
This Is What We're Living For

Pack Meeting!


"I'll Rise Up"


Master Fighter (320)

Master Intellectual (305)

An icon representing the specialty Bard Bard

3 Years
Extra small

ScarredDouble MasterRapid Poster - SilverSamhain 2022
08-29-2023, 01:01 PM

The time has come to share the news with the pack. With Bellamy safely in the care of the Hallows, it is time for Haydée to gather the pack together and inform them of the change in leadership along with a general check in with them all. Nervously, the small girl makes her way toward a small rock at the top of the falls that is the perfect height for her to sit on and allow the entire pack to see her without them having to crane their necks. Nimbly, she leaps atop her stone seat and turns to face the flat area in front of it where the pack will gather.

Butterflies flutter in her stomach and her heart thunders in her chest as she tips her head back and releases a summoning call for the entire pack. The tone leaves no room to doubt the fact that they all need to attend but she weaves in a gentle inclination that lets them know it is because this is important. The call fades off in the soft, late morning light and the flowers and herbs within the lands in full of bloom. They lend their intoxicating aromas to the air which make for a lovely Spring day. Haydée sits as she hopes to put her pack at ease and let them know she is here for them.

OOC: Mandatory pack meeting! Replies are due by September 5th but, if you need more time, just reach out to me.

"Haydée Kedieo"

"Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.”
Haydée has a male northern cardinal named Chanson and a female fossa named Manon. They are always close by.



Expert Fighter (130)

Beginner Intellectual (10)

2 Years
Dire wolf
08-29-2023, 01:47 PM
The girl had been on her own for the past few weeks. Now that she was almost fully used to her new family, she felt less uncertain, and she was growing bolder each day. And today she was exploring near the packlands being scored by her mother's companion. But as she went, she heard the howl from someone she wasn't familiar with, but she said nothing and went right into it. As she arrived, she took a seat, Her eyes expressed nothing besides a subtle curiosity.

She wondered if her siblings and family will also come. But if not that was okay she could always update them later on.

code by Cloudy



Expert Fighter (140)

Intermediate Intellectual (30)

2 Years
08-29-2023, 02:04 PM

Jericho has been loving life, enjoying each spring day with the boundless enthusiasm that only puppies seem to have. He is playing in the wooded area near the falls when a call fills the late morning air. Ears perk up and the boy immediately stops what he is doing to rush up to the top of falls. It doesn’t take him long to find the small girl sitting on a rock and his sister, Nova, sitting on the grass in front of her.

With a smile, the boy angles himself over to where his older sibling is and comes to a stop next to her. Giving the girl a gentle shoulder bump, Jericho turns his white gaze over to her and offers a wink and grin. Nova always seems so serious but Jerry loves her anyway because she is his sister and amazing to boot. Attention then turns to where the short girl sits as he seats himself on the grass next to his sister and gently presses into her side. Together, they wait to hear what this is all about.

"Jericho Agatsuma-Kedieo"



Expert Fighter (120)

Advanced Healer (116)

2 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022
08-29-2023, 11:01 PM

Even though he had already known this meeting was coming, it still felt unreal to hear his sister howling for the pack to gather. Somehow that meeting call made it more real even though it wasn't any less real moments ago. He knew their mother would be back and she would get better, but it was still hard knowing that she wasn't here right now and that all of this fell on his sister. It was hard knowing that he wasn't enough to help their mom here. After taking a breath, Dorian made his way up to where his sister had called for them, giving her a smile as he approached. He had promised to support her in this and he would always keep his word. Copper peeked out over the top of his head as he settled down onto his haunches, the stoat just as interested in what was happening around him. He gave a little nod to his niece and nephew that had arrived before him before giving Haydeé his full attention, offering her an encouraging grin.

"Dorian Kedieo"



Beginner Healer (0)

Intermediate Intellectual (30)

7 Years

The Ooze Participant
08-30-2023, 02:49 AM
Fenix had felt a disconnect. Possibly with himself, stuck in a rut. He hadnt been seen much, though the male tended to his garden of herbs he returned to his den rather quickly. He felt like his motovation had been sucked dry. Fenix was too proud or perhaps just self destructive. He didnt have someone to share these things with.

A meeting? The bleary eyed man sat on the outside. Semi shading himself under a tree listening to the falls. He hadnt seen Bellamy since well... he couldnt remember. Who called had been one of her children, concerned he hoped his questions would come with some answers.



