
Beast And Meat


08-20-2023, 09:04 AM
Morning usually brought the awakening of life. Birds chirped at the first sign of fresh morning winds. Squirrels began their work of hunting nuts and berries to store for the coming winter seasons. Wolves started their hunts while some remained within pack borders to tend to the pups. It all centered around the arrival of the sun. The very balance of earth itself. And yet, there was one who defied such a thing.

Khranbari peered from the shadowed darkness of his cave. The cold stone walls dripping with faint residence from the brewing storm acting violently just outside the entrance. Rain poured down through the darkness of clouds tainting the skies. Hiding away what could have been the sunniest of days. This male preferred the later.

From the depths of where he sat, sharp pools of melted gold stared endlessly over all that they could see. He was in no rush to leave and dared to be bothered. The storm’s arrival had awoken him from his slumber. Shaking the very beast to no longer sleep in silence. Thunder clapped just overhead. Distant lightening calling for his attention. He watched in silence. Time passed. And, the storm gave indication of letting up soon. It wasn’t on any type of agenda. Only it’s own. Leaving Khran to rise. Muscles cracking from the stretch of limbs. His coat shaking in every which way to rid of whatever clung to their strands. Hunger called to him. Luring the beast out of his home and into the world.

Here from the mountains, he could see that it hadn’t reached further into the lands as of yet. Many parts remained dry. Untouched. The sun shining overhead slowly becoming unhidden from being in the same blanket of clouds that sat just above him. He took it all in. Focus roaming where it could. From off to his left, a goat bellowed out. Staring at him without fear. Just behind him he could make out the silhouette of a mother and a lamb. His mouth water at the temptation. Such a gift presented so close to home. The meat of it savory and tender. Khran thought momentarily what to do. However, his mind finally settled on deer. The chase would be less dangerous for him. As well as less tiring.

With that in mind, he descended the mountains. Maneuvering quite easily down the paths until paws met damped grass. Easily sinking into the mudded soil with every step. His lungs filled as he inhaled deeply. The rain making it difficult for him to pick up a scent. With small hopes he will be able to find something through all of this. Until then, he ventured forward. No direction or destination in mind.



Novice Fighter (15)

Beginner Hunter (0)

4 Years
08-21-2023, 11:10 PM (This post was last modified: 08-21-2023, 11:25 PM by Varushka. Edited 1 time in total.)
The Polar Sound’s crags and high mountain tops shimmered with falling water from the passing storm. It seemed Varushka had narrowly avoided the worst of it as she sheltered in a rocky outcrop covered in thick old lichen and brambles. The storm seemed to be heading further inland, and it had stopped raining for the moment. Hopefully that meant it would remain fairly dry in the small tundra valley, and the ground would be less slippery for travel.

Peeking her muzzle out to scent the air, Varushka stepped out through the vegetation and onto a small dirt path. It lead only a few paw steps onward until the bushes gave way to the open grass and lichen valley. She glanced about her, ears twitching at the sound of the newly formed waterfalls cascading down the cliffs from the large amount of water that had befallen the area. The downpour of rain had made scenting for anything but the pungent foliage around her impossible for the time being.

Her honey yellow eyes searched the land in front of her for any signs of movement, while her ears swiveled, distracted by the subtle hush of falling water. She kept her head low as she skirted the bushes along the mountainside, studying the open fields and tree line in hopes of spotting a quick meal. Solitude had not been kind to Varushka. While she hadn’t gone out of her way to find other wolves, she hadn’t been avoiding them either. A lone wolf can only hunt so much, and she was not particularly skilled at trapping. So hunting small game was all she had been able to achieve to keep her going.

A flicker of movement up along the mountainside caught her eye. A large, mostly grey and silver figure descending from the heights made its way through the trees. Varushka watched from where she was, losing sight of it for a few moments before it emerged onto the grassy plains. She sniffed the air again, hoping to gather more information. It was a good distance away, but she was certain now that it was another wolf.


08-22-2023, 11:50 AM
Life slowly thrived around him. Such a shower of grey clouds and heavy rains created the perfect opportunity for creatures to come from their place of hiding. The sun’s appearance peaking effortlessly through parting clouds. Attempting to dry up what was left from a recent storm. Khranbari wandered along. No rush in his gate as hunter’s eyes scanned the vacuous area. Rabbits bounded out of sight. Scarring away into their burrows. Rodents found hallowed openings in trees to shield their bodies and watch from the safety there. Birds simply looked at the large beast. His very presence a threat in what they seen as their home. It bothered him none.

