
What Doesn’t Kill You

For Khranbari



Novice Fighter (15)

Beginner Hunter (0)

4 Years
10-06-2023, 09:59 PM (This post was last modified: 10-11-2023, 09:33 AM by Varushka. Edited 4 times in total.)

Cold wind from the northeast battered her fur and stung her wet nose. Winter had its icy talons wrapped tightly around the Valta territory. The snow-covered terrain did little to hide the earthen-colored female who trudged through it all alone. Varushka ignored the numbness in her cold black paw pads as she stubbornly trekked on. Having decided that morning to take up a bit of patrolling along some of the further reaches of Valta’s territory it wasn’t long before the young female had wandered all the way to the rapids. She stood at the edge of one of the fast flowing rivers, peering across to what she assumed was even more of the massive territory.

Being a part of the pack for such a short time, Varu still felt the newness of this place as she ventured on. She would eventually get to know every bush, tree, rock, and gully but for now they were still strangers. But they weren’t the only ones, Varushka still slept in a den with a stranger. She found it hard to talk to him, when he spoke his eyes seemed to say something different. Those golden eyes of his, would she ever feel at home in them like she hoped to feel in these lands? Varushka looked up at the pale afternoon sky, clouded and overcast much like how she felt inside. Sometimes at night, she’d lie awake and stare at the silver moon. The way it lit up the inside of the den lined with soft bear furs, and Khranbari curled up in his own little pile. His monochromatic fur seemed to blend right in on those nights, and she’d watch the rise and fall of his sides as he slumbered. Every once in a while he would wince in his sleep, or whimper ever so quietly. She could tell something bothered him, and he did mention he had somewhat of a traumatic puphood. So she wondered if he sometimes had nightmares of his past haunting him even after all this time. She guessed even the strongest of stones eventually begin to crack and erode. What she could do to help him though, she wasn’t sure.

A loud scratching sound broke her train of thought, she could just barely hear it over the sound of the rushing water. The earthen female sniffed the air, ears swiveling to locate its possible origins. ”It couldn’t be a bear, they’re hibernating right now. Maybe a packmate then, or worse, an intruder?” her mind felt like it was racing and she shook her head in hopes to clear it. The only scent she could make out over the water vapor coming off the rapids was woody nutty forrest smell, and somewhat faded Valta markers. Then she heard it again. It was definitely a scratching sound and maybe a bit of ripping, almost certainly on the crumbly bark of an old dead tree trunk. What would be doing such a thing right now? There was still a possibility of another wolf but one other option seemed to be a little bit more enticing to her, an Elk or other prey animal eating bark for sustenance in the harsh grass-lacking winter. Regardless, Varushka knew it was her job to investigate as part of her contribution to the pack. Yet, she was unsure of how well she could handle such a task on her own, she at least knew the way back and was pretty quick on her paws. Hopefully she would see it before it noticed her, that way she could sneak off and find backup if it was too much to handle alone.

She need not cross the treacherous waters just yet, after a moment more of listening she decided to wander up stream on the same side of the rivers she was currently on. It would make the most sense that if she could hear it from where she was, that it was unlikely to be across the tangle of flowing water from her. The medium sized female padded quietly along the raised bank, the rapid water rushing endlessly on along side her. She hadn’t heard it again but still continued onward to make sure it was nothing dangerous at least.



10-21-2023, 10:20 PM
It’s not like he had been avoiding Varushka. More so giving her the space she needed to find herself within the Valta lands. Khran knew eventually they would have to talk. He was no longer that silent man that arrived in Boreas so many months ago. Thanks to those whom he’d met, the Raitas grew into something far more different than what his father beat into him. To say he wasn’t the slightest bit amused at all of it would have been an understatement.

As per usual when awakening from a night’s well rested sleep, the monochromatic male found himself patrolling the grounds. The borders were quite quiet as of late. Occasional prey slipping over the lines to nibble on the vegetation they held within their lands. But, nothing overly too confident like the bear a month prior. Thankfully.

