
Apology in blood




Expert Fighter (120)

Beginner Hunter (0)

7 Years

1KThe Ooze ParticipantCritical Hit!
10-01-2023, 06:07 AM

Mika didn’t think he would make them return north. After saying their goodbyes to ethne they’d been waiting for Beau to finish claiming a spot for the pack. So alone in an attempt to seek out more information on their memories. In the hopes that the hole they currently felt would go away. Leave it to Mika to get lost when a storm was beginning to brew. They’d been on the outside of this weird stone wall frozen in the ice. It continued as far as they could see which was rapidly decreasing as the weather picked up. What an idiot, they were out here alone, no pack mate or even Beau knew where they were at this very moment. Mika growled in frustration digging at the wall for a few seconds while the wind whirled around them.

Time to look for shelter, there had to be some considering this huge thing. They continued to walk trying to crouch below the wall's holes as a buffer to the snow beginning to spray around them. Then it happened. Mika swore as a huge ball of ice slammed into their back. The pain shot through them suddenly freezing them in place, there were huge balls of ice falling from everywhere. Their lips raised, pushing their back against the wall when they heard someone a few feet away.

“ABOMINATION!” Mika felt the stranger suddenly jump on him, feeling teeth pierce their scruff as they were violently thrown forward deeper into the storm. Mika scrambled to get their bearings. Turning to face the attacker who stood staring at him. A ghostly face, one side scarred with no eye however the gray and striped male made Mika have an uneasy feeling. Like they recognized the scent of this stranger.

“Abandoned, you, you left me Cassandra!” The strange male lunged. Mika backed up while they watched a few snow balls hit the stranger causing him to fumble. Mika felt like they were drifting. Stubbornly he lunged forward grabbing onto the stranger. Was he sobbing now? Mika felt the stranger heaving underneath them, before their eyes blinked and Cassandra let go of Harlowe.

She stumbled backwards in confusion trying to gain her bearings. Where was she, in a storm? She could barely see what was in front of her. “Harlowe are you okay” her instincts to protect her brother kicked in until she actually saw his rage filled eye.

“Okay? Is Harlowe okay? You ABANDONED me. You left me all alone so May says you have to go.” She didn’t understand and then it hit her. How long had she been hiding, what had happened the last time she saw Harlowe? He attacked again. Going for her shoulder as Cassandra bit into his ear in retaliation. Blood welled on her shoulder as she grunted in pain. She didn’t want to do this. Cassandra kept her hold, pinning Harlowe to the ground as balls of snow thumped around them.

“I didn’t abandon you Harlowe, please believe that…. tanelan.. he… there was an emergency I swear it!” If she could remember correctly. Harlowe snarled, kicking her stomach making them recoil away. Cassandra cried out she had to defend tans body right? Her teeth snapped for Harlowe's head but he was far too quick for her. Not to mention every step she took she was being pelted with balls of ice. Slipping she fell flat and felt Harlowe biting at her scruff. Blood splattered the ground as wind and cold caused her limbs to begin to numb.

Harlowe dragged Cassandra closer to the wall, slamming her against the stone. “Fine…. I’m sorry.” Harlowe seemed to pause at that. Cassandra felt herself slipping then. She didn’t fight it, it felt like something important needed to happen here. Harlowe continued to tear into them. With a few soft blinks it felt like they were giving in. Tan felt their paws underneath, pain all around their body. Snapping upwards, Tan caught Harlowe by surprise, their teeth latching onto the good side of Harlowe’s face.

“They threatened to kill you if I didn’t leave. Cassandra didn’t want to but I… left and I’m sorry… brother.” Tanelan felt his vision going blurry. Throwing Harlowe into the storm as now it felt like it would never stop. Harlowe snarled lunging one more time as Tan dodged to the right, their legs buckled beneath them. Shit. They thought as their head hit the cold ground. Tanelan supposed they just had to hope Harlowe believed them. What would happen if they couldn’t get back to Beau? Terror engulfed them, they didn’t want to die in such a cold place, without their beloved by their side.