A scent of deer drifted along the warming breeze. Winds carrying such an aroma in his direction. The more he walked, the stronger it grew. Something else lingered just behind. Nearly faint, yet it could not be pinpointed. Khran stilled then. Melted gold scanning over the vast lands in search of what interrupted his concentration. Their presence too far for him to spot. His attention seeked the main priority even descending down from the mountains. He’d wait. Nails digging into the earth. Balancing as his body lowered into a crouch. Patience being a key in his madness before launching his body out of the shadows. Jaws wide and open in attempt to capture and take down what would soon be his next meal.

Sometimes Khran forgot the size of which he was. Calculations misinterpreted the moment realization hit him. The deer was of nothing but a mere fawn. A snack to only anger him into wanting more. So, it didn’t surprise him when his body collided into the hardness of a nearby tree. Such an impact leaving him to growl out in irritation. A waste of his time, the hunt. His body protesting with dull aches where the bark hit.

Khranbari shook his head. Gaze now taking note of the silhouette of a female. Her colors of browns, tans and softened golds is what caused him to stare. Indeed she was beautiful. Far more so than the wolves at his old home. Silent in his thoughts and never to voice them. Facial expressions blank. Void of emotions, the beast snorted.

He was hungry. The grumbling of faint agreement echoing from his stomach as he turned his focus elsewhere. Luckily for him, the herd that he assumed the fawn came from wasn’t too far. Still within sight of the female.. Khranbari took position. Body quiet in motion. Paws inaudible against the earthen terrain. Coat cloaked by the shadows of the forest itself. He moved with determination.

The closer he got, Khran slunk down. Lowering himself deeper into the darkness that held no light. Golden eyes locked on their target. Every twitch of a deer’s ear caught. Each shift of a muscle. Giving his luck the moment their bull stepped into his line of sight. Not far from where he hid. The beast froze before launching himself from the thicket. Jaws open to attempt an aim for the bull deer’s neck.




Novice Fighter (15)

Beginner Hunter (0)

4 Years
08-23-2023, 05:38 PM
Observing from where she stood with her ears forward, the brown female waited. Suddenly the breeze carried her way the scent of the wolf and of deer, which we has likely after. Before she could think or move his large grey pelt vanished again from her sight, and she stared at the spot now vacant of him. She took half a step and paused, unsure if he had seen her or if he even knew she was there. Then, she darted quietly along the edge of the field in his direction. She wasn’t really one to first approach someone, but the prospect of food, particularly deer which she hadn’t had in countless moons, urged her on.

Then the sound of bracken rustling ahead, followed by a soft thud, and a husky growl stopped her pursuit. She waited, listening as small clumsy feet stumbled away into thicker undergrowth. Varushka could smell the scent of deer stronger now, and the male was still close by.

Taking a few silent and careful steps toward the spot, she peered into the vegetation to catch another glimpse of him. She was surprised to see that was a lot bigger up close. His lush coat was a unique variation of greys, silvers, and whites. The fur that thinned along his shoulders and legs did little to hide his muscular frame underneath. Her eyes met his stoic golden pools, and his expression told her nothing. He simply continued on with his hunt, so she dared not speak and risk spoiling it.

The male must not have minded her presence as he resumed his stalking of the deer beyond them. Varushka kept her distance and crouched down to make her brown fur less visible to possible watching eyes. He moved silently on, disappearing again from her vision. She stopped her advance, as she could hear the deer nearby stripping leaves from bushes and uprooting grass stalks. She could no longer hear the stranger, when suddenly he sprang from his hiding place. Some birds called out in alarm as they fluttered away from the sudden outburst and the rest of the deer snorted and bleated as they leapt away in a panic.

The hoof beats on the ground and crashing of brambles faded away into the distance, and Varushka could hear a tussle in the grass beyond. She crawled closer, belly fur brushing the grass as she followed his path. She watched him from the concealment of the vegetation. He had his jaws locked onto a large buck’s throat. It choked out a gurgling grunt, pawing at the dirt with its front hoof as it tried to free itself by shaking its strong neck. It was still standing and fighting him, a truly impressive feat given the size of its attacker.

