
everything falls


11-01-2013, 11:54 AM

When everything falls apart your arms hold me together

When everything falls apart you're the only hope for this heart

When everything falls apart and my strength is gone

I find you mighty and strong, you keep holding on

You keep holding on

He'd heard through the grapevine that Bronze and Themisto had been stolen in the siege, they had fought and they had lost. God only knew what had happened to Pontifex, about him there was not one shred of news. It was killing the King, quite visibly as he paced nervously in a thin line - the grass folding and crumpling beneath his weight. He would pivot and turn one-hundred-and-eighty degrees and continue back the way he'd came, moving along a few paces before pivoting and turning once more. Fretful would be the best way to describe his mood, though deep down it was much, much worse.

Russet coat had dulled with fall and the onset of winter, yet despite the coolness of weather it had not thickened exactly as it should have. Instead, the new thick growth was patchy and in some places missing altogether - a testament to the stress he'd endured during the past few weeks. At one moment everything had seemed so wonderful, and then it had all fallen apart. Why must life be an emotional roller coaster? He lifted his head and gave out a tremendous cry for his wife, calling her forth - for there was much to discuss. He didn't now which way to turn, and perhaps she would have a clearer head than he.




10 Years

The Ooze Participant
11-01-2013, 12:48 PM
Epiphron and Maverick

It was not at all surprising that not a single wolf had been able to provide a detailed account of what had happened in the siege. Of course they hadn't -- those fighting had never returned, or hadn't been accounted for. It was knowledge that Bronze and Themisto had apparently been taken prisoner by Glaciem. With the kind of reputation that Glaciem was beginning to have, she wondered if they were safe.... or alive at all. It was frustrating to know she had failed Seracia; she remembered the conversation she'd had with Loccian. The woman had been unhappy with the decision to send her brother and two other wolves to fight, even though it had been their choice -- and she was wondering if they had made the right decision at all. Epiphron was surprised her brother and sister had not yet shown their faces here to talk to her. At the least, she hoped Syrinx would take responsibility for the wolves he had requested and subsequently lost, but so far there was no news from Valhalla.

And to add to the fear and anxiety that plagued her mind was something else. A secret she had yet to mention to Maverick. At first she had wondered if she was simply being paranoid, that she was imagining things. But the growing life inside her belly was anything but fictional, and it was startling when she finally realized and accepted that she was, in fact, pregnant again. For the second time this year. And not even in her breeding season.

Jesus christ, was all she thought think. She'd have to tell Maverick before it became painfully obvious, and yet she couldn't help but feel guilty for not feeling more excited. They'd been so unprepared last time, and yet exhilarated -- but now she simply felt dread and worry.

And so it was with the faintest bit of hesitation that she rose and made her way toward Maverick as his call echoed over the lands. His scent was strong and easy for her to follow, and it took no more than a few minutes for her to reach him. With obvious affection, despite the bit of a toll that their relationship had been taking the last few weeks, she moved to embrace him, pressing her cheek against his own. "I am glad you called," she started, her voice softly. "I have been needing to talk to you as well."


11-01-2013, 03:50 PM

He continued to pace as her ivory frame neared him, barely even recognizing it was her who drew near. He was startled slightly by her sudden touch, and recoiled only an inch before pressing back into her warm cheek. It was silly, really. He'd called for her, shouldn't he have anticipated her swift arrival? The man began to fret again, knowing all of this was taxing on his mind. He breathed a deep, ragged sigh - feeling altogether like a pathetic nothing of a man. ?Why don't you start, then..? he would murmur in a gentle voice. It wasn't as if he knew where to begin, so why not let her say her piece first? Mind began to wander as to what it was she would ask him, what she needed to discuss with him. He suspected it was something to do with their children, or perhaps a pack member - maybe she'd even heard about the two they thought to be taken by Glaciem. Whatever the case, Maverick hoped it wasn't as dreary as what he had to tell her - the thoughts running through his head. Head craned upward to tug gently on her ear, intent upon calming himself by her very presence - if nothing else.




10 Years

The Ooze Participant
11-02-2013, 06:28 AM (This post was last modified: 11-02-2013, 06:31 AM by Epiphron.)
Epiphron and Maverick

Epiphron Adravendi-Mathias wasn't quite certain what he had to talk to her about. Surely it wasn't anything good, as she could sense the very anxiety that chiseled at the core of his being. And yet he seemed to relax and she embraced him, and so did she, her head drooping as she slid it beneath his own head and inhaled deeply.

