
den of corruption



Raiders Hollow
The Nightmare

Master Fighter (290)

Master Navigator (400)

An icon representing the specialty Saboteur Saboteur

An icon representing the specialty Fleet-footed Fleet-footed

3 Years
Dire wolf

Critical Attack!Island HopperWinnerUnderachieverOverachieverStudent
Double MasterCritical Observation!How many times do I have to teach you a lesson?! Samhain 2022Statue 5 Worship
09-01-2023, 10:01 PM

Deluge had always been the more adventurous of her siblings, taking off to explore as soon as her legs were long enough, so for her to be spending so much time in one place... it was stifling, if she was honest. At least the cavern and the beach had been attached to land. Out here on the collection of islands, well, it was harder to just take off. The swim alone wasn't a small affair, and while there were plans in place to fix that, well, Deluge had never been a patient wolf.

Seeking out her sister so she wouldn't be blindsided either, Deluge headed out from the abandoned resort and towards the beach. It was time to break the news, and see if she would be interested in joining her, like Scald was.


Due to distance kept from her Raider kin and her regular travelling taking her out of pack lands, Deluge smells and acts like a loner. The only noticeable scent other than her own is Dread who may join any of her threads at any time.



Novice Intellectual (20)

Expert Fighter (180)

3 Years
Extra large

VengeanceCritical Observation!1KLoserCritical Fail!Pride - Pansexual
09-06-2023, 12:33 PM

It wasn't like she hadn't noticed that her siblings were pulling away, well Deluge and Scald at least, Rexx was... Well he was an ass who'd fucked off without a word of warning to any of them as far as she was aware and she wasn't exactly happy about that. Asshole. She wouldn't admit she missed him, he'd not even thought to fucking talk to her, so he was the one who would have to be fucking adult enough to realize he'd fucked up and would need to apologize! She was just as capable of being stubborn as the rest of them. So yeah it wasn't like she was unaware of her siblings pulling away but she'd had her focus on other things, maybe she was naive to assume that they'd be there when she had a chance to finally go back, to share the things she'd been up too... Maybe it was extremely naive. Lately it seemed like she was the only one who wasn't walking around with a chip on her shoulder. Scald in particular just seemed angry. Which in turn made her frustrated at him. Why was no one able to just fucking talk to each other? They weren't fucking toddlers anymore! Okay so maybe Flurry wasn't exactly chipper herself right now, she was pacing the beach in frustration, muttering to herself as she tried to decide if she ought to be the one to reach out to Scald or not.

She was so wrapped up in her brooding she didn't even notice her sister's approach.


Art by Perencreste
Updated 01/13/23: I am currently on indefinite scarcity, please be patient and don't remind me of missing tags right now.


Raiders Hollow
The Nightmare

Master Fighter (290)

Master Navigator (400)

An icon representing the specialty Saboteur Saboteur

An icon representing the specialty Fleet-footed Fleet-footed

3 Years
Dire wolf

Critical Attack!Island HopperWinnerUnderachieverOverachieverStudent
Double MasterCritical Observation!How many times do I have to teach you a lesson?! Samhain 2022Statue 5 Worship
09-07-2023, 12:48 AM

Her eyes fell on Flurry's pacing form and she mustered a smirk for her sister, “Nobody told me ter prep fer a seige, what're'yer walkin' trenches inter th' beach for?” Her shortened tail waved at her back and her antlered head lowered as she approached with intent to bump antlers and nibble at her sisters cheek in an attempt to sooth her. “If it's energy yer got too much of, yer could join us when we go. A band doesn't have ter be cooped up in one place like a pack does, hit fast an' move on, they'd have ter find us ter hit back,” She spoke almost in a sing-song voice, it made her sound like a salesman, but it was also clear in her tone that she didn't expect her sister to join them. She had too much going for her if she chose to be the one to stay.


Due to distance kept from her Raider kin and her regular travelling taking her out of pack lands, Deluge smells and acts like a loner. The only noticeable scent other than her own is Dread who may join any of her threads at any time.



Novice Intellectual (20)

Expert Fighter (180)

3 Years
Extra large

VengeanceCritical Observation!1KLoserCritical Fail!Pride - Pansexual
09-15-2023, 12:06 PM

Deluge's voice reached Flurry, breaking her out of her thought spiral. Despite her own misgivings about the mysterious goings on of her siblings she couldn't help but return her sister's cheerier attitude. "Figured we could never be too prepared." Her own tail lifting to mirror Deluge's and clashing her antlers gently with her sister. Flurry's brows moved up slightly as she took in her sister's words. A band, that made sense. It was also clear that her invite was a formality, she'd been making some clear strides in the direction of following after their father but honestly she was grateful for it all the same, sucked to find out you were the only one not invited to the party y'know? "Y'know I'd love to but you're gonna need a raid king who backs you up with you inevitably get cornered by every other pack at once. Who else is gonna charge in during the third act when all hope looks lost? " She stuck her tongue out at Deluge. She said it like she would be taking over tomorrow, which she knew wasn't true and she said it like their own father wouldn't do the same which to be fair might be true. "So when're you heading out?" Not too soon she hoped, winter was fast approaching and if the chilly autumn was anything to go by it'd be a nasty one, certainly not a fun time to find themselves without stable shelter or supplies. Then something clicked in her brain and a pit formed in her stomach. "Also... Us?" Was it weird to hope Deluge had meant the royal we... er... Us?


