a kindness in his eyes as he glanced at her. "So you're in Tortuga? Well, perhaps we can become friends! I just joined, so it would be a good opportunity, don't you think?"