


11-03-2013, 09:51 PM

This place wasn't so bad, she would convince herself as she slithered into the water like a snake. Thank goodness it's fall. Eyes roamed to the sun, which told her it was just barely past noon. It was pitiful to think that she'd been roaming a desert, lost, for all of the morning hours. There hadn't been a scrap of prey worth working for, and this was the first decent patch of water she'd seen for miles. She lay down in the water, having realized quite quickly that it wasn't nearly deep enough to submerge in. Instead it creeped up to the point where her legs bent, and so she would lay down to cool off her underside. Chin dipped down to lay upon her paws as her tongue lazily sprawled out of her mouth to delve into the water. She hadn't realized how thirsty she was. Eyes of cerulean tilted in all logical directions, knowing that she had little to fear in these lands, but being cautious nevertheless.



11-04-2013, 08:55 PM

Typhon had little sense of where he was. His world was cloaked in darkness and confusion, perpetual nothingness that threatened to swallow him whole. He was vaguely aware that it was daytime, and that the sun was quite high in the sky. The feeling of the sun against his dark coat was unmistakable. And yet everything else was hazy and unwelcoming, and he found himself creeping through the world as alone and bitter as always.

He had been wandering for some time, and his paws had become accustomed to the familiar sand beneath him. The air was dry, but not overly warm. Fall was upon them, even in the more southern parts of the land, and winter would quickly follow. Still he felt parched, and his nose would twitch as he attempted to direct himself in the direction of something to quench his thirst.

As the moisture in the air grew stronger, he relaxed slightly. He would not die here in this desert today, and he was briefly grateful. The stench in the air was strange, but not of a canine. Some kind of prey, perhaps? The water audibly rippled, and yet he continued forth, searching for the source. Before long he would come to it and dip his head, beginning to drink quite vigorously, completely and utterly unaware of the threat lurking just feet away from him.


11-04-2013, 09:14 PM

She - of course - was highly in tune with her surroundings, and naturally saw him coming far before he arrived. His destination ended up being only feet from her - no more than two yards, if that. How strange. Surely he saw the nearly eight foot cat lying in the shallow water? Surely he could smell her, could sense her presence? And yet it seemed he could not, and it piqued her curiosity. Eyes of cerulean roved over his frame, noting a strange coloration in his eyes - was he blind? Quite possibly, for he hadn't even reacted as she quite thoroughly looked him over. Some devious part of her thought it might be amusing to play a trick on him, or to pounce in his direction and see his reaction - but some other part trumped the devious side and she ended up merely expelling a breath in a quick chuff and then speaking up. ?You're a lucky one,? she murmured in a smooth alto voice. ?I can't imagine it's easy finding water in a desert in your condition.? It was probably almost as difficult as finding a needle in a haystack - not that she'd ever tried that before. Tongue curled out of her mouth, trailing over her lips and nose before recoiling back into the depths of her parted jaws. She would sheath her ivories for the time being, remaining where she laid for lack of motivation to go anywhere else.



11-04-2013, 09:58 PM

Something was off about his surroundings. He was acutely aware of the sounds around him, and the scents -- but he was more in the dark than he ever could have realized. Greedily he drank, gulping down the water as though he might die without it, and it looked as though he really might. Typhon was mangy for a male his size, his pelt tattered and torn; he looked rather awful, underfed and miserable. Those hazy grey eyes of his did not help. Something struck him as strange. A sound, a whiff of air that smelled faintly like something he remembered, and he froze. His body stiffened and his head jerked upright, eyes rolling in their sockets, their movements uncontrollable and without purpose.

A voice rang out, and he looked as though he had very well had a heart attack. Ears flattened against his skull, and his body writhed with pathetic helplessness as he retracted from the water. The voice was heavy -- a creature larger than himself was speaking. It was silky and foreign. A feline? Oh, what a bad day. "S-sorry.." he would stammer, knowing he could very well be in danger. Or worse. He hardly heard her speak, and he felt frozen to the earth beneath him. "Didn't know... someone else was here."


11-04-2013, 10:22 PM

Having discovered his handicap, any sensible creature might have thought to try to seem non-threatening, however, Dior didn't give a rip if she was threatening or not. In fact, she might have preferred he think of her in such a way. A smile creased her lips as he shrunk against the earth, so... she had been right! He apologized, letting her know he hadn't been aware of her presence. ?I assumed as much,? she responded with a chuckle. ?I'm not going to hurt you.? She chuffed lightly in good nature, adding on an extra note for good measure. ?But just for the record, I could.? She flexed her claws in the water, though it wasn't as if he would notice. She would stand, letting the water drip off of her quite audibly into the pool of water. Cerulean orbs would once again rove over his frame. He didn't look at all well. His coat wasn't well kept and he looked pitiful, really. Some part of her even felt sorry for him - that was rare as she wasn't usually overly fond of canines. She stepped toward him just until she was out of the water, being sure to leave some room between them. ?What's your name, blind one??



11-12-2013, 07:28 AM
Involuntarily the male's body would stiffen. It was a terrifying world, the darkness in which he lived; but it was familiar to him, and he wasn't sure if he ever wanted to regain his sight, if it somehow was possible. He had learned, years ago, that he had to be on edge at all times, or risk getting himself into a situation like this. Though the feline seemed like she was not interesting in tearing him limb by limb, he couldn't be so certain. And so inch by inch, he would push himself slightly away from the edge of the water, lifting himself so he was poised precariously on the pads of his paws, ready to flee at a moment's notice. His world would tilt dangerously around him and he steadied himself as she began to speak.

Her vocals were soothing, though foreign to him, tainted with the physiology of a creature that was so unfamiliar to him. Ears would swivel on the mangy brute's head, eyes rolling in their sockets as his nose twitched to get a better sense of her scent. "Indeed you could," he noted, lyrics lacking the panic he had felt a moment ago. Instead they were empty and cold -- perhaps death by feline would be a decent way to go out. He found himself doubting whether he'd make it through the coming winter, anyway. "I am Typhon. And you?" She seemed decent enough, and he was not at all going to argue against her obvious superiority over him. Instead he as quiet and thoughtful, still guarded, but curious nonetheless. He had never met a feline willing to talk to him.


11-14-2013, 08:22 PM

It amused her, the power she held over him in particular. He was helpless, defenseless against even prey at this point. Any being as large or larger than he would strike fear into his heart, she perhaps even more so. It was enthralling, this power, and she wondered if she might make use of it. Oh pity D?lia wasn't here. Though, she wasn't quite sure a blind wolf would be any service at all - though it would be easy enough to repay him. He would introduce himself as Typhon, an interesting name. ?Dior,? she would charmingly emit, emphasis on the french nature of her calling. ?I must admit, Typhon, if I must find myself in the company of a wolf - you certainly aren't the worst.? Perhaps it was the fact that he didn't see himself as having any semblance of a chance against her. Flattery was quite easily appealing to the feline - and his obvious fear and respect of her was a step in that direction. ?How long have you been without sight?? She wondered if he knew of any of the wonders of the world, or if he had been oblivious to them all of his life. She scarcely knew what she would do without her sight.
