
Strange and Unusual Prey

Drag - hunt seasonal


08-31-2023, 11:12 AM
Starving was one word to describe the feline. Absolutely dying of hunger. Every pang and grumble in his belly caused his tail and face to twitch and twist. He had been checking his well-placed traps for the last week. Nothing. It didn't matter where he put it, what he put in it, or how many, not a single bite. Not even a mouse or a hare. He even placed some snares out for the larger animals and they seemingly avoided each other. Typically, he stuck to the more crowded locations where he could hide in the trees in case he needed to pounce on something. Not that he enjoyed that, but he would do what was necessary.

Becoming desperate, he moved out to the prairie. Wide open expanse spread out before him. Nowhere for him to hide except in the dying grass that wavered in the chilly Autumn breeze. He was no cheetah so running after something was unlikely. What he had noticed though were the different types of prey lingering along the prairie. Lately, he noticed sheep instead of pronghorn. Minks instead of hares. Moose instead of deer. Animals appeared to get themselves lost. Their eyes were wide with panic as they migrated to the wrong locations.

Luckily for him, he wasn't going to let the chance to get some of the rarer animals get away. Working tirelessly through the day, Irving made work to build a decent-sized pen. He rolled and shifted logs between boulders while leaving a wide enough opening for something as large as a dall sheep to run through but not back out. If only he had someone to help him it would get done so much faster...




Expert Fighter (205)

Expert Hunter (180)

11 Years
Dragon Mod

Samhain 2022Statue 2 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Christmas 2019Treat 2019
08-31-2023, 01:35 PM

The prey had been acting...unusual. Though that was an understatement. Animals that were normally not in this area were wandering around. Lost. Confused. Their eyes wild with panic. It was almost as if they were consumed by some sort of anxiety, or perhaps something was coming...another Long Night? Their senses seemed off, though he couldn't quite put a paw on it. He watched some of them pass him by as he walked, some fleeing his presence, others not minding him too much. He decided he wanted to try and take advantage of his rare opportunity. A moose, perhaps? He pursed his lips in thought. Maybe if he was lucky...though he knew he couldn't bring one down on his own, no. He'd need help. Even with his...altered self...he wouldn't be able to do it alone. So something smaller? That he could do.

He stalked through the tall grasses, using his hunters senses as he quietly moved to figure out a target. It was as strange for him to see this difference in the animals as it was for them to be in the wrong place. As he picked up the trail of his potential target, he heard some noise nearby. Raising his head, he was curious, naturally. Was something happening that was causing this? No...didn't seem like it...right? He made his way to where he heard the sound, and when he came through the grass, saw the makeshift pen. Who...? His gaze found the possible culprit. A small-ish wildcat nearby. Watching. Waiting. He looked...thin. Painfully so. Why was he hunting out here, outside of his element? "Did you do this? Mind if I get in on the action? Promise I'll share." He asked, carefully choosing his words so that his offer to help wasn't obvious just in case, ya know, the guy was prideful or something. But maybe the cat would oblige him, after all, he was an old man.

WC: 602/1500



08-31-2023, 01:50 PM
It was unusual for a cat to be putting in so much work for something like this. Though one would not call Irving normal, making a pen was definitely outside of it. His usual tactics were kept to small snares and deadfalls. Something of this sort was way out of his zone. Nonetheless, he would try as best he could to get it done. Where he normally hunted was practically void of any animals at all. They too had run scared for a different place. Uncertainty claimed their consciousnesses as they tried to flee. All of it made him feel unsettled, but not enough to let himself starve.

Completely focused on his very large task at paw, he barely noticed the older wolf approach. It wasn't until the male was speaking did Irving looked up with wide blue eyes. Startled at first, he freezes and listens. With a log half-rolled to start working and finishing the entrance, he looked at his makeshift pen and then back to the wolf. "Yes, it was me," there is obvious hesitancy in his voice as his long tail twitches behind him. "The prey is acting funny," his voice is slow and careful as he turns to fully face the wolf. Could he trust the canine?

As much as he wanted to shoo the much larger predator away, he wasn't one to turn down help. Crafting the pen was a pain and moving the larger logs was extremely cumbersome for someone of his size. If he had help, they could catch bigger or more prey and then there would be enough to share. Still, Irving hesitates and he is unsure. A few moments of awkward silence lapse before he lets out a sigh. "Okay, but no funny business. I'm starved and need this to work," there is a clip to his tone as his ears slide backward for a moment.

"The walls are pretty much finished. Need to finish the opening so they can't slide back out," he picks up a paw and points it toward where the opening was. Already, half of one side was constructed, but it was obvious that he was struggling to finish the last bit of it.




