


11-01-2013, 12:18 PM

Unbridled fury wracked the typically composed adolescent, potent emotion evident in her thunderous footfalls as she maneuvered as swiftly as her robust limbs would carry her, desiring nothing more than to escape the company of her sibling and his bitch. A multitude of negative emotions swarmed through her diseased mind, and the unpleasant sensation it created within her was overwhelming especially to one who had not learned to understand or cope with feelings; that was one lesson her mother had failed to educate her on and therefore they affected her that much more. Her brother ? her own flesh and blood ? had betrayed the bond they had once shared and the viper was still uncertain as to why he had chosen to destroy something perpetual for something ephemeral as his relationship with the sable brat, and she wasn?t certain if she ever wished to understand. The only concept she could truly understand was that her brother had made a horribly wrong decision, and she had every intention of making him realize his dire mistake. Karma would strike her brother in due time, and when it did, she would be nowhere to be found.

With staggering steps courtesy of her wounded shoulder, the phantom child approached the shoreline of an expansive body of water, desiring to cleanse the inflicted wounds upon her masculine body of any dirt or grime that had managed to enter the bleeding gashes lacing her form. Figure tensed as she breached the frigid waters of the river, a soft growl rumbling her larynx in response to the cold sting the liquid provided as it pelted her pallid flesh. Reluctantly and sluggishly, the babe allowed herself to ease into a comfortable position, leaning her right shoulder into the slow current of the river as she submerged the bottom portion of her body into the water, pupils observing as the blood seeped from the puncture wounds and into the river, slightly tainting the water a deep shade of crimson. Surely the fish lurking beneath the surface would enjoy their bloodbath ? the wraith could not help but succumb to an oncoming smirk as she reveled in masochism. Devya had managed to injure her as well, but the difference between she and the sable brat was her tendency to enjoy watching the blood pour from her own form, not just her adversary?s.


11-01-2013, 02:12 PM

The Seige had been more than disappointing. The woman Abelinda had promised him that there would be plenty of bloodshed and gore, but there was hardly such a thing. The wolves there weren't looking to kill each other and rip each other limb from limb, they just wanted to take down as many of the opposing side as possible, which was pretty fucking stupid if you asked Demyan. He had managed to sink his teeth into a few wolves, but he hadn't been given the chance to actually rip them limb from limb or strangle them with their own trachea. So the behemoth left. He didn't give a fuck if the woman Abelinda became angry with him. She told him there would be bloodshed, and the pathetic seige she'd brought him to was far from it. It had been a waste of his time, although he had enjoyed getting some fresh blood on his tongue.

The titan and his leopard companion walked silently side by side, blood still dripping from the beasts' jaws, salmon tongue occasionally reaching out to swipe at the blood. He needed to kill another wolf. Or another creature. Anything with a pulse because that was the monster he was born to be. The strong scent of blood caught the man's attention, limbs pulling the behemoth to a stop, velvety nostrils quivering as his skull dipped downwards, cyan gaze falling on the tiny dots of blood that littered the earth. Someone was injured. A bloodthirsty grin would twist the man's features as he raised his head, tail flicking with interest at his hocks. Nickolai slunk forward, his tiny whiskers twitching as he took his own examination of the blood, coral tongue peeking out to taste the blood. Female. He would state simply, gaining a nod from Demyan as the titan pressed forward once more, Nickolai easily keeping pace, spotted tail swaying behind him. This was about to get interesting.

It didn't take him long to find the owner of the blood, her ivory figure clearly visible inside the crystalline water. A cocky strut would bring the man towards the edge of the water, his feline companion retreating to the closest tree, scaling it within seconds to perch himself on a sturdy branch, tail hanging idly from one side, golden gaze intent on his larger companion. Clumsy much? He taunted as he stood at the edge of the water, his toes brushing against the cool liquid, posture relaxed yet confident as he waited for the girl to turn towards him.

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11-01-2013, 07:17 PM
i should have mentioned this thread should take place before the siege and immediately after her fight with devya. D: sorry but idk what is going to happen to artemis in the siege thread so i have to rp her in a time when i know she isn't blind or whatever.

Once the blood from her punctured shoulder ceased flowing into the current of the river, the babe?s posture straightened once more, gargantuan paws pulling her mass back upon all fours so that the surface of the water barely grazed above her knees. Despite the unwelcomed chill from the temperature of the water, the phantom child lingered in the depths, muzzle pointing down towards the crystalline surface to enable a view of her reflection so as to observe the damage dealt upon her throbbing ear. Vibrant amethyst and metallic gaze graced itself as she stared back at herself, lenses failing to display the intense emotion that lurked beneath her rigid exterior in favor of their typical apathy, pupils then shifting towards her perked and bloodied left ear with genuine concern. Gaze permeated the top portion of her ear, moving through the small hole that the sable brat had pierced through it, fury creeping up upon her as she realized the permanence of the damage. A snarl wracked her stained countenance but the wraith remained quiet, silence only lost as her lifted forepaw swatted at her reflection, creating ripples where her lovely visage had once been and a soft splash! courtesy of the force of the hit. Perhaps a pierced ear was a minimal price to pay for achieving victory over her long-term adversary.

