
goat, anyone?




Master Intellectual (375)

Master Hunter (370)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

4 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 2 WorshipDouble MasterThe Ooze Participant
09-11-2023, 06:22 AM

She had to keep busy. Stay busy. Focused. Moving. All the time. It showed on her body. The baby fat from the litter had dissipated. Her ribs poked out barely through her thin coat. At times, she may look too thin, but she wasn't willing to talk about that. Not one bit. Instead, if she wasn't holed up with Cy or Oki or both, she was out. In the woods, at the steppe, along the winding mountain paths. Searching, hunting, helping. Being of use to Vidarr and the rest of Heidinn. While she may not have been in quite the mood to interact with others, she could at least take down animals to add to their stores for winter.

Speaking of winter, it had come with a fierceness. Snow blew against the side of the mountain, quickly covering the pathways. Hard to keep track of game trails when said trails were consistently being wiped away. Frustration over this knits her brow together as she goes toward a higher peak. A light and form-fitting cloak lay over her shoulders and back to help keep the temptation of frostbite away. Her aquamarine eyes trail along the slopes to hopefully spot her next victim. Paws expertly and carefully spread out and pick their way down the rocky face of the mountain. As she pauses, trying to scent the chilling wind, she sees a grey form not far down from her.

Though wolves were not made to climb up and down cliffs like the mountain goat she has her eyes on, she has been spending her time finding ways up and down that are easy enough to maneuver. Bunkering down against the cold stone, Celeste lies in wait patiently for the right moment to make her move.



Expert Fighter (175)

Advanced Hunter (90)

4 Years
Dire wolf
Dragon Mod

Critical Fail!1K
10-27-2023, 01:27 PM

Winter was in full swing and the mountains made it known. The pathways were covered in heavy layers of snow, and all the game trails she had learned prior to winter's arrival were now gone. At least probably until the Spring thaw. She was heading up the mountainside to see what, if anything, she could find. Best to check the Maw before leaving the pack lands to see if she could find something, first. Her ravens stayed closer to the foothills this time around, the howling winds and driving snow making it difficult for them to fly safely.

She pulled her new bear skin cloak up tighter around her shoulders, flipping the hood up and over her head to better protect herself against the cold. The weather made it difficult to track anything, but she knew there to be mountain goats further up. The blue-pelted warrior carefully picked her way up a side path that she remembered being there (though she couldn't see it anymore), and used the lining of stone to guide her path further up. The wind shifted enough that she caught a hint of a goat. Probably somewhere along the cliffside. She searched with narrowed eyes in an effort to see where it might be. To see if it was somewhere where she might be able to reach it.

So far...nothing. She could smell it. But she couldn't see. Best to get higher up. She climbed a little higher, climbing atop a rocky ledge and as she looked around, she spotted what she thought was a goat at first, but then realized that it wasn't a goat, but a wolf with ram horns. A grin played on her lips as she crept closer to the ledge above the other woman. She didn't quite know the woman's name, but she had seen her around. "Almost mistook you for one of them with those horns of yours. Think they'd fall for a wolf in sheep's clothing?" She playfully winked as she settled on the cold stone.




Master Intellectual (375)

Master Hunter (370)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

4 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 2 WorshipDouble MasterThe Ooze Participant
10-30-2023, 11:49 AM

Nestled into the rock and snow, Celeste is focused. Watching the goat until the soft thuds of someone walking up behind her caught her attention. Turning to look over her shoulder, Celeste embraces a friendly smile on her face. Though she hasn't made much effort to introduce and familiarize herself with everyone in Heidinn, she is at least sociable and nice enough to at least not turn them away.

The woman's comment has Celeste chuckling. "Ah, perhaps they might. I don't see them as being intelligent," she replies as she turns her gaze back to the ambling goats below. "If I lead the way, would you follow and bring up the rear?" Celeste talks loud enough that Brida can hear her, but not enough for it to echo down the slope. Being smaller, she could run or at least stumble down the steep slopes faster, but wouldn't be strong enough to take down a fully grown goat by herself. If Brida would agree to the plan, Celeste would get up and start to head down.

Picking her way carefully, she spies an older goat with large curling horns and a beard that looks to be almost a foot. His grizzled features show his age and Cel knows instantly that that one is their target. She points her muzzle in his direction to show who they're going after. Circling wide around the goats, Cel waits until they are at their most distraction. Once the wind and snow die down for a few moments, she bursts forward and rushes toward the goat with snapping jaws and fierce barks.




Expert Fighter (175)

Advanced Hunter (90)

4 Years
Dire wolf
Dragon Mod

Critical Fail!1K
01-05-2024, 11:21 PM

Cheeky, she liked that. She nodded to Celeste's response about the goat's intelligence. "They lack it well enough," She mused as she crossed her forelegs for a moment. The woman wasted no time in asking her if she'd like to help in hunting the goats, and immediately Brida's tail lightly tapped the stone beneath her as she slid off the stone and onto the ground near the ram-horned woman. "Of course, lead the way," She was hungry, and they could do with getting one or two of those goats.

She followed the woman but remained a little behind, creeping along the rocks and using her cloak to keep herself blended better into the background. The blue of her coat would certainly stand out, so she was glad she had made this not only for warmth and protection, but for camouflage as well. As they neared the goats, she glanced at Celeste and took note of the one that was their target. Brida would move herself into position, waiting for the goat-woman to begin.

Once things got started, Brida kept within the shadows of the rocks, watching as the elder goat got startled and started bolting along the hillside. She waits in anticipation. and as the goat abruptly turned toward her direction, she burst forth to intercept its path. Bleating with terror and fright now that two wolves were trying to get it, the goat stumbled as it tried and failed to get away. It jumped toward a ledge, slipping on loose shale and it tumbled back down. Grinning, Brida seized the chance and scrambled forward, using her shoulder to slam the goats side to wind it as it was thrown into the surrounding rock.


Thread Move Log
Thread Forum From To
1. goat, anyone? Fenrir's Maw 06:22 AM, 09-11-2023 07:05 PM, 01-31-2024