Expert Fighter (205)

Expert Hunter (180)

11 Years
Dragon Mod

Samhain 2022Statue 2 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Christmas 2019Treat 2019
08-31-2023, 02:49 PM

"The prey is acting funny." Cloud nodded in agreement as he lifted his head to sniff the air. The prey was close. Different choices. All carrying the same distinct scent of uneasiness. He turned his gaze back to the smaller creature as he observed the cat trying to roll another log. The slightest of grins touches his lips as the younger creature relents and lets him help. "I'm a wolf of my word, I promise. I'm not going to steal from you," He moves forward to assist with the log, posture relaxed to show that he meant no harm. He made his way to the same side as the cat, paws on the log as he began to push to where he had pointed. "Well then let's finish so you can eat. I'm Cloudburst, hunting is my specialty. So let's get that food, hm?"

The old man helped to move the log toward the pen, and as they worked, he began to plan in his mind how they were going to do this. What Irving had constructed already with what he had was impressive, and it would work in a pinch to contain something that was herded in. Cloud had built many traps, and though this one was a tad more complicated, it was doable. The task was almost complete as they moved and shifted things into place, with Cloud finishing up the funnel-like entrance that would allow an animal in, but not out. And when they were finishing up, he took a step back. "This'll work in a pinch. Not bad for having built it on your own. Since this is your hunt, I'll follow. Just tell me what to do." He didn't want to interfere and take over unless the cat wanted him to. After all, he had done most of the work. Cloud was but a tool in his arsenal for the time being.

WC: 1286/1500


08-31-2023, 03:27 PM
There is still uncertainty lingering on his expression, but he was not one to turn away help when it was offered. His tail is still twitching but his ears relax and his body visibly shifts into a more natural stance. He gives Cloudburst an affirmative nod as he moves over to allow the wolf to help him. "Irving. More of a trapper myself," he adds, hoping that will show the wolf that he will trust him for the time being. They had to take advantage of the nervous prey as quickly as possible. If anything spooked them, they would be out of luck.

Working silently with the old man, Irving secretly enjoys the process. He is young and a bit ignorant. Still learning the ropes and figuring out the best methods for the best scenarios. While most would have not suggested it, it was the best he could have thought of at the moment. Why not use the large boulders to help? Slowly but surely, they finish and create a makeshift pen that will allow them to herd animals into it. Iriving is proud of himself and appreciative of Cloudburst's help. If the wolf hadn't shown up, would he have been able to manage?

As they finished and Cloudburst offered that he take the lead, Irving didn't reply right away. Instead, he moved to leap onto one of the large boulders for a better look at their surroundings. Not far off, he could see a small herd of Dall Sheep. Their movements are timid and almost frantic. Hooves stomping into the ground and their young bleating restlessly. "There, those sheep. If you can herd them this way, I will help push one or two into the pen," he lifts a paw toward the herd so Cloudburst knows where to look. "I'll wait nearby while," Irving says simply and to the point as he hops down from the boulder and gives Cloudburst a cheeky smile before heading out of the pen and into the open prairie.




Expert Fighter (205)

Expert Hunter (180)

11 Years
Dragon Mod

Samhain 2022Statue 2 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Christmas 2019Treat 2019
08-31-2023, 06:06 PM

He quietly watched his current comrade from his peripheral, The cat had relaxed enough and Cloud knew then that he was being trusted for the time being. As long as he kept himself under control, there was nothing to fear from him. And luckily, he feels as though he'll remain under control. His companion gives a name, and Cloud nods in acknowledgment as they work. When they're finally done, he watches Irving climb onto the large boulder as he scopes out their potential prey. With Cloud still on the ground, he can't quite see where the prey is, but he can smell them. He can hear them. He's a master at his hunting craft, there was nothing he hadn't been able to bring down so far. Returning his attention to Irving, he glanced in the direction that the cat pointed in. "On it," He returns the cheeky grin before motioning for his osprey to follow.

Luckily for him, his bird came in pretty handy for hunts. Especially when the terrain didn't offer him an advantage. On open ground, he had to rely more on stealth and getting in close so that he didn't have to run as much. Especially nowadays in his older age, it wasn't getting easy these days. Following the osprey's shadow and the sound of the bleating, confused sheep, he finds his mark. Circling around until he's behind them, Cloud lowers himself closer to the ground and stalks forward. Quietly. Slowly. Bit by bit. The grass around him swayed just enough to make it look like it was the breeze and not the hunter about to corral them to their demise.

He drew steadily closer. Close enough to where he could probably lunge out and run a few paces to grab one if he so chose. Focused within the grass, the male finally goes for it. He bursts from his hiding place, a snarl ripping free as he sends the Dall sheep in a panic. They bolt from their position, though one wasn't quite lucky or fast enough, and Cloud's teeth snap closed on its rear end. Screaming in pain, the sheep he had momentarily gripped rips from his jaws as it went racing after the others. He keeps tight on their heels, herding them straight for the pen that is meant for them like a border collie. All the while barking and snapping, moving back and forth at a steady pace to keep them going. One or two manage to get away, but the remainder are headed straight for potential death.


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1. Strange and Unusual Prey Algoma Prairie 11:12 AM, 08-31-2023 02:55 PM, 10-24-2023