A warm fire and a cozy bedroll
10-23-2023, 11:54 PM
Corbie sighed and stretched as she slipped out from beneath the travois harness to make camp for the night. Her tinder kit, waterproof leather ground cloth, bedroll, pot, and the bag of preserved lamb she took off the top of it, but otherwise left the bundled blankets, brightly colored and woven finely, and other trade goods packed up in their own waterproof pack, tied to the poles as she leaned them against a tree. Dull claws and tired paws made a bare patch in the snow and dead grass for a fire, and cleared away the snow even further to allow her room for a camp. Gathering dried, dead wood from along the beach, she brought it back to stack within the cleared circle. Breaking off twigs and small branches, she brought them closer to the fire area where she'd left the tinder kit. Stretching again she yawned widely. It would be nice to have a warm camp and some tea once she got the fire going.
unless otherwise stated, Corbie's kinkajou companion is with her at all times