Art by Perencreste
Updated 01/13/23: I am currently on indefinite scarcity, please be patient and don't remind me of missing tags right now.


Raiders Hollow
The Nightmare

Master Fighter (290)

Master Navigator (400)

An icon representing the specialty Saboteur Saboteur

An icon representing the specialty Fleet-footed Fleet-footed

3 Years
Dire wolf

Critical Attack!Island HopperWinnerUnderachieverOverachieverStudent
Double MasterCritical Observation!How many times do I have to teach you a lesson?! Samhain 2022Statue 5 Worship
10-19-2023, 08:39 PM

It was good to know she wasn't the only one with a flair for theatrics. She could see it now, the small band with the raging sea at their back, tempestuous squall whipping the waves to white caps and her sister charging in to save the day. She allowed herself a chuckle as she got swept up in the one days. As to when she was heading out, well she wasn't in a rush. If there were still raids to be had and brats to be wrangled, well, she wanted to stick around for it. “If we get our shit tergether before winter is over, we'll head south, Spring at th' latest. Dread is comin' with me o'course, Scald too. I think he's a bit pissed dad offered 'im up as a trade when I'd already won an' it'll be good fer both o' us ter see what we can make o' ourselves without dad around ter back us.” She wasn't sure her sister knew quite what had gone on over at the battlefield, but Deluge still had the fresh pink scar on her leg to show for it.


Due to distance kept from her Raider kin and her regular travelling taking her out of pack lands, Deluge smells and acts like a loner. The only noticeable scent other than her own is Dread who may join any of her threads at any time.



Novice Intellectual (20)

Expert Fighter (180)

3 Years
Extra large

VengeanceCritical Observation!1KLoserCritical Fail!Pride - Pansexual
11-03-2023, 11:38 AM

It was nice y'know? To just get to imagine the someday with her sister, to share in a moment of levity. Flurry'd miss it. And sooner than she'd have liked. Her less than stellar emotions coming back with a vengeance. She tried to keep her expression more neutral, something she'd need to work on if she wanted to prove she could handle leadership but she couldn't stop the way her jaw seemed to lock or the mixture of frustration and pain that clouded her eyes. Cool, so both brothers then? Cool cool cool. She wasn't aware of the whole post raid shebang, and frankly Flurry was also frustrated she was being kept so far out of the loop, maybe Gilgamesh didn't want her to take over after all, maybe he was just waiting for Modesty to give him some more strong boys he could shove into her position to shove her out.  Still she didn't want to rain on her sister's parade either. "An' dad's was willing to give up our most promising young talents?" Flurry shook her head and tutted, trying to get her more playful tone of voice back but the smile on her face was smaller, more strained. "You'd think he was tryin' to sabotage my chances or somethin'." Haha, that'd be ridiculous right? Flurry did a terrible job keeping her worry she wasn't just joking from her voice.

But she frankly couldn't keep the facade up any more and her expression fell. "Can you-" Fuck she was struggling to even just say the words. "Can you not tell Scald that I know? After Rexx..." She paused for a moment, very aware that she also had no fucking clue what had happened there either and if it turned out Deluge did? Well there'd probably be hell to pay but for now she was more hurt that it seemed she was constantly the one being left out of everything. "Well, I wanna hear it from him too."


Art by Perencreste
Updated 01/13/23: I am currently on indefinite scarcity, please be patient and don't remind me of missing tags right now.


Raiders Hollow
The Nightmare

Master Fighter (290)

Master Navigator (400)

An icon representing the specialty Saboteur Saboteur

An icon representing the specialty Fleet-footed Fleet-footed

3 Years
Dire wolf

Critical Attack!Island HopperWinnerUnderachieverOverachieverStudent
Double MasterCritical Observation!How many times do I have to teach you a lesson?! Samhain 2022Statue 5 Worship
12-19-2023, 06:28 PM

When her sister asked her not to let Scald know, one side of her mouth quirked up in a grin, she nodded her silent agreement. She could do that for her. “'S funny though, if I hadn't tried ter force claim Dread, an' if his dad hadn't stabbed me, an' our dad hadn't sent Scald in ter try an' save me, when I didn't need savin', I dunno if I woulda thought o' leavin', or if  Scald woulda offered ter come with me. Always seemed th' sort to find his own way... I'm not upset about it.” She offered a shrug. She'd take all the bodies she could get, it wasn't like she had it in her to be a particularly hard task master.

“If yer change yer mind, yer'll always be welcome, even if it's just fer a holiday.” Her tail waved low at her back with ease. “Oh, an' if we're ever pesterin' Armada, I'll tell that cute purple girl ter come visit yer...” Hell, if she changed her mind and linked up with them later on, she could go and visit her herself.


Due to distance kept from her Raider kin and her regular travelling taking her out of pack lands, Deluge smells and acts like a loner. The only noticeable scent other than her own is Dread who may join any of her threads at any time.

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1. den of corruption Daager Isle 10:01 PM, 09-01-2023 07:46 AM, 02-17-2024