Beginner Intellectual (0)

Beginner Fighter (0)

2 Years
08-30-2023, 02:54 AM
Bellamy would be gone for a while. Riv supposed it was a good thing. After shed lost so much but still gained new life within the pack. The yearling figured he should try to seek out training. Hell he should take his tasks into his own paws. Riv just hoped his lack of experience didnt show. Already feeling like a fool as he tried to stay away from the water as far as he could while still being in earshot.

He swung his tail high before letting it settle across his paws. Fluffing the feline tail he smiled at Haydee. Nodding his head Riv hoped she saw him. Perhaps something important would be addressed this meeting. Plus he wanted to know if his new mom was doing okay.



Advanced Healer (85)

Advanced Navigator (90)

4 Years
Extra small

Samhain 2022Statue 5 Worship
08-30-2023, 11:54 AM

Guilt, worry, and grief had settled in all at once. Lucette had prayed that her mother would bounce back, reveal the strength she had always known her to have if she just gave her some time and some herbs to help with that. She was wrong. She had been blinded by what she wanted to believe. With their mother off seeking aid in another pack Lucy had tried to keep herself busy with her and Bae-Syl’s litter… and even there she felt that she had failed. A sick feeling sat like sludge in her stomach every day, and now even she was battling that grief that had stolen their mother away. She needed to be strong… but that feeling of doubt rested over her head. Not only was her mother gone, but one of her pups had been snatched from the pack as well. The same pup that was meant to be a reincarnation of her father.

She had looked all over the packlands for him. She had sent Ink out after the bird, but though she had found traces of Gavroche’s presence she had failed to find the pup. But there was hope. Ink had found the scents of the boy, as well as a couple feathers, along with that of another wolf. He hadn't been made into a meal for the bird that took him, but Lucette had no idea where the boy might be. That was what gave her a little bit of hope, a little bit of strength to fight back her grief. That and the worried faces of her children. She couldn’t bear to fail the rest of them.

Hearing the call she called to her little ones to follow. She knew she needed to keep a watchful eye on Sou, and Bae-Syl would likely keep pace with Vitani and Ikuchi. She had told Bae-Syl of Gavroche’s absence, and told her children that he was on an unplanned adventure and they would find him soon. There was a chance Gavroche had even been found by a wolf from the pack neighboring them. She didn’t want to lose hope in that. Once she had arrived at the meeting with her children, all except Jericho and Nova who had beat them there, she spoke softly to them. “Join your siblings, little ones. Mama has to talk to your auntie real quick and then she’ll join you.”

She’d break away from the pups, drawing close to Hay before speaking just loud enough for the new Leader to hear. “Haydee… Gav was snatched by a bird… Ink managed to find signs of his presence in some mist filled woods with another wolf. It is possible he has been picked up by a wolf from the neighboring pack.” Her words are quiet, knowing the information is important to pass along. Her expression softens then and she gives her little sister an encouraging smile before brushing her nose against her cheek affectionately.

“I’m sorry to drop this on you now of all times. I know you can do this, Hay. Mother saw your strength and heart. You’ll do just fine. Bae-Syl and I will be here to support you if you need us, okay?” She would then break away to join her children, giving nuzzles to both Nova and Jericho in turn. “Have you been enjoying exploring Nova? Ethne has so many pretty spots in our lands. I wonder if you’ve found them all?” She wanted the girl to fit in, to feel loved. She didn’t know who would dare abandon a child, or if her parents truly had, but Lucy swore to love her and treat her like one of her own.

"Speech," 'Thought.'
Lucette has two companions - a kodkod and a saw-scaled viper. Unless otherwise mentioned IC, assume that they are close by.

Bae-Syl, as Lucette's bestie, guardian, and mate is welcome to invade her threads at any time regardless of how they are marked.



Beginner Healer (0)

Beginner Hunter (0)

2 Years
Extra large
08-30-2023, 04:47 PM (This post was last modified: 08-30-2023, 04:52 PM by Sou. Edited 1 time in total.)

Souzan was working on the plants she had helped her mother collect the other day. Always wanting to make her family proud despite her small disadvantage in relation to her siblings. As her eyes focused on the task ahead, her ears picked up the summons of someone she wasn't familiar with, only seeing them in passing. “Join your siblings, little ones. Mama has to talk to your auntie real quick, and then she’ll join you.” Her mother said as she followed her to the meeting, finding Nova and Jericho amongst the crowd. Slowly, she took a seat by their side but shared no words.


[Image: PuffsTransparent.png]


08-31-2023, 03:37 PM
His mother said Gavroche was on an adventure but she was acting weird about it. She was sad, but every time one of them started to pick up on it she would smile and tell them she was okay. Baecette was glad she was being strong but he didn't know what had happened to his winged sibling. He had been picking up on the fact Sou had been helping their mama though. And his attention had pulled from Vitani as he followed his family to the meeting.

