


11-03-2013, 11:27 PM

The fragmented howl of her queen had attracted the wounded viper to the horrific scene, elongated limbs propelling her to the base of a small incline from where the Empress had supposedly launched herself off of out of desperation. A small frown had caressed the adolescent?s bloodied countenance as her pupils traversed the gory mess left in the corpse?s wake, not out of pity but of sheer disappointment with the masked woman?s course of action; had she truly committed suicide over her loss upon the battlefield? Such a prospect was interesting to ponder over as the wraith made her way sluggishly back to the northern region of the island, sights set upon her allies? domain rather than that of her former queen and pack?s, the disdainful frown stagnant upon her features as she journeyed. Surely their allies needed to know and therefore she would inform them, but it was doubtful that many ? even those within her own pack ? would grieve over the loss of the mahogany bitch, for not even she found the faintest emotional pull towards the wench or her self-induced demise.

As her paw-pads scuffed against the rugged surface of snow, signifying that she had successfully breached at or near the borders of Glaciem?s kingdom, the wraith allowed her muzzle to tip back, gaping jaws unleashing a curt and somber summon for the pallid sovereign who she assumed had escaped from their adversary?s domain. Once the beckon concluded, the babe allowed her skull to descend out of respect towards the king, tail brushing loosely against her ankles as she shifted her weight from side to side, anticipation burning her paws as she awaited his approach.



11-04-2013, 01:12 AM
Isardis Armada
Her call would not be one of familiarity, however no less than one of raw intent; having paused amidst his tracks, the ivory splendour would test the air in order to locate the trembling perfume of her welcomed existence. He would saunter with a seamless ease, a tool of appeal and a warning of deadly elegance, coming to be gifted with a purposeful sight that was not one to be forgotten. The memories of the youthful vulpess? assistance on the battlefield glowed with a proud luminosity, beaming the structures of his skull. Perfectly, brilliantly, however dangerously. A new obsession she had quickly grown to be, craved for within the blueprint of his structures as his brain would sear with the desire of her ownership.

And yet here she was, so elegant amidst the frosted landscape; her beauty no less than a treasure within itself as she would gaze with duotone eyes. She would have been no more than a pretty ornament had she not slaughtered all in her wake upon enemy turf, she was a diamond in the rough; a rarity he would not hesitate to use to his advantage. ?Your queen might miss you, ivory bludgeon; but I promise not to tell,? he wove between the pines, coral features tweaked with the muse of his statements as he would come to stand no more than two meters in front of her. The daring of his closeness beaming proudly from the brilliance of his rubies as a cunning chuckle would reverberate from shuddered pipes.

This is the grace that only we can bestow.

original code by kia


11-19-2013, 10:31 PM
wow, i'm so sorry for the wait, yum! this should go by faster now.

With immaculate poise befitting of his prestigious title would the ice king saunter towards her in immediate response to her summon, impressive physique of admirable quality even to one as fastidious as the phantom. She had assisted him in battle and had caught quick glimpses of the pallid sovereign locked in combat, had witnessed as he felled the assailants that had attempted to knock him from his pedestal, and thus offered him his earned respect as he made his daring approach, undaunted by her presence or close proximities as he pointedly closed the gap between their pristine forms. With the decline of her narrow muzzle as a curt greeting towards the king, the babe would allow him to draw so close to her, refusing the faintest flinch to display the natural courage that emanated from her youthful being.

The wraith would allow the king the first statement and he would not disappoint, granting her a pet-name that she would not find revolting amidst his jest. Discomfort consumed the wench momentarily as she registered his vocalizations, the memory of the gored corpse of the masked empress flashing before her eyes briefly before dissipating and bringing her back to the present, wintertime scenery. Facial expression would remain vacant as her amethyst and metallic gaze found the rosy one of the brute?s, shrouded with unmistakable pride that the wench would find too intriguing. ?Do you talk to the dead, then?? the babe would inquire, speech entirely apathetic as she announced the bitch?s death in a cryptic manner that she hoped the king could decipher.



11-22-2013, 04:12 PM

He would sway to her proximities, and she would do no more than stand guarded; elevated and rigid as her radiance and valor would glimmer free of silver pores. Her willingness to situate would encourage him to take yet another step towards the thrilling banshee, pale nostrils quivering as he offered her the respect of distance not many were fortunate to be blessed. Oh he craved to saunter to her side, to press his chest into her shoulder and groom the contours of her spine, to ensure she knew he was King, and yet to reward her for her pure splendour. Her features were void, mysteriously so, while Isardis? own seemed to flurry with a struggle to contain cunning smirks and reboring chuckles. Her lyrics were somewhat of a surprise as his emotions would waver to a momentary suggestion of revelation, who had offed the strange masked woman? ?Oh-? Pity. To whom did the peculiar fall?? a thrilling craving for answers would rattle his core, perhaps it was this little allure herself that had done the deed? It seemed certainly plausible, Isardis didn?t see any greatness in the Amenti Queen; and in fact she had proven to be somewhat useless. This babe on the other hand? he regarded her with a keen eye, basking within their confines as his muscles would grow rigid, fighting the desire for contact as another daring paw would creep.

[Image: TgW7k5D.png]


11-24-2013, 05:32 PM
hope you don't mind short posts, really wanna finish this up so art can join! c:

The angelic King would daringly venture closer still, either undaunted by the possibility of rejection she could easily offer or blatantly presumptive to assume she would not shy away when presented with threatening proximities. Regardless, the wraith would refrain from swaying from her position, allowing the titan to creep as close to her as he so desired without reaching forth to grasp her, pupils unwavering from his gleaming ruby gaze that shined down upon her immaculate form as she attempted to pinpoint a hint to his intentions. She would go unrewarded and, instead, would only be granted the contortion of his facial features as he registered her solemn statement, shock momentarily evident in his expression before a response of his own would surface. His speech would hint to compassion and yet his tone would screech of his indifference, and it was then that the babe decided the mahogany bitch would go unmissed, even by her allies. ?The demons in her head,? the babe began, her tone of voice no different than his. ?Apparently threw herself off of a cliff following her loss to a Valhallan.? She would not hide the disappointment that settled within her, a minute shake of her skull given to display the disdain she currently felt towards her former superior; was a loss truly something to lose her life over?