The buck turned its back to her direction in its attempts to throw the wolf off of it. Without a second thought, Varu leapt from the same spot he had. Landing squarely on the buck’s hindquarters. She scrabbled up its back as it bucked in surprise. Varu sunk her teeth into the back of its neck as she fought to stay on top of it. It let out a groan, flailing its antlers in pain and frustration.


08-23-2023, 06:28 PM

His heart thrummed within his ears. Much louder than the sound of the deer's. It rippled vibrations within the structure of his mouth. Teeth deepening with every thrash it use in its attempt to escape. Khranbari had no intention of allow such a thing to happen. His belly growling in agreement. There was nothing he cared about more than this very moment. Every tug dug his teeth deeper. Nearly reaching the lifeline to which would end this all entirely. Annoyance filling him when the Bulk refused to go down. Grass uprooting from their placement within the earth as both he and the deer fought against one another.

Khranbari felt a weight. There was something... rather someone on the deers back. Only glimpses of brown and tan flashing every so often in his peripheral. In the moment, he did not care. The added help would be all he needed to take down such a beast. The Bull shifted. Energy drifting from its movement the more the two of them bit into the thickened hide. Teeth sunk deeper. Surface of flesh easily breaking beneath the severity of his bite this round. Khranbari snarled out in victory. Blood splattering even more into his throat. Droplets escaping to the litter the earth. He was hungry. Starving even.

Before he knew it, the bull had collapsed. Body hitting the floor with a hard thud. Once hard fight now nothing but a couple of mild twitches. Even those became a slow descending movement. Until there was nothing. Chest heaving with the lack of breath clinging to his lungs. tongue slipping free to pant. However, it didn't take long before he went for the stomach. Each rip of furred skin from bone chewed and swallowed without hesitation. Belly filling as time ticked away. Nothing savored. But demolished.

Suddenly, he'd remembered. the other. Having been so invested in the meal itself he'd forgotten that they were even present. A word not spoken as he circled the carcass to ensure whomever they were was still alive and breathing. If not, he surely would have two meals instead of one.



Novice Fighter (15)

Beginner Hunter (0)

4 Years
08-23-2023, 09:04 PM
What felt like an eternity of fighting for Varushka came to an abrupt end. The larger male must have finally hit an artery or crushed the huge stag’s windpipe, for it crumpled to the ground taking them both down with it. The spastic movements rippling through its body slowly came to an end, and Varu licked the blood from her maw as she eyed the carcass hungrily.

The male had not stopped to breathe hardly before gorging himself on the still warm flesh of his kill. Varushka stood back, bloody tongue lolling from her efforts, as she watched him ravenously tear at the deer’s stomach. Neither of them had yet even shared a word.

It was not very long before the grey pelted male seemed to snap out of his voracious trance, and looked up from his carnage to seek her out. Varushka stepped back another few paw steps as he approached, eyeing her curiously. She gazed at him with intent yellow eyes, glanced at the carcass, and back at him. “Mind if I have some too?” she woofed. “I did help after all.” she added as she put a paw forward.


08-23-2023, 09:13 PM

Surprisingly, the woman so happen to still be breathing. It being the first time seeing her in full. He said nothing as he observed every inch of her. The tips of her ears held just the smallest amount of tufts. Much like he'd seen on lynx. Their position high and erect; whilst, her body was painted in the softest of browns and tans. As if the sun only hit certain areas of it. Khranbari felt the smallest of... something that left him speechless. Having heard her question and yet no words could be formed. He only stepped to the side. Leaving her room to pass. He would keep an eye on her. As well as the surroundings incase she did not come alone.

He'd hate to kill off such a beautiful creature. Even after finding such an interest in her.



Novice Fighter (15)

Beginner Hunter (0)

4 Years
08-23-2023, 09:59 PM
No reply came from his silver maw, and she twitched her ears. His silence only ever so slightly kept her fur on end, but her unease was outweighed by her hunger. She slid past him as he stepped aside for her, a clear indication he was allowing her access to it. She kept him in her line of sight as she maneuvered around the legs of the deer and found her way to the softer parts to feast upon.

