


11-01-2013, 10:47 AM
i overheard in the cbox that riv was going to have fractured ribs so that is why i roleplayed it out this way. i was informed that, since riv defaulted, she would have to take artemis' attacks which is also why i pp'd riv falling, since artemis intended to have her fall.

As the viper executed her calculated attack to the tawny woman?s ribs, a third assailant manifested out of the blue, creeping into her peripherals only to launch itself upon the back of the albino sovereign. Internally, the babe seethed, enraged at the sheer cowardice of the opposing team; were they so incompetent that they needed to resort to outnumbering their opponents in order to obtain a victory? As her jaws successfully connected upon their intended target, mirth racing through her interior with the resounding crack! of fractured ribs, she tacitly vowed to force the sable brute to rethink his course of action upon the battlefield and make him pay the toll in blood for his mistake. Even as a silver Glaciem female forced her way into the arena to even out the match once more, the phantom child?s sights never changed, unwavering from the dark coward.

She managed to unbalance her opponent, a rumble of satisfaction reverberating in the depths of her throat as her adversary crashed to the earth and made no motion to proceed with attacks. Tucking a second victory under her belt, the babe relinquished her grasp to whatever flesh or bone she had succeeded in grasping upon the tawny lass, pupils immediately flickering to the male (Thane) placed crookedly atop the Glaciem king as she secured her defenses, completely disregarding her fallen opponent in favor of her newest. Violet and mercury gaze narrowed to thin but visible slits, triangular ears pressing against the contours of her crown while her tail slithered between her hinds to defensively tuck against her underbelly. Skull lowered over her breast to shield her scrunched neck from grasping, shoulders rolled forward to provide the base of her neck with excess layers of fat and flesh, further guarded by the prickling of bloodied hackles, while her jaws unhinged and tucked against the curvature of her neck, gluttonous incisors exposed and at the ready. Limbs established equilibrium by spreading evenly apart, each appendage bent slightly at the knee while her toes splayed across the earth and her dulled nails clipped against the soil for traction, all to maintain balance. Feeling fairly protected, the babe attempted to avoid her fallen opponent (Riv) by attempting to maneuver at a forty-five degree angle from Isardis?s right haunch (since Riv and Artemis were already positioned at Isar?s right towards his rear), muzzle extending in the direction of where she supposed Thane?s right hind limb lingered, parted jaws targeting the area a few inches above the ankle in an attempt to wrap her jaws around the appendage, intending to break his limb with the pressure applied behind her hopeful bite. No matter what she happened to grasp upon her opponent, if she even did, the babe would attempt to violently thrash her skull to the right, intending to further damage whatever wound she had inflicted upon the bastard (again, if she did) as well as aide Isardis in his endeavor of throwing his opponent off his back. ? You wanted a three v. two, you got it.





ATTACK attempt to wrap her jaws around thane's right hind limb, a few inches above his ankle, intending to break the appendage with the pressure applied behind her bite. potential thrash of her skull to the right should she manage to land a bite upon thane.

DEFENSE eyes narrowed, ears pinned, tail tucked, skull lowered, neck scrunched, shoulders rolled, hackles raised, jaws gaping, chin tucked, teeth exposed, limbs spread evenly apart, limbs bent at the knee, toes splayed, claws clipping soil for traction

INJURIES [ from previous fight: half-inch deep puncture wounds to scruff, bruised underbelly, two-thirds-inch deep puncture wounds to upper right neck ] none this round.


11-01-2013, 12:32 PM

Two things happened at once. The woman turned her crown, taking note of her surroundings, preparing to return to the den, but a raging oddly marked woman raced towards her. Eyes widened, defenses slide into place, her chin tucked against her throat, ears fell back tightly against her scalp, eyes narrowed. Her tail tucked briefly. She had no time to turn and face the woman head on. She spread her legs wider, bending them at the knee to lower her center of balance. Next she caught sight of black mass galloping towards them. Obsidian. She didn't have time to process anything else. Hips swung out, causing the woman to collide with the flat part of her shoulder rather than ramming her(Satis) shoulder blade into her side. The collision knocked her back a few steps, she kept herself relaxed, allowing to move with her adversary. Marked jaws aimed straight for the pales woman's throat. A vicious snarl ripped from pale jaws. She was a Healer dammit! She should not be getting attacked!

Shoulders had rolled forward, pushing extra flesh around the sides of her neck, hackles raised along her neck and back. She felt fangs pierce the fatty fleshy long the side of her neck, a growl slide from pale jaws as the pain spread. The woman was a few inches shorted than herself, but rayne was light, built for speed and agility. Jaws unhinged, skull turning in an attempt to grab a hold of the side of woman's face or her ear. She had a job to do! She couldn't waste time feeding a woman's ego in battle! Should her attack land, Hind legs moved back and out as the dame pulled the woman closer to her. Obsidian was coming to help, she wanted to keep the oddly marked bitch between herself and the horse, hoping to force her to submit or risk being trampled.

ATTACKS: jaws aimed to the grab to left? Side of Satis face or ear, she then stepped back to pull the woman closer, hoping to pin her between herself and Obsidian.

DEFENSES: chin tucked, ears folded back, eyes narrowed, legs widen and knees bent, tail tucked at first, shoulders rolled forward to add extra fatty flesh to the sides of her neck, hackles raised.

INJURIES: bruising to her left shoulder, bite to her neck

Rayne and Obsidian vs Satis for Dominance Round 1/3?

The Judge


11-02-2013, 11:40 PM
Default to JET

Due to PONTIFEX not posting in the allotted time, JET is the winner, and THE FIGHT MAY CONTINUE WITH SURREAL AND JET.

PONTIFEX must give up by either passing out, submitting, or running away, and may no longer participate in this siege.


11-03-2013, 12:24 AM

His vision was red now, rage and adrenaline coursing through his veins. He could feel his pulse all through his body, especially in his left shoulder, he could feel the heat of the blood as his heart pumped it through his veins and it spilled through his skin. His ear and skull felt as through it was on fire and yet he moved forward and away from Morgan without a second thought. Somewhere in the back of his mind pain and hurt flared but he barely limped as face contorted into a malicious grin. It had been his first battle and he had won... He felt invincible, unstoppable and at the same time anger towards everyone coursed through him. Gaze turned to the white angel who led them and for a moment he always wanted to charge in and attack the male, their so called leader who had lead them all to this blood bath. Sickly green gaze drifted over the fallen, barely registering anything. No doubt snarls and barks and cries of pain twisted through the air around him but all he could hear was the thump thump of his own heart. Eyes were wide and wild, tail lashing like a rattle snake behind him. He was moving in a naturally defensive state now, shoulder rolled forward and hunched with his head lowered and neck scrunched. His head chin was tipped down and blood rolled freely from the wounds on the top of his skull. Abdomen was clenched, all his core strength bunched and coiled tight. Even as he walked his joints were loose and ready, the only stiffness coming from his shoulder but it was simple stiff, whatever pain there was had been dulled by a mixture of adrenaline and battle lust.

