
You Fucked Up



3 Years
10-08-2023, 11:59 PM

"Cirrus Mireya"

It had happened again. A blackout. On one of the rare moments that she had wandered from Tiros' side, Cirrus had been approached by a big, dire brute. He'd smelled the rich scent of her heat and had quickly propositioned her. When the clouded fae shut him down, denying the giant his pleasure, he had tried to take it. Flashes of light and pulsing red were all that the woman could remember and when she came back to herself, she was covered in blood. It wasn't hers.

The body of the brute lay beside her, his belly torn open and his guts sprawled across the sun-dried sands. Cirrus breathed heavily. She didn't remember killing him. She didn't remember ripping into his flesh. If you asked her now, she couldn't even explain how one would do such a thing to an opponent bigger than herself and yet, she had done it. A small whine pulled from her and mismatched eyes scanned her surroundings, hoping that her brother would magically appear and make things right like he always did. Something did appear, but it wasn't Tiros.

As the tide slowly drifted back in, it brought with it an unexpected visitor. A hulking saltwater crocodile, lured in by the scent of blood, crept up the beach, straight towards Cirrus. It would have been easy to turn and run, leaving the corpse of the dire wolf to the reptile, but the mottled woman's mind was still in a fog. She stood, her bloodied pelt bristling, and snarled at the crocodilian. The beast released a growl that ended with a loud hiss, then it used its powerful back legs to push itself quickly forward towards her. If it could have a fresh meal as well, then it was going for it.

As her brother, Tiros is allowed to enter any thread regardless of tag. He is always nearby.

Cirrus should be considered a very adult character. All trigger warnings apply. You've been warned.


The Syndicate
Effendi- Dhaka

Master Fighter (360)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Gambler Gambler

5 Years
Extra large

Ooh La La
10-16-2023, 01:42 PM

Drawn by the scent of fresh blood, Rhazien sauntered along the shoreline of the tree-infested beach. The last time he visited this place, he met a girl who as all too willing to offer herself to him. And what a treat that had been. Now, there was the possibility of a fresh kill, murder scene, or ongoing battle. Dull as it was, this beach seemed to be full of surprises… what would be find today, he wondered?

And my, was the Saxe pleasantly surprised by the scene that unfolded before him. He noticed the red-tinged ring in the water first, blood pooling into the ocean from a limbering heap of fur at the water's edge. Even from a distance, he could tell the mutilation went beyond self-defense or a death match - it was a slaughter. How exciting. Rhazien’s pelt bristled around his nape and shoulders, standing erect out of pure delight.

But who was the perpetrator, he wondered? Because that would determine if this experience would remain pleasant. Sauntering even closer, he finally saw the silhouette of a wolf on the horizon- smaller than him, swathed in an array of monochromatic colors with splatters of red staining their pelt. Rhazien tipped his head back, ready to release a throaty howl to the stranger- but, his actions were cut short, as a flash of scales leaped from the shoreline. Murder scene and a hunt, could this get any more fun?

He didn’t hesitate to engage. Morphing his saunter into a lope, Rhazien entered the battleground. Lowering his head, he attempted to slam into the crocodile’s side, hindering it from reaching the woman on the shoreline. A woman! The tables kept turning. Jaws opened and he grabbed down on its hind leg, using his serrated teeth to slice through the tough hide and anchor it in place.  

Caution: Rhazien is a rated M character. Viewer discretion is advised.
Assume his companions, Zemir and Zemra, are present in his threads unless specified otherwise.


10-16-2023, 01:57 PM
Tiros rose the moment Cirrus presence became cold. Her presence no longer held its usual warmth that wrapped around him like the heated gaze of the sun. To say the enlarged beast was not filled with raged anger would have been a giant lie. He hated it when she ventured too far. They may feel safe; but, it does not mean they were completely. Stretching his body to pop free tightened muscles and a shake of his coat. The Mireya twin trotted in the direction of which his sweet citrus scent led him. Further and further it traveled. Wandering in various directions. Something about it felt... odd. Why would she walk in such an awkward way? It didn't come to a conclusion until he came to see the scene before him.