She crunched her way through what he had left, blood further staining her brown and tan muzzle. Yellow eyes fixed on him as she tore flesh from bone. She licked her maw free of fluff as she lifted her head from the mess. Stomach as full as she could stand it, she sniffed the cooling body and moved away from it.

He had watched her in silence, glancing around every now and then. She assumed he was simply looking out for them, acting as a sentry. She did not trust him, but his lack of words did not give her much to assume negatively either. Actions did speak louder than words ever could after all.

”I don’t need anymore of this. Do you plan to take it with you, or will you leave it for the buzzards?” she asked him thoughtfully. She wondered if he had a pack to take it to. However it was highly unlikely given how he not only chowed down on it immediately after it had fallen but then allowed her to have her share of it too. The whole stomach, organs, and abdomen had been completely eaten away and some of the rump and thighs as well. They had made quick work of it and while a good amount was left over she was unsure of his customs when it came to cleanup.


08-23-2023, 10:32 PM
Khranbari couldn’t let his eyes drift from the woman for much too long. After giving their surroundings a quick glance, he found himself back. Entranced by those yellow pools which beamed like the sun or maybe it was just his imagination. Either way, he couldn’t help but admire such beauty in a female. The ones back home all held their own scale of looks. Some far prettier than the others. This one, for some odd reason, outshined then all. Maybe it was the innocent look upon her face. Features soft and stern. Untrusting. Wavering under the silence he knew all too well he gave off to others. It took him awhile to register her words. A brow lifting in question as he stood to sniff at the carcass.

He could keep the meal for more days to come; but, Khran wasn’t one to eat the same thing twice from the exact same catch. Tomorrow his tastebuds may call for rabbit or maybe even a fox or coyote. It didn’t much matter to him as long as he fed. "If you wish to keep it for yourself…" His nose nudged at the bull elk. Gaze wandering back to hers. "I will surely find something else when the time arises." Khran gave a small tilt of his head. Ears tuned in on every and anything. Solely on her, though.



Novice Fighter (15)

Beginner Hunter (0)

4 Years
08-24-2023, 09:58 PM
The Forrest had since resumed its quiet murmur. A large vulture had already caught wind of the fresh scent of death, circling high above them. Varushka shook her fur, velvety brown and tan fur ruffling every which way. There was plentiful prey in these lands, it was no surprise that he was not concerned of where his next meal would come. She had noticed a lot of animals in the areas she had traversed. However, no number of prey was of any use to her if she couldn’t catch them.

Dipping her head to him she responded, ”I don’t think I’ll be staying here long, so I don’t need it.” It was likely more work than it’s worth to keep it, especially alone. She would have to fend off scavengers if she stayed with it, and taking it with her would be an unnecessary ordeal. She would rather travel light. While she had no particular direction in mind, she wasn’t sure if she would or even could stay here.

The thought of finally having somewhere to belong did stir a warm feeling inside of her. It had been so long since she had been a part of something, and so long since she hadn’t been alone.

Thirst beckoned to her. She had not yet drank that day, but she hesitated. She wasn’t sure if she wanted to go alone. While the silver furred male didn’t seem to be very talkative, he hadn’t been unpleasant by any means. Maybe, if they warmed up to one another she could get more information from him. He definitely hadn’t taken his eyes off of her the entire time, but neither had she of him. There was equal parts curiosity, and unease there. She wondered what was going on behind those golden eyes. They betrayed nothing to her. His words all she had.

”Will you come drink with me? I’m parched.” She turned toward where they had come from, remembering the icy waterfalls that flowed off from higher elevations. The water collecting in the valley was sure to be cool and refreshing. She looked at him over her shoulder, hoping he would join her.


08-26-2023, 10:29 AM
With her decline of the carcass, Khran completely turned his back on the mutilated corpse. There was no further need of it. Since both parties were full and could not eat another bite. Such a meal should have been for the purpose of a pack or even an entire family starving; but, he had neither at the moment. A thought which casually slipped into the brink of his mind. Picking at certain pieces in wonder would even want to do something like that. To have a place to hide within in the warriors of Chao Fah came searching for him. It would make perfect sense to at least have some time of back up, right?

