


11-02-2013, 09:54 PM

By some odd phenomenon, his darling sister had managed to escape his clutches, slipping beneath his attentive radar to free herself of his incessant verbal and physical abuse. Fury wormed its way into the tyke?s interior, partially angry with himself for allowing her the moment of peace and partially enraged with the sable brat for fleeing from him. Nonetheless, the minuscule titan had every intention of locating the little bitch and forcing her into her place beneath him the moment he found her, hoping to ensure that she would never attempt another getaway for as long as she lived. No ? as long as blood coursed through the babe?s veins and oxygen fueled her lungs as well as his, he would be at her side every moment of every day, attaching himself like a leech to her and thriving off of her distress that he intended to cause. This would be the very last moment she would ever hope to maintain peace without his presence, however long that moment happened to be.

Slate grey ears slicked back against the contours of the tyke?s crown out of aggravation as he navigated beyond the borders of Ludicael?s mangrove, leathery nostrils quivering minutely as he attempted to pinpoint Calli?s scent with no such luck. A snarl caressed the child?s countenance as he sauntered off in his blind pursuit, journeying from the safety of his father for the first time in his life without a trace of fear or anxiety towards the unknown, unwavering confidence and rage fueling him on his self-appointed mission. ?Come out, come out, wherever you are?you stupid cunt,? the tyke practically sang as deep cerulean eyes flickered frantically about the expanse of dense underbrush and foliage, searching for the faintest trace of his lost sibling.


11-02-2013, 11:01 PM
He asked for her presence, and she came.
The monstrous child emerged from the shadows, long limbs carrying her towards the grey boy who had spoken such insulting words. Vyvienne knew it was addressed to her; who, after all, could miss her presence. And who, after all, would talk to anyone else when she was in their presence. Acidic green eyes bore holes into the younger boy, long willowy limbs carrying her closer and close. She towered over him, not only due to her age, but also due to the extra inches permitted by her extreme height.
She paused before him, wondering if he would bow. He ought to. She was a goddess, a creation who breathed power, and he was but a mere boy. "You rang?" she inquired, staring at him evenly, attempting to gauge him. Was he prey or foe? He was not hers, so that left one of the other two options. Either way, it simply meant she would assert her dominance and destroy him, unless he showed promise and deserving of her precious claim. All those who were not hers had to be destroyed.


11-03-2013, 12:32 PM

Triangular ears twitched eagerly with the rustling of leaves and the crackling of branches in his surroundings, skull whipping towards the sound in hopes of his sibling's approach. Disappointment struck the ardent tyke as his pupils devoured the impressive physique of an unknown babe that towered far above his underdeveloped apex despite the fact that her childish facial features spoke of an age that surpassed his own by little, own countenance contorting with an abrupt influx of fury. Muzzle crinkled as his cobalt gaze lingered upon the verdant of the stranger's, brows then knitting neatly together as her voice shattered the momentary silence. "Not you," the child snapped, irritation evident in his tones as an exasperated sigh left his gaping jaws. "My sister," he informed the gargantuan lass, neck craning as he attempted to look beyond the girl to continue his search for the sable brat that had escaped him.

Realizing his efforts were futile due to the giant living barrier that demanded his attention, his gaze sluggishly trailed back to greet the stranger's, flames dancing within cerulean depths to portray the anger that lurked beneath his exterior. "You plan on standing there all day? Why don't you be a doll and move." He was treading on dangerous turf but he was undaunted by the wench who could easily overpower him without much effort, the desperation for Calli only fueling his brazen attitude.


11-03-2013, 10:59 PM

The boy was pretty, she?d give him that. It was a note made objectively, acidic gaze straining over each patch of unsaturated fur, noting each dark spot upon him. How pretty he would be when he bled, when he bowed before her. He?d be a nice pet, albeit an annoying one, what with his tongue. Although, she supposed she could always remove the unnecessary organ. "You should be looking for me," she informed the younger boy. This is your first lesson, peasant. She did not repeat her lessons, and she did not curve her tests. This child would have to learn the first time around, and ace with flying colors.
He dared to demand something of her, and her lips lifted, revealing layers of developing teeth. Alas, the girl made her decision. He was fun to look at, to observe, and she could not deny how the idea of breaking him thrilled her. "Mine," she growled lowly, deeply, a claim upon his pretty head. "Now shut up,"she ordered, as if her previous statement would tell him off. It ought to. Things that were hers had to obey, otherwise they would be punished.


