
Come Gather 'Round People

Fight Training!


"Dreamer Of Improbable Dreams"


Master Fighter (435)

Master Intellectual (300)

An icon representing the specialty Weaponsmaster Weaponsmaster

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

3 Years
Extra large

Pride - BisexualTeacherOverachieverDouble MasterStudentSamhain 2022
06-24-2023, 06:30 PM

Andy is happy that she and Kite were able to down in the Hallows when Briar had newest litter. It was exciting to watch the small pups grow and, when they were finally released to the outside world, the young Fatalis girl couldn’t wait to show them… well, everything. The season was getting close to changing which meant that she would be making the trek back the Armada soon but, before she left, the girl wants to share some knowledge with the Hallows wolves and the pups.

The rains have given a small reprieve today so the girl makes her way to where the training area is set up. As Andy readies the sparring ring, spreading sand to soak up any excess water, the clouds actually break and allow the sun to shine. With the added warmth and blessing of the sun, the girl looks to her three companions and asks, “Ready?” The snow leopards mewl their agreement while Aquila screeches her constant. Tipping her horned head back, Andy sings a call for one and all, young and old, to come join her for fighting lesson.

With the call given, Andy sits lightly on the ground in the middle of the sparring ring and awaits her students.

"Andromeda Fatalis"

Andy has an Eastern Chanting Goshawk named Aquila and two Snow Leopards named Leo and Gemini. They are always nearby.



Expert Fighter (145)

Advanced Hunter (75)

2 Years

06-24-2023, 06:31 PM

Callie is in the Starlit Plains, sniffing out a barrow of weasels when a call rings through the air. Head snaps up from she had been sniffing and she looks in the direction of howl, curious who might be giving todays lesson. Looking back to the ground where she had been searching, the girl huffs at having to giving up her hunt. Oh well, at least she had just eaten lunch!

With a full belly and eager to learn, the girl gives up the hunt and races through the tall grass to where the invitation was issued from. She does not slow until the sparring rings are in sight and she angles to join the purple wolf who is sitting in middle of one. Skidding to a halt close to the lavender wolf, she happily chirps, “I’m Callie and I want to learn!” With that, she picks a spot in front of the teacher and seats herself, ready and willing to learn about fighting.

"Caladia Carpathius"


The Hallows

Master Intellectual (240)

Master Fighter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Tactician Tactician

2 Years
Dire wolf
06-24-2023, 06:45 PM

Nelu held the basket carefully in his jaws, balancing the collection of items he'd found. It was an odd assortment of features, rocks, an antler, and other bits of things he'd just happen to decide were interesting enough he needed to ferret them back to the castle. Nelu was in the process of putting things away when he heard a call for fight training. He didn't recognize the voice but as it was a growing interest of his he opted to attend.

The flutter of wings caught his attention as Aster landed nearby. "Sounds like something for us, yea?" The blue-eyed raven titled his head in the usual stilted manner of birds. Nelu nodded. "Indeed, we should not keep our teacher waiting." He headed to the stairs as Aster took to the air. They both soon arrived to see two older girls awaiting them. They were seated across from each other and after a quick observation Nelu made a determination that the dark pelted girl was the teacher and the other was a student. He approached and dipped his head in greeting. "My name is Nelu and this is Aster. I'm here for the fighting lesson." He settled down as the raven hopped up beside him.

Ember Carpathius

"I'll be the fire that dries the flood"

The Hallows
Head Scholar

Master Fighter (295)

Master Intellectual (330)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

2 Years

Pride - Bisexual
06-25-2023, 01:29 PM
On these winter days, Ember usually chose to spend her time indoors, often doing some sort of craft with her mother. That was what she had been in the middle of doing when the call from her visiting aunt went out, and after getting permission to be dismissed, the little girl took off for the outdoor arenas. Through the gardens and out past the gates she went, little paws rushing over crunchy winter grass until she spotted the gathering at the sparring rings. To her surprise, her father was nowhere to be seen. That wasn't a problem, of course, but knowing how her dad was in charge of the pack and the Hallows' greatest warrior, she wondered why he wasn't here to oversee their training. Oh well, he was probably busy doing other alpha things.

