
Swish Swish




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08-15-2023, 04:57 PM (This post was last modified: 08-15-2023, 04:58 PM by Sucre. Edited 1 time in total.)
It had been days since she had seen her family. The poor girl had remembered being scared to death, hearing the growls of the slobbering beasts that descended on them. They had scattered, the majority of them fleeing, though two of her siblings had made an attempt to fight back. Sucre did not know what had become of them. Her ears were lowered as she pulled herself up the last bit of rough, foliage rich terrain onto a rocky path.

They hadn't been able to follow her where the plants had clumped so close together and the tiny orange kit had used that and her small size to get away. But now she was on her own… Mama said they might be one day, but she didn't think it would be so soon! She glanced around the unfamiliar area, eyes widening as she saw something huge farther down the path. That wasn't a deer! What was it though? A mix of caution and curiosity urged her to investigate.

On sore paws she made her decent quickly as she could muster, body lowered to the ground and slinking above the rocks as she got closer. The closer she got, the bigger the not-deer thing got too. Would it leave her alone like the deer did? It didn't have grass to munch though… What if it chased her? Worry got the better of her and the kitten flattened herself, continuing to watch the beast with widened green eyes. Behind her her tail flicked back and forth, trying to gauge if the not-deer was safe or not.



Expert Fighter (180)

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Critical Observation!OverachieverPride - Pansexual
08-24-2023, 12:42 AM

The donkey slowly plods along paths that lead around the slate gray cliffs that raise and fall through this land. Winter is on the horizon and Oscar’s thicker, curlier coat has arrived. Nugget rests in his usual spot on the ass’s rump, feet curled tightly into the donkey’s coat while his head rest behind one of his wings. The rooster never really sleeps when they travel but he always tucks his head away so that the ass won’t bother him with idle talk. Short tail lazy slaps at fly that alights on Oscar’s side and the fuzzy appendage swings lazily from side to side as he walks.

Grass is scarce in this area and Oscar is only really focused on moving around the pack lands without infringing on their territory. His herd lays further North but the donkey often travels down out of the snow to give the two farm animals a chance to warm up. Taiga and Rannoch always offer their warmth when they sleep but sometimes, he just needs more. A rather pitiful patch of grass appears on the slime pathway around the mountain and the ass takes a moment to pause and graze. Flat teeth crop at the long stalks as his tail idly flicks behind him, confident that no predators are close by.

Suddenly, Nugget speaks up from his place behind his wing, saying, “You know you are not alone, right?” Head snaps up and the donkey glances around because he most certainly had not known that. Eyes land on a rather small, rather fuzzy patch of fur behind him. Curious, Oscar turns toward the tiny feline and says, “Well hello there, little one. Are you lost?” Long ears swivel forward and he lowers his head toward the ground, allowing the kitten free access to his soft muzzle so that she may smell him. Thick Irish tones softly ask, “Where are your ma and da?” If this baby is lost, the usually grumpy ass will help her find her way home.

"Oscar Monaghan" | "Nugget"

Be warned! Oscar can (and often times will) be an ass!
Oscar has a thick Irish accent and a Cochin Rooster companion named Nugget who is always nearby



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08-29-2023, 08:37 AM
Sucre watches him, her green eyes curious, but she also has a healthy amount of caution. She doesn't know what animal he really is, nor his temperament. Suddenly his head snaps up and Sucre flinches, fur raising along her spine at the reaction. Part of her warns to prepare to run but she doesn't. Not yet. She continues to watch him, noticing how his eyes fall on her. They are larger than her own but likewise they hold curiosity. Sucre allows her fur to lay flat as she gets to her paws and extends her neck as she sniffs at him.

He helped with that, lowering his head to the ground. He definitely wasn't a deer, but she had no idea what he was. Sucre frowned at his questions. "Does it count as being lost if I can't return home?" The tiny feline can smell another scent too, feathers, but she can't see the bird. It is close though, her little nose breathing in the scent as she looks around.

"My family was attacked by dogs... As far as I know… I'm the only one that got away.... My sister and brother tried to fight them but…" Sucre shivered. "They outnumbered us and were much bigger…" Not to mention loud and cruel. They had jumped straight into attacking their loved ones. Sucre looks back at the donkey and tries to shift the subject.

"You're not a deer but… do you have a herd or uh.. family?



Expert Fighter (180)

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11 Years
Large species

Critical Observation!OverachieverPride - Pansexual
09-29-2023, 03:31 PM

The very tiny feline seems scared of him and the donkey does his best to ease her fear. As she sniffs his soft, velvety muzzle, Oscar’s wide nostrils flare as he gently pulls in her scent. A gentle smile is on his lips as he questions if she is lost and the kitten frowns before asking a question that has a frown tugs his lips downward. From his rump, Nugget lifts his head from underneath his wing and stands, craning his long, feathery neck to get a good look at the small kitten that cannot go home. It is a tale that the ass and rooster know all too well and, as she explains what happened to her family, the pair have their minds already made up.