So many possibilities and each one held a variety of endless results. For now, he would leave it be. Attention solely on the blurred mass of tans and browns as the woman continued to stare. Had it not been for he who started first he surely would have deemed it rude. And yet, Khran found himself curious about her. There were no others who'd arrived while she ate. No scent lingered in the winds besides her own. Even with the distance he could not smell any male's claim. Though, he'd have to get close enough to conclude that hypothesis.

Khranbari tilted his head once she chose to ask him to join her for a drink. He'd felt the oncoming need for water shortly after finishing his own meal. Throat becoming ignored to thoroughly invest in the words spoken from the earth toned woman. Was he such a stagnant male that he could not answer a mere question? It wasn't that he didn't want to talk. He just didn't like to. Words were pointless. Actions spoke louder and words could not be trusted. He'd learned that at a young age.

He gave a nod in agreement. Paws carrying him to the left of her with a look of indifference. The entirety of their time spent together, neither had given their names. Khran feared the slow building of interest that was growing inside of him. He was not a regular male; however, a very obsessive one. Not ever have had a mate before. He truly feared what this would develop into and how he would feel once it took over.



Novice Fighter (15)

Beginner Hunter (0)

4 Years
08-26-2023, 07:01 PM
The two treaded along together in silence. Varushka felt she was slowly getting used to the male’s lack of speech. It was almost kind of nice. Most others she had met in the past either spoke way too much or whatever came out of their mouth was unreliable to what they actually ended up doing. The grey furred wolf beside her was very consistent from what she had gathered in the short time they had spent together so far.

They matched their paces as they trekked back to the waterfalls. As they approached one, the ground below it had already swollen with a large amount of water. It was several times the size it had been when Varushka had been there earlier. The water itself seemed plenty clear enough, with the exception of a few bits of leaf litter, old sphagnum moss, or floating sticks.

The brown female lowered her head to lap at the icy cold water. It soothed her warm throat and cooled her belly. Her blood stained jowls and teeth coming clean as she licked them with the aid of the water. She felt a tug of curiosity as she thought of her new acquaintance. What was he doing out here all alone? Surely he didn’t have anyone to take care of if he didn’t want to keep the deer they had shared. She still didn’t even know his name.

The medium sized female sat down beside the pool of water, the grass brushing her haunches. The pleasant sound of water splashing into the pool was soothing. She stared into the water at their reflections as she spoke, ”My name is Varushka by the way.” She dipped her head to him. ”Mind if I ask you yours?” She did not expect much chatter from him, but she hoped knowing each others names would at least help them not feel so on edge.


08-28-2023, 09:51 AM
Their walk held no conversation. A comfortable silence proved well for Khranbari. If she did wish to speak, it would not be he who would initiate the first world. Instead, he kept to the confines of his thoughts. Attention shifting about in different directions. Taking in all that the area had to offer. A scampering rodent trying to rid itself from view. The circling of crows following the scent of a freshly dead carcass just ways behind them. Tree branches swaying endlessly in the autumn winds. Everything seemed to have a purpose in life. And yet he did not. What was the reasoning in planning out anything if they usually never came to be done?

Khran chuffed out a noise. It was quick and beneath his breath. Not wanting it to be an indication catching her attention if anything else. He simply followed beside the earthen woman. Realizing she too hadn't sparked up anything besides having asked if he would join her for a drink. It bothered him none and before he knew it they reached the waterfall's edge. His gaze watching the way she drank. Tongue lapping delicately at the water. Dripplets falling from her chin. No longer did her muzzle hold the blood from their kill. Now gone and staining the liquid surface below. He was in no rush as he waited his turn. The moment she stepped back is when he moved forward. Unlike her, his way of drinking was a bit... sloppy. Not really caring if the blood washed away or not. Even though he knew it would with how he satisfied his thirst. Licking away anything that appeared left. No longer thirsty and completely full, a yawn broke his jaws in half. Sleep knocking at the door behind his eyes. Today started off long and the hunt took a bit out of him. Luckily coming out victorious without any injuries.

So lost in thought, he nearly missed the last of her words. She'd spoken? Liquid golds flickered to her solid yellows. Varushka was her name. Khran repeated her name a few times in his mind. Enjoying the way it felt as he did so. "Khranbari.. Like the fruit." One thing was for certain, he did not know why his parents had called him Cranberry and spelled it differently. Perhaps it was because they were bitter and tart. Two things that he could be. But he chose not to.