"Contain your excitement, I have arrived!" Ember declared with a bit of showmanship flair, leaping and bounding forward to skid across the sandy ground and into the ring, quite proud of how cool she must have looked on her arrival. Her cousin and brother were already here and waiting for the lesson to begin, so she wasn't the first, but hopefully she wouldn't be the last and latest to arrive. Looking over to Nelu, Ember was surprised to find a large raven with him, much like how their parents both had ravens too. "Whoa! Hey Nelu, who's your friend?" she asked, turning a curious tilt of her head to the corvid while she studied him.

"Ember Carpathius"

Artorias and Briar may enter any of Ember's threads while she is under 2 years old.



Beginner Healer (0)

Intermediate Intellectual (50)

3 Years

06-25-2023, 01:40 PM

The weather had finally broken. Relentless rains meant that he couldn't be outside, or at least, that it was harder to find someone to take him outside. Preferring the indoors while it was cold and soggy... Ven supposed it was reasonable but still. He wanted to be out! He wanted to be doing things! He wanted to be exploring or playing or doing literally anything other than sitting around indoors all day.

And, much to his excitement, the rain had broken. Not only that, there was someone outdoors that was calling to them. A lesson! He would absolutely be game for a lesson. The boy bounded clumsily out to the source of the call. Head high, gaze bright, Vendrick made his way to the sparring ring. Quite a group had already gathered. His brother and sister, one of his cousins too, all gathered around in front of a purple-y sorta yearling. "Wait for me, wait for me, I'm coming!" He panted as he made his way to the group. He finally came to rest, plunking down beside Ember.


The Hallows

Expert Healer (135)

Advanced Fighter (110)

2 Years
Dire wolf
07-02-2023, 08:34 PM
Solaire waited by the windows for what felt like ages and ages, just waiting for the rain to pass so that he could go outside again. He would have gone out in the rain if it wasn't for his mom keeping him from going out with warnings that he'd get sick from being wet, but since he didn't want to get in trouble he begrudgingly stayed in with a sad sigh as he looked out at the gardens that were just waiting for him to explore and play in them. The second that the skies were clear and his mother relented to his pleas to go outside he darted out, simply happy to go run around the plants and foliage that was in the gardens. His too-large-for-his-body paws were of course immediately covered in mud, but he didn't mind. He even got to peek in the green house since Aunt Gwyn was harvesting some of her herbs!

As much as he wanted to keep playing in the plants, he remembered how important his parents made lessons and trainings sound so when a howl went out to call some of them together for just such a thing he reluctantly pulled himself away from a particularly interesting plant to go join in. It took him a little bit to make his way around the side of the castle to where the training area was so by the time he got there a few of his siblings and one of his cousins had already beat him to it. "Hey, everyone!" he greeted cheerfully with a bright grin, his tan legs dirty and muddy up to his elbows from his adventure and immediately starting to collect the sand that was spread across the arena. He plopped down between Nelu and Claudia and eagerly looked to their Aunt Andy to see what they would be learning.

"Solaire Carpathius"


The Hallows

Master Fighter (400)

Master Intellectual (420)

An icon representing the specialty Bulwark Bulwark

An icon representing the specialty Tactician Tactician

2 Years
Dire wolf

1KFestival OrganizerDouble MasterCritical Dodge!Ooh La LaStudent
Samhain 2022
07-03-2023, 07:17 AM

Andy’s call was music to the older sibling’s ears. Both perked as she wasted no time leaving her bedroom. Having spent most of the rainy morning tidying up (against her will), Bramble was happy for the excuse to leave. Her long legs would eat up the castle floor and the gardens until she was coming close to the outdoor arena. Barely out of breath, she smiled instantly upon seeing her younger siblings. With her tail wagging behind her, she first stopped to pause at Nelu and Ember.

