
There was a welp within the grass


10-12-2013, 01:55 AM

"I am in love with the word of death, and the being of it all"

Life was always a fickle thing, you could hold it in your jaws and snap at it easily. Death was always something she had fallen in love with, and here, there were scents of old wolves and pups all over the place. The beast had to hold her tongue quick along her smile as she moved through the red forest within the snow. One would think, that she was never an innocent pup. The constant abuse from her father resulted in something terrifying and menacing all together. She stood at forty two inches in height, with a scar on each side of her face creeping into a large smile. While the strange lady had black as night fur, bordered with a black under belly and under tail, her eyes were a deep ocean blue to tie over the beauty of it all. And if it was one thing she enjoyed, it was the screaming, it was the feeling of the blood pooling at her feet. She loved the game, she loved the flesh, she loved the rotting, the whole lot of it. She was not afraid of the world, or rather she had been oblivious to it, she lived to make others fear her. Or make them feel uncomfortable, and that was exactly what she could do.
As she trudged through the snow, she hummed happily, a small nursery rhyme her father would sing to her when he was torturing her and her siblings. It sounded completely innocent, with tones of an angel. But it came from the lips of an evil demon who didn't even care about her well being as long as she got to destroy some part of flesh. She snickered, she could have been smart, or not. It was hard to tell with her corrupted mind. There was no telling what she would do, no emotion within her eyes. And the world was left rotting and falling into pieces underneath her. Did something, or someone live here? If they did, she would love to play a game.




5 Years
Athena I
10-14-2013, 10:22 AM

Black, white, and gray paws padded through the forest, a slight bounce in the young fea's step as she went. Now that her mother had returned everything seemed better and brighter! Even though it was super cold and the snow clung to her fur, Jian still wanted to go exploring. She had been glued to the den, waiting on her mom to come home, but now that things were kinda back to normal the pup wanted to stretch her legs. So that's what she did! She was sure she could find her way back home, but she couldn't see the den any more, which worried her a little.

Jian was just about to turn around to head back when a soft song met her ears. Her black-covered ears perked up and she turned her gaze in its direction, wondering who could be humming that song. Ever since their pack left the forest had been really quiet so it was weird to hear anyone other than her siblings and mom and Dempsey. Curiosity took her and she walked off in the direction of the sound.

After a little walking she spotted the black fea and she hid behind one of the many huge trees several feet away from her, peeking around its trunk at the stranger. What was she doing here? She wondered if she should be nice and say hello or if she should go back home and tell her mom about the stranger... Or maybe she would just wait to see what the fea would do.



10-15-2013, 04:32 AM

"I am in love with the word of death, and the being of it all"

Her eyes wandered for a bit, she could hear and she could scent. The obvious hiding spot of the pup, was what made her correct, her body moved towards the little welp. Her blue eyes showing nothing by evil as she peered towards the pup. Looking straight into her own eyes, smiling wide, and fairly big to the add on with the scars that made their home on her face. Ryu stiltedly flicking her tail, placed her paws out in front of her. "Hi, has the welp come to play with Ryouta?" She asked with a deep menacing chuckle, it sounded like the cross between a growl, and a gurgle with laughter all in one.
"You'll have to play fair, like a good little pup." She snickered, gasping slightly as she took in air. Moving closer, and closer, until she towered over the pup, her muscles stretching with her. If the mother was nearby she could simply tell her they had been playing a game. Though it was obvious she wouldn't care about that. Ryouta wanted to play, wanted to PLAY!




5 Years
Athena I
11-06-2013, 11:06 AM

The black stripped pup jumped as the fea turned to face her, getting closer and closer as their blue eyes met. Jian's ears folded back against her head and she took a step back away from the scary woman. She didn't like the crazy look the dark colored fea had and the scars on the woman's face frightened her. They weren't like her mom's scar, they some how made the fea look all the more frightening.

She flattened herself to the ground and peered up at the fea as she towered over her, holding back a soft whine that threatened to echo in her throat. Play fair? She didn't think that the woman was playing fair at all, being so scary, but Jian wasn't about to argue with her. "O-okay," she said softly. She didn't want to play with this woman at all, she wanted to run back to her den and find her mother, but she was afraid of what the fea may do if she ran. So instead she stayed very still, waiting to see what kind of game it was that she wanted to play.



11-06-2013, 06:14 PM

Aislin had spent some time at the beach, where she met two wolves that were strange to her but not worth not meeting again (minus the black male), and Aislin felt it good she at least met someone in these lands. Aislin was more or less exploring for now to determine the number of packs and what their numbers were. Aislin had set her eyes on Ludicael for now, though there were other packs she wished to check out until she decided to ultimately join the pack along the beaches. In the Red Forest, Aislin had noticed the air temperature change as well as the smell change, and it was sort of strange to go from salt to sweet, but it was nice. The salt from the beach had begun to burn her nose after a while. Sand still clung to her feet in very small amounts as she walked through the snow and leaves that were still around on the ground underneath the snow in some patches. The cold air began to sneak through her fur, but Aislin didn't mind it. It merely confirmed her existence. Aislin didn't mind the seasons, though her boring life was beginning to get to her. The only 'action' she had was fighting off a black male at a whale carcass. Exciting. Right.

However, the scent of two others floated within the air of the forest and it caught her attention since one of the scents told her that a very young wolf was nearby as well. Figuring that it might be nothing too important, she almost turned away to continue on, but she would like to ask about any nearby packs if the wolves knew of any, so in the direction of the scents she went. As Aislin went in deeper into the forest, it was apparent that the forest was rich with life during the warmer months due to the amount of plant life, trees, and leaf litter that was all around her. This would probably a perfect place for a pack, though she couldn't smell one - even with her tracking skills. Speaking of tracking, looking down she noticed a set of pawprints large like hers, and a smaller set. So a pup and a wolf was nearby? Mother and offspring perhaps? Looking closer at the prints however, one set of prints was older than the other, and it was the adults that was older but not by much. Aislin "hmmphed" to herself as she continued on. Eventually, she stumