
Patrolling Past


08-26-2023, 11:07 AM
Tongue slid over an itch just above the left of his hip. Teeth digging beneath the thickening of furs to get rid of the annoying irritation. Khranbari had decided to wander the lands to what he now knew as home. The grounds felt smooth beneath his paws. Soft grass and cool dirt every which way he walked. Two days since he'd made the decision to join the Valta. And he planned heavily to climb the ranks over a short period of time. No matter how many scars he would claim or animals would die under the pressure of his fangs. He had to do what was needed for when the time came. Or, if it ever did.

His journey traveled along the long winding paths. Some quite worn from others steps weighing down the structure. He, too, now amongst them as he patrolled the area. Coming to the eastern borders ways away from where he entered. The air here felt calm. Falls presence becoming a slow and distant memory. Winter was fast approaching. Small amounts of chill hidden behind a slightly warm autumn breeze. To train in the settings of harsh conditions felt right to do so. His father had done the same.

Winter's were not full of happy times to play. Tahan Chao Fah made him climb mountains in deep snow. Swim the rivers and seas during the worse thunderstorms. His means of training was to ensure Khranbari would become his greatest heir. Even his siblings did not get receive anything of the sorts. Allowed to live and play as they please. His mother, Rochana, never stepped in to help. Constantly turning a blinds eye to her eldest son and paying more attention to the remaining five of her litter. Lip peeling back at the memories. His mother's grey and black fur always an image walking away from a small Khran. Those piercing liquid gold eyes of his father sharp and full of disapproval. He was not a weapon. But, a pup who wished to live like all his other siblings. Not ever getting the opportunity to do so.

Khranbari shook his head to rid himself of the past. He was grown now. Able to live how he chose. No matter how much it haunted him. He was the way that he was only due to his parents and knew not how to reverse any of it. With a low growl and an annoyed expression, Khran continued his patrol of the borders. Coming just short of the flowing waterfalls cascading along weirdly placed rocks.




Master Fighter (275)

Master Intellectual (250)

An icon representing the specialty Bard Bard

6 Years

Pride - Bisexual
09-01-2023, 03:19 PM

The chill of winter is unmistakable in the wind that ruffles the earthen woman’s coat causing a shiver to race along her spine. Even in the sun, the promise of the cold that is to come can be felt. Athena keeps her amber gaze on the area around her, searching for the predator she had scented within Valta’s borders. The predators have been acting strange, crossing established pack boundaries with little care. Not only that, but prey animals have become scarcer as well.

But there is something more going on.

More than once, Athena has seen the wild eyes of the predators as they run, beating a hasty retreat from some threat she cannot see. Pausing in her search, the woman blows a sigh out onto the air before inhaling deeply the scents around her. Underneath the heavy aromas of the wolves that make up the pack, is the musk of a grizzly already too far into their home. Amber eyes turn to the trees that butt up against the falls and she hastily delves into the thicket.

It doesn’t take her long to find the lumbering beast, the bear uncaringly trekking though Valta lands as it searches of prey. Lips peel back to reveal teeth as the woman releases a short, low call for help before rushing in to attack. The grizzly is unfazed by Athena, choosing to ignore her presence as it tries to travel further into the pack’s lands. A snarl is ripped from her throat as she charges, getting in front of the creature so she can use her body to block its progress.

Teeth flash as she strikes forward, snapping and snarling as she forces the grizzly to stop and even back up. It roars its outrage at her and strikes out, missing the wolf by a mile. The two face off as Athena hopes that help will arrive soon.

"Athena Nocturna"

Athena has a Little Owl companion named Archimedes. He is always nearby.


09-01-2023, 03:49 PM
There didn't appear to be anything really of interest that kept Khranbari near the water's rocken edge. Only scent dwelling amongst the borders being that of other predatory passings. Something he paid not much heed to. He knew there would always be those that tested the boundaries. Some even crossing over to see what fate awaited them. A decision most did not live long enough to tell the foresights of their hypothesis. Bari felt a need to move further inward. The edge of their territory was one part to be patrolled. However, so did the inlands of their home. Many found loopholes to intrude on what did not belong to them. He'd learned this from back home. Having to had dealt with several different creatures due to his father's intense training.

As he trekked deeper into Valta, a sound pressed his ears forward. Rounding to the direction where he heard the call of help. A brow rising in surprise. Realizing this would be the first of meeting another of his new pack, he took off in a run. Legs pumping with adrenaline as claws dug up patches of soils beneath his steps. The closer he got the more he could make out two silhouettes. One of a medium sized wolf and the other a large grizzly. Khran hesitated none as he let a snarl rip from his jaws. Taking note of their position, he came from behind to stop a safe distance from the bears swipes. Luckily the small female had done the same. Neither wanting to be injured; but, knowing they had no choice if they were to rid of this threat.