“Cool bird, does he have a name?” Bramble asks as her own corvid companion, Bristle, lands nearby to check him out as well. Raising a paw to ruffle the pup’s furs, she then leans over to plant a wet lick of her tongue on to of Vendrick’s head. “Glad you made it,” she said to the boy before wandering over to Sol. “Looks like you were having fun too,” there is a chuckle that ends her words as she also ruffles Sol’s fur with a paw - she didn’t exactly want to taste mud today!

Finally, Bramble makes her way to the open spot between Callie and Andy. “Callie, hi. Andy, I’m glad you could come visit,” her smile is big as her tail sweeps across the dry sand. Eager to know what lesson will be taught today, she settles in to watch.

Bramble Carpathius

bramble's companions are to be assumed near her unless stated otherwise.



Intermediate Fighter (30)

Intermediate Intellectual (30)

2 Years
07-04-2023, 08:04 AM

Every day was a new opportunity, a new chance to train her mind and body to be the protective force that Elowen knew she wanted to be. The knight in training was meditating, drawing in slow, steadying breaths as she focused on her inner strength rather than her outer one. It was a technique that her retriever had shown her and one that Elowen believed was helping. Keeping one’s mind sharp was just as important as keeping your body ready. If you didn’t keep your head clear, when it came time for a battle you could make careless or even costly mistakes. Mistakes that could jeopardize your life or safety… or the safety or life of the ones you wanted to protect. Elowen had vowed to work hard so she wouldn’t put her loved ones at risk.

She was almost done meditating when she heard the call of one of one of the wolves visiting the Hallows; Andromeda. Ears would perk and the girl rose, tail wagging as she glanced over at Ginger. “Looks like we’ll get to do both types of training today. Are you ready, my friend?” She arched her brow, catching the warm, encouraging grin of the retriever. “You seem to be getting more and more diligent, El. Have you found someone you want to protect above all others?”[/color] Ginger had already begun to move, heading out of the castle in the direction of the one that called. Elowen would fall into step beside her with a little laugh. “Only everyone! The Hallows is my home! It’s part of my duty to help it remain safe!”

They would be the last to arrive it seemed. Callie was there, as well as Bramble and pups from Briar and Artorias’ youngest little. The girl would stay closer to the outside of the group for now, though she flashed Callie, Bramble, and Andy a grin. The flutter of wings before she felt a rush of wind beside her announced the presence of Hot Mama. Perfect! Her team was here~

"Elowen Carpathius"

Elowen has two companions - a Nova Scotia duck tolling retriever and a cardinal. Unless otherwise mentioned IC, assume that they are close by.


"Dreamer Of Improbable Dreams"


Master Fighter (435)

Master Intellectual (300)

An icon representing the specialty Weaponsmaster Weaponsmaster

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

3 Years
Extra large

Pride - BisexualTeacherOverachieverDouble MasterStudentSamhain 2022
07-11-2023, 03:21 PM

Andy releases the call, inviting others to join her for a lesson before seating herself in the middle of the sand covered ring. The first to appear is an older pup who introduces herself as Callie. The lavender girl smiles and says, “Thank you for coming Callie. I hope you will enjoy the lesson.” Next to appear is a fluffy pup, one of the newest litter, who introduces himself and his raven companion. Smiling, Andy says, “Hello Nelu. Hello Aster. We will begin the lesson shortly.” Next to appear was a dark girl who does not introduce herself and, instead, arrives with flare. A shake of her head is given to Ember (thankfully, Briar had introduced Andy to the beans when they were small) and she says, “Thank you for gracing us with your presence.” It is said in a teasing tone but a wink is offered as she takes a seat with her brother.