He asked her to speak first, and so she would. "I'm ... pregnant." The words ought to have been filled with more joy, more excitement -- and yet they simply seemed hesitant and guarded as she pulled away from him. She had no doubt that she would love these children, and would enjoy them upon their birth, but right now she couldn't force herself to feel quite so happy. Would Maverick share in her worries? It was an awful time to have children; the timing really couldn't have been any worse. "It seems someone much greater than us seems to think us having kids so frequently is necessary," she said, voice slightly teasing, though she laughed nervously.

But deep inside, she knew they would handle whatever came at them -- together. And so she pressed against him again, not waiting for his visible reaction, breathing in his scent deeply.


11-02-2013, 02:57 PM

Curiosity boiled in his chest, half hoping that whatever she had to say would help dissolve some of his stress - or at least not add to it. The possibilities were endless, though he couldn't imagine her telling him anything worse than he'd already been told. What else was there that was worse than losing two members to a godforsaken pack in the north? Then it came, hitting him like a ton of bricks. Her tone was enough to show her uncertainty, but the words hit him the hardest. Pregnant, she was pregnant. This was the second time in a year, the second time out of her season! What blasphemy was this!? Her bodice removed itself from his side by a few inches, giving him room to breathe - to take in the information. They had four children as it was, four children barely six months old and now they would have god knows how many more.. in the midst of a war! His heart beat fast, pounding into his ears and limbs, numbing every inch of his russet frame. He stood frozen, jaws hanging agape by a few inches, as uncertain breaths were taken simply to keep him alive. ?P-pregnant,? he would stammer, not unlike how his smallest son might've pronounced it had he been here. She tried to lighten the moment, lord, she was wonderful in that way - and yet nothing could lighten the load that had been added to his shoulders. His yolk of burden was growing heavier by the day - he didn't know how much more he could take. ?When do you think... they will be born?? His mind wasn't working well enough to estimate a time frame, and so he would see if hers could produce a decent enough one. He would have to plan, have to come up with something - anything to remedy this mess. Perhaps it was pitiful that he wasn't more pleased with the news, but alas all he could think of was his children being born into a world that sought to destroy them. He wavered on his paws, rocking back onto his haunches for support




10 Years

The Ooze Participant
11-04-2013, 01:56 PM
Epiphron and Maverick

An unconscious sigh left Epiphron's lips. She didn't want to weigh her husband down with more worries, but this was inevitable -- and though she knew blame would do no good, they would both share equally in guilt. It was awful timing, but that didn't change the facts; that they would be having children again, sooner than she had expected. This was only adding to the growing list of things they had to worry about, things they were potentially doing wrong. Had they chosen wrong in allowing Syrinx to take warriors from her to aid them in battle? It was the respectful thing to do, but was it really right? They had yet to return home, and the sinking in her chest told her it was not going to be a good outcome, even if somehow those wolves returned here.

"Again..." she said, somewhat breathless. It was hard to believe, and yet it was becoming very clear to her that it was not a mere illusion. "They will be winter children," Epiphron explained, quietly going over the time in her head. She had yet to show that she was pregnant, but certainly would begin to in the next week or so. "I have no idea how many there will be." There was a dark part of her that almost, barely, hoped none of them would survive -- but she would never admit this allowed, or let herself truly hope for such a thing. Instead she would bite her tongue and stare quietly at Maverick. She had nothing else to say. Where there was supposed to be joy, she simply felt a vague sense of dread. "What did you need to tell me?"


11-04-2013, 06:15 PM

It was pitiful that neither of them were more excited about this monumental phenomenon, and yet it made sense given their situation. A sigh rang from his lips, ironically only half a second after her own. It seemed they were in sync, even when they weren't trying to be. 'They will be winter children.' There was still a decent bit of fall to go, but he knew winter would be on its way soon enough - already he could feel the earth chilling in preparation. It was only a matter of time before she began to show, before she was heavy laden with who knew how many children. 'What did you need to tell me?' He breathed in air very slowly, buying himself time. ?Rumor is.. Bronze and Themisto have been stolen. There's nothing to be said about Pontifex. Epiphron.. I never expected them not returning - but the possibility of that is very high now.? He sighed, eyes closing in frustration and fear. ?I don't know where to begin anymore.? He leaned into her for support. ?I'm afraid,? he choked out - two words he'd probably never uttered before in his entire life. Fear wasn't a feeling he was used to, it was something foreign and unsettling in his stomach. His head hung low, knowing she must feel as if he'd failed her - failed everyone.




