
Work it Out


10-31-2013, 05:38 PM

She would stalk around Tortuga in the dead of night, moving like a threatening ghost. It was time for her to go, and yet she could feel it in her gut that the siege waged on. There was no point in going home to an empty land - no, things needed to settle before she showed her face in Glaciem again. Half of her just knew they would hate her the moment she arrived, and the other half held onto the hope that Isardis would not turn on her as quickly as he had Taurig. Her head hung low, tail as well - for here.. she was nothing. In Glaciem she was a warrior, a dangerous being, someone to be thought of as powerful - and yet here she was nothing more than a gnat. She had no purpose, nothing other than a trophy for Taurig to wag around as proof that he'd - in some small way - participated in his ex-father's siege. She remembered them all, Talon mostly. He'd had such aspirations for life, no doubt he was safely at home. What was it she'd told him? She couldn't recall. There was Seth too, the pitiful child she'd told to buck up and act like a man. Good thing he wasn't here to see her like this. Almost immediately her countenance would change, her ears would flicker forward and her head would rise to a comfortable level. Tail flagged out behind her for no reason other than because it felt nice. Who cared who saw.. who cared who got mad at her for looking dominant. It wasn't as if Taurig would ever be mad at her. She would halt her pacing as a rustling in the bushes alerted her to the presence of another - perhaps more than one. Head would rise an inch more followed by her tail as she spoke commandingly, ?Show yourself.? He'd stolen her as a Sentinel, and she would remain so until her rightful return to Glaciem.




10-31-2013, 05:58 PM

The nights had become more relaxing for Maija. Ever since she decided to let the past remain in the past and confess her feelings for Taurig, she was no longer tormented by the turmoil from both past and future in her mind. It was a relief to know that she had put her own wants before the possible return of a husband who hadn't even said anything the night he had disappeared. With leaf green eyes that only showed emotion around the cobalt Re, Maija was eager to see what her future would be like in Tortuga.
It was because of the happiness slowly bubbling in her inner core that kept Maija up. She hadn't wanted to disturb Taurig with her jitteriness, so she had whispered where she was going and headed out to explore the pack lands. The darkness enveloped her, welcoming her to the familiar settings she had grown to stick to in her rogue days. Fresh scents rose above the cool ground, one in particular making her question it. Unfamiliar to the rest of the pack's, but still had a touch of Tortuga, she followed it until she came to the source. The source came faster than she had anticipated and as a result, she bumped into a nearby bush on her left.
The source of the scent was on the other side, growling and commanding the bush's hidden body to be shown. Green gaze became icy and unreadable as she slowly stepped out from around the shrub. Slender golden frame walked on silent paws, head turned to the female that met her gaze. Maija's nose silently twitched in the air, catching bits of Tortuga, an unknown pack, and...Taurig. The golden vixen's eyes blinked once and she licked her lips before softly speaking. "You are related to Taurig..." An interesting observation to be made from someone whom had never met his family.

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10-31-2013, 07:04 PM

Emerald eyes met emerald and narrowed suspiciously. She had no friends in Tortuga, not one, they were all strangers to her - this woman included. However, the thick scent of Taurig upon her coat nearly made Sendoa growl. So, this was the woman who'd stolen Taurig's affections. Her voice came, stating a simple fact that was clear enough to not need to be spoken. ?Indeed,? came the matter of fact response. ?You are not,? she would chide amusedly. Whether this was Taurig's chosen wife or one of many she could not venture to guess - but it didn't matter in the slightest to her, at least not openly. ?Sendoa Armada.? She would not openly voice her relation to the boy, for she wasn't at all fond of familial terms. It should be enough to just know that she was indeed related. Tail twitched behind her as she rocked onto her haunches, mildly curious as to who this woman was, and what her place was within Tortuga. The golden woman before her smelled thickly of the pack, so she knew she must have some assigned niche within the whole - but just what that niche was was yet to be determined. Her bodice spoke of power, while her demeanor spoke of intelligence and one hell of a poker face. Ah, so she thought herself to be unreadable - how amusing. Sendoa's own face would meld to one of sarcastic amusement as she awaited some form of witty repartee from the lass.