He wanted the bastard dead, after everything he had done to Azalea, after everything he had done to this pack. He had liked the woman, had liked her fire and her spunk but that was gone now, it was all gone because of him. Vixe hadn't seen her since she had first come to Glaciem but had heard through the grape vine that she had become impregnated. That she was carrying Isa's bastard children. Rage and hatred blinded him to the world around him and as he approached the battle of multiple wolves he dropped down into a quick crouch. Pain flared in his right hip and immediately he sprung, wanting to get away from that pain so Sarak's second attack didn't land. But now that rage was turned onto a new target as the small male jumped at Vixe's left side. Green eyes were wild as the male latched onto mostly fur and a bit of loose flesh on the side of his neck but his teeth bit in and blood began to well around the wounds. But the male only smiled, he was already low to the ground from his leap so left paws slid out and his stance widened. All at once the pressure was gone and Vixe was moving away from Sarak. "Look, its Azalea's little boyfriend, you've put on weight!" His tone was mocking, harsh and dripped with venom as he began to move in a circle around the male. He took a moment to reset his defences. "I fucked her you know, she begged me right after she offered herself to Glaciem... Wanted me to go before Isa I suppose... Everyone's probably had their turn with her by now." Lies, brutal lies but whatever love she had felt towards the woman he had once cared for and whatever hatred he had felt towards Isaradis was now gone and all that was left was the need to make this male feel pain.

He was snickering and sneering now, features twisted into a contorted grin. Nose was wrinkled into a half snarl half smile as his lower jaw unhinged and tongue draped over already bloodied jaws as he took a brief moment to catch his breath. His heart beat still raced wildly through his body to the point where it was all he could feel and hear. "Will you take her back after we send her limping back to you? Beaten. Broken. And pregnant?" The last word was spat out at the same time that he sprang, haunches curling beneath him and then launching himself at the much smaller male. Eyes were narrowed, ears tipped back while he lowered his head so he only presented meaty flesh and fur for the male to attack at. He would throw himself at the male, covering the short distance between them like a freight train though most of is attack depending on how Sarak would take the news of his girlfriend. Tail trailed behind him like a banner as he attempted to ram his right (uninjured) shoulder into Sarak's chest to try and throw him off balance or wind him. Head was kept low to the ground so gaping jaws snapped at Sarak's right front paw, trying to grab the joint of the delicate bone of his foreleg. He wanted to dislocated it or maybe even break the bone. He wanted blood, pain. He wanted this male to feel such pain that his voice would twist up in an unrecognizable howl. His mind was gone now, tactic and sense gone out the window as it had with the white bitch who had stood before him last. All he wanted was blood.

Fight Statistics

Vixe vs Sarak for Maim

Move: 1 of 2


Defences: Neck scrunched, chin down, shoulders hunched, abdomen tucked, spine aligned, tail behind him for balance, eyes narrowed, ears pinned, stance splayed, joints loose, jaw unhinged and ready to bite. Pretty much going to berserk mode now so defences might be out the window soon.

Attacks: Took a moment to regain his balance after Sarak let go, taunted him for a psychological attack before rushing at him in an attempt to throw his right shoulder into Sarak?s chest while his head when to the left to try and grab onto Sarak?s right (Vixe?s left) leg. Attempting to grab the paw or foreleg to dislocate or break.

Injuries: Four gouge wounds to the top of his skull, split ear that is bleeding heavily. Flesh wound on his right front shin. Four deep puncture wounds to his left shoulder with bruising as well, leg damaged and he will begin limping once the adrenaline wears off. Puncture wounds with a bit of a tear to the top of his inner and outer thigh, also will hurt once the adrenaline wears off as well as superficial punctures and tears to the loose skin of his ruff.

Knock outs achieved 1/5




4 Years
11-03-2013, 03:51 AM

A burst of force would collide with the oddity?s right blade as she made forceful contact with Rayne?s left shoulder. Thankfully her efforts had resulted in the loss of balance, however it hadn?t dealt the injuries Satis had hoped; an imaginary snarl of displeasure creasing her mind. She pushed on however, feeling her canines make contact with the pale flesh of the woman?s neck and doing all in her power to hold the muscles of her jaws rigid, to worsen any damage that had been cast. However an ever-awkward swipe at the left side of Satis? face would encourage her to realise she had missed her target, the woman quite clearly not feeling the effects of light-headedness; and so rapidly, with the calculations of a trained combatant, narrowed gaze would re-align her bite, and swiftly attempt to withdraw her gnaw, only to target her jaws slightly lower to the under-left side; once again with the ambitions of grasping the jugular or windpipes and holding relentlessly. Defences would quickly regather; limbs square, weight equalizing, spine aligned, tail tucked, abdomen tense, elbows bent, chest slightly lowered, toes splayed, claws digging for traction, shoulders rolled, chin tucked, hackles raised.

Luckily the woman?s attempted blow to the face had been angled awkwardly enough for Satis to get by with no more than a graze at the base of her pinned left ear. A drumming; eerie and simultaneously terrifying within its pounding would accompany the wavering stench of prey. For a moment she was utterly confused, fearful of a stampede or something of the likes, but it was no sooner than Rayne lurched her body side-ways(?) that the sudden suggestion of equine foe would rapidly fall upon her. Surely not? However she had little time to think, and whilst she hoped to maintain whatever hold she had achieved, if Satis had missed her previous throat target she would quickly attempt to grasp the left side of Rayne?s scruff in ready jaws, and with a powerful, adrenaline pumped jolt of desperation the youth would attempt to swivel her hinds to the right (towards Rayne) and with the drive of her quarters and core-strength, launch to her left in a desperate attempt to drag Rayne into the path of Obsidian?s attacks; in hope of completely dodging herself. Smaller she was, but Satis was a torpedo; compact, muscled, and fast.
Satis vs. Rayne & Obsidian ? Round 2 of 3

For Dominance/KO.

Defences: Eyes narrowed, limbs square, weight equalizing, spine aligned, tail tucked, abdomen tense, elbows bent, chest slightly lowered, toes splayed, claws digging for traction, shoulders rolled, chin tucked, hackles raised, ears pinned, jaws ready.

