well, this wasn't how i wanted it to go
She ran blindly. So overwhelmed by everything going on in her life, it was the only thing she knew how to do. Run until she couldn't move. Paws slapping the cold, frozen ground. Pain, both inside and outside, it radiates through every cell of her being. Why couldn't it be easy? Why couldn't she have just told him about it like a normal wolf? It wasn't like what had happened was life-ending. She was still alive, still breathing. So why was it difficult? Everything about it made her want to cry, throw up, run, anything other than talk about it. Not like it was his fault. He was trying to be nice for once. Which made it worse in a way. He was supposed to be the asshole.
Escaping into the thicket, Delphi follows the paths until she finds the smallest, most narrowest, tunnel of thorns she can find. A place that only her or rabbits would be able to slip into. That way no one could follow her. She could be alone to curl up and cry. Cry until tomorrow came. Cry until the pain went away. Maybe if she cried enough, she would be okay for once. Maybe she could forget about everything that happened and start over. Be the real Delphi. But this was her now and she had to deal with it. As the thorns and branches pull and tug at her sticky and muddy fur, she finally finds a space just small enough for her and only her to fit into. Curling up, she hides her head under her paws and cries.
Master Fighter (240)
Master Hunter (250)
2 Years
She plunged into the thicket, and this time he didn’t hesitate. She already had a decent head start on him, and there was nothing else for it. He hunched down and followed her. Feeling branches catch and snag at his coat as he moved further in. the path got smaller, and smaller. Fine for a stupid midget like her, maybe. He was crawling now, and still he was getting poked, stabbed, and pulled fur. He knew he lost more than one tuff of his coat squeezing in. Finally, at last, he could go no further. He could hear her crying softly to herself somewhere up ahead. He tried to pull himself under the thicket, and got a resounding smack to the head from a twig that rebounded off his head. Nope. he couldn’t do it, he’d have to just leave the idiot to her misery then. He tried to shuffle backwards, and all the branches he’d shoved past suddenly poked him in the butt. He tried to turn, but he hadn’t left himself enough room even for that. He tried to inch forward again, but there just wasn’t enough room. He was stuck, utterly. “...Delphi…”
Through all of her own commotion and crying, she didn't hear Strai approach. Not even the branches and thorns poking and prodding him alerted her to his presence. Not until he spoke.
He'd never said her name before. His nickname for her had been Toxic. Never once had she heard him say her own name. The sound struck a cord in her heart. Her tears slow as she begins to sniffle, slowly scooting around until she can see his larger form through the shadows of the thicket. He hadn't deserved her lashing out at him like that. He didn't deserve to be stuck in the thicket either. He'd only been playing, right? But it had seemed so... serious. So terrifying. So much like that moment. Delphi closes her eyes tightly as she shakes away the bad feelings. No. He hadn't meant it. If he had, why would he chase after her? Why would he say her real name now...
"I-I'm sorry, Strai," Delphi whispers as she army crawls closer to where he is bound by sticks and thorns. Her chin is practically scraping across the ground as she can finally see him about a foot away. "I-I don't know what happened," her voice his hoarse as more tears threatened to spill from her eyes. What was wrong with her? Why couldn't she be normal?
Master Fighter (240)
Master Hunter (250)
2 Years