

Open if anyone wants it



Expert Healer (165)

Expert Fighter (175)

7 Years

The Ooze ParticipantPride - Bisexual1KValentines 2020
08-15-2023, 10:22 PM
Mojito was kind of a mess, so much had happened in such a short time and it had left him reeling. He knew he was still on shaky ground with his daughter and didn't know how or if he even should try to approach her first, and then there was Nao... He knew sooner or later he would have to explain the man to her but for now the freckled man was sequestered away in his den, a good portion of Mojito's focus was on helping him recover and build his strength back up, which of course only made Mojito feel guilty that Nao was capitalizing his time. What Mojito needed was a task unrelated to his personal life to focus on.

So that's what he was doing right now. "Currently we've got only what I've been able to find immediately around here." Mojito was looking at Hoa who was grazing lazily before him, nodding. The sheep lifted his head and gazed around, swallowing before he spoke.

"Not much with a general utility then." Hoa muttered and Mojito nodded absently.

"It'd be good to have some herbs that help with pain, fighting infection and general sickness." Mojito mused out loud. "I should be able to get dandelion at least." Mojito trailed off as he thought. He would need to move quickly once his plan was finalized, there would only be so much time before fall gave way to winter and he wanted to at least start building up his stores again before then. He tried not to wish for the garden he'd once kept in Armada's old lands, that was a past life he could never get back.

"Probably a good idea to see if I can find a Boneset growth nearby if I can." Good for general sickness symptoms, especially as winter would likely bring sniffles and chills, and if in the worst case it could be used to force a purge, though he seriously hoped he wouldn't need to worry about that. He sighed. He'd need basic materials too, bowls, mortar and pestle, something to store anything prepared inside, bandages, clothes. And that was just the things he'd need before he could consider really treating anyone... Mojito tipped his head back for a moment, forcing himself to focus on his breathing. He didn't need to rush, he was sure there were resources he could use to trade for some of the harder to find materials, even if he himself had nothing at his disposal. No use worrying about it right now, just focus on what he could do.

With another sigh Mojito rose to his paws, stretched himself out and centred himself. He'd at least start by searching the area again for anything useful, it was a place to start at least.

WC: 464


Art by Rivaah
[Image: Gdfwv08.png]
Mo's daughter Satira is free to cash his threads as she sees fit.
Updated 04/30/23: Still on indefinite scarcity, please do not remind me of threads I am behind on right now.


"Do not underestimate the power of the floppy ears!"


Master Fighter (240)

Master Healer (240)

An icon representing the specialty Field Medic Field Medic

5 Years
Extra small

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantPride - Bisexual
08-31-2023, 03:24 PM
Elderberry. Ginseng. Juniper. Marshmallow.

Satira meandered down the rows of shelves in her den, taking stock of all the herbs and plants she had gathered in Valta to help keep their medical stores supplemented. With the fast approaching winter, the little wolf dog wanted to leave nothing to chance. The chillier days and snowy nights would undoubtedly test many of her pack mates’ immune systems and she wanted to be ready to treat anyone for anything no matter what it happened to be. But as her father had taught her early on in her career, having the tools and medicines at your disposal was essential to being an effective healer. And so she took inventory, auditing her own personal stores of medicinal plants and berries to make sure she was lacking nothing.

Meadowsweet. Valerian root. Watercress. Dried white willow bark.

The young woman nodded her head, running down the mental checklist in her head with approval and pride in her past self for being so prudent to keep such a surplus of helpful medicines. With this many on hand, she could create a good number of tonics and poultices whenever the need arose. Although she was pleased with her audit, there were still some medical herbs missing from her stockpile that would have been useful to have just in case. Boneset and yarrow were the two most noteworthy. Fortunately, both plants grew fairly abundantly in the territories Valta owned or in neighboring territories. A quick grocery run out to fill the gaps in her collection and Tira would feel much more confident in her capabilities!

Grabbing her leather satchel and throwing it around her neck, the tiny wolf dog girl set out of her den at the top of the falls and headed northward across the fields around the rapids. Cináed was busy with his own tasks, otherwise she would have asked her roommate to join her for a walk through the brisk autumn day. Tira did not mind; she was equally as comfortable being her own company as she was with someone at her side. Part of the independence she had garnered from her time living in the wilds with her family. Making her way across the fields, Tira briefly considered checking in with her uncle Indigo to see if he needed to do any herb gathering for his own stash as well, but ultimately decided she did not want to bother her mother or uncle in case they were busy, what with Asla being the new standing alpha for Valta.