10-31-2013, 08:21 PM

The way the female responded to Maija's verbal observation made her inner core want to smile. It was a good response, but the golden female didn't voice or show any signs of it affecting her the way it had. Instead, she took a few more steps to stand parallel from Sendoa before reclining to her own haunches. In the silence that followed for a few seconds, she took in the details of how the dark female carried herself. Icy green gaze never wavered, also painting a mental picture by the details from the peripheral vision she obtained. Such observations wouldn't have been made by another.
Instead of making a snarky comment in return, Maija looked past it and her ears perked to the female's name. "I have never heard such a name before," she said, tones revealing a bit of awe with no smugness present. Icy green eyes slowly blinked and she gave a slight incline to her head as she placed both front paws together. "I am Maija Artenie..." Maija had dropped her married name when she told Taurig how she felt, another way she left the past where it belonged. The golden female didn't feel that any more had to be revealed about her. She didn't want to burden the relative of Taurig after just meeting her. Was she showing consideration for another person's soul? This love stuff must have been changing her.

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10-31-2013, 08:30 PM

The women were practically polar opposites in appearance, save for the one similarity which was there pools of green. The woman rallied against Sendoa's snarky remark, and instead commented on the uniqueness of her name. Well, that was small talk if she'd ever heard it. The once-Sentinel snorted, taking in the golden one's name.. Maija. That wasn't exactly common either, was it? ?Can't say I've ever heard a name like yours either,? she would remark with no special meaning. A darkness clouded her eyes as she fought to keep emotions from flooding to the surface. It usually wasn't such a struggle, but given her stressful situation it was much more difficult than usual. It seemed Maija was intent upon simple talk of two strangers, and so Sendoa would oblige her for the time being. ?Have you been in Tortuga long?? It wasn't as if Sendoa actually cared, it was merely something to do - something to say. It felt right flowing from her lips in her deep alto voice, and so she let it fly. Besides, there was always the chance this woman would slip up and let go of some valued information about her relationship with Taurig. Knowing that Maija would likely turn the question back on her once it was answered, Sendoa began to rehearse her response in her head, face remaining stony as ever. The most logical answer would be the truth, but wasn't that just a bit too easy? It would be far too simple to state 'I was coerced by Taurig into joining during a siege.' Ah yes, that just didn't have much merit to it. Something more vague and sinister would be far more entertaining... but what? Ah, she knew precisely what to say if asked. A smug grin quirked in the mere corner of her maw, barely visible to the naked eye - but present all the same.




10-31-2013, 08:58 PM

Even though Sendoa didn't show too much on the outside, Maija knew when someone was being stoic that something may be brewing on the inside. She was used to that recently -- had been since Rotterdam revealed himself -- and a part of her would always cling to the familiar habit. From the way it seemed, they were trying not to reveal too much on either side. This challenge was something the golden vixen hadn't experienced in a long time, and she silently accepted it. Of course, her counterpart was not to know of this.
Sendoa's remark about her name made the female show a coy smile. "It is Romanian, and I proudly carry it just as you do yours." Her tones were thick with the accent of her home country and she smoothly continued to answer the dark-furred fae's question. "For as long as Taurig has been Re," she said, icy green eyes giving off a twinkle from the moon's light. "You have just arrived...and if I am correct in saying so, I am the first aside from Taurig to welcome you to Tortuga." It was the first time outside of Taurig, Aoi, and Dragomir that she had spoken more words than she was used to speaking. She waited with a slight skip of her heart rate to see what Sendoa's response would be.

