


08-20-2023, 11:52 PM
Khranbari slept. The heavy scent of faint urination filling his nostrils. Yetm it did not bother him in the slightest. He was not close enough to be a threat. Nor was he too far to not be noticed. He cared not of either, honestly.

It seemed to be the only thing he really did and truly enjoyed. The sound of nature surrounding him like a soft lullaby. Shadowed darkness shielding him from the visible eye. Occasional flicker of a single dismissive ear ridding the annoyance of flies. He snored. Slumber a plausible thing to do in such a cool day such as this. Young as he may be, the beast chose a life of maturity the moment his days of being a juvenile ended. Even then, wolves looked at him as much more than a grown male. Not a naive little pup. When they did, he showed them otherwise. Not caring if young or elderly. All would see the chaos his teeth gave. The blood spilt from their very bite.

For now, these lands held no excitement for him. He chose isolation over pack life. Every so often catching the scent of pack wolves or females in their seasonal prime. He chose to ignore them all. None worthy of his attention or affection. Khran having yet to find a male to call friend or a female to call mate. They all reeked of something. The thought of it awoke him. But, he did not open his eyes. He simply... listened. A rabbit hopped by. Something chattered just above his head before he felt it plop onto his nose. One eye lid opened slowly. Narrowed as he looked at the cause.

What stared back at him was a baby bird. Its wings barely of use. Having its back turned to Khran, he could have easily ate it as a snack. Luckily for the bird, he wasn’t hungry and chose to lay there. Just watching the little one clean its feathers. Choosing his nose as the perfect spot to sleep.



Master Hunter (245)

Master Fighter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

6 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 1 Worship
08-23-2023, 04:26 PM

Patrols were a regular part of a well oiled pack and they were one of Aslatiel's favorite tasks to carry out. The small fae liked to walk. She knew these lands like the back of her paw already and each circuit of her patrol could only further that familiarity. Every so often another of the pack might accompany her. She and Indigo had walked the well worn paths many times. Today, however, she was alone.

It wasn't often that she came across something interesting while she patrolled. Usually it was just the scent of some passing predator, the blood of fleeing prey, or the faint scent of another wolf walking outside of the Valta border. Today was different though. There, laying just on the other side of the border to the rapids lay a wolf. He was monochromatic in color and was significantly larger than she was, though that was no hard feat. The blonde and grey fae was small and light but she was a nasty piece of work when someone raised her ire.

As the scarred woman watched, a small bird toppled from one of the many trees, landing with barely a sound on the brutes muzzle. Golden eyes opened to look upon the fledgling and Aslatiel arched a brow, curious as to whether or not the wolf would take advantage of the snack upon his face or not. Surprisingly, he did not. She wouldn't have either.

Moving just to the edge of the border, right within view of the resting man, the striped woman seated herself. "It seems as though you've a way with lesser animals," she commented conversationally. The fae's galactic gaze, a swirling nebula of rich purples, blues and pinks, stayed unflinchingly upon the man's face. "I am Aslatiel Indarra, alpha of this pack. It's uncommon to see one resting so close to our borders. Do you need assistance?" It was all business until it wasn't and, as of yet, he'd given her no reason to think that it wasn't.

"Asla Indarra"

[Image: qnvtMu8.png?1]


08-23-2023, 05:17 PM

Had it not been for the little bird alerting him of another’s approach, Khranbari probably wouldn’t have noticed the figure walking towards then. His body shifted just the slightest. Gaze locking on the small wolf. Her grey and blonde coat littered with scars catching most of his attention. Her words reaching his ears effortlessly with such little distance between them. He tilted his head in question. Body moving like a snake. Easing through the thicket of bushes shielding him from sight. Or, so he thought. Paws silent with each step taken. So focused on the woman before him, Khran didn’t realize the little bird took refuge on top of his left shoulder. Its nails digging for support to not be knocked off causing a low growl to leave his throat. The small creature only tilting its head and blinking.