Attacks: Holding her bite momentarily to worsen damage to throat. However soon realising Rayne is not feeling the desires effects, Satis attempts to re-aim her successful blow to Rayne?s throat to try and grasp lower under the left hand side, hoping to wrap jaws around the jugular or windpipe and hold in order to cause light-headedness (by means of no oxygen or low blood flow). Then upon the sudden realisation of Obsidians oncoming attack, Satis will hope to keep any attained hold (or re-grasp the scruff if her attack missed), swivel her haunches to the right, and launch in an attempt to drag Rayne into Obsidians path.

Injuries: Skin graze beneath left ear, pending damage in regards to Obsidian. Please remember any successful blow from a horse is going to break bones or be fatal, so perhaps be a little lenient on us with PP or whatnot when we have some miss? Taking minimal damage from an equine will be hard, however if she fails in her attempts at moving Rayne I will go from there.



11-03-2013, 05:32 AM

The time had come. Caerul had watched the Glaciem woman flee, and he saw his brother off as he had gone for medical attention. Caerul had guarded his back in case an enemy tried to stop his dear brother, but none had come. He had been watching quietly, his defenses in place in case someone had come after him, but it would seem this part of the field was dwindling in numbers as the fighting ceased in some parts and grew in others. Wolves were fleeing and falling everywhere, and he knew that many were getting desperate. A growl would erupt in his chest when he saw a Valhallan medic get attacked by a Glaciem, and he was going to jump in until he saw his equine cousin charging towards the dishonorable Glaciem woman. A smirk played onto his lips, hoping to the stars that Obsidian would at least puniah the woman and break one of her legs for breaking the unwritten sin. It was not honorable in any way to attack a healer, anyone with any sense of moral knew that! With an ever increasing growl, his burning green eyes would search the fields...and there he saw his target. A black male with white markings, on the Glaciem side taunting and belittling Sarak. Did the Glaciem and Amentian scum have no sense of honor at all? It seemed not. With practiced ease, Caerul would realign his defenses as he shot off towards his victim. Ears flattened, eyes narrowed, head lowered over his throat, muscles and abdomen rigid, teeth bared, neck scrunched, claws digging in the ground for traction, tail out for balance and aligning with his spine, hackles rising in fury, his shoulders rolled forward to protect his neck and his legs equalizing his weight. If Glaciem wanted to fight, then by the stars he would fight! Especially after they made the mistake of claiming his father.

Caerul neared his target from behind, and he would pinpoint exactly where he wanted to attack. He would leap the remaining few feet towards Vixe, jaws opening wide to meet his target. Caerul released a gruesome snarl, features contorted as he made an attempt to snap teeth and jaws down just a few inches from the base of Vixe's tail. He wanted to inflict pain on his enemies, and though he had been linient on one young enemy, he would not be this time. This one didn't deserve the chance he had given the black female, not after he heard what this one had been trying to taunt Sarak with. If Caerul's jaws met their mark, Then he would aim to break the bones and possible rip off his enemies tail by yanking his head towards Vixe's body at a 45 degree angle. Such a move would break and rip it off, as the force of his momentum would aid in it. If he missed, then his teeth would go for whatever else he could grab in reach. At the same time, he would use his left paw/foreleg to grab and hold Vixe's hind legs by swiping his own foreleg underneath and attempt to hug Vixe's legs to his lower chest. With this, he aimed to slow the man, or at the least unbalance him. "Don't listen to him Sarak! He lies!" he cried out, hoping that Sarak would not allow Vixe's mind games to work. It enraged him that a wolf would stoop so low as that, but in the end, he knew that the ones who lacked moral and honor would suffer the most. As he focused on his attack, Caerul would tuck in his tail so as not to make the mistake that Vixe had, and he spread his weight evenly. Toes splayed for balance, and his muscles would remain rigid as he sought to do all that he could to this Glaciem boy.

Fight Stats

Sarak & Caerul Vs. Vixe for Maim

Round: 1/2

Defenses: ||Before Attack||Ears flattened, eyes narrowed, head lowered over his throat, muscles and abdomen rigid, teeth bared, neck scrunched, claws digging in the ground for traction, tail out for balance and aligning with his spine, hackles rising in fury, his shoulders rolled forward to protect his neck and his legs equalizing his weight.||During attack add ons||Tail tucks, muscles/abdomen rigid, toes splayed for balance, weight equal

Attacks: Attempts to grab Vixe's tail in his teeth just a few inches from the base and yank his tail towards Vixe's body at a 45 degree angle in attempt to break and rip off the tail using the force of his jaws and the momentum from his charge. If he misses, then he will bite whatever else he can. At the same time of his attempt, his left paw/foreleg will attempt to grab onto one or both of Vixe's hindlegs, and he will attempt to hug or hold his leg/legs close to his lower chest in an attempt to slow/hinder, trip or unbalance him.

Injuries: None

Out Of Character Notes:

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think


11-03-2013, 10:59 AM
user posted image



11-03-2013, 01:03 PM

Rage. it fueled him and it made him want to absolutely destroy. It hadn't been so innumerable until the words had struck his mind--until he realized it was his daughter's pain and her pride on the line. He had always been harsh on Azalea and it was always to strengthen her--but his love for her was far more than the stars in the sky and it could not simply be contained. She was his daughter. And he was her father. And he was beyond the natural assumption of anger. It frothed and careened and churned in his mind and as Vixe spoke of all of the things that Collision hadn't known about her...

Sarak...was not to fall in his good graces either. He had been with Azalea? Had he not known better? Valhalla had taken the boy under its wings and given him a new life and he had royally spat in their faces by swaying from morality. It angered him--but his was not out of animosity. His was not out of the wish to destroy his daughter. Vixe's was. Though Collision did not know the boy's name and though he made no sound, for his anger was too great, he attempted ascension to Vixe's right side.

Body would act as a battering ram and Collision would attempt to thrust his left shoulder directly in the center of Vixe's right side (aiming for the rib cage), hopefully crushing his bones. Oh the force, if it, would inflict damage on himself and yet adrenaline had the ability to keep it at bay. Simultaneously, teeth would press forward aiming to dive deep into Vixe's right shoulder. Top set of teeth would aim to hook over the curve of his shoulder, and bottom set would seek to dive heavily into the fleshy part of his shoulder. Regardless of grabbing the flesh or not he would smash his teeth together and hopeful of a hold he would aim to destroy the ligaments.

At the same time as his other attacks Collision needed to assist himself in stopping the advancements of Vixe and so his left limb would sneak forward in an attempt to slam down on Vixe's right foot--also an attempt to hopefully crush bones.

His defenses had climbed into place over the course of each attack, thus being done in similar time, ears were pinned against his skull and his eyes were narrowed in on Vixe's shoulder -his target- also, his spine was in perfect alignment with his tail held out and up both in a show of dominance and to act as a rudder for balance improvement. Three limbs were on the ground (his front left limb being the exception) and his weight was perfectly placed between each of them. His neck was coiled back a bit to assist his rolled shoulder in hiding his vitals in fur, flesh, and fat. Knees were slightly bent to help his balance and paws gripped for traction on the Valhallan earth. Chin tucked as much as it could be, and jaws obviously agape, the aforementioned attacks rolled out fueling his anger.