The group grows as yet another pup arrives, this one named Vendrick, to plunk down beside his showboating sister. With a soft laugh she greets him, “Thank you for coming Vendrick. We aren’t starting without you. I promise.” Next to appear was Solaire, his tan legs covered with mud and it even speckles his slate colored coat. He plops down between Nelu and Callie and Andy warmly greets him, “Hello Solaire. What have you been up to today?” Unvoiced humor tickles the words, making them bright and happy. Bramble appeared next, taking her spot between Callie and herself and Andy offers the girl a warm smile. Her tail thumps the sand covered ground as she replies, “Bramble! Thanks for coming! We need to go on an adventure before I leave.” Eyes sparkle with mischief as she offers the girl a wink.

To round out the group, an older pup appears, her monochrome colors shining in the sunlight. As she seats herself, Andy says, “Thank you for coming.” A bright smile is offered and the dusty purple girl allows her eyes to roam over the group for a moment. Finally, when she is certain no one else is going to join them, Andy stands up and clears her throat to draw everyone’s attention to her. Once she them, Andy begins, “Thank you all for coming! My name is Andromeda Fatalis but please, call me Andy. Some of you might know that I am Briar’s sister but, if you don’t, you do now.” The smile is bright as she offers a soft laugh her eyes sweeping the group once more. With so many in the group, Andy decides to switch up her lesson plan a little.

With a soft hum, she says, “Okay. Today we are going to learn about attacks! Since we have so many of you here, I think you should all pair up to practice. When I call your names, take your partner and find some space in the ring. We don’t want to run into each other when we fight! First up, Ember and Solaire.” As the pair meet up and move off, Andy calls the next pair, “Nelu and Vendrick.” Allowing them to gather and move off, she then calls, “Bramble and… uh…” She looks to the one girl she doesn’t have a name for (Elowen) and says, “I’m sorry, I don’t know your name.” Once it is given, Andy ushers over Bramble and shoos off the pair. Finally, she looks to Callie and says, “You’re with me.”

The girl bounces up and they find a spot in the ring. Excusing herself for a moment, Andy walks a circuit around the pairs as she explains, “You might notice that all the pairs have a taller and a shorter wolf.” True, the newest litter is nowhere near the heights they will eventually reach but, even now, there is starting to be a difference between the pups. Continuing on, she says, “Now, I want you each to take turns and point out a spot you would try to attack on your partner and explain why. Here, watch me.” Returning to Callie, she offers the girl a warm smile while walking up to her. As she goes, she says, “Since I am taller, an easy spot to reach would be Callie’s scruff.” Coming to a stop next to the girl, Andy points out the back of Callie’s neck before saying, “Everyone understand the instructions?”

Once they all give their approval, she nods, dropping her paw back to the earth and saying, “Alright, talk with your partner. I will be coming around to check in with each group. Remember, to have fun!” As the pairs begin to talk, Andy looks back at Callie and asks, “Where would you try to attack?” Once Callie picks her spot and explains, the older girl offers her praise before beginning to make her around to each group, checking in as she goes.

"Andromeda Fatalis"

Andy has an Eastern Chanting Goshawk named Aquila and two Snow Leopards named Leo and Gemini. They are always nearby.



Expert Fighter (145)

Advanced Hunter (75)

2 Years

07-11-2023, 03:23 PM

Callie sits straight as others begin to poor in, some offering names while others just appear. When Solaire plops down between herself and Nelu, the girl shifts sideways to given the pup more room. Her eyes roam the growing group and she smiles happily at her sister before waving her over. Bramble plops done on her other side, offering a quick hello to which she replies, “Hey’a Bramble!” With that done, the girl turns her gaze back to Andy, ready to learn.

The lesson begins and the pups are paired off and Callie eagerly waits to hear her named called. Her smile falters as pairs gather and move off but she is left… sitting. Finally, Andy looks to her and informs the girl that she will be working with her. Immediately the girl bounces up to her paws, happily chirping, “Okay!” Callie doesn’t mind working with the teacher and, once they reach a clear area, she nods to Andy as the lavender girl excuses herself.