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11-01-2013, 04:14 PM

Sendoa remained like the placid waters of a lake in the morning, undisturbed and smooth as glass. Eyes could be gazed into for any amount of time, but would only reveal what she allowed them to - which was a mere amused expression. Jaws hung only slightly agape - about half an inch - as was customary to the she wolf's relaxed facial muscles. Maija mentioned her name was Romanian, but that meant little to Sendoa - she knew not the meaning of such a word, but determined that it was origin-based. Sendoa didn't know where her name or Isardis' originated, only that they existed. The accent only furthered the mystery behind the word 'Romanian'. The golden lass continued on, stating that she'd been in Tortuga since Taurig's rise in power. That was to be expected, as most didn't remain in a pack once a new leader took over. She then took a trick from Sendoa's own bag and made an assumption that the once-Sentinel had not been there long. Funny how witty this one was. ?Intelligent and pretty, no wonder Taurig fancies you.? Ah yes, she could make assumptions too, and this one was painfully clear. Her tail flickered as the faint smug smile quirked yet again in the corner of her lip. This was too fun. "Aye, what you have deduced is correct, Maija. I am naught but a trophy wrought in battle and won by your handsome Re." A trophy coveted by all.




11-01-2013, 07:21 PM

Maija had no reason to deny the fact that she was fancied by the Re. She figured that aside from calling the highest ranked wolf by his first name, her coat also held the scent that came from his being. A gentle twinkle revealed itself at Sendoa's targeted observation and her tail swept gently behind her in a happy manner. That was all she would reveal before her eyes became icy once more. Maija still wasn't sure if she should let her know any more.
It was obvious that both were alike when it came to keeping everything on guard. Maija liked it in the other female. She had thought that she wouldn't meet someone similar like her. What made it better was that she was Taurig's family, and that was something she thought was interesting. "Only a trophy, Sendoa? You are more than that..." Another observation that made Maija become a bit more relaxed. Perhaps it was a good thing, but who knew.

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11-01-2013, 07:29 PM

She would allow the smug smile to increase in width across her ebony lips as the woman confirmed rather physically that she was indeed fancied by the Re. Ah, it was good to know that she had been correct in her assumptions, for it was quite pitiful and disgraceful to be wrong. She might not freely admit it, but she found herself admiring the golden lass, and her ability to keep her emotions under wraps. Rather silently they seemed to have both agreed to this competition of letting as little information slide past their lips as possible - and Sendoa would happily compete with the woman for whatever the prize might be. 'Only a trophy, Sendoa? You are more than that..' A compliment, that had not been expected, and yet - in some ways it had. ?Am I, though? I am nothing more than an object being fought over by a man with the possessiveness of a child, and a child with the pride and determination of a man.? That was truly a good description of them, was it not? The tip of her tail tapped the earth idly as she contemplated these things. She blamed herself for the way Isardis was - she'd raised him for the most part, after all. It had been she telling him stories, she giving him everything he could ever want, she spoiling him rotten to the core. It was her fault and she knew it. Face would remain stony, the smile having long since been etched away. ?And when I am not a trophy, I am a means to win another - perhaps more alluring - prize.? She would tag this afterthought on for good measure. She was nothing, despite what both of them said. They fought over her only to keep the other from having her - it was a game of possession.. a game she could never hope to win.




11-01-2013, 08:01 PM

Sendoa spoke of being an object wanted between Taurig and his father, making Maija's heart silently skip another beat. It was a feeling she had grown used to once she became Dragomir's wife. His alter ego had been the possessive kind, one that did not want anyone else to touch, speak, or even look at her without his permission. Rotterdam had her so wrapped up in her own shell that she only depended on him for everything. "A position that many may covet, until they realize what the price is to pay for it."
With leaf green eyes, she continued to watch Sendoa, sensing a touch of the many feelings that were silently brewing in the dark female. Maija didn't voice anything regarding this assumption. It would only show that she was willing to say more about herself, and that was still a big deal for her. "There will be wolves you will meet that won't think that of you," was all she could think of to say. It had happened for her, and if Sendoa really wanted it, perhaps it would happen for her as well.