Wry vocalizations captivated the adolescent?s attention, causing her skull to whip towards the sound so as to view the onlooker that had dare spoken in such a condescending tone, gaze falling upon the masculine physique of a behemoth that towered far above her average apex of thirty-four inches. Own nostrils quivered momentarily as she expelled an amused snort, skull shaking briefly in disagreement before she glanced down at her own reflection once more. ??Clumsy,?? the babe repeated in mocking tones, a short chortle resounding from her jaws before her mismatched gaze found the goliath?s cerulean once more, taking note of the confidence that practically oozed from his pores. ?If earning your stripes in battle is now considered ?clumsy,?? the babe began after a momentary pause, tones entirely vague now as she addressed the male, ?Then I must be ?Queen Clumsy.?? The hints of a smirk developed upon her facial features as she registered the arrogant meaning behind her speech, chest cavity puffing out slightly as she fueled her own ego with reminders of her victory. Her brother had been unenthused by her victory unlike what she had expected of him, and the babe felt she needed to redeem herself of her lost opportunity to boast, turning to this haughty stranger when no others remained on her side.


11-04-2013, 09:48 PM
Ahhh haha well just pretend that I was not talking about the seige XDD and no worries lol

It had been a while since he had run into another female that wasn't his sister. It was rather refreshing to meet another bitch that wasn't related to her and wasn't pregnant for that matter. He could still fuck his sister as he wanted, but she was getting to big for his liking. Not that he was particular with those that he fucked, but he liked it better if they could fit between his paws. Cataleya couldn't at the moment, so fucking her wasn't on his list of things to do for the time being. But this little snowy bitch looked like she could be a good candidate for a new fuck buddy. He'd been craving some fucking lately, on top of blood. She was a young thing. Her frame was much smaller than his, as most were, and he could see the vivacity in her figure that screamed youth and strength and health. She was ripe for the taking.

She seemed to disagree with his observation, turning back towards the crystalline water to glance at herself before allowing her amethyst and silver gaze to return to his as she claimed to be the Queen of Clumsiness for the mere fact that she had apparently won some ridiculous spar. A booming laugh would erupt from the beast's bloody jaws, crown tossing back in the greatest display of amusement. Nickolai would chuckle under his breath up on the tree, his tail now lashing behind him with interest. This little girl thought herself a queen because she had won a mere squabble? Children. Maybe I should be calling you "Warrior Queen" then, since you seem to be so well versed in the art of war. He chastized, allowing his gaze to flicker over the small wound she had received to one of her ears. A roll of the eyes would show the little white bitch that her mere scratch was nothing to be proud of. Demyan would extend himself to his full height, chest puffing out powerfully from his frame, putting the massive scar that ran across his chest on display. That was a scar, not her stupid little hole.

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11-16-2013, 03:06 PM
sorry for the wait!

Pupils lingered upon the behemoth?s own as his gaze swallowed the divinity of her robust exterior, brows merely furrowing upon her forehead while she attempted to decipher his intentions by the intensity of his gaze. She knew not the concept of lust in her youth and thus would fail to comprehend the devious gleam obscured within his cerulean depths, mistaking it for innocent intrigue despite the belligerent aura he possessed. A shift in the phantom?s weight would cause the frigid waters beneath her mass to ripple as her wounded body pivoted to face his own, undaunted by his gargantuan apex or the strength that emanated from his pristine figure ? simply curious about him and why he chose to remain in her presence at such a proximity.

Condescending laughter would quell the flames of her raging ego and her mismatched gaze would harden upon the brute as he scoffed, clearly unimpressed with her victory. Mandible would stiffen and set her countenance with a rigid expression as he continued to mock her accomplishment, skull descending defensively over her breast and ears pasting against her crown with similar intent, pupils traversing his scarred chest cavity as he purposely drew her attention towards it. Jealousy over his embellishments flooded her interior but her visage remained expressionless as she observed the prizes he so proudly adorned, a soft hiss parting her jaws as she returned the mockery. ?Larger scars prove naught but greater mistakes in the heat of battle, my friend,? the babe sneered, the beginning of a smirk tweaking the edges of her velveteen lips as she glanced back towards his bloodied countenance expectantly.