Collision & Sarak vs. Vixe for CASTRATION

round one

The Judge


11-03-2013, 01:08 PM

Tidus & Thane vs. Isardis, Artemis & Argent


Round 1:

CLARITY: 10 / 10
Great Clarity.

No Powerplaying found.

DEFENSES: 10 / 10

Full points for balanced stance, splayed toes, raised hackles, balanced tail, protected neck, parted jaws, narrowed eyes, pinned ears.

ATTACK: 8 / 10

Full points for pushing between Isardis and Tidus, slamming weight on Tidus, attack to Tidus' eyes.

INJURIES: 10 / 10

First Round.

Round one Argent Total: 48 / 50


Round 1:

CLARITY: 10 / 10
Great Clarity.

No powerplaying.

DEFENSES: 10 / 10

Full points for protected neck, pinned ears, narrowed eyes, raised hackles, parted jaws, tucked tail, balanced stance, splayed toes.

ATTACK: 10 / 10

Full points for attack to ribcage, hit with chest to Rix's body, attack to spine.

INJURIES: 10 / 10

First Round.

Round one Artemis Total: 50 / 50

Round 2:

CLARITY: 10 / 10
Great Clarity.

I read your OOC note and I am taking less points away because of it but next time, difficult as it is, you need to acknowledge attacks. When confusion/PP happens try to be the least invasive as possible. Don't assume attacks, don't completely dodge attacks etc. because the points that skewed in these sections will be taken from the other player's points through the PP category.

DEFENSES: 10 / 10

Full points for narrowed eyes, pinned ears, tucked tail, protected throat, raised hackles, parted jaws, equalized stance, splayed toes.

ATTACK: 6 / 10

Full points for attack towards right side of Rix's ribcage and attempt to trip Rix.

INJURIES: 10/ 10

None. Points deducted from PP to make up difference.

Round two Artemis Total: 42 / 50

Round 3:

CLARITY: 10 / 10
Great Clarity.

No Power Playing found.

DEFENSES: 10 / 10

Full points for narrowed eyes, pinned ears, tucked tail, protected throat, raised hackles, parted jaws, balanced stance, spalyed toes.

ATTACK: 3 / 10

Full points for attack towards Thane's right hind limb.

INJURIES: 10/ 10


Round three Artemis Total: 43 / 50


Round 1:

*Attacked on upper right shoulder
CLARITY: 10 / 10
Great clarity.

"Isardis would hear his speeding arrival and whip his body around... just before the foolish creature was upon him." I don't think it's realistic for him to turn completely around in that space of time.

"sending his own jaws reaching out for the left side of the arked beast's lower jaw" If Tidus has a grasp on Isardis' left shoulder, this would be difficult to attempt even if they are head on.

DEFENSES: 10 / 10

Full points for narrowed eyes, pinned ears, raised hackles, even stance, splayed toes, protected throat, ready stance.

ATTACK: 6 / 10

Full points for headbutting Tidus and attack to lower, left jaw.


Bite wound on left side of neck/ left shoulder.

Round one Isardis Total: 40 / 50

Round 2:

CLARITY: 8 / 10
"It seemed his forward motions towards tidus would excuse him unknowingly from thr red woman's blow" I'm not sure what you mean here. Didn't her attack already land?

I know you acknowledge Tidus' attack but you have it land drastically different than intended.

DEFENSES: 10 / 10

Full points for balanced stance/weight, tucked tail, tense abdomen, protected neck, splayed toes, raised hackles, pinned ears, narrowed eyes, ready jaws.

ATTACK: 7 / 10

Full points for attack to Tidus' belly and eyes.


Bite wound to right shoulder and left front chest.

Round two Isardis Total: 39 / 50

Round 3:

CLARITY: 10 / 10
Great Clarity.

No Power Playing found.

DEFENSES: 10 / 10

Full points for countering Thane's attack, balanced stance, tucked tail, tensed abdomen, splayed toes, protected throat, raised hackles, pinned ears, narrowed eyes, parted jaws.

ATTACK: 4 / 10

Full points for attack to Thane's right forelimb, and attack to left paw.


Minor bite wound to hind left ankle, minor bite wound to flank, minor bite wound to scruff.

Round three Isardis Total: 40 / 50


Round 1:

CLARITY: 5 / 10
"In the case of Isardis avoiding the lunge thus his attention be taken away from Tiudus." I'm not sure what you mean in this sentence.

Also you shouldn't nests attacks like this, it's confusing and leads to PP.

"Thane made sure to stay where he would not be seen" You can't assume this.

DEFENSES: 3 / 10

Full points for pinned ears, protected throat, balanced tail.

ATTACK: 4 / 10

Full points for attack to Isardis' back, attack to spine.

INJURIES: 10 / 10

First Round.

Round one Thane Total: 30 / 50


Round 1:

CLARITY: 2 / 10
"Tidus would aim an attempt towards the right hind thigh" What is Tidus attempting to do? Bite?

"If his attack succeeded then he would...should any of his attacks fail then..." Try not to nest your attacks in this way, using alternate phrasing. Nesting attacks like this leads to confusion and power playing.

"He would ry to rake forward with is left paw in an attempt to unbalance the white king" What is Tidus raking at?

"Tidus woud... try and deliver a good bite to the king' right haunch." Isn't this already what he is doing?

"Just out of his sights." You cannot assume this.

" he neared his target to deliver a surprising and painful blow" Make sure to always write your attacks as if they are pending.

DEFENSES: 8 / 10

Full points for raised hackles, narrowed eyes, pinned ears, protected throat, balanced tail, balanced stance.

ATTACK: 4 / 10

Full points for attack to Isardis' right thigh and attempt to trip Isardis.

INJURIES: 10 / 10

First Round.

Round one Tidus Total: 31 / 50

Round 2:

CLARITY: 5 / 10
"...though Tidus had not missed some sort of mark." I'm not sure what you mean in this sentence.

"...and then release for his next move." Confusing gramatical errors here.

"If his attack was successful, or if it missed..." This is confusing. If his attack is successful it should land the way it was intended to land.

"...narrowly dodging Isar's seeking teeth..." You can't completely dodge an opponent's attack.

"...then he would come to be on all fours and shoot forward..." when closing distance or completeing a complex move, like the roll you used here you need to give your opponent time to react. You do not do this.
" bite and grab...the achilles tendon." Isardis and Tidus are still head to head after Tidus' roll, this would be a difficult place to target.