His paws trotted at a fair speed. Nose pointed to the snowed earth in hopes to catch something entertaining. He needed to build up his endurance and muscle. Always inside the lands of Valta, Khran knew it was time to venture out and away to further inspect the surrounding areas. The serpent passage further down the wandering river being a perfect area to stretch out their name. He took a moment to look in that direction. A noise off to his left capturing attention to drift in direction of what he now smelled to be Varushka.

Her perfume having been ignored unknowingly due to his nose being busy doing other things. Odd. Quickly, he turned direction and headed t’wards where the aroma originated from. In hopes she was okay.



Novice Fighter (15)

Beginner Hunter (0)

4 Years
10-22-2023, 06:44 PM (This post was last modified: 10-22-2023, 06:44 PM by Varushka. Edited 1 time in total.)

Dark brown ears caught the sound of paw steps beating in her direction, she froze to her spot the water splashing at the river bank wall below her. Had the creature detected her and was now on its way toward her? Hackles raised, she stood her ground. There wasn’t anywhere to run as her back was up to the river and whatever it was, was headed right for her. A large silvery grey form flickered through the snowy terrain, her nostrils flared to pick up the scent. It was Khranbari. His thick grey fur ruffled and snow stuck to his legs and belly fur. It was clear he had been out patrolling as usual. He had given her a bit of a spook, but she was relieved that the source of the mystery sound was now revealed.

”What were you doing out there? I could hear you scratching on the trees like a cougar sharpening its claws.” was her first words to him. Her greeting was a simple and respectful dip of her head to a higher ranking male. Her yellow eyes looked him up and down, and she tilted her head. ”That sound.. was you right?” she questioned him. After a moment of consideration, the sound she heard was coming from further up stream. She only believed it was Khran because it had stopped the moment she heard him approaching. She gave her brown fur a shake, and her eyes scanned the forest around them cautiously expecting something else to jump out at her.



10-25-2023, 12:16 AM
Khranbari gave a tilt to of his head in confusion. Her question left lingering for an awkward moment to analyze what had been asked. "No. That was not." Immediately, his mind went into overdrive. He’d checked this area earlier before the sun touched the sky. So for Varushka to say otherwise it meant that something had clearly crossed into their territry unnoticed. Something which did not sit well with the Raitas at all.

He snorted out. Nostrils flaring at the bow she provided as he reached out to place his nose under her chin. "Do not bow to me. Ever. You… are my equal." Khran tried to hold eye contact as he spoke; but, the sudden wave of shyness flushing his cheeks made him break it quite easily. Even his voice cracked in the slightest. "I wanted to talk to you.. I want to tell you…" Words were halted by the loud sounds of scratching on trees. The eery noise of what could be heard of someone dragging their nails down the wooden bark traveled along the air. Khranbari did not wait to say anything to the earthen woman. He was off. Paws pounding heavily against the snowed grounds. Uprooting the dirt beneath after every stop. If there was something dangerous to the Valta, then he would handle it accordingly.



Novice Fighter (15)

Beginner Hunter (0)

4 Years
10-25-2023, 04:06 PM

The monochromatic male tilted his head, he clearly didn’t know what she was talking about. The scratching sound couldn’t have been from him then. Worry washed over her features again as the uncertainty of what had made the noises was now up in the air. Khran moved in toward her, placing his snout under her chin and lifting her head up. His voice was a low rumble as he spoke his disapproval of her greeting. She could tell it was important to him that she not treat him differently just because he was higher ranking. However, her greeting was more habit than anything and she was only trying to be polite. She was impressed that he was actually starting to come around now though, he hardly ever spoke before. Now, even his eyes now betrayed a glimpse into how he really felt. As he began to speak again Varushka stepped back from him, the warmth from his flushed face fading away with the distance. He wanted to tell her something?