12-09-2013, 09:12 PM

In no mood to deal with the monstrosity of a child and her undying thirst for attention, the tyke maneuvered forward, attempting to snake around the left side of the brindled babe, intentionally making the turn around her as rough as he could so as to bump his mass against her own. This way, he hoped to drive the message clearly through her thick skull: he had no desire to remain in her presence nor did he wish to ever know who she was. Her arrogant speech would do little to disturb his attempted getaway, a singular and miniscule ear simply flicking towards her to acknowledge her words before daring sarcasm would drip from his own frayed lips. ?Can?t imagine why anyone wouldn?t try to find you,? he hissed, voice merely a mumble as cobalt eyes widened in exasperation. How persistent was she? Couldn?t she see that he had far more important matters to deal with? His poor sister was out there somewhere ? at peace! The very concept was frightening enough to the tiny tyrant.

The next syllable the gargantuan babe spoke, however, immediately caused the tyke to halt in his step, body pivoting to face her own as a disgruntled expression contorted his countenance, ears pinning against the contours of his crown as his pupils fell upon the girl?s exposed incisors. Evidently confused, the tyke never once allowed his gaze to falter from her own verdant, silence consuming him as she demanded it. Moments of silence and statue-esque poise ticked by, before, at long last, a tentative smirk extended across his visage, jaws minutely parting to utter a quiet: ?Hello.?



12-09-2013, 09:38 PM

Emerald forests drowned within the perfect falling of violet skies, a heaven so low the angels would beam upon the creeping form of perfection so faultless, a sweetheart so divine. Waltzing with a grace far greater than nature?s ballet, the dark babe would saunter as the glowing jewel she so effortlessly recognised herself to be. Loosely upon the tail of her possessive siblings scent, the celestial banshee would ease slender curves between the rising stalks of a lamb?s towered forest, quickly gathering sights upon the events that unfolded. A tiny gasp would fall from elegant jaws, silver gaze widening as dense tail would begin to wag behind quarters with a rising excitement; swan-like stilts reaching forth to unwisely stroll back and forth before the young male Vyvienne had captured. ?Oooh, this one is so pretty!? feminine tones so high-pitched and blossomed they seemed almost unreal, ?What does he do? Can we play with him?? daringly ivory-etched snout would reach forth, quivering an an effort to catch his scent.


12-09-2013, 10:15 PM
He was obnoxious, but he was hers, and Vyvienne wanted to make him bleed. She was a dark sort of girl, twisted and possessive, but so far nobody had quite made her feel like this boy had. He awoke a different sort of monster within her bodice, made it rattle at the bars of her ribcage, made her heart pump in frantic ways. The boy bumped into her and she snorted; if he desired to leave, he ought to run from the monstress, not come closer to her grasp. Jaws twitched, tempted to sink into him as best they could, and yet for now she resisted. She desired not to discourage contact, after all; it rubbed her scent upon him, so all would know who he belonged to.
She tolerated his closeness, until he dared to defy her. Immediately ebony lips would peel back violently, large (relatively so, for her age at least) frame pushing forwards. Vyvienne desired to topple him, to push him to the ground so that his belly would be up. Her frame wished to crash upon him, jaws turning to her own right and hoping to grip around his throat tightly. Not so she would kill him or shred his jugular (no, she liked her pet, she merely wanted to rip his voice from him by temporarily ripping away his air). The voice of another one of her possessions then wandered into her ears, acidic gaze flickering up to focus upon the form of Cynder. If her teeth had met any success she would squeeze tightly and then release momentarily. "We are playing a game called make him mine. Decorate him, sister," she demanded, teeth once more seeking to press around his throat, hoping to cut his air off so that he could not so much as protest the happenings.