DEFENSES: 8 / 10

Full points for narrowed eyes, pinned ears, raised hackles, tucked tail, protected throat and counter to Isardis' attack.

ATTACK: 4 / 10

Full points for continued attack to Isardis' neck, and attack to heel.

INJURIES: 9 / 10

Bruised face.

Round two Tidus Total: 29 / 50

Round 3:

CLARITY: 4 / 10
"Tidus' head would snap up in an attempt to grab onto Isardis' exposed belly." When is his belly exposed?
Since all PP points have been taken Clarity points were taken for the following:

You completely disregard the positioning Tidus and Isardis are in in the previous round.

"...gravity would fall in Tidus' favor as his speed allowed him to move before the albino's shoulder hit him." You can't completely dodge attacks.

"...for a fleeting milisecond..." A roll is not going to be this fast.

"...Tidus' lunge towards Isardis' achilles tendon would hit..." It doesn't hit here. You CAN NOT assume attacks like this.

Additional points deducted for failure to communicate with opponent. Do not assme things. Only seek the advice of the judge of your fight or your opponent.

DEFENSES: 8 / 10

Full points for balanced stance, splyaed toes, tucked tail, raised hackles, narrowed eyes, pinned ears, tensed abdomen.

ATTACK: 2 / 10

Full points for continued attack to Isardis' neck, and continued attack to heel.

Since all PP points have been taken Attack were points taken for the following:

"...teeth aimed for the belly on Isar's left side..." this is the second time you've attacked his belly. This uses too many sequential attacks and doesn't leave a lot of time for the opponent to react.

INJURIES: 4 / 10

Bite wound to left side of abdomen, bite wound to lower back/haunch.
Since all PP points have been taken Injury points were taken for the following:

"Tidus felt the teeth of the white beast hit his hind end..." You acknowledge his attack but you land it completely differently than intended.

Round three Tidus Total: 18 / 50


Argent: 48 /50

Artemis: 45 /50

Isardis: 39 /50

Thane: 30 /50

Tidus: 26 /50

And the winners are ...

Argent, Artemis, Isardis & Thane! Tidus is now KO'd. Argent's attempt to blind Tidus is successful and he is now blind in his right eye.


Argent- None from this battle.

Artemis- None from this battle.

Isardis- Bite wound on left side of neck/ left shoulder, Bite wound to right shoulder and left front chest, Minor bite wound to hind left ankle, minor bite wound to flank, minor bite wound to scruff.

Thane- Artemis' attack is pending.

Tidus- Bruised face, bite wound to left side of abdomen, bite wound to lowerback/haunch, right eye is now blinded.

I'm going to be brief because there was so much content in this fight. The biggest issue here was powerplaying. You can't assume where attacks land, you can't completely dodge other character's attacks, you should not have your opponent's attacks land drastically differently than intended and make sure your attacks are always ATTEMPTED and give space for the other player to react. You also can't completely close a distance between a character with 100% stealth.

Please contact me on Skype individually for feedback on your individual posts <3

- Vivien



8 Years
11-03-2013, 09:26 PM

Sarak was pleased to smell the fresh blood on the air, to taste it on his tongue. The crazed skeleton marked male didn?t seem to feel the pain through the adrenaline, smiling at him. The words the male spat at him in mocking venom were met with an answering grin. ?And you have lost your mind and charm, I see.? Paws took him in an easy circle, mirroring the opponent. As the male began speaking, Sarak?s head tilted. ?Funny. Because your eyes don?t say those words are true. And I can?t see Azalea laying with anyone so pathetic by her own will.? Voice was a purr, followed by a quick scoff. And as for ?everyone? else, isn?t your pack made up of females. Including yourself?? A sharp barb thrust at the male?s masculinity.

His senses were alert, and he knew from the scent that accosted his nose, that Azalea?s father was there. And closing in. The next words from the opponent?s maw were followed by the launch of the male?s attack. As Vixe charged toward him, he saw Collision bearing down on the skeletal male?s right shoulder. So, instead of being an idiot and trying to take the full on clash from the male, Sarak dropped low on balanced and squared legs and lunged to the injured side of his opponent (Vixe?s left), body still low to the ground. As Vixe loomed over his now diminished height, Sarak lunged in at the left front leg, attempting to wrap his jaws around the leg while attempting to bounce his hind end around toward Vixe?s left side. He felt jaws fasten around his scruff, digging in, ripping away a five inch strip of fur and flesh, leaving a bleeding gash behind as his weight jerked him free.

Sarak, should he have managed to grab onto Vixe?s leg, dropped his hind end to the ground, while his front legs shoved his front end upward, effectively setting the breaks to any momentum on his end. If he had gained a hold on Vixe?s leg, this could have the possibility of dragging the male off balance, or at worst damaging the leg and sending the male to the ground. If he had not gained the hold, he would instead drive himself at Vixe?s injured shoulder (Left Shoulder), and attempt to worsen the injuries already there. He had lost track of Collision, but Caerul was there too, attempting to get at Vixe?s hind end.

Whether or not he had landed any of his attacks, Sarak would put a bit of distance between himself and the foe, leaping left and releasing any hold with a violent ripping motion of his jaws and skull, hopefully dealing heavy damage if one of the attacks did land, such as ripping away flesh. The words Vixe had been spewing weren?t allowed to settle in his mind. Azalea may not have wanted full commitment, but she wasn?t the kind of girl to let an enemy have his way with her. Would he take her back? In a heartbeat. It didn?t matter. He loved her with all he had in him, and he refused to believe the male he fought.

He retreated a few feet, circling around at a swift run to come up behind the male with Caerul, darting in and aiming a slash of his jaws at Vixe?s left hind leg, hoping to damage it. With his tail thrusting out as a rudder, aligning with his spine, he folded his ears back, his shoulders rolling forward into a bleeding, scrunched neck, injured scruff rolling up to protect his neck. Legs squared into a balanced stride, eyes narrowing as he made his lunge. This time, if his bite landed, he wouldn?t let go, instead putting on his brakes and driving backward on stilted legs, front paws splayed apart for balance, hind legs set underneath his haunches, tail dropping to the ground in a balancing act as he would attempt to pull Vixe further off balance, and drive his mind that final step over the edge.



Attacks: Insults at the beginning (Do those really count as attacks?) Lunging to Vixe's left, Sarak lunged in at the left front leg, attempting to wrap his jaws around the leg while attempting to bounce his hind end around toward Vixe?s left side, and dropping his hind end to the ground while thrusting his front end upwards and (If his attack on the leg landed) attempting to damage Vixe's left front leg. If the bite does not land, then he will attempt to bite into Vixe's left shoulder's injuries and worsen them, before "Whether or not he had landed any of his attacks, Sarak would put a bit of distance between himself and the foe, leaping left and releasing any hold with a violent ripping motion of his jaws and skull, hopefully dealing heavy damage if one of the attacks did land, such as ripping away flesh. Thirdly darting away and coming in behind Vixe and attempting to damage the left hind leg, wherever his jaws land. If he attains the hold, he will put on his brakes and attempt to pull Vixe off balance. And possibly make him snap completely.