Novice Fighter (15)

Beginner Hunter (0)

4 Years
09-03-2023, 09:42 AM (This post was last modified: 09-03-2023, 09:44 AM by Varushka. Edited 1 time in total.)
While he drank his fill the brown female paid no mind to his sloppier demeanor. He was a mountain man through and through, she thought. Her yellow gaze studied his reflection in the water, rippling with the disturbance from his tongue. As he finished, his yawning felt contagious and it caused her maw to part briefly as well before she stifled it. The ache of their labor was shared, her her limbs protested any movement and her mind felt fuzzy now that she was completely satisfied in food and water.

It had taken him a moment to respond to her query. ”Khranbari..” she echoed in her mind. He didn’t look like a cranberry. His fur was grey and silver, and his eyes were a molten gold. She too thought of the bitter taste but he wasn’t really bitter either from what she had collected, only quiet and reserved. She turned her head away from him, looking out at the cold mountains that loomed over them on either side. A small red bird flitted by and she could hear it calling out, not in alarm, but perhaps in search of another of its kind.

More questions felt like they were bubbling up from her stomach. Varushka looked back at him again, eyes intent she asked, ”Is this your home, Khranbari?” His name felt right on her tongue. Varu figured she had nothing to lose in asking him. While he seemed to enjoy the quiet she hoped he would share with her. The she wolf wanted to know more from him, it had been so long since she last had company. Varu felt that she was lost in this place.. all alone.


09-03-2023, 10:49 AM

He didn't know when his body settled into a resting sit. But, there was no protest against it. The roundness of his belly tight and restricted. Throat cooled from a well needed drink. All that remained was a nap to quicken the digestive process. Khranbari held back on the later, though. Seeing as Varushka wanted to talk. Another question slipping from her lips on hopes of an answer to follow. There wasn't much that he could say about himself. He didn't know where home was right now. Or, if he even wanted to take claim somewhere in these parts of the lands. Glancing to where the mountains resided from where he'd come from. He shrugged in response. "No. Only a place to rest."

Khran looked over to the earthen woman. His expression indifferent and yet his eyes shown a small light of curiosity. "Do you have one?" Maybe she lived nearby. Was this area hers? Had he trespassed on a claimed patch of land to which she made her own? If he had, he didn't much care at all. Ther were no other wolves to chase him out and if it had came to a fight, he wouldn't have hesitated in doing what was needed. Weirdly the thought of an event taking place with her panged his heart oh so mildly. They'd only just met and here he was wanting to protect her from whatever dangers lay ahead of her journey. It took everything to swallow the building growl tickling the back of his throat. Deciding best to look elsewhere as an ear turned in her general direction.



Novice Fighter (15)

Beginner Hunter (0)

4 Years
09-03-2023, 05:28 PM
Varushka blinked, the sun above them now shining high in the sky. The morning mist had long since dissipated and the waterfalls around them had been reduced to trickles. As the silver coated wolf responded that this was in fact not his home, Varu dipped her head in understanding. Both of them were strangers to this place and that only made Varushka wonder more about her quiet acquaintance. She said nothing else and the quiet stretched on for a few heartbeats. Then, to her surprise it was he who broke the silence next. His brilliant golden eyes finally showing some glint of curiosity about what she would say. Maybe we was more like her than she expected.

She didn’t take notice of his internal conflict as he looked away while listening to her.”No.” Varu replied with trailing thought. ”I have been on my own for some time.” she felt like she could be vulnerable to him. It was a dangerous bit of information to give to a stranger. But he had given her no reason to be picky with what she told him. His question and current situation even made her believe he was on his own too. Khranbari had gotten comfortable across the grass from her, and she too felt sleep creeping up on her. She fought it however, unsure if she felt quite safe enough to sleep out here in the open especially with someone she didn’t really know.