11-18-2013, 02:04 AM
Nooo worries c:

There was a look of innocence about the white babe and Demyan could see it. Though she claimed to be talented in the art of war, it was clear that she didn't have much experience when it came to dealing with the opposite sex. Though he could tell that she was cocky and extremely self absorbed, she was still merely a child, innocent to the evils of the world. Innocent to the evil that Demyan presented to her. If she knew what his intentions were, would she continue this idle conversation with him or would she try to run? Regardless of what she did, she wouldn't be leaving here today without knowing what it felt like to be with a man.

Amusement would glitter in his cyan eyes as he watched the stupid bitch lower herself into defenses, as if waiting for him to attack her. Stupid child, he wouldn't attack her unless she provoked him or decided to run away from him. And so far she hadn't done either of those things. Yet anyways. LARGER SCARS PROVE NAUGHT BUT GREATER MISTAKES IN THE HEAT OF BATTLE, MY FRIEND. She tried to return the favor, but Demyan merely rolled his eyes, Nickolai hissing with disdain from his high perch at the little wench. Greater mistakes, or perhaps I'm just more willing to take risks than a scared little bitch? He would snarl back at her, taking a few more steps forward until his toes were brushing against the cool water, hungry gaze roving over her pale frame. She was asking for a good fucking and he was more than willing to give it to her.

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11-21-2013, 05:44 PM

His maleficent entity was dangerous and the disdain he held towards her arrogant demeanor was aggravating; and yet, the belligerence he exuded was oddly intriguing from the standpoint of the phantom child, and she found herself craving affiliation with him among other things. There had been a desire so minute within the confines of her mind to align herself with the behemoth ? to feed off of his intimidating nature so that she may, in turn, develop into a creature so sinister and foreboding as he ? at the start of their encounter that only expanded as he looked upon her youthful being with disapproval with each and every syllable that spewed from her frayed lips. Although she had barely met him she desired his approval just as she desired her mother?s; there were qualities of this male that were reminiscent of the woman who birthed her and she wanted ? needed to prove her worth somehow and somehow she would.

As she settled into her defenses, careful to take precautions in a scenario such as the one she was presented with, she would catch the faint hint of wry amusement gleaming within the icy gaze of the titan, refraining from easing out of her defensive stance despite his evident disdain towards her actions. If she were to carry through with her current course of action and provoke the beast as she wished, she would need to maintain protection for as long as she was able to, and thus would allow a coy simper to plaster against her bloodied countenance as her limbs spread equidistant apart, appendages bending slightly at the knee to lower her center of gravity while the digits upon each of her oversized paws spread to better secure her balance, pointedly putting on a show for the hellion in an attempt to further irritate him. It was then that the titan would offer his rebuttal and it was then that the faint hissing of his companion would draw her attention away from him for a moment, a brief snort brushing past her nostrils shortly afterwards as the brute?s speech concluded, pupils flicking back to greet his own defiantly. ?This little bitch does not need assistance to fight those who oppose her,? she retorted dryly, rigid in her stance even as the male maneuvered closer to where she stood. ?Surely that is not the case with you,? she sneered, muzzle inclining towards the kitty partially obscured within the tops of the trees, clearly in cahoots with the behemoth. ?And wouldn't that make you the little bitch, or just incompetent?? She surpassed the oncoming urge to smirk, confident in her ways that such a pretentious statement would at least anger the monster let alone fuel him with the desire to put her in her place.


12-05-2013, 11:10 PM

This little wench was either really brave or really stupid. It had to be stupid because the titan didn't believe in bravery. Bravery was for idiots, and most of the world consisted of them, this little ivory bitch included. Did she not realize that he was capable of ripping her limb from limb? That he would use her trachea as a chew toy and that he would strangle her with it? She wasn't aware of the things that the beast was capable of; would she still be talking to him if she knew?

This little bitch doesn't need assistance to fight those that oppose her. Surely that is not the case with you. And wouldn't that make you the little bitch, or just incompetent? So she wanted to play eh? Nickolai hissed again as he made his way down the tree, stalking his way forward until he was standing beside Demyan, golden eyes narrowed at the white bitch, lashing behind him. The titan would push forward, paws breaching the surface of the water as he moved through the liquid until he was standing right in front of the white bitch, cyan gems narrowed as a lustful smirk twisted his ivory lips. Stupid girl, no one helps me kill. I'm capable of ripping limbs and breaking spines just fine. He just likes to use my victim's intestines as chew toys. Would you like to see? He would snarl, chin tucking down towards his chest as he lowered his skull so that it hovered above her own, brow raised as he waited to see what she would do. Would she want to play?

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