Khran could only shake his head. Staring blankly at the other with a look of tiny interest. What had brought him here? Was it the boredom which seeped through day by day? Perhaps it was the silent voices of his subconscious to not be found by his old home. If he were, surely they'd have his head. The memory of his parents slaughtered bodies flashing. Blood pouring from torn throats and open wounds. His tongue slipped out to lick at dried lips. A hunger aching just below the pit of his stomach as he thought of eating the small bird.

So lost in his own narative, he did not know how close he became to the female. Her body reeked of dominance. Something about her intrigued him and yet irritated him all in one. "Recruit." A simple word that could be lead in many directions. Khran silently wondered which path she would take.




Master Hunter (245)

Master Fighter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

6 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 1 Worship
08-23-2023, 05:58 PM

The wolf rose and approached, allowing Asla to see just how large he was. Still, there was nothing but cool calm in the fae's amaranthine gaze. She had nothing to fear. Asla had taken down opponents much larger than this black and grey man and she had the scars to prove it. As he drew near, the little bird shifted positions to sit upon his shoulder and a soft huff of amusement ghosted through liver colored nares.

After she questioned him, the brute spoke a single word; "Recruit." Aslatiel gave the man a slow blink before canting her head slightly. "Valta is not in the habit of collecting bodies. I've no qualms against new members seeking entry, but you'll need to give me a little more." The small woman's haunches unfolded and she stood her full, albeit meager height. "What do you have to offer Valta?" The corners of her maw lifted in the barest of smiles and a look of amusement twinkled in her eye. "Aside from your stellar conversational skills, that is." A gentle tease was an easy way of seeing what someone was made of. Could they roll with it or would they find themselves too stuck up and important to realize that a joke was a joke?

"Asla Indarra"

[Image: qnvtMu8.png?1]


08-23-2023, 06:40 PM

Khranbari grimaced against the question of the wolf. What did he have to offer them? Valta. She had called it. He thought for a second. Gaze drifting over her with slight inspection before looking to the small bird now peaking for a better few. He took this opportunity to open his jaws and one quick motion, the bird was gone. Nothing but a distance memory now. "It wouldn't quite matter what I had to bring. It all dwells down to what you need." Khranbari usually wasn’t the talkative type. At this moment, though, it was needed.

He lifted a brow in her direction. Chuckling at the silly tone of voice they chose to speak. It bothered him none. Such a joke having caused him to even make a sound of amusement.




Master Hunter (245)

Master Fighter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

6 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 1 Worship
08-23-2023, 07:04 PM

The grey man ate the bird and, rather than being repulsed by the action, Asla's maw split in a grin. She wouldn't have eaten the bird because she wasn't a fan of feathers in her mouth, but the avian meant nothing to her. Big or small, young or old, lesser animals were food if caught and this one had definitely been caught.

A response was given and a soft chuckle rumbled in the fae's throat. "It very much matters what you have to offer." She quite enjoyed the back and forth banter, but they would have to eventually get somewhere. The man would have to give. That was how it worked when one joined a pack. The alpha always had the last word.

"Valta could need healers, we could need hunters, but it wouldn't mean a thing if you didn't possess those skills." Asla's gaze cut a little harder, though she was still in a good natured mood. "So I ask again, what do you have to offer Valta?" He was getting off on the wrong paw. Afterall, he hadn't even offered his name.

"Asla Indarra"

[Image: qnvtMu8.png?1]


08-23-2023, 07:43 PM

"Hunting and fighting. As long as blood fills my mouth and flesh is within my teeth, I care not for where you place me." His gaze shifted just off to the area behind her. The lands there seemingly vast. A worn path from paws traveled over time leading deeper into the rapids. Khranbari shrugged against the smallest of his thoughts. Having not been part of anything since the day he vanished. He only cared for the death of others. Their screams of pain and agony which would always fill his ears. He once wasn't like this. At a time, he did have a heart. But now he didn't care about anything but death itself. "I am Khranbari Chao Fah. Exiled prince of my home and killer of my parents."

Had he needed to say such things? Probably not; however, it was the first in awhile that he'd admitted such aloud. To which he could not help the menacing grin that slid over his face. The thought of such an event slid shivers down his spine. If she were to accept him he would be utterly surprised. Khran admitted to killing his parents. Loud and without remorse. Perhaps she would ignore what he said and allow him entry. Either way, even he himself now fully understood what he had done. There was no turning back the past. Only acknowledging the future.