She was passing by some of the other Valtan members' dens when the scent of her father gave her pause. Satira stopped mid stride, head perked as she looked off in the direction of the den that held his scent. Mojito was a healer too; he had been her inspiration behind her wanting to be a healer herself. She did not know how much her sire had brought with him in the way of belongings when he had come to Valta, but given that Asla had told her he had barely escaped from the Armada with his life and limbs intact, Tira assumed he had not come here with much more than his name with him. No doubt he would be needing to replenish his herb stores as well. For a long while, Satira stood frozen in place, weighing the decision she had to make. Her mother's words repeated in her head. "If you don't let yourself try, then you'll never know what could have been." Tira's chest expanded as she drew in a deep breath, held in her lungs, then released in a long sigh. This was her chance to start mending the bridge between them. Broken and rickety, but not burned—not yet.

Adjusting her path slightly, Tira made her way toward the den that housed her father, following her nose to his trail until she had found his home. All the way there, she was gathering up her courage, planning out in her head what to say to him when she got there. She stopped at the entrance of Mojito's den, lingering there while she took pause one last time—and then she poked her head inside. "Dad...?" called the hybrid girl inside, peeking about without stepping inside. Minding her manners, as always. "Dad, are you in? I was wondering if you maybe wanted to go looking for some herbs with me?" Tira stood in wait at the entrance, listening for either the silence or her father's voice to follow. If he was not home, well, at least she could say she tried and she would have lost nothing in trying. But like her mother had told her, she had to at least try. How could she expect her father and her to mend their relationship if she did not give him a fair chance in turn?

WC: 810
Total: 1274 / 1500




Expert Healer (165)

Expert Fighter (175)

7 Years

The Ooze ParticipantPride - Bisexual1KValentines 2020
08-31-2023, 06:43 PM
Honestly Mojito was not expecting the voice that called for him, Hoa had come back inside to help him check Satoru and Mojito glanced at the sheep and then gestured towards Satoru's resting form. "Just a moment!" He called back to Satira, wincing as soon as the words left his mouth. Was that too formal? He pushed his worry down and spoke softly to his companion. "Make sure if he wakes up he gets something to drink I'm worried he might be dehydrated." he glanced fondly down again at the freckled man before turning around and heading towards the mouth of the den. He greeted his daughter with a smile, it wasn't totally easy but it was natural he was genuinely happy to see her.

"Your timing couldn't have been better I was about to head out to look for some myself." He made his way outside and stretched again, and shook the dirt from his fur, he'd need to expand the den more still but at least he could mostly stand without having to crouch. "My stores are unfortunately sparse right now, what I wouldn't give for that old shed." Mojito's tone was light but he was sure Satira would probably hear the undercurrent of nerves creeping their way in. Still he managed a soft chuckle. The place he'd lived for the majority of Armada's time in their original territory hadn't been big but it had been enough and access to his own garden had helped a lot. He really did miss it. He looked at his daughter, sizing her and not for the first time feeling a pang of pain that he'd missed watching her grow.

Mojito gestured for his daughter to take the lead. "I'm sure you know all the best spots to find herbs, if you don't mind sharing one or two." In truth he was somewhat dependant on her doing so. Eventually he would find them all himself and know them like he'd once known the Plains but with winter on the horizon he didn't have the luxury of time to spare.

WC: 347 (1621/1500)


Art by Rivaah
[Image: Gdfwv08.png]
Mo's daughter Satira is free to cash his threads as she sees fit.
Updated 04/30/23: Still on indefinite scarcity, please do not remind me of threads I am behind on right now.


"Do not underestimate the power of the floppy ears!"


Master Fighter (240)

Master Healer (240)

An icon representing the specialty Field Medic Field Medic

5 Years
Extra small

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantPride - Bisexual
10-05-2023, 04:06 AM
Satira heard her father's voice call back to her, sounding somewhat frazzled, then the sounds of scurrying about from within his den. She flinched but put a little amused smirk on her face. Apparently she'd caught her dad at a bit of a bad time, but he hadn't turned her away, so she waited at his den's entrance, giving him all the time he needed to get sorted out. Once he did finally appear, she exchanged a slightly awkward smile with him but was truly happy he could spare her the time to go foraging together. "Well then, let's go get you some more plants to fill your new home with," she remarked, motioning with a flick of her head for Mojito to follow her. "Valta might not be as big or as established as the Armada was, but we're not struggling either. Oh, and forget that old shed. We can stock your home better than it ever was!" Yeah, Tira could hear the nervousness in her father's voice while he tried to act like he wasn't totally terrified of being in her presence. It was fine; Tira wouldn't give him a hard time about it, and it meant he was trying his best for her.

Leading the way east, Satira took her father on the scenic route along the rushing rapids in the direction of some lush spots she'd found on the borders of their territory and the nearby Serpent Plains. Although she had not yet set up her own little garden, Tira had at least found many of the best spots where the more fertile soil produced more bountiful herbs on their own; a natural garden of sorts. Mojito made mention of her knowing all the best spots to find an abundance of plants and the little wolf-dog couldn't help but puff up her chest a bit in pride.