Master Fighter (275)

Master Intellectual (250)

An icon representing the specialty Bard Bard

6 Years

Pride - Bisexual
09-02-2023, 04:21 PM

The bear roars and raises a large, clawed paw as it attempts it strike out at the woman. Athena is no stranger to danger and she knows how to fight larger enemies. Because of her experience, she is able to dance backward effortlessly to avoid injury before pressing forward again to keep the pressure on the grizzly. A new challenger appears in the form of one of her packmates and a while grin appears on her lips as he fearless dives into the fray.

However, the earthen-toned wolf can only spare the male a glance as the trespassing beast roars again, angry that there are now two wolves standing between it and the prey it had been tracking. Athena snarls loudly in reply, matching the grizzly’s anger with her own as her fur bristles even more and her tail snaps up to curl over her spine in a show of dominance to the creature.

Without warning, she lunges forward, crowding the bear and leaping up to snap at its face with relentless fury. This is their home and Athena will make the grizzly pay for daring to set foot over the border. Her attacks force the beast to shift backward in order to avoid losing an eye and its weight shifts toward its back end. The bear is stupid and plants its back feet before beginning to stand and the woman is forced to back away to avoid a swipe that had been aimed her way.

"Athena Nocturna"

Athena has a Little Owl companion named Archimedes. He is always nearby.


09-02-2023, 08:03 PM
Khranbari accessed the situation as best he could in the moment. His packmate surely holding her own to keep the bear's attention from whatever he was surely to do next. A snarl tore from his mouth in response to the roar of the bear. Blending in with that of the earthen woman. Her coat briefly reminding him of the woman he'd met only days to nearly a week prior. Her solid yellow eyes flashing quickly into his memory before taking note of what was happening. The woman had launched forward with intentions to snap at the grizzlies face. It caused the predator to clumsily fall back. Taking refuge on its back legs to stand at a full height.

So distracted by the other, Bari took this advantage to launch his body forward. He'd fought against cougars, badgers and other wolves. Never a bear. But, like any other creature in the world, every single one of them had a weak point in two spots. His jaws opened wide. Latching onto the center of the grizzly's back. Right near the curve of its spine with a guttural growl. He knew his body would hang for just a second. Yet it wasn't long until his paws found the flooring. Shaking his head back and forth. Using most of his weight to try and knock the large beast off his balance.




Master Fighter (275)

Master Intellectual (250)

An icon representing the specialty Bard Bard

6 Years

Pride - Bisexual
09-06-2023, 07:47 PM

Athena keeps the large grizzly’s attention focused on her and she crowds it, forcing it to stand up as she darts back. Her pack mate takes the opportunity to latch onto its spine and the bear roars in pain and attempts to swing around and grab the male. The earthen woman races forward, launching upward to grab ahold of one of the creature’s front paws as it turns. Gravity tugs her body downward and drags the leg with her, forcing the bear off balance.

Releasing her hold, Athena swiftly pivots, aiming for the side that is less stable and slams her body against the bear. Her plan works and the grizzly titters a moment as it attempts to regain its balance before falling onto its side. Darting a glance to the male, she practically shouts, “Kill it!” while moving to pin the large paws down. Hopefully, the man can end the beast quickly.

"Athena Nocturna"

Athena has a Little Owl companion named Archimedes. He is always nearby.


09-07-2023, 05:58 PM
Teamwork happened to be one thing he did knew nothing of.

Had he been alone, Khran would have been taking the last of his breath. Lungs no longer finding the need for life. But that was not the case here. The earthen woman moved with precise calculations. She knew what to do. How to maneuver such a beast. Roars of rage from the grizzly pinned his ears to his scalp. Too close for comfort as the nose vibrated through his teeth. Every sharpen bone rattled from the furious sound. He cared not of it. Front paws now finding refuge alongside with the back. He tugged the chunk of fur in his mouth. Releasing just as quick when he noticed the bear's direction of to fall.

Now on his side. Pinned down by the woman. Her words screamed out in a quickness. He moved into action without having to be asked twice. His body jumped over the bear's body. Pivoting in the same instant to grab at its throat. The thick flesh filling his jaws full; whilst, teeth bit down. No thought to stop as he tugged. Pulled. Shaking his head to and fro. Beneath this action he could feel the departure. Separation of the jugular from its owner. Roars became guttural. As if the bear now sunk under the heaviness of water to drown. Khran kept this on til there was a stillness. A heart no longer pumping with life.

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