She finds out that they will be learning about attacking and the girl’s tail wags excitedly. Andy returns, using her as an example and Callie smiles up at the other girl. Once the lesson begins, she looks Andy over. Finally, she looks at one of the girl’s front legs and pokes at her ankle, saying, “I would attack here to try and bring you to the ground." Andy gives her praise, making her tail wag before excusing herself again. Callie nods and allows her eyes to roam over the groups, watching their progress.

"Caladia Carpathius"



Intermediate Fighter (30)

Intermediate Intellectual (30)

2 Years
07-15-2023, 10:49 AM

It doesn’t even occur to Elowen that the purple furred girl knows everyone else present other than herself. She introduces herself, as well as mentions a preferred name, and Elowen gives a firm nod to commit it to memory. She was sister to Briar and Elowen arches a brow in surprise. Huh, imagine that! It was nice to see that other members of their family might come to the Hallows to spend time with them. Offering some additional lessons in fighting is a plus for Elowen, who knows she needs to step up her training if she wants to be considered a knight of the Hallows. Andy begins to pair them off, and as she gets to her Elowen realizes she sat down without introducing herself. Elowen offers an apologetic smile.

“Elowen, Elowen Carpathius.” Her gaze would then shift over to Bramble. Seems she and her cousin were interacting a bit more these days by chance. Nothing wrong with that though! She moves off to stand with Bramble before letting her bicolored gaze flick back to Andy. So they were to take turns pointing out a spot where they would attack their opponent? Elowen furrows her brow. She doesn’t know a lot about this, but she knows that Bramble is a fair bit taller than she is. Reaching for her scruff would be impossible, but… Elowen furrows her brow.

“In a fight against a foe of your size, I think I’d be looking for an opening on the neck, particularly the throat. If my opponent didn’t tuck their chin to protect it, it would be a vulnerable area and a good way to keep a potentially dangerous fight from getting out of paw.” She certainly wouldn’t want to kill anyone, but surely grabbing someone by the throat would make them back down and question if their plan was worth it? But what would she do if it was merely a spar with a friendly wolf? Elowen furrowed her brow. Hmm…

"Elowen Carpathius"

Elowen has two companions - a Nova Scotia duck tolling retriever and a cardinal. Unless otherwise mentioned IC, assume that they are close by.



Beginner Healer (0)

Intermediate Intellectual (50)

3 Years

07-15-2023, 01:26 PM

Vendrick does his best to pay attention as the lesson starts. For such a little pup, paying attention could be hard sometimes. At least he's trying. That's all anyone could ask of him... right? Granted, this was the same boy who might burst into tears if anyone came down too harshly on him. A delicate balance, maybe. Andromeda begins to rattle off about the lesson, and the boy is pretty sure he knows what she's talking about. He thinks, at least. He thinks he knows. Listening intently, especially as she pairs them all off.

And Ven is set to his brother, Nelu. As they're sent to break off into pairs, he looks at the taller, bulkier boy. Chewing on the inside of his cheek as he thinks, sizing the taller boy up. "I think... I've got good access to your neck, right here--" Ven reached up, like he was going to poke his brother. The neck, the chest area. Ven could reach those places easily enough. Still, his brow furrowed as he thought about it more. "That seems risky though, I dunno. Maybe I'd be better off going for something else." Pondering aloud, Ven was trying to puzzle through it.


The Hallows

Master Intellectual (240)

Master Fighter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Tactician Tactician

2 Years
Dire wolf
07-28-2023, 03:22 PM

Nelu's attention was quickly taken by his sister Ember, who strutted in and spied his raven. "Hello, Ember," he stated cordially. "This is Aster. He has agreed to be my companion. Aster, this is Ember." The raven nodded, his head bobbing up and down before he hopped over to Ember's feet and did a little bow. "A pleasure to meet ya miss." More of his siblings wandered in, including Bramble and Nelu nodded swiftly. "Indeed, Bramble this is Aster, Aster this is Bramble." The raven squawked a greeting. "How many siblings do you have? This family is huge!"