Injuries: Deep open wound in the scruff, bleeding freely. Will hurt like hell later.

Extra Notes: Hope everyone can understand and see this in their mind.

The Judge


11-03-2013, 09:32 PM

Chrysanthe vs. Impra for Impra

Round 1


CLARITY: 8 / 10

" she attempted to slam into her opponent's side..." which side did Chrysanthe try to slam into?


No Powerplaying found.

DEFENSES: 8 / 10

Full points for narrowed eyes, pinned ears, raised hackles, balanced tail, tensed stance, protected throat.

ATTACK: 8 / 10

Full points for slamming into Impra's side, clawing Impra's back, attack to Impra's lower back on right side.

INJURIES: 10 / 10

First Round.

Round one Chrysanthe Total: 44 / 50


CLARITY: 10 / 10

Great Clarity.


No Powerplaying found.

DEFENSES: 10 / 10

Full points for turning to face Chyrsanthe, balanced stance, balanced tail, splayed toes, protected throat, pinned ears, narrowed eyes.

ATTACK: 4 / 10

Full points for shoving Chyrsanthe, attack to Chrysanthe's scruff.

INJURIES: 6 / 10

Severe bruising to chest, minor bite wound to left shoulder.

Round one Impra Total: 40 / 50

Round 2


CLARITY: 10 / 10

Great Clarity.


No Powerplaying found.

DEFENSES: 10 / 10

Full points for splayed toes, parted jaws, narrowed eyes, countering Impra by pushing back and pulling down, pinned ears, protected thraot, raised hackles, balanced tail, tensed stance.

ATTACK: 4 / 10

Full points for attack to Impra's jaw/ear.

INJURIES: 8 / 10

Minor bite wound to right side of neck.

Round one Chrysanthe Total: 42 / 50


CLARITY: 10 / 10

Great Clarity.


You completely disregard Chrysanthe's attacks in her last post.

DEFENSES: 10 / 10

Full points for narrowed eyes, pinned ears, tensed stance, raised hackles, splayed toes, countering by pushing back.

ATTACK: 1 / 10

Full points for continuing attack to scruff.

INJURIES: 8 / 10

Severe bruises to chest.

Round one Player Total: 37 / 50


Chrysanthe: 86 /100

Impra: 77 /100

And the winner is ...

Chrysanthe! Impra is now KO'd.


Chrysanthe- Minor bite wound to right side of neck/scruff.

Impra- Bruising to chest, moderate bite wound to face.

Hey guys, you both did great. The only thing I would suggest is working on more complex attacks.

- Vivien



Extra small
11-04-2013, 06:10 AM

Their first foe was down and fairly given to Chrysanthe--he had no means to own her. A smirk crossed inky lips and eyes quickly scanned the scene. Where had Gael gone? His fur rose on end and he grew slightly more agitated. The boy was supposed to still be fighting. Syrinx had chosen him as heir to get his sister back--not to run. Anger frothed in his head and he immediately released a massive snarl. He would take her back. Defenses lowered into place; his eyes narrowed and his ears rocked back against his head. Simultaneously, his weight balanced in between each limb and Syrinx allowed his tail to act as a rudder. Chin was slightly tucked and shoulders were rolled while his neck was slightly curled back to encumber his neck in fur, flesh, and fat. Spine in alignment and knees bent slightly the boy waited for his challenge to be answered.

Syrinx vs. ??? for AZALEA

round zero


11-04-2013, 06:30 AM

Thane was awfully outnumbered and Gideon knew that even a two on three was dangerous--especially when one was already so injured out of the two, but he needed to get them off of thane at least somewhat--and so he came.

Shoulders were rolled forward and his head was pulled back into his neck a bit to scrunch up his scruff and surround his neck in fur, flesh, and fat. Eyes were narrowed on Artemis's back and his ears were pinned against his head. Weight was evenly distributed between four evenly spread limbs and his knees bent to further assist this balance. Paws lightly gripped the soil for traction and his tail was struck out in dominance and to act as a rudder. Head lowered and chin slightly tucked Gideon's spine was in perfect alignment and he found that his defenses were near flawless.

Still the war raged.

His body attempted to come forward and with great precision, and as Artemis seemed the best option Gideon would aim to crash his weight, using his chest, into her left hip. He had come at a forty-five degree angle so he would, unless her movements prevaled him, be able to void any attacks made. In similar timing with his possible and pending blow, and regardless of getting there, Gideon would snap his teeth out forward in an attempt to grab, by reaching over the hip, the fur and flesh that sat in between both of her hips--and there he would, regardless of attaining a hold, attempt to shake his head so that he might rip flesh from bone.

As his motions were attempted to harm the girl he also made it so that, all at the same time, his right limb snaked forward and his paw turned over so that rough nails would aim to quickly go upward and try to pull at her soft underbelly. Any damage, or really even the attack landing, were all up to chance and he knew there were a number of things that he could do.

Gideon & Thane vs. Isardis, Artemis, & Argent for DOMINANCE

round one

Bronze i


12 Years
11-04-2013, 10:16 AM

Almost immediately Bronze knew he had faltered. The two had been locked in a deadly embrace, and he had not kept his stance steady enough -- Lova's bite was deep and the flesh tore, a growl escaping his muzzle as he lost his hold on her. Mere seconds ago he had felt powerful and invincible; but now his world swayed dangerously, and he felt his limbs giving out from beneath him. The torn flesh would further rip as he swung down toward the ground, a searing white-hot pain flooding through his body as all the strength he had poured from his side in the form of dark red liquid.

There was little he could do as he felt jaws grasp his scruff, pulling his form away from the fight. The sounds around him would drift away as he faded into unconsciousness. All he could think of was whether he would ever return home, or if he would die here, without his family. A cry left his lips before everything went black.

(He was KO'ed.. I have no idea how to incorporate him being "claimed" so I'm gonna wing it so it makes even a little bit of sense in-character.)



11-04-2013, 02:35 PM
She finished her battle - the struggle with the beautiful giant was over and somehow the alpha had managed to prevail. The woman was now the property of Valhalla, and she was proud to have a hint new bartering piece to win back anyone that Glaciem had stolen.

Syrinx had acted just moments before her, challenging for Azalea. Her niece, her heir, the young female was family and rightfully hers - she would be glad to see her back where she belonged. She only hoped that her brother would once again prevail.