Strangers… Baecette looked at the ones gathered with uncertainty before going to sit with the siblings that had gathered. He would sit next to Nova and lean in to bump her shoulder in greeting. "Find anything fun you might want to share later?" He asked, hoping she might be willing for some company on her next adventure. He wasn't paying attention to the gathering wolves anymore at all.



Master Fighter (295)

Master Intellectual (260)

An icon representing the specialty Tactician Tactician

5 Years

VengeanceThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2VengeanceUnderachieverExplorer
Mammoth HunterIce Bridge ExplorerPride - BisexualSnake Eyes1KDouble Master
09-01-2023, 08:53 PM

Dagrún kept herself busy with the mundane tasks of patrolling and chasing off the occasional band of daring coyotes fixated on their meat lockers. Ethne had been quiet since Gavorche's murder and the slaying of his murderer. Bellamy had retreated into solitude and she hadn't heard from Gossamer since the woman's return to the Armada. Dagrún knew she needed to get her act together. She had an apprentice to train and the visit with the Warlord's daughter had gone so well, Dag had decided she was going to pursue the other woman come hell or high water. Which was a whole problem in and of itself. Neither of her parents had taught her anything about professing love, their own coupling having been an arranged marriage.

Dag stretched out over a nearby boulder, letting her mind walk itself in circles before a call from Haydée caught her attention. Oh? This sounded important. She collected her things and headed toward the falls. A number of her pack mates were already gathered and she quickly noted the absence of Bellamy.



Expert Fighter (120)

Beginner Hunter (0)

7 Years

1KThe Ooze ParticipantCritical Hit!
09-04-2023, 03:04 PM
Mika hadnt been able to tell anyone yet. There was no aign of Tanelan. Not at least in the mental sense. Theyd tried to tell beau. Hopefully their mate wouldnt be too far behind in this meeting. Being the one in front Mika was trying to make the best decisions that they could. A cold ache in their muscles as they slinked on the outskirts not even giving a glance to Fenix who had been treating them previously.

Carefully Mika sat patiently through slitted eyes at the young wolf who called the meeting. So it wasnt their usual alpha. They were not surprised given the circumstances. Lets just hope that their host would come back some day.
Lan has DID and can switch personalities without notice
Mika is considered rated M
Beau may enter any threads as their partner



Master Fighter (325)

Expert Intellectual (210)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

4 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022Statue 1 Worship
09-04-2023, 03:14 PM
Beauregard had become worried, the behavior of their mates leading him to believe more and more something was off. He’d seen more of Mika, even Henry and Benson, but Tanelan had not been out for some time. It was odd, considering when he first met them it had been Tanelan who was the host. But according to Mika they couldn’t feel Tan at all. Like he was missing, gone from their body. It raised his anxiety, wanting to help, but he didn’t know how. If the ones that lived within the body couldn’t feel his consciousness, what could he do? But Beauregard wouldn’t give up. He loved them, loved all of them, and the thought of losing Tanelan hurt. He would keep them safe. There had to be a way to find Tanelan, and he would find the way.

He trailed after Mika, his brow furrowed in thought. Simply spending time with the others hadn’t brought Tanelan back. He thought about reaching out to Fenix, to see if he might have any ideas on what to do. Maybe they could take a trip back to the beach. Maybe it could begin to bring him back? Call him forth? Beauregard caught up to Mika and sat beside him. His taller frame would gently lean into his partner, blue gaze shifting to him as he spoke quietly. “It will be alright, Mika.” Words of encouragement before he looked over at the young woman who had called them together. Bellamy’s heir… but where was the Leader? Had her grief forced her to step down?

"Speech" 'Thought.'
Beauregard has two companions - a bluejay and an arctic fox. Unless otherwise mentioned IC, assume that they are close by.

As his mates, Tanelan and Co. are allowed in any thread Beauregard is in regardless of tag.



Beginner Healer (0)

Beginner Hunter (0)

2 Years
Extra small
09-04-2023, 09:16 PM

One thing had led to another, days turned into weeks. Bay had really fallen into life in Ethne, and continually looked for excuses not to leave. Looked for projects to start, looked for ways to help. He doesn't know how to ask, but he wants to stay. Not just for a little bit, but like... stay stay. If she'll have him, of course. The golden boy doesn't know exactly how to phrase it, doesn't know exactly how to state his desire, but he considers himself part of Ethne now. Life was comfortable, cozy here. Bay would ask soon enough, like... as soon as he figured out how.