Elowen was the last to arrive and it seemed she had some companions of her own. Before he could ask her about them it was time for the meeting to start so he returned his focus back to their teacher. She started the training by pairing them off. He looked to Vendrick and nodded before moving off to some empty space with his brother. Aster hopped along after him. They were given their instruction and Nelu looked to his brother, analyzing the other's size. They weren't too far off but at a half-foot taller Nelu would have to bend quite a bit for certain targets.

Vendrick went first while Nelu considered how he would respond. "True, though I suppose there's inherent risk in any attack. I have good access to your face and am just tall enough that if I moved in close I could shield my throat. But obviously your teeth are there. My face could, and probably would, get bitten back. I could go for your scruff but I don't like the idea of having my neck that close to your head."

Ember Carpathius

"I'll be the fire that dries the flood"

The Hallows
Head Scholar

Master Fighter (295)

Master Intellectual (330)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

2 Years

Pride - Bisexual
08-01-2023, 01:37 AM
Not long after she had arrived, more of her siblings began to show up for the fight training, even one of her older siblings and cousins too! Ember beamed with excitement as Vendrick and Solaire joined them, tiny tail wagging in enthusiastic greeting to her littermates. Then a shadow loomed over her smaller form, and with a quick glance up she realized it was... "Bramble! Hiya!" the young princess greeted her older sister, giggling as one giant dark paw lifted to ruffle the fur on her head. Dangit, why did everyone like to ruffle her fur so much! Giggling and swatting at Bramble's paw, Ember tried her best to smooth down her downy puppy fur, but with how wispy and fair it was, it mostly did its own thing anyway. Their teacher for the day called everyone to attention then and introduced herself as Andromeda, one of Briar's sisters, making her Ember's aunt. Realizing she should probably be paying extra attention in this case, Ember plonked her rump down on the grass and fixed Andy with a laser-focused stare, eager and ready to begin.

Today's lesson would be about offense, and right out the gate she was partnered up with her bigger brother. Ember glanced over to Solaire and shot him a wicked grin. Deep down in her heart, Ember was a warrior princess, so any chance she got to spar with one of her siblings was a golden opportunity for her. Andy explained that they had been paired together for their height differences, showcasing how to best an opponent larger or smaller than they were. Andy demonstrated with Callie, but Ember was truthfully only half paying attention to the lesson as she was already considering how she was going to topple her bigger brother. Finally they were turned loose to practice with their partners, and then the time to spar had arrived!

Wasting no time in turning towards Solaire with an even bigger more devilish grin, Ember was practically thrumming with excitement to pounce into battle! She already knew how she was going to use her smaller stature to best her brother, so as soon as Andy gave them the signal to begin, the tiny midnight pup sprung into action. "I’m gonna get your belly, Sol!" she declared as her battle cry, and then the girl was sprinting forward as fast as her little legs could manage. She bounded for Solaire, aiming to dive beneath him with her smaller size and begin an onslaught of merciless tickling paws to his fluffy underbelly.

"Ember Carpathius"

Artorias and Briar may enter any of Ember's threads while she is under 2 years old.


The Hallows

Master Fighter (400)

Master Intellectual (420)

An icon representing the specialty Bulwark Bulwark

An icon representing the specialty Tactician Tactician

2 Years
Dire wolf

1KFestival OrganizerDouble MasterCritical Dodge!Ooh La LaStudent
Samhain 2022
08-21-2023, 10:10 AM

Once all of the introductions were done and over with, Bramble eagerly scooted off to the side with Elowen. Facing her cousin, she gave the girl a bright smile. Hanging out with her family was one of her favorite things to do! With a couple of wags of her tail, she made sure to stay extra prepared in case Andy wanted them to do some sort of surprise attack practice or something of the sort. In the meantime, she listened to what El had to say and would nod to agree.