As for Chryaanthe herself, she would not stop with the woman that she had claimed. As they left their tangle for ownership, she would look the woman she had beaten in the eye before moving on. Her next bark would be one of a challenge - and her next target would be for Another higher ranked wolf within Glaciem.

Surely Isardis would return those taken for two of his favorite women?

Her defenses were set - her eyes narrowed, her ears pinned, and her jaws open. Her head was lowered over her throat and aligned with her spine. The alpha's legs were bent, her body lowered toward the ground and her weight evenly balanced so that her center of gravity was solid. Her back legs were squared, and her toes dug into the ground to create traction. Her tail was tucked behind her as she was stationary - but when her challenge was answered she would use it as a rudder to her movements.

Vs. Glaciem for Satis

Move 0 of ???



13+ Years
Extra large
11-04-2013, 06:32 PM

It always gave the large mare a zing of satisfaction when someone who?d never seen her before met her when they least expected it. Whether is was in the show ring, back with the humans, or in the paddock when a new horse had been put in her pasture, as she was friendly with all strange horses, and helped to settle them into their new home, or here, in battle, where some wolves had never even heard of a horse. Can you imagine? Not knowing what a horse was! The confusion she read in the wolfs body language as she bore down was highly satisfying.

Luckily enough for Satis, the desperate swivel of her hind end saved her pelvis or spine from a serious blow. However, Satis was not to get away fully Scott free. Obsidian tasted fur on her tongue as her large, horsy teeth met their mark around the loose skin of Satis? scruff. Hind legs drove her hooves into the ground, lifting her front end into the air as she attempted to rear up with Satis in her teeth, and hopefully jerking the wolf free of any hold on Rayne?s neck. If Satis didn?t manage to free herself, and Obsidian?s height on two legs was attained, the horse would attempt a tossing motion with her head, intending to shake the wolf through the air. If Satis had freed herself, Obsidian would instead lash out with her forelegs, in a motion to attempt at driving the wolf back, hind hooves squaring out for balance, haunches bunching and muscles working to keep her aloft. Her eyes were narrowed, ears pinned flat to her poll.

Fight Stats

Round: 2 of 3

Defenses: "If Satis had freed herself, Obsidian would lash out with her forelegs, in a motion to attempt at driving the wolf back, hind hooves squaring out for balance, haunches bunching and muscles working to keep her aloft. Her eyes were narrowed, ears pinned flat to her poll."

Attacks: Scruff attack from first round having landed, Obsidian will attempt to rear up, lifting Satis by the scruff and shake her. (Could possibly rattle her confidence, and probably her senses if the attack is successful.) If Satis has managed to wrench herself free of those teeth, Obsidian will lash out with her hooves as an attempt to drive her off.

Injuries: None yet.

Out Of Character Notes:

The Judge


11-04-2013, 06:39 PM

As per Siege Rules, dominance fights are not to exceed TWO ROUNDS, for the sake of judging ease. Please keep this in mind for future posts!

Thus, RAYNE has only one reply left to conclude the TWO ROUNDS.


11-05-2013, 01:43 AM
ooc// battle against surreal starts in the 2nd paragraph.


Rage and fury engulfed the dark heart of the brutal warrior. His attacks towards the other male succeeded, and he would give a vicious shake to his adversary, left claws raking over Pontifex's right eye. He hoped that he was able to at least temporarily blind him, whether or not he did he would release his opponents scruff and give a final bite to his opponents left ear. His hugging attempt had worked, and he had a good hold upon him as he would start to drag him to the ground. His body would move slightly back by a couple steps as he made his move to bring the warrior to the ground. Just as he bit down on the ear, he would feel a sharp pain on the right side of his abdomen. He snarled with more rage, aqua blue oculars trying to see what had caused the pain as he began his release of Ponti's ear. He saw briefly, the figure that had attacked him leap away, skin and fur in her mouth. Thanks to his slight movement from his previous shaking movement, Surreal had gotten hold of his flank and was able to tear away a good strip of flesh at least four inches long. Pain surged up his side, rage engulfing him all the more. He could feel blood run down his leg, the warmth dripping into the ground. With a snarl, he would finally throw his opponent to the ground in front of the girl as she made to rush him, his teeth slicing through Ponti's ear as gravity ripped it from his mouth. Soon after throwing his opponent down, he would give a rather vicious bite to the grey knight's upper back, tearing what he could before turning to the girl. Blood dripped from his jaws as she came at him. Jet would turn his attention to her and leap over Pontifex to meet the girl head on.

As he moved over the fallen warrior, he would begin to keep his defenses set. Ears lied flat upon his skull, eyes narrowed, teeth bared, weight evenly distributed upon spread legs, claws in the dirt for traction, toes splayed, tail aligned with his spine for balance, head lowered over his throat, scruff scrunched, knees became bent, shoulders rolled forward to protect the sides of his neck, jaws open and ready to grab at her as they rushed towards each other. She would collide with his chest, bruising it greatly though it would only jar him and stop him in his tracks as he held his ground. The bleeding pain on his right flank and the throbbing pain on his chest would spur him forward, jaws seeking her head as he made an attempt to grasp the back of her neck with his jaws. He was a few inches taller then her, and with her lowered position it seemed to give him leverage. If his mark hit, then he would seek to do what he did to the other warrior and shake his head violently to rip as much as he could from her. If his intended target area missed, then his teeth would attempt to close on whatever else he could in the area.

If he could manage to grab on to the back of her neck or her back, he would try to pin her down using his weight. If successful, then he would continue his assault and try to do as much damage as he could before attempting to throw his head back in an effort to throw her a few yards. He had the strength and muscle to do it, and had done it quite often to his own pack mates before they met their last fall as they met the oceans waters below. If she managed to squirm her way out from under him, then he would try to keep close to her. His injuries went ignored for now as adrenaline coursed through him, his vision filling with nothing but red as he sought to annihilate all opponents.

Fight Stats

Jet Vs. Surreal for knockout/seige
Round: 1/2

Defenses: Ears lied flat upon his skull, eyes narrowed, teeth bared, weight evenly distributed upon spread legs, claws in the dirt for traction, toes splayed, tail aligned with his spine for balance, head lowered over his throat, scruff scrunched, knees became bent, shoulders rolled forward to protect the sides of his neck, jaws open and ready

Attacks: Attempting to lunge for the back of her neck or whatever else in that area he can grab in order to shake violently to try and tear/rip flesh. If he misses then he will try to grab whatever else is in reach. If successful(or not) he will try to pin her down using his weight. If successful, he will try to do as much damage as possible(whatever it may be) and then attempt to throw his head back/to the side or whatever angle it's call) to throw her across the ground.