When Hay called for the whole pack, he answered too. Trotting in and taking a seat near the back, offering the alpha a beaming smile. Though the rest were strangers, they seemed nice. Really, they all did! Bay was looking forward to getting to know them, in time. He settles on his haunches, looking forward to what this meeting held.



09-04-2023, 10:59 PM
She had only recently returned to Ethne after a hiatus on her own. She had tried to follow Saga after her polar bear sister had wandered far, far North. Though it was too far for Nessie to willingly follow, so she hovered around Ethne after her father's death. She busied herself with anything and everything she could to avoid talking about it. To avoid the emotions that came with such a loss. She had done a good job for the most part suppressing her feelings about it, but every once in a while she couldn't help it when the floodgates opened at night.

She was tired today, but she hid that with the spunk that everyone knew before everything happened. She was aware of the goings-on despite keeping to herself for a while, or at least she tried to keep up as best she could. When her sister called for a pack meeting, Nessie put on that spunky facade and headed to the meeting. Most of the pack was there already, and she could hear Saga's lumbering footsteps somewhere behind her. She slipped in quietly to take a seat, gazing up to wait and hear what her sister had to say.



War Chief

Master Fighter (260)

Master Intellectual (255)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

3 Years
Large species
Dragon Mod

Rapid Poster - BronzeCritical Observation!1KOverachieverSamhain 2022
09-04-2023, 11:04 PM

She hadn't quite taken her father's death well. After finding that out, she had taken off to try and clear her head. Probably not the best idea for a cub so young on her own, but something called to her, some unknown force...and she ended up back in the North where she had first met her wolf mother. She had lost one parent already...her birth mother had been lost to her shortly after her own life began. And now her father was gone. She didn't know how to handle things, save for simply...wandering. But she had returned back home and was here to stay. When she heard her younger sisters call, Saga made her way to the meeting. She spotted Nessie's little form bounding up ahead, and she chuffed to let her know she was right behind her.

When she got there, it seemed almost everyone save for her mother and father were there...something she knew she had to get used to now.




Intermediate Fighter (51)

Intermediate Navigator (30)

1 Year

Samhain 2022Statue 4 Worship
09-05-2023, 12:18 AM
Times had changed. Gone were the days of two small pups fighting a raven for a shiny object and now his sister was in charge of the pack. Corbin was rightfully proud of her. This was putting a lot on her shoulders but he knew she’d be fine.
Corbin jogged towards Haydee’s call. Making his way to her he offered a reassuring bump of his shoulder against her.

Continuing forward he moved to join the rest of the pack, finding a spot close to the front to watch her. He would be what he’d promised, an encouraging and helpful brother.

[Image: PllexzO.png]


"I'll Rise Up"


Master Fighter (320)

Master Intellectual (305)

An icon representing the specialty Bard Bard

3 Years
Extra small

ScarredDouble MasterRapid Poster - SilverSamhain 2022
09-05-2023, 04:36 PM


Haydée sits atop the small, mostly flat rock that acts as a sort of booster seat so that everyone will be able to see her. Nervousness causes her stomach to churn and thoughts to scramble as she prepares to meet her pack for the first time as their leader. The first wolf to answer her call is one of sister’s children, Nova if she recalls the name correctly. While the two have not official met, the small girl has taken time to familiarize herself with the members of Ethne.

A warm smile is offered to her niece as the girl settles in and her brother, Jericho, is next to arrive. He seats himself next to the colorful Nova and she flashes him a bright grin before her attention is taken by the arrival of her brother, Dorian. Haydée knows himself for not being able to heal their mother but the girl does not feel the same way. Memories of their father are in every nook of the pack lands and she hopes that, taking some time away from them, will allow the space and time she needs to recover.

While she may feel uncertain about being up here, she knows that Dorian is doing his best and offering her all of his support. A warm smile is offered as she dips her head slightly in a show of thanks. Next to appear is her Deputy, Pheonix who features reveal the concern he feels. Hay dips her head in greeting and, while she had not time to get to him personally, the girl has heard many good things about the man and she beams a bright smile at him.

Riv is the next to fall in and she catches his nod, shooting back a bright smile and dip of her own head. Luette appears, ushering her children to sit before approaching Hay. The girl’s eyes widen slightly and she leans forward to catch the hushed tones of her sister, leaning that her son, Gav, has gone missing. Burrows furrow in worry and the girl nods, pondering ways to solve the issue now set before her.

At Luce’s gentle nuzzle and next words, the girl beams back a smile and leans her head against her sister’s. Softly, Haydée whispers back, “Don’t worry Luce. I will go to the Hallows after we are finished here and ask if they have seen him. I am sure Gav is fine and in safe paws. I cannot thank you enough for all of your support. I love you sis.” It is a short, intimate moment shared by the siblings but one that Hay needed.