Hidden by the shadowed covering of trees, he smirked at the mutilated body at her paws. Water stained with the corpse's blood. Rippling over the surface to be sent as a warning to any who wished not to meet the same fate. Tiros settled on keeping an eye on her from his dark blanket. Heterochromia eyes scanned the surrounding area to ensure she did not get into any more trouble while they were there. One body was enough as is. Any more and he'd have to find a way to explain such to whomever crossed their paths.

Movement nearby cast his attention to another. The same size as himself. Extra large and muscled from years of training, a low guttural snarl pressed from his chest. Not liking how he looked at Cirrus. Yet, this was short-lived when a scaled predator slipped from the water's depths and headed t'wards his twin. Something in him snapped. Moving with precision, his back legs launched him forward to wrap jaws around the left front leg opposite of the other male wolf. Teeth biting down to break through the armor of scales.




3 Years
10-16-2023, 05:23 PM

The sound of thundering paws broke through the fog and, the moment that Cirrus saw that she wasn't alone, the switch in her mind flicked. The clouded woman turned, ready to intercept the new enemy, but he rushed past her and sank his teeth into the crocodile instead. And then, as though he'd been warned of her absence and the danger that she was in, Tiros appeared. The barest of smiles turned up the corners of the fae's maw and, in tandem with her twin, Cirrus attacked.

It was common knowledge that the underside of a crocodile or alligator was the softest part. So, as the two larger wolves kept the legs under control, Cirrus attacked the sides of the beasts bit, swollen belly. This forced her into the water and washed a lot of the blood from her coat, but oh well. The bloodthirst was upon her and little else mattered. Jaws clamped down hard, pulling away soft scutes and flesh until her mouth was filled with the rich, somewhat briny taste of reptile blood. Cirrus whipped her head from side to side, tearing off a hunk of flesh which she promptly spat into the ocean. The tide was slowly coming in and they would either have to run the croc off or get it higher onto the beach.

The massive muscles within the croc tensed and the beast turned, spinning in place thanks to the waterlogged earth beneath it. If the brutes didn't let go, they would surely be drug along. Cirrus, smaller and more dainty, side stepped, dancing through the water so that she could continue tearing bits out of the crocodilian bit by bit. The creature spun again, it's long mouth wide as it hissed and spat. She was the target, but being so close to its side the croc could do little more than spin in circles. Dummy.

As her brother, Tiros is allowed to enter any thread regardless of tag. He is always nearby.

Cirrus should be considered a very adult character. All trigger warnings apply. You've been warned.


The Syndicate
Effendi- Dhaka

Master Fighter (360)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Gambler Gambler

5 Years
Extra large

Ooh La La
10-23-2023, 06:27 PM

Well, the scene just kept changing! As the Saxe brute bit down on the crocodile’s hind limb, sawing through the thick hide with his serrated fangs, another male leaped into battle with him. He only saw a flash of grey and white, lunging at the opposing side of their prey, and at first, he thought it was the woman. His assumption was proven wrong, as the actual woman joined in with them. The movement of the crocodile, the woman attacking its sides, and the other male pulling on its opposing leg- nothing was really working in tandem, which made Rhazien’s movements haphazard. Still, he was relentless- carving away with his teeth, thrashing his head from side to side, until he felt his fangs scrape against bone.

The water at his feet was rising, the tide slowly coming in, trying to swallow them all up. And, to make matters more difficult, the crocodile wasn’t going down without a fight. It started to roll, performing its famous act, trying to take Rhazien and the other male with it. As it flipped, he pulled back, hard, using all the strength in his neck and shoulders. His pulling was met with resistance, and momentum did the rest- as it flipped over, Rhazien ripped the limb out of the socket, stumbling backward with it still in his mouth.  

Caution: Rhazien is a rated M character. Viewer discretion is advised.
Assume his companions, Zemir and Zemra, are present in his threads unless specified otherwise.