10 Years

The Ooze Participant
11-06-2013, 01:13 PM
Epiphron and Maverick

Epiphron wondered if, perhaps, they had another litter because they were simple destined to. Because it was something that had to be done. She wasn't sure if she believed in fate, but lately it seemed like there was certainly something much larger than them both acting upon them in ways they had little control over. She couldn't help but worry -- even if the thought was short-lived and fleeting -- if one of them might soon be in danger, so dire that the universe thought it necessary that they have more children to live out their legacy. It was a silly thought, and while she thought it was likely more chance than anything, it was too remarkable to not consider other possibilities.

It was not the best time for children to be born, the winter. It would be a cold and a harsh season, and many children did not survive it. As selfish it might be, she was not terribly worried -- she was a Queen and would not let her children go hungry, even if at the expense of another.

But the topic shifted, and she couldn't help but feel thankful that it did. Rumor had it that Bronze and Themisto had been taken by Glaciem during the war, and Pontifex had yet to return. A sigh left her lips. She had expected this; they would've returned by now. She'd heard nothing from Valhalla, and the silence was growing eerie. "As I expected," she said quietly. What would happen now if Seracia was threatened? The three were arguably Seracia's best chance at defending their borders -- besides perhaps Maverick and a select other few -- and she couldn't help but feel vulnerable and, like him, afraid. Quietly she slipped forward to embrace him, a soft whine falling from her lips. "I am too," she admitted softly. It was a raw moment for the two of them -- the King and the Queen seemed strong outwardly, but nobody knew just how fragile they were right now. "What if they never return?" she inquired gently, a hypothetical question. "I cannot handle telling Silent and her children that their father is gone." But that wouldn't be a conversation quite yet. She would be honest and tell her that no news had came from Seracia, and Epiphron would not allow anyone to travel so far. What if, by some chance event, Glaciem had conquered the entire pack? The possibilities were endless and she felt terrified at how little knowledge she possessed. "I can only hope that either Syrinx or Chrysanthe come soon, or bring a messenger..." It was the least they could do, after all... Quietly she would lap at his face as she pulled back to watch him, not wanting him to feel so down, though they both had good reason to feel downtrodden.


11-11-2013, 07:18 PM

Perhaps it was destiny that had conceived children for them once more. It certainly had to be - for science consistently stated that they couldn't have children outside of her season, and yet here was their second litter apart from her heat. Gods only knew what would happen if they were to mate within her womanly cycle. He wasn't particularly worried about the children themselves - for he knew that Seracia as a whole would stand up for them and see to their wellbeing, but what of their very existence? Could Maverick and Epiphron handle two litters so close together? Their own children were only six months of age as it was, half grown physically, and not nearly grown mentally. He found himself fiercely protective over them, how much more so would that be increased as more of them were brought into the world? He already had so little time for them, how could he possibly spread himself any thinner? Dread filled his soul - regrettably, for he knew he ought to be excited.

She slipped forward, embracing him and letting him know she was afraid too. Great, the monarchs of Seracia - terrified. She would voice one of his foremost worries, their inability to return - perhaps ever. ?I pray that is a conversation we never have to have, but I fear it may be. Glaciem is a different kind of horrible..? He knew very little of it, and perhaps that was why it seemed so foreboding. Perhaps, had he known more, he wouldn't be so shocked and wouldn't be thinking such terrible things - but alas, he didn't know. She hoped that Syrinx or Chrysanthe would come. Maverick hoped for the latter, he had a feeling he ought to avoid Syrinx for the time being. Losing two wolves - possibly three - would surely sour him on the already irritating brother-in-law. He would return her kiss, but only halfheartedly. ?I never wanted this,? he would voice - perhaps to her, or perhaps to the wind.




10 Years

The Ooze Participant
11-13-2013, 08:56 AM (This post was last modified: 11-13-2013, 08:56 AM by Epiphron.)

Soon her family would grow larger, and with this would come more responsibility and more power. The Adravendi name, as she knew it, was destined to live on -- even if it was not tied inextricably with the Mathias lineage. Two powerful family lines had combined, and she knew they would produce greatness that the two of them could not yet fathom. And yet it was hard to think of their situation like this when the slowly growing weight in her belly felt more like a burden than a gift. It was not something she had hoped for, even anticipated; all she had wanted was to feel connected with her husband, but it seemed their affections came with a price yet again.