Loud scratching interrupted their brief heart to heart. It sounded closer this time and before the earthen coated woman could think Khran was off in a heartbeat. His silvery paws sent snow flying behind him as he rushed headlong toward the sound.
”Khran wait!” Varushka felt panic begin to well up inside as she battled her indecision to follow. He wasn’t even a little afraid. Khranbari was ready to defend his pack from whatever it may be, the least she could do was be there to support him. So without a moment to spare she darted after him, her brown paws churning the snowy ground up beneath her. As she rounded a corner she nearly slammed into him. Her hackles raised as the scent of the creature hit her nose. It greeted them with an icy growl and a nasty hiss. It was a full grown male puma. It yowled angrily at the two wolves blocking its path, taking a swipe at them with its large golden paw and freshly sharpened claws.



11-08-2023, 02:42 AM
His breath quickly turned into pants. The adrenaline pumping through his veins becoming overwhelming the moment he took off. Khranbari had a hatred for any who dared think that crossing over into Valta lands was justified. Rather wolf, feline or prey. He cared not what they were. But, knew they were to be dealt with accordingly. Paws pounding effortlessly against the snowed surface. It didn’t take long before reaching the object of such noises piercing the winter’s air. A snarl quick to rip through exposed teeth. Jaws snapped at the swipe given by the grown male puma. Its tail flicking behind with a very noticeable agitation. One that surely matched the Raitas own. He thought of how beautiful the cat’s pelt would look decorating their den. Or perhaps Varushka would enjoy something to keep her warm during the next winter months to come.

Either way, Khranbari began to circle the feline. His eyes never leave those giant paws that held very sharp and deadly claws. The hissing growl of anger fell from its lips. Quick to respond with another mentioned snarl. He didn’t hold back as he threw his body into the puma’s side. Mouth open in attempt to clamp on the area where throat met neck. In the same motion, his paw pressed down onto one of the nearest legs. Hoping to render it slightly useless until removed for the time being. Giving the earthen woman an opportunity to jump in.

If she dared.



Novice Fighter (15)

Beginner Hunter (0)

4 Years
11-08-2023, 10:19 PM (This post was last modified: 11-08-2023, 10:58 PM by Varushka. Edited 1 time in total.)

Their combined breaths could be seen billowing into the cold morning air like smoke from a fire. Snow was kicked up and the white powder went airborne as they dodged another flurry of paw strikes from the large feline. Khranbari bravely threw himself at the creature which was no surprise to the earthen woman. He tried to latch onto its throat which elicited a furious yowl from the cat as it writhed under his added weight. Seeing her opportunity to help, she lunged for the creatures side that was not occupied by Khranbari’s heaving silver body. It felt like slow motion to her as she glided through the air aiming for her targeted spot on its flank. Quicker than she could blink, the puma whipped around and caught her hind leg with one of its razor sharp claws. A pained yelp came from Varushka and blood splattered the snow beneath them. Despite the searing pain she felt in her leg Varu held on until her weight pulled the cat to the ground. Now the danger for her was its pummeling back paws so she had to let go. Rolling off the cat she backed away momentarily before going back in to bite at its long golden tail, hoping to distract it from Khranbari. Her leg hurt but the adrenaline kept her going. She wouldn’t leave him to fight the fearsome cat alone.



11-08-2023, 10:35 PM
A yelp brought his attention to snap t’wards the earthen woman. Her hind leg now bled from three open wounds gaping from torn flesh. Something he did not appreciate seeing. It shot an urge to clamp down harder onto the puma’s throat. Having easily shifted his grasp once Varushka was able to bring the feline onto its side. She couldn’t do much. Buying its tail being the only way to ensure she didn’t receive anymore injuries. Back legs of the cat flailing around, Khranbari growled out in pain when one of the freed front paws slashed at his chest. It took everything for him not to let go. Shaking his head about with an attempt to weaken the male puma even further. His own paw pressed down onto the right shoulder in attempt to sprain or apply pain to the area. The Raitas would not stop until either their opponent surrendered or died.