Injuries: 4-5 inch strip of flesh ripped from his right flank, bleeding and will scar. 4 half inch puncture wounds on his right shoulder. Severe bruising to his chest.

Out Of Character Notes: Permission given to edit for adding proper round count.

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think



11-05-2013, 11:30 AM



It was time. He had been lingering along the borders, ready to spring into action at any moment. His intentions had been to only assist the skull faced queen, but she had been beaten her first battle and had vanished out of thin air. It was sad really how easily she gave up. Perhaps this alliance was a bad idea? Ghostly eyes scanned the battlefield, his gaze bouncing from each fight. He knew the difference between the allies and the enemies now, so when his gaze caught the large hooved figure rushing toward a woman from glaciem, he went into action- even though he had told himself not to.

Defenses flawlessly fell into place. Ears folded against his skull, eyes squinted slightly, chin tucked, and lips curled. His entire pelt flared for extra padding, shoulders rolled to protect the sides of his throat and neck. Abdomen tensed, legs all evenly placed to ensure balance, knees slightly bent, paws pushing into the earth, claws extended and gripping the earth, and all toes splayed. His excessively long tail lashed out to be level with his spine while also out to act as a rudder in battle. All defenses were set.

Muscles coiled and smoothed beneath silky skin as the man silently took off toward the fight. He was coming from behind the horse, and as he came closer he caught sight of the horse grasping the woman's scruff. Already he could see the horse shift as she started to raise upwards while also taking the girl with her. This was when he attacked- right as the horse's front hooves left the ground. Muscles tensed as the man propelled himself upward and forward in an attempt to jump onto her back. If he succeeded and landed onto her back he would attempt to place his front paws on each side of her neck and throat. With his razor sharp claws still extended he would attempt to sink them into her flesh not only for support, but for an attack as well. He would attempt to sink his claws as deep into her as possible, then pull his paws slightly toward him to rip skin and or puncture her wind pipe or jugular while getting a better grip. His back legs would spread slightly than normal as he would attempt to place his back paws on her flanks. (one paw on each side of her, just as the front paws. he is in an awkward riding position i guess you could say lol) Back claws were also extended as he attempted to grip deeply into her flesh. He was attempting to not only injure her, but to anchor himself to her so that if she started to buck he would be able to hold on. During the same moment that he attempted to grasp the woman with his claws, jaws would splay open as he would attempt to sink his fangs into the woman's poll and forehead. Bottom fangs aimed to slice into her poll and his front aimed to sink into her forehead. He intended to do as much damage as possbile, and no matter where he ended up biting, he would attempt to close his jaws around the area in a bone crushing manner. He was a jaguar after all, and his first instinct was to go for her skull- so he did.


Kusugra & Satis vs Obsidian & Rayne for Dominance/KO
Attack: Running up from behind her, attempting to jump directly onto her back right as her front hooves leave the ground as she raises Satis up(while she is starting her attack against Satis) | Attempting to sink his front claws into each side of her neck/throat, then pulling slightly toward him to get a deeper grip. Also wanting to rip flesh or puncture her windpipe or jugular. Back claws aiming to dig into each side of her flank. | Jaws splayed open in an attempt to bite into her skull. Bottom teeth aiming to slice into her poll, and tops aiming to grasp her forehead. If successful, he will close his jaws in a crushing manner.| NOTE: all of these attacks are happening in sync with one another. Only a second or two gap between each movement.
Defenses: Ears folded against his skull, eyes squinted slightly, chin tucked, and lips curled. His entire pelt flared for extra padding, shoulders rolled to protect the sides of his throat and neck. Abdomen tensed, legs all evenly placed to ensure balance, knees slightly bent, paws pushing into the earth, claws extended and gripping the earth, and all toes splayed. His excessively long tail lashed out to be level with his spine while also out to act as a rudder in battle.
Injuries: None, first attack.

talk, think

Tagged: name | Word Count: ---

OOC: hope this made sense, wrote it while getting ready for work :P


11-05-2013, 12:47 PM

The battle raged on, her blood pounding in her ears, adrenaline coursing through her veins. The woman's grip tightened, bring a snarl from pale jaws. Unfortunately her own attack left nothing more than a scratch on the woman's ear. Anger bubbled in her chest. Jaws released her momentarily, immediatly she would thrash her head, with her chin tucked over he throat it would difficult for the woman to grab her throat, fangs immediately sank into the upper side of her neck once more, fangs drawing blood. It didn't take long for Obisdian to attack. Her adversary had clearly not expected the beast as her hips slide closer, pressing against her side. Much to her surprise she felt herself trying to be dragged, pressure build on her neck at the woman attempted to drag her into the path of the ebony beast. She and complete faith in the horse, no harm would come to her. A massive skull reach, flat teeth grabbing a hold of the oddly marked woman, lifting her up. This caused Rayne to be lifted as well, she felt her skin tearing under her own weight.

Her defenses held tight despite the odd position she found herself in. Ears pinned, eyes narrowed, hackles raised, shoulders rolled forward, tail flagged out like a banner, limbs spread out equally and bent for balance. Unhinged jaws would turn to her lifted opponent, aiming for her left forelimb (Raynes pov), she wanted to show this woman that no one messed with healers. Jaws aimed to grip tightly at the joint, looking to inflict as much pain as possible until the woman released her hold on her scruff. Toes flexed, claws digging into the earth for traction. As obsidian lifted the woman higher, she brought Rayne up on her hindlegs, causing them to spread for a wider stance for balance. She didn't know what the horse had planned so for now her goal was to hang onto wherever her jaws landed. Her right forelimb would rise, looking to claw at her adverts face, particularly her eyes. She wanted to woman to fear being blinded and release her, that was her final goal.

All the while a dark shadow crept forward, coming up behind Obsidian. The woman was far to preoccupied with her own battle to notice as the beast moved silentl. Blood stained her pelt, the adrenaline drowning out the pain. All she wanted was to return to her duties, help those that had been wounded during the battle. She didn't want to fight. It wasn't in her nature. She was meant to help the injured.

Rayne and Obsidian vs Satis and Kusugra for Dominance Round 2 of 2 (change because of judges note)

ATTACKS: jaws aimed to grab her adversary's feet forelimb, the one fartherest from Rayne, since her right leg is closest and pressed against Rayne. Her own right forelimb would lift aiming to claw at Satis's face, particularly her eyes

DEFENESES: ears pinned, eyes narrowed, hackles raised, shoulders rolled forward, legs spread out equally and bent for balance, tail flagged out of additional balance, claws digging into the ground for traction

INJURIES: bite wounds to the neck, bruised shoulder

OOC- I'm going to assume that since it wasn't mention, obsidian was successful in grabbing Satis by the scruff. wasn't sure how to play out kus's attack on obsidian without her own post, didn't want to pp.