As Lucette breaks away to go sit with her children, the girl offers Sou and Baecette warm smiles and a small wave. Next came Dagrún and Haydée excitedly waves at the older woman. After the meeting, she plans to ask for her help in training herself and she plans to privately talk over some defenses of the pack with her. Tanelan and Beau are next, the pair sitting further back and Beauregard wears a slightly worried expression. She offers them a smile and makes a mental note to check in with them later.

Bay appears, his joyful face lifting Haydée’s heart and buoying her troubled soul. The smile that is beamed his way is heartfelt and her tail thumps the rock a couple times. She plans on asking him to officially join Ethne within the next few days but has been putting it off for fear that he will turn her down. Well, nothing ventured, nothing gained right? Lyonesse bounced happily into the area and Hay giggles, offering the girl a smile and wave as she sits. Next came her polar bear sibling, Saga, who plunks down beside the small wolf. A wave and grin are given and Corbin suddenly appears. Hay knows that they all have been struggling with the passing of their father and she silently vows to check in with everyone more often. He settles near the front and she offers him a warm smile.


Once the Corbin arrives, Hay decides to wait a few more minutes just to make sure that no stragglers will appear. When it is clear that no one else is coming, Haydée clears her throat and stands up to draw everyone’s attention to her. A smile is on her lips as she begins to speak, making sure to raise her voice so everyone can hear while keeping her tone light and encouraging, “Thank you all for being so prompt to answer. As you may have noticed, Bellamy is not the one calling you all together. For those of you who do not know me, my name is Haydée Kedieo and I am Bellamy’s daughter.”

The girl pauses a moment to offer them a bright smile then, as Hay continues to talk, the girl slowly sweeps her emerald gaze over the gathered members to meet each wolf’s eyes for a few moments. What she is about to share is important and she needs them to understand that they are all vital part of and valued member here in Ethne, “My mother’s health has deteriorated since my father’s, untimely, passing. Our healers examined her and decided it would be in her best interest to seek help from our neighbors at the Hallows. She is currently there, as their guest and, if anyone would like to visit her or send her their well-wishes, you are free to! Just, please see me before you do.”

A natural pause occurs in her speech and she takes the opportunity to offer them all a warm, kind smile before continuing on, “Because of her medical needs, Bellamy and I decided it would be best for her if she stepped down as Leader so she can focus on healing. As her Heir, I have taken over the mantle of Leader. Now, I want to stress that we are a family and I know that we are all grieving right now. So, if anyone needs anything, I will be available for you day and night.” There is gentleness that enters her tone as she speaks of helping them as Haydée has been acutely aware of the emptiness Gav’s death brought to the pack.

Taking a deep breath, the girl says, “Now, there is something I need to ask of everyone. We are a family and, during these difficult times, we all to step up, stand together, and support each other. We need to strengthen our pack and make sure that no one ever attacks our members again. So, I am going to ask that everyone work on strengthen the skills that interest you so that we can better defend and take care of ourselves, if need. If anyone would like to advance in rank or wish to talk about gaining or changing mentors, please come talk to me after the meeting.”

Pausing, she takes a moment to run through her mental checklist while also taking the opportunity to meet each of the members gazes again with a smile on her lips. Finally, the smile brightens as Hay says, “I think that is about it! If anyone has any concerns or ideas, I would love to hear them! Please feel free to speak up now or, if you would prefer a more private setting, seek me out at any time.” With her piece said, Haydée sits back down to open to the floor to the other members, ready and willing to hear what they have to say.

"Haydée Kedieo"

OKAY SO. Since this is long post, I am going to list the important things because I write too much. Lol

- Bellamy is at the Hallows, under the care of their healers as she recovers and heals
- Anyone that wants to go visit/send their regards to Bellamy are free to so, just check in with Haydée first
- Haydée is the new Leader of Ethne!
- If anyone needs help with the emotional fallout of Gav’s death, reach out to your packmates and Leader. Haydée is always ready to help!
-Finally, she asks that everyone try to work on their skills so the pack can better defend/help itself. You can request a mentor or ask to change mentors at any time.
- The floor is now open for anyone who wants to talk! You are now free to move on with your lives. xD

"Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.”
Haydée has a male northern cardinal named Chanson and a female fossa named Manon. They are always close by.

Thread Move Log
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1. This Is What We're Living For Lazuli Falls 01:01 PM, 08-29-2023 05:59 AM, 11-05-2023