Novice Fighter (15)

Beginner Hunter (0)

4 Years
11-12-2023, 09:38 PM (This post was last modified: 11-12-2023, 09:40 PM by Varushka. Edited 3 times in total.)

Fear wrought havoc within Varushka as the large male puma slashed Khranbari in the chest. More blood stained the white snow around them and not much of it belonged to the puma. With his sheer weight and brute strength Khran managed to injure the cat’s right shoulder and it buckled beneath them. With a yowl of pain the puma fought harder, shaking free of Khranbari’s barrage of bites and dull scratches. It hissed and snarled at them as it slowly began to back up and away from them. Varushka was finding it harder to stand up but did not let herself fall from fear of the animal seeing her weakness and possibly attacking her again. She stumbled closer to Khran for safety as she growled warning for the puma to not come any closer. It seemed to be considering if the battle was worth its effort or not. Blood seeped out of a wound on its neck, likely from the silver male’s last attempt at tearing through its fur before they broke apart. Its wild eyes narrowed at them before turning tail and fleeing. All three parties had sustained a significant injury, but perhaps the cat didn’t feel it was worth the effort. Plus with a dislocated shoulder there probably wasn’t a lot more it could do than run and try to live to fight another day. As it fled Varu did not give chase, she stood panting staring in the direction it had gone. Only after catching her breath she limped closer to Khran and sniffed the wound on his chest. It didn’t look too serious, but she was no healer. ”Are you okay Khranbari?” she woofed softly. His silver fur was dark and matted with blood. They both were missing fur in some places but most importantly they were alive.



11-12-2023, 10:14 PM
It took a lot of him not to chase after the retreating puma. All that shadowed his vision was seeing the very life of it draining from exist. A snarl shuddered from his lips. Trembling the inside of a sore throat as Khranbari fought such an overpowering urge. Had Varushka not spoken then, he surely would have. His gaze slowly drifting to where she stood so close. He said something. Turning to inspect the open gashes on her leg. The thought to speak to Asla or even Kotori for better patrol crossed his mind. It seemed every other week there was an increase of large predators entering their lands. His tongue licked at the bleeding wound. Chest aching; but, he paid it no mind. "From now on, I do not wish for you to fight. I just… " The thought of her dead body flashed so quickly across his mind that he nearly staggered back. Teeth clenched in a tight struggle to hold his composure. "Let’s return home. Are you alright to walk?"




Novice Fighter (15)

Beginner Hunter (0)

4 Years
11-13-2023, 12:07 PM (This post was last modified: 11-13-2023, 12:11 PM by Varushka. Edited 5 times in total.)

Yellow eyes met his golden pools, seriousness washed over her features. She knew he was concerned for her well-being, but she wanted to help. To not fight was to not protect her pack, and she was not interested in being a useless leech on their resources. ”I know you are worried Khranbari. However, I do not promise to not fight for or protect our pack. I will just be more careful next time, and I’ll train harder to become stronger and faster. Then maybe I won’t worry you so much.” she blinked, hoping he would let her words sink in. The pair turned to head back toward camp empty pawed but alive. ”Im alright enough.” she limped but she leaned greatly on him for support as they slowly made their way through the snow. Hopefully their skirmish was enough to get the message across to the big cat that he isn’t welcome on Valta territory.



11-16-2023, 12:41 AM
Khranbari gaze at Varushka with a since of pride. Her words were acknowledged and regarded by a nod of his head. He would leave it be. "Okay." There was nothing left to be said. The snow beneath them painted in their blood. Along with the large male puma whose scent was becoming more and more faint. "Let’s go home." His tongue rasped over her cheek. A light nip to the area and he began their journey back home. Their borders were no longer in jeopardy. No danger lingered in the winds or shadows and tiredness draped over the large male. It was time to sleep and get much needed rest.


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