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11-01-2013, 08:35 PM

She was a monster, a monster who did nothing but create other monsters. How could she have let him grow up to be like this? How could she have let him wreak havoc? She'd turned him into this. He'd been so innocent as a child, and now he'd turned on his own son and mindlessly went into war with a pack he had no business trifling with. It stung, her heart, as she thought of these things. The chances of him getting out alive were slim, but oh if he did she would have to do all she could to fix him - but that meant leaving here. Would she be allowed to go? She wasn't a prisoner, but that didn't mean she was free. ?Ah the price,? she would murmur. The price was far too high, far too great for any wolf to ever hope to achieve it. Death was the only escape, and death wasn't an option - not while they both pined for her. Without her as an object of their possession - they would certainly kill each other. At least this way she could hope to stand in their path if the two titans clashed. 'There will be wolves you will meet that won't think that of you.' She snorted, loud and abruptly. ?In my five years I have yet to meet one.? Perhaps she was being cynical - what other choice did she have? She was in a strange place, with strange wolves, away from the one wolf she'd sworn her loyalty to. As much as she hated to admit it, her heart ached for him - longed to be near him once more. At one point in time she'd thought she could leave him, thought she could join Tortuga and live with Taurig - but those thoughts were gone. Love for Taurig was still present somewhere in her chest, but her passion for Isardis was far greater - far stronger than she'd ever imagined it could be.




11-05-2013, 12:16 AM

Maija knew what it was like to feel trapped. Dragomir was her first love, the one that showed her opening up to someone was not the end of the world. If she had only known that his other half would take over more than half of the time, she would have been smart and left him before she fell so deep. It had affected her as a person worse than she had been before she met him, but a part of her knew that thought wasn't all true. Having him in her life made it easier for her to open up instead of being completely isolated. She wondered if Sendoa felt the same way for her heart's captor.
The words that left Taurig's aunt's kissers made Maija's gaze become intense. A silent flame burned in her eyes, but it slowly hid itself again as she watched Sendoa speak. Quietly, she observed the female and said in gentle tones, "I don't think you're just a prize to be won, despite just meeting you. There is a soul in there, wanting a taste of the freedom..." Golden frame remained poise as she blinked and kept her gaze on the dark femora. "Correct me if I am wrong, Sendoa Armada."

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11-11-2013, 09:28 PM

Who was this woman to think she understood the battle queen? How could she possibly know of the trauma she endured on a daily basis? Loving two men equally, and having those same two men being at odds over her very being - perhaps only to spite the other. Frustration began to coil within her bosom, but she rejected it. So far Maija had been pleasant - and Sendoa wasn't in any mood to fight the woman Taurig loved. Though to be quite honest, it might solve half of her problems. If Taurig found her at odds with Maija, he would likely disapprove of her and possibly stop fighting Isardis for her. However, the once-Glaciem wasn't sure she could take her nephew being upset with her. ?You are a unique mind, Maija.? It would be all that was said at first, just that and a hanging, looming silence. Perhaps it was a compliment, perhaps it was not - her tone would not let on which was true. The golden woman was at least trying to see things in Sendoa's perspective, and that was a welcome change of pace for the cobalt woman. Perhaps the world was not so black and white as she'd once thought.




11-12-2013, 02:11 AM

Ah, but the golden vixen knew exactly how the battle queen felt. Being considered a prize, a key role in a play of a spider whom was looking for victims to dance into his web. She had been on the side of the railroad tracks that held negative clouds of obsessiveness and paranoia with the man she had been attached to for about two years. The memories of those horrible times were still fresh as day to Maija, but they didn't hurt as bad since Taurig had accidentally appeared in her life. She had survived the bad days and was now, hopefully, looking forward to a better future.
All of this she did not voice to Sendoa. She knew that Taurig's aunt was devoted to Isardis, the white overlord of Glaciem. That connection to the white King was one of the main reasons Maija didn't speak of her thoughts. She maintained her composure as Sendoa spoke, verifying that the golden female's mind was a unique one at that. It made an automatic, small smile grace Maija's lips, bringing with it a brightness that hadn't been seen before to her facial features. Due to recent confessions, that glow was one of the reasons Taurig had fallen for her over time. "As do you, Sendoa," was her gentle reply, Romanian tones smoothly falling over the short phrase. "Not many minds can understand how the obsessive traits of a male can affect the one they wish to possess."

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