"You're smart! It would be really risky if someone of my size didn't protect their neck," Bramble's eyes glanced over at Elowen to decide what her offensive choice would be. "I think if I'm the large opponent, I would try to get past your face and try to go for the shoulder or back legs to hinder your movement and also protect my face," her face scrunched slightly as she tries to decide if that would have been the best plan of attack.

Bramble Carpathius

bramble's companions are to be assumed near her unless stated otherwise.


The Hallows

Expert Healer (135)

Advanced Fighter (110)

2 Years
Dire wolf
09-07-2023, 10:22 PM
I was play- I mean, working in the flower beds. Yes, working in the flower beds!" he replied with a confident nod when Andy questioned what he had been up to before arriving to her training. It wasn't a complete lie! He did actually pull out some weeds while he was playing so he did do some work! He looked up to his older sister Bramble as she walked over to him, grinning as she ruffled the fur on his head. "I was!" he agreed when she mentioned how he must have been having fun. He always had fun when he was with the plants in the garden.

For now though he needed to focus on the lesson that their aunt was going to teach him and he respectfully sat and listened as Andy began to speak. She explained that they were going to pair up for the lesson and as soon as he was paired up with his sister Ember, his eyes darted to her excitedly with a grin. He didn't know what they were exactly doing yet, but he was looking forward to doing whatever it was with Ember! Hopping up, he followed Ember over to a section of the training ring and once everyone was paired off Andy pointed out how she had paired up smaller wolves and larger wolves together and told them to point out where they would try to attack their partner.

He gave a firm nod of understanding and turned his attention back to Ember just in time to see the mischievous look on her face and hear her exclaim that she was going for his belly. He gasped with surprise when she darted forward, clearly not following the insurrections since Aunt Andy just said to point to what they were going to go for with an attack. She did have the element of surprise on her side though so it was easy enough for her to dart under him and start tickling his belly with her paws. "Emberrrrr!" he complained with a giggling squeal as he tried to squirm away from her. When he wasn't immediately able to get away he decided to fight fire with fire and managed to say between his giggles, "Fine! I'll just sit on you then!" before flopping down on top of her, squishing her smaller body under his.

"Solaire Carpathius"


"Dreamer Of Improbable Dreams"


Master Fighter (435)

Master Intellectual (300)

An icon representing the specialty Weaponsmaster Weaponsmaster

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

3 Years
Extra large

Pride - BisexualTeacherOverachieverDouble MasterStudentSamhain 2022
09-16-2023, 06:15 PM

As everyone is paired off and instructed to think about how they would attack, Andy takes a moment to watch them all spread out. She then turns her attention to her partner and listens as Caladia speaks of where she would strike. Nodding encouragingly to the girl, she then excuses herself so that she can go watch and listen to the other groups. Coming to hover close to where Elowen and Bramble are, she nods in approval at both of their assessments before saying, “Those are both great options guys!”

With a smile, she moves on to Vendrick and Nelu where she pauses to watch and listen. With a warm smile, she nods her approval to the pair and offers similar words before moving on. Finally, she comes to a stop near Ember and Solaire and finds that she is just in time to watch their antics. With a bright laugh, she beckons the others to stop and watch the pair as she says, “Okay that is good! Everyone notice how Ember dove underneath Sol? That is a good strategy if you can get in and out safely. Otherwise…”

Andy gestures at the pinned Ember and stifles another laugh at the pup’s continued squirming. Once everyone has taken note of the pin, the girl motions for Sol to get off his sibling before she turns to look at the others and says, “Okay! Now that you all have an idea of a place that you would attack, I want everyone to try it out like Ember and Sol just did. So, pick who goes first and who goes second. Then, you both will all get ready for an incoming attack and finally, try a gentle attack! Easy right?”