Master Hunter (245)

Master Fighter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

6 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 1 Worship
08-23-2023, 08:19 PM

It took a little coaxing, but the man eventually informed her of his skill set. It matched her own. He was a little dramatic with the rest of his statement, but it didn't matter. She'd gotten the information that she wanted from him. Hunting and fighting. "The majority of us are warriors," she informed the grey man. "Some of us are hunters. Either way, there are never enough fighters in a pack." The more warriors, the more protected a pack would be.

The brute continued, giving his name and former title. Royalty... Weren't they all? Aslatiel herself could claim a title similarly, but she chose not to. Titles were words and words were wind. It was all about actions to the striped fae. Khranbari continued, stating that he was the murderer of his own parents. Aslatiel's expression didn't shift other than the barest raising of one brow.

Aslatiel Indarra was morally grey. She wasn't a righteous woman, nor was she evil. Like her 'grandmother,' Resin, the fawn woman had a different set of beliefs. The world was a dark place and sometimes it demanded dark deeds. Aslatiel wasn't the type to scoff and immediately send someone packing because they'd done something less than savory. Kotori may have chosen differently, but she was the current alpha of Valta.

"Welcome to Valta, Khranbari, Killer of Parents." One dainty paw lifted and swung wide, inviting him over the border and into his new home. "A word of warning though, Khranbari..." Aslatiel's voice dropped low and became icy. "What you've done in the past is your own business. What you do in the future is my business. Dishonor on yourself is dishonor on the pack and that's not acceptable here. Care for the pack and it'll care for you in turn. Whatever led you to end your parents lives, I don't care. If you harm a member of the pack though... your life may very well be a short one."

Leaving it at that, Asla motioned for the man to follow her. She led him down the long, worn path that wound its way back towards the pack area. Moving off of the path, she showed him first the food stores which were stocked with fresh meats, dried meats and more. Beside this was the supply den where fresh furs, cushions and other things were kept. Then she led him to the empty dens. "Feel free to keep whatever den you'd like, or use it while you craft your own. There are many here would will gladly assist you, myself included." Purple eyes cut to the side, eyeing the brutes face. "Do you have any questions?"

[Image: qnvtMu8.png?1]


08-23-2023, 08:53 PM

He could stop talking now. He'd said so much already and the more words that left his mouth, the more annoyed he became. It wasn't quite her fault. She was simply doing the job that entitled him to speak. Leaving a slight bitter taste behind every sentence. As she continued on with further conversation. Officially welcoming him into the lands of Valta, an ear turned towards her as she spoke of hurting others. Khran did not open his mouth to promise such a thing. Only nodded in silence. He would not kill them. However, a warning would only go so far with him. If not left alone, one would indeed meet the consequences of their actions.

Their journey led them to several areas. One being full of food caught over time or recently brought in. How lazy is one to simply stock up on food? For a second, he thought of the long winter months that would soon approach them. Regardless of how he felt he did not speak these words aloud. Taking note to ensure he hid food away from only himself and shared with those of Valta. He was not a selfish male. He simply just did not like to share his other particular meals. Aslatiel then showed another area. Filled with various items meant to decorate an area of sorts. A brow rose. The more she showed, the less interested he became. Not showing such an emotion on his face. Khran only nodded and gave a grunt to her words every now and then.

Finally, the Alpha lead them to a place where several empty dens resided. He stepped ahead. Scenting at each with little to no liking of either. Melted golds seeking out something far more for his liking. Would he even need a den? He had no mate to shelter with and no pups to raise. The thought immediately brought forth the image of the woman he'd hunted with. Her soft colors of tans and browns reminded him much of the earth's soil. When both dry and wet. And like his own set of golds, her's reflected off the purest shade of the sun. Solid in their color that left him in a daze of sorts. Do you have any questions? Khranbari snapped out of his daze. Attention flickering to the small woman with a shake of his head. "No."


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