Tanelan forced themselves to rise. Watching Harlowe scramble towards them. Tan rushed forward, colliding his shoulder into Harlowes own. Tan heard a pop, then Harlowe howling in pain began to run off. Tan panted watching their brothers' shape vanish into the obscure snow. A large hail ball slammed into their head, then everything went black…

What terrible wounds…. Tanelan heard someone, their ear giving a flick. Something was touching them, or at least someone. Opening their eyes slowly they could see the faint glow of the moon shining through the overcast clouds. Groaning he tried to get up when a small hand like a paw gently slapped their snout. Tan lay back down blinking when a brown mammal-like creature met eyes with them.

“You shouldn’t move, nothing life threatening but my poultice needs time to kick in.” She said, a slight whistle in her voice. Tan looked over their body. Covered in weird green stuff it smelt strongly of herbs.

“You treated me, thank you.” Tan rasped, the weird creature grinned, spreading her hands wide.

“The names Payday, I’m a quokka.” It seemed she’d noticed how They were looking at her. Tan smiled and laughed a little. They settled with a sigh.

“Tanelan Discovery, I don’t know what I would’ve done if you hadn’t shown up. So thank you again Payday.” Tan gently pushed on his paws. Sitting up softly as Payday clung to one of their legs in worry.

“Can’t have you goin an hurtin yourself anymore, I think I’ll stay by your side. I know lots of herbs.” She insinuated she’d be staying for an indefinite amount of time. Tanelan nodded thankfully. Raising his head he howled. Hoping that even in quester Beau could hear them calling.

“Let’s wait for my mate.. I need help walking home.” Tan grunted painfully. Payday letting go and shuffling into their fur. He was back…. But he didn’t know how to feel about it.


Word count: 1,099
Lan has DID and can switch personalities without notice
Mika is considered rated M
Beau may enter any threads as their partner



Master Fighter (325)

Expert Intellectual (210)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

4 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022Statue 1 Worship
10-03-2023, 10:11 PM
He had gone to look for his partners at Ethne when he came across their scent trail. A trail leading back to Boreas. Worry gnawed at Beauregard, fear for those he loved pressing him onward. Why had they left Ethne? Haydee and the others would have kept them safe until he returned! He still needed to get back to Bellatrix and his companions as well… but finding his partners was more important to him than the child right now. Blind could hide the girl if danger came. She knew how to avoid it since she was small as well. But… gods what if something happened to them?!

Beau had made it to the Northern territories. Their scent had faded here and there but he figured by the path they were taking that they had to be heading back to the ship. Forcing himself to take only short rests while he tracked his partners had been difficult, but they were everything to him. He couldn't shake the feeling something might happen to them if he wasn't there.

And when the call went up it sent a chill down Beau's spine. His ears fell back and a whine bubbled up from his throat. That call had an edge of pain… something had happened. He broke into a run. He needed to be there with them. Before…

He'd find them injured. Their wounds had been treated but they had clearly been hurt. Beau would not stop until he was at their side, missing the other creature as he pressed his forehead to theirs. "You should have waited for me…" He whined, slipping to the earth. "What am I going to do with you guys?" He lifted his gaze back to them. Even if they were hurt… he was just glad it wasn't more serious.
Beauregard has two companions - a bluejay and an arctic fox. Unless otherwise mentioned IC, assume that they are close by.

As his mates, Tanelan and Co. are allowed in any thread Beauregard is in regardless of tag.



Expert Fighter (120)

Beginner Hunter (0)

7 Years

1KThe Ooze ParticipantCritical Hit!
10-03-2023, 11:07 PM
Tanelan carefully positioned himself as Beau appeared. Like a knight in shining armor. Tan leaned into Beau, heat softly wafting from his head. Probably from the wounds but theyd decided to trust the little quokka to her word. The quokka grinned widely and a soft paw grabbed gently at Beaus leg. "Theyll be okay! Lucky enough I found them after the storm passed." payday outstretched her arms. Tan couldnt help but think, she was so god damn cute!.