"Yeeeah, I might know a spot or two," she replied with a touch of teasing sarcasm in her voice, flashing a smile at her father. "It all depends on what you're looking for. Marshmallow, alfalfa, and valerian root all grow pretty commonly right here by the rapids. I'm looking for boneset and yarrow today, and that's closer to the eastern border. You can find horsetail and watercress in abundance around the base of the falls too." Tira gave a light laugh as she added, "And that's only if you're looking for the medicinal stuff! The fun plants are mostly in the nearby plains or thicket. I bring back as much as I can so I don't have to keep making trips out there." Did Satira just casually admit her recreational drug use to her father? Oops. But it wasn't like she was a little puppy anymore. She was a grown adult who got drunk, high, and had a live-in friend with benefits. Besides, what good was having all this plant knowledge if you couldn't have a little fun with it?

The trek across Valta wasn't very long, and after a short walk Tira had led them to a patch of lush land between two branching streams that cut off from the main rapids, creating a fecund delta where the loamy soil gave life to a veritable garden of wild plants and herbs. The air was pungent with the smells of wet earth and plants; a healer's dreamscape! "This is the place!" Satira practically bounced with each step as she began to sniff about for the plants she was looking for. "We can get you a bunch of the healer's essentials to get you started, Dad. But if you're looking for anything in particular, lemme know and I can help you look for it too!" Boneset, dandelion, and lamb's ear for tending to minor injuries and lacerations. Maybe some marigold and willow bark while they were at it.




Expert Healer (165)

Expert Fighter (175)

7 Years

The Ooze ParticipantPride - Bisexual1KValentines 2020
10-15-2023, 11:07 PM
Mojito dutifully followed after his daughter as she began to lead, a brow quirking upwards as she assured him that they would be able to fill his new den better than even the shed and garden had ever kept his stores, he wasn't sure how much she even remembered of their time there, the Armada had moved before they'd left after all; he wasn't looking to argue though and he had no doubt the water that flowed through the pack lands meant the earth was particularly fertile during the warmer months. A little of his nerves settled as he listened to Satira explaining her knowledge of the lands and saw her puff up a bit, meeting her smile with one of his own, a bit easier than earlier. It would take time but he was working on slowly lowering his guard, it was what she deserved from him.

As for his daughter's "fun" herbs, Mojito wouldn't say anything, though he gave her a quick side long glance. Satira was an adult, one who he trusted to take care of herself. Not because he had taught her to do so but because he knew her mother would have. While he had never had much interested in various substances himself, he wouldn't judge anyone else for their choice to partake, including his daughter. Well, provided she was being safe. He might care a little more if she wasn't.

Finally it seemed they'd arrived. Satira bounding away and Mojito chuckled softly to himself. He knew things would probably never been like when she'd been only a pup but as he watched her he couldn't help but be reminded of the tiny girl she'd once been. She wasn't the same wolf anymore and yet she was, in her own ways. Mojito started to poke around himself, lifting his head to look at Satira to answer her offer of help. "Some dandelion, horsetail and boneset," Mojito started, "if chamomile is available that might also be a good one." His voice was distant as he went through a mental list. The easiest things to grab, anything a bit more general. Unfortunately he'd likely need to wait until spring had sprung to start looking for more specialized herbs. Hell he wasn't even sure if the rivers were right for supporting horsetail. Things he would have to learn. "I'll also take suggestions." Mojito's tone was lightly joking though it was a true enough statement.

Mojito decided that was a good enough start and continued his own search for a bit. Dandelion at least could be depended upon to be available, and he would never say no to more. He was trying to figure out how to start bringing up Nao to Satira, he really wasn't sure how to approach that conversation. It wasn't because he didn't want to tell her, he did, it was simply that bringing up a new relationship to his adult daughter would have probably felt awkward no matter what. "Actually when you came by I was discussing with Hoa about a patient I'm currently caring for." And that was the best Mojito could come up with, so not great! He did his best to keep his tone casual. "His name is Na- Satoru." Mojito quickly corrected himself, remembering what Nao had told him about the way his culture treated given names, it was not his place to give it out, even to his daughter. "He's um... Someone I've grown quite fond of." Better to just say it, rip that bandaid off! Even if his words felt non-committal, but truth be told he still wasn't totally sure how to refer to his relationship with the freckled man. They were lovers, but more than that? He wasn't sure yet. "I thought you should know." He did, but he also felt like there was no graceful way to say it. If she asked he'd easily share that he'd told Nao that at the end of the day he was here for her now, with or without him, but he didn't really want to just dump everything on her all at once.


Art by Rivaah
[Image: Gdfwv08.png]
Mo's daughter Satira is free to cash his threads as she sees fit.
Updated 04/30/23: Still on indefinite scarcity, please do not remind me of threads I am behind on right now.

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