Luckily, their first litter were growing quickly, and would hopefully be able to attend to some of the simpler duties associated with newborn children. Epiphron would trust them to keep an eye on their siblings, to watch them if she or Maverick needed to leave their sides briefly, to keep them safe and -- for the most part -- content. Amalia, Quintus, Cassius, and Arian were half-grown now, and certainly could use some more responsibility in their lives. "So long as you stay by my side," she would whisper, her voice somewhat frantic and pleading ... though she knew he would never leave her, as she would never dream of stepping down as his wife. Though she knew time changed things, even love, she knew that their lives and souls were bound inextricably for all of eternity. "We will persevere. Even if the worse is yet to come." A sigh escaped her pursed lips as she leaned to press her nose against his neck. "Perhaps we should think about making some changes, Maverick." What kind of changes, she had no idea -- but neither of them seemed as content as they once had been, and she would not stand to see Maverick so uneasy.


11-14-2013, 08:00 PM

It was too much. A marriage, children, war, lost souls, responsibilities, life, living. He didn't know what to do anymore, and it seemed as if the very foundation he'd been raised upon was crumbling beneath his paws. He needed his father, he needed someone to lean on. He'd always had Gerhardt or Kamala and now both were out of his life for who knew how long. He had Epiphron, but some part of him - quite a large part, actually - didn't like behaving this way around her. He was supposed to be a man, he was supposed to be able to lead them and direct them. Wasn't that why Syrinx hadn't liked him to begin with? Perhaps his brother in law had been right all along - perhaps he wasn't right for Epiphron.

He heaved a sigh, a loaded sigh full of worry and grief. Enough was enough. 'Even if the worst is yet to come,' she would say. He chuckled - a sarcastic sort of noise. As if life could get any worse. Oh, pessimism did not look good on him. 'Perhaps we should think about making some changes.' Like what? What could possibly fix this other than trying something completely different? Maverick didn't know how to lead in this situation, though it seemed others had logical ideas. Dragon - the new Grand Duke had some fine ideas that the King had not even thought of. Perhaps the changes weren't in what they should be doing, but who should be doing it. ?I...? he could speak no more, words would not come - thoughts would not process.




10 Years

The Ooze Participant
11-20-2013, 10:31 AM

Of the changes she spoke, even the Queen was in the dark -- and yet it seemed fitting to suggest such a thing. Though power was important to her, she had begun to realize that she could not flourish without Maverick at her side. She was unused to the monogamous ways of some wolves; her soul has been bound infinitely with the Mathias man and she would be hard-pressed to even consider leaving him. Perhaps she had learned well from her father. His loyalty to Guinevere has been, in her eyes, pure and beautiful and unwavering. Even after her death, Cairo did not betray her, did not love another -- though he had admitted his feeling to Erani soon before his death. A sigh left her pursed lips, but she would press closer to him again, truly at a loss for words.

"We will figure it out. Not today, not tomorrow, but we will." Things were changing, and she knew that they would adjust to these changes. Perhaps they needed to bring someone else up higher in the ranks? Part of her wanted to suggest a pack meeting, but it seemed silly to do so until she got word about the three missing wolves' conditions. "Come now, let us rest. The children don't need to see us like this." They could hide out and wallow in their insecurities and their fears, but she was unwilling to let her children see the two of them in such a condition. They needed to be strong for them.


11-21-2013, 04:15 PM

He was lost, so utterly lost and confused. With a sigh he would lean into her, wishing they could meld their bodies totally together - as one unit. Another sigh as she told him they would figure it out. If they hadn't already how could she promise him it would happen? How could she tell him that they would figure it out? There was simply no way. He shook his head, he knew his thoughts were growing increasingly dark. They shouldn't be that way - he should be happier than this, more stable than this. He tried to calm himself, drawing in breath after slow breath to clear his mind. Slowly but surely the worries dissolved - but they would always be there, always. She would recommend they rest, that the children didn't need to see them this way. He couldn't object. With a nod of his head he would press forward, his paws moving toward a den he had used a few times before - when he couldn't make it all the way home. ?There's a den up ahead, it'll be tight but it will work for a rest.? He continued, keeping his bodice close to hers - he needed her now more than ever.