10-25-2023, 02:46 AM

He wanted to snarl at Cirrus. The moment she intervened in what he and the other male had been trying to do was when everything became a whirlwind of confusion. Tiros nearly lost his grip the moment the crocodile began to roll. It took a lot of energy to keep his composure and mind focused on ripping off the ligament. Though, he hadn’t counted on the male to already do this and leave him to be be nearly thrusted into the water. Taking note to let go, before turning his attention onto his twin.

Mouth became full of scruff the second he took hold of Cirrus. Aiming to toss her away from the large reptile altogether. He needed to distract the beast in some type of way. Eyes casted t’wards the black male in hopes he would catch on to what he was intending to do. Once he knew that his sister no longer could be in harms way, he shifted to take on a more offensive stance. Jaws snapping at the crocodile the same time it moved in his general direction. With the lost of one front leg, it deemed it impossible for him to move any faster.

This did not stop it from trying to take hold of Tiros. Who’d already took over from where Cirrus left off. Fangs sinking into the soft fleshy side of the watery beast with a severe shake of his head and a sharp tug.
"Tiros Mireya"



3 Years
10-27-2023, 07:54 AM

"Cirrus Mireya"

Cirrus gave one last nasty bite to the croc's side before a yelp was pulled from her. Teeth bit into her ruff and she was tossed backwards onto the sand. An instant pout formed on the fae's maw and she grumbled, slumping into the sand. She knew better than to go against Tiros. She'd been having fun and she was fast enough that the croc wouldn't have grabbed her. Spoilsport...

As the woman lay on the sand, watching the larger wolves go at the reptile, Cirrus noted that one leg had been pulled entirely free from the croc and sat firmly in the mouth of the darker brute. Raucous laughter erupted from Cirrus and she threw herself onto her side in the sand, forelegs wrapping about herself as she continued to laugh. The expression on his face at having a mouth full of leg had been too much. The laughter eventually died down, but Cirrus stayed on her side, a happy little grin on her face as she watched the pair continue.

As her brother, Tiros is allowed to enter any thread regardless of tag. He is always nearby.

Cirrus should be considered a very adult character. All trigger warnings apply. You've been warned.


The Syndicate
Effendi- Dhaka

Master Fighter (360)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Gambler Gambler

5 Years
Extra large

Ooh La La
11-15-2023, 12:11 PM (This post was last modified: 11-29-2023, 12:18 PM by Rhazien. Edited 2 times in total.)

There wasn’t much of an opportunity for Rhazien to pay attention to what the duo was doing. He was stumbling backward, regaining his footing as the male grabbed the girl and shoved her away from the water beast. Her laughter filled the air, intertwining with the hissing of the crocodile. He didn’t falter in his advance, dropping the limb from her jaws and lunging back at the predator, wanting to finish this once and for all.

While the other brute attacked its fleshy underside, Rhazien lept forward and used his paws to shove it down, keeping it from spinning off of its back. It would give his battle partner the opening he needed to keep attacking the underbelly. I sync, Rhazien’s jaws snaked forward and closed around the crocodiles throat, serrated fangs sawing through the flesh, until he felt the bone. So long as the woman didn’t interrupt, and the two males worked together, the life of the reptilian beast would come to a vile end.  

Once they ended the crocodile's life, Rhazien shifted his gaze to the pair who oddly enough looked very similar. Waiting for one of them to speak, or at least introduce themselves. The girl finally spoke up, stating her name was Cirrus. "Hmmm, Cirrus." Her name rolled across his tongue, as he savored it along with the taste of the reptilian. Storing it in his mind for the future. ”I'm Rhazien- Rhazien Saxe.” He felt it was only fair to give his name to the duo in exchange.


note: pp granted by Resin
Caution: Rhazien is a rated M character. Viewer discretion is advised.
Assume his companions, Zemir and Zemra, are present in his threads unless specified otherwise.

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1. You Fucked Up Sea's Plain 11:59 PM, 10-08-2023 03:30 AM, 02-13-2024