In an attempt to soothe the tiny feline, Oscar reaches his broad lips toward the little one’s head and attempts to give her a gentle ‘donkey kiss’. His mouth stays closed while his lips work, wetting the fur on top of her head and making it stick out at odd angles… if she allows it. At her question, the donkey lifts his head and turns to looks at Nugget, a silent agreement passing between the two. Blue eyes turn back to the orphaned kitten and the smile once more appears as he says, “Aye, I have a herd and they are my family. Luckily, they aren’t too far from here. My name Oscar and this here, is Nugget.”

Nose turns to point to the feathered creature on his rump before looking back to the kitten and saying, “Our herd doesn’t have a lot but we will share everything that we have with you. Would you like to meet them?” Nugget gives a soft crow in agreement, the normally grumpy rooster’s façade falling away in the face of a lost and lonely creature. No matter what the may be, the two barnyard animals will always have a soft spot in their hearts for orphaned animals. Something tells him that one more member in their ragtag herd won’t be a problem. Plus, he is pretty sure Taiga will want to meet this tiny feline.

"Oscar Monaghan"

Be warned! Oscar can (and often times will) be an ass!
Oscar has a thick Irish accent and a Cochin Rooster companion named Nugget who is always nearby



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Intermediate Intellectual (30)

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Small species
10-06-2023, 11:08 PM

Even as she spoke, Sucre’s body language betrayed her stress. The not-deer moved his head down, and, for a moment, she tensed reflexively. But the gentle movement of his lips helps calm her, and the kitten’s fur lies flat once more. Other than that on her head of course. The comfort and affection were needed, and as he lifted his head to look at the feathered friend on his back, Sucre blinked up at them. They did not speak, but they seemed to understand one another. The big one spoke again, saying he had a herd and confirmed they were his family. One that wasn’t far from here. She feels her heart sink a little… but the newly introduced Oscar does not allow her to remain saddened for long. He states they don’t have much, but they would share what they had with her, asking if she would like to meet them.

What species Oscar is from no longer crosses her mind as a glimmer of hope is presented to her. The tiny kitten’s tail swishes back and forth as she gives an eager nod. “If you think they’d like me!” The crow of the feathered one has her gaze turned to Nugget, eyes widening with fascination. “Woahhh… I’ve never heard a bird make that noise before! That’s so cool!” She moves closer to get a better look at Nugget but frowns when her view is obstructed by Oscar because of how small she is. “Mmmn… you’re too tall. I can’t see Nugget anymore.” Her ears fall with disappointment as she flicks her gaze back to Oscar.

“Does he always ride on your back...?” In being given a chance to meet other friendly creatures, the tiny kitten has completely forgotten about sharing her name.




Expert Fighter (180)

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11 Years
Large species

Critical Observation!OverachieverPride - Pansexual
11-01-2023, 04:37 PM

Many may view Oscar as nothing but a grumpy ass it but it is only because they never got to opportunity to see the gentle streak in him that is a mile wide. This tiny cat is scared and alone and the donkey tries his best to calm and help the unknown child. Bright blue eyes watch the youngster as he offers to take her to meet his herd, a gentle smile curling his lips as her tail swishes and she gives an eager nod. The tiny kitten agrees to it if he thinks that his herd will like her and the equine’s brows lift as he leans toward her to, once again, ruffle the fur atop her head while a gentle chuckle rumbles out.

Nostrils flare as his muzzle works, blowing warm air onto her head as he lovingly kisses her head and, when he pulls away, the fur is even messier than before. Warm words assure her, “Of course they will want to meet you. We have a bit of a habit of helping those in need. Plus, I know Taiga will want to talk to you.” Luckily, Nugget draws her attention for the moment and the kitten steps forward to get a better look at the bird but accidentally blocks the rooster from her view.

The tiny feline’s ears fall flat in disappointment as she looks to him, questioning if the rooster always rides on his back and the ass dips his in a nod in acknowledgement as he says, “Aye, that he does. It is faster for us to travel if he rides up there. You know… I don’t think he would mind sharing the space.” Oscar darts a glance at Nugget who gives a nod of approval and the donkey carefully folds his front legs until he is resting on his knees. From there, he carefully lowers his rump until he is laying down and is now much lower than before.

Turning his head to look at the child, the donkey offers a happy smile as he joyfully says, “Well, come on. There is a herd I know who would love to meet you.” And with that, he waits for her to climb aboard.

"Oscar Monaghan"

Be warned! Oscar can (and often times will) be an ass!
Oscar has a thick Irish accent and a Cochin Rooster companion named Nugget who is always nearby



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Intermediate Intellectual (30)

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Small species
12-27-2023, 06:16 PM

The air that Oscar blows onto her head is warm, and as he gives her more kisses, Sucre rumbles a purr within her throat. He is so gentle, so kind despite his bigger size. He even tells her that Nugget always rides on him and, to her surprise, Oscar folds his legs and comes down to the earth so that she can see his back and the rooster riding on it. Her green eyes light up at the offering to ride alongside nugget, an eager nod of her head and a smile be given in response. “Okay~” She lowers her own body down, her rump wiggling in the air before she takes a mighty leap to land upon Oscar’s back beside Nugget. Already her perception of the world is different, her green eyes widening as she looks around. Then she draws closer to Nugget, continuing to purr as she settles into a sitting position. Her world has changed, but there is hope for the future. “I can’t wait to meet them!” She meows, wondering what his herd is like. Especially the one named Taiga.

"Speech," 'Thought.'

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