"You can blame Mika for the trouble later." Tanelan said as he struggled to make it on all four of his paws. "Beau I.... im back." figured hed know what he meant. But his lips were tightly sealed. "When i came to there was a hailstorm. Someone attacked me then ran off. This is payday she treated my wounds." he smiled softly as the quokka gave a soft wave. Tan hung their head.

"Im sorry I left. I just... i started remembering things and it... felt like I broke." their ears pinned to their head in embarassment. "My parents, my brother, felt like the world caved in. But im here, im ready for Norad." grunting they gave a soft sigh. Everything felt better when Beau was around.
Lan has DID and can switch personalities without notice
Mika is considered rated M
Beau may enter any threads as their partner



Master Fighter (325)

Expert Intellectual (210)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

4 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022Statue 1 Worship
10-08-2023, 10:32 PM

Whichever of his partner’s was out, they leaned into him and Beauregard let out a small sigh. He could feel heat coming from their head, likely the result of fever from their injuries. He was no healer… but… right who had treated them? As if sensing his question Beau felt a tiny paw grabbing gently at his leg. The man’s gaze would shift to the tiny creature, one he didn’t know the name of, but it was hard not to immediately like her. She spoke kindly and, by her words, she had been the one who had tended to the hurts of his partners. The cream man’s gaze softened, a grateful nod given to the critter. “Thank you.” If it wasn’t for her aid, he wasn’t sure what he would have done. Gone to the Armada, maybe? But he was less confident of their aid compared to Ethne’s.

As his partner spoke and got to his paws Beauregard turned back to him. It didn’t register at first, that it was Tanelan, but when it clicked his blue gaze widened. Carefully he drew Tan into an embrace. He was back… Beau felt tears prick at his eyes. He had been worried, scared that he might lose one of the ones he loved. “They were supposed to stay in Ethne. I… let Haydee know to look after you guys… while I took care of things.” He drew back, a whine leaving him. He had only wanted them to be safe. But hearing what Tanelan had to say, about why he had disappeared… Beau gave a small nod of understanding.

“The life you had before was filled with trauma… I can’t blame you for becoming overwhelmed with it. For any of you being overwhelmed with it…” He moved to stand next to Tan, offering his form for the purple wolf to lean against. “We’ll take things as we can. Payday, you are welcome to come with us to Norad. I thought it would befitting, to honor Ethne and the aid they gave us, if we claimed the other Falls in Auster.” He couldn’t help but pause and nuzzle Tan’s cheek.

“When we get there, you guys are resting. …and… I may have rescued a kid. She’s with Blind right now, but she should be alright. Blind knows how to hide as someone tiny.” At least he was hoping so. “Let's get you guys back. I need my Artisan at my side!”


Beauregard has two companions - a bluejay and an arctic fox. Unless otherwise mentioned IC, assume that they are close by.

As his mates, Tanelan and Co. are allowed in any thread Beauregard is in regardless of tag.



Expert Fighter (120)

Beginner Hunter (0)

7 Years

1KThe Ooze ParticipantCritical Hit!
10-14-2023, 05:23 PM

Payday watched tanelan carefully, standing closer to their side. So this was her new companions mate, they both seemed like fine individuals to her. Tanelan leaned into Beau’s embrace. Taking in a deep breath they found it easier to support their shoulder into their larger partner. Sore all over their eyes narrowed carefully. "There’s another alter I didn’t know about until today." Tanelan began, but honestly they were just ready to actually go home.

"I’m sure she’ll be around more often, she can introduce herself later I’m ready to settle into a new den." they sighed and they were ready to take the responsibility of being an artisan. So many ideas and worries whirled in their head. Though obvious enough, Tan would let Beau lead them to the falls. Today had been mentally and physically taxing. Rest would be the best option.


Lan has DID and can switch personalities without notice
Mika is considered rated M
Beau may enter any threads as their partner

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1. Apology in blood The Wall 06:07 AM, 10-01-2023 06:00 AM, 11-05-2023