09-05-2023, 08:36 AM

The sun's heat rested solely on his back now. Festering the urge to find shade and be swept away into a blissful sleep for the continuing journey ahead. He yawned once more. Body shifting in just the slightest to lick at a spot. An itch coming to play just on the left of his side. Using his teeth to rid of the annoying sensation moments after she spoke her answer. So, they were both alone. Him by choice. But was she? Khran could feel that curiosity pestering him to ask. Choosing best to remain quiet with a nod of his head. "I am alone by choice..." He said nothing more and nothing less. What would she think had she found out that he murdered his parents? Actually, why would he even care what she thought?

He stood from his sitting position and stretched out the length of his body. Shaking off anything that may have found its way into his fur. He was tired. From both eating and talking. He'd done too much of both and wanted nothing more but to slumber. His paws moving him off towards a nearby shadowed spot. The looming trees above making for a perfect hide away to conceal him from sight for the time being. Liquid golds looked over his shoulder. A question there lingering just within the depths of those melted pools. Would you join me?



Novice Fighter (15)

Beginner Hunter (0)

4 Years
09-05-2023, 06:22 PM
After some time Khranbari had come up with a simple response, it was clear by his lack of detail that he would much rather sleep now than keep talking. She had missed her opportunity. However, he was not the only one feeling it. Tiredness had now sunk its yellow fangs deeper into her bones. Rising to her paws, she watched him meander away toward the cool shade of a spruce tree. He hesitated, looking over his shoulder at her with piercing golden eyes that seemed to beckon to her. Though he spoke no words, she knew what he was asking.

Better judgment had left her. Varushka’s comfortably full belly and Khranbari’s quiet and mysterious air had left her feeling far too lazy and way too intrigued to find a farther yet potentially safer place to sleep. What was the worst that could happen? If he had wanted to harm her, surely he wouldn’t have waited this long to do so. It was only a moment before her dark brown paws carried her slowly along toward his direction. Maybe after they rested a while he would give her the answers she sought.


09-05-2023, 06:55 PM
She'd followed. Something he thought she'd deny and move off towards another place to rest. At last they fullness of both conquered all senses and took them to their resting place. His body fell over without a hassle. Plopping effortlessly onto his side with a loud snort. Khran could no longer fight the harsh reality of him being overly exhausted. At this point he was fighting the urge to even stay awake. Lids sliding into a narrowing state as he patted the space right beside him with a single paw. He need not know if she had any experience in fighting; though, it did not matter either way. Varushka was under his protection until further notice.

Another yawn made itself known. Jaws smacking. Tongue grooming at the space between her ears the moment she laid beside him. Trapped in the subconsciousness of being asleep and awake. He found his tail finding rest across her own. Head displaying over his front legs. Had it not been for the way his body succumbed to the darkness, Khranbari would have remembered the words he'd spoken in that moment. "I made a choice which led me here. I do not have a home. Though, I wish to find one. Soon." Sadly... he did not because soon after, he was out like a light.



Novice Fighter (15)

Beginner Hunter (0)

4 Years
09-05-2023, 07:47 PM
Her legs could carry her no further as she laid to rest beside him. His large build easily hiding her own from an outside view. She was surprised to feel his tongue rasp the fur atop her head just between her dark colored ears. The action caused her to jerk, but she did not move away. Her excuse for the non-appropriate formal greeting was exhaustion. So she let it slide. Varushka did not want to admit how safe she felt with the big brute shielding her from the world. Surely she shouldn’t with someone she hardly knew.

His maw opening wide for another yawn was yet again echoed by her own. She rested her head down on her paws, and she could feel his warm breath on her neck fur. ”Well, maybe now.. we won’t have to be alone anymore..” she replied. Her eyes feeling heavier by the moment. His rhythmic breathing told her he had fallen asleep. So she too let the darkness take her.

Perhaps when she woke up, she would be better able to think clearly. She knew what would be required of her to be a part of something more than herself. It had been so long since she was in a pack. However, what she didn’t know was if she was ready.

As the sun slowly sunk behind the western horizon, her yellow eyes fluttered open. Her slumbering acquaintance hardly stirred, his breath steady and raspy, and his silver tail still rested on hers. Varushka quietly got to her paws and slunk away. She felt a pang of guilt as she glanced over her shoulder at the sleeping heap of grey fur. But she really needed some space to think. So off she trekked into the night.


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1. Beast And Meat The Polar Sound 09:04 AM, 08-20-2023 03:11 AM, 02-13-2024