The girl pauses for dramatic emphasis before adding, “One last thing! I want you all to pick a different spot than what you originally talked about to attack! Now, have fun and don’t make me have to send any of you to the healers. Okay?” A grin tugs at her lips as she looks to each group, curious how they will attack if they cannot use their first option. With that she moves back to where is Callie and quickly sets her defenses before nodding her readiness to the girl.

Andy waits for her partner to signal that she is ready before she shifts forward in a quick attempt to poke the side of Callie’s neck with her nose.

"Andromeda Fatalis"

Andy has an Eastern Chanting Goshawk named Aquila and two Snow Leopards named Leo and Gemini. They are always nearby.


The Hallows

Master Intellectual (240)

Master Fighter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Tactician Tactician

2 Years
Dire wolf
09-23-2023, 06:43 PM

Nelu tried rolling his shoulders forward and adjusting the position of his neck, trying to figure out if there was a way he could get at his opponent while still protecting his neck. A moment later Andromeda called the class to attention and gestured to a couple of the other pairings as an example. Nelu nodded seriously, taking mental notes about what he was seeing. Once he was bigger it would be unlikely he could easily get under an opponent but while still a pup he certainly didn't want to get squished by an adult. Hopefully he wouldn't have to fight an adult. Well, scratch that. He wanted to spar with his dad. Don't get squished got added higher to his fight priority list.

Nelu stepped to the side and pivoted his hind quarters behind him so he was facing Vendrick at a 45 degree angle. "I could charge in from this angle for your left shoulder. I know that is not the. most serious of attacks but I assume we wish to fight sportingly to, not always to slay?"



Intermediate Fighter (30)

Intermediate Intellectual (30)

2 Years
10-01-2023, 09:10 PM

Elowen felt her chest well up with pride as Bramble complimented her. She was at least trying to sort of learn about fighting, and make what observations she could in the meanwhile. Her cousin had more fighting experience than she had though, so as Bramble spoke the girl would pay attention. Trying to get past her face and go for her shoulders or back legs would keep Bramble’s vitals over her body but away from her jaws so that made sense. Plus if Bramble applied pressure and used her height and weight it could definitely limit what Elowen would be able to do. The monochrome yearling gave a couple nods in response. But they didn’t get much further before Andromeda began to pull their focus towards the lesson again, using her cousins to demonstrate.

Elowen furrowed her brow, paying attention to what Andy had to tell them. The most she got was to be careful of attacks that could limit what she could do in retaliation. But then they were supposed to continue the lesson. El frowned and looked back to Bramble, her ears falling back with uncertainty. “I’m… not sure I’m ready to put an actual attack into practice yet.” A confession. “But if I needed to pick a different area to attack, I might try something with a higher risk, higher reward sort of thing. If I lowered my body and focused my energy forward and barreled into your legs, I could potentially compromise your balance or stance and find an opening to attack… but in doing so I’d be leaving myself open to a counter as well by coming in at a head-on angle.”

"Speech," 'Thought.'

Elowen has two companions - a Nova Scotia duck tolling retriever and a cardinal. Unless otherwise mentioned IC, assume that they are close by.



Expert Fighter (145)

Advanced Hunter (75)

2 Years

11-09-2023, 05:31 PM

Caladia watches as Andy speaks to everyone, listening intently as she points out Ember and Solaire. The girl giggles madly at their antics but sobers up as the lesson quickly moves on. Andromeda informs them that are going to try out an attack but that they must chose a different spot for this one. Eyes widen slightly as she stands where she is, considering her options as the purple girl returns to her.

They both set their defenses and Andy is quick to close the gap between them and move to poke her nose into the side of Callie’s neck. Spying an opportunity, Caladia shifts slightly to the side and brings her head up to poke underneath Andy’s jaw as she goes. By the widening of pale blue eyes, the hodgepodge colored girl knows she made a good choice. A grin splits her maw as she steps back, dipping her head in a soft nod as Andromeda grins back at her. This has been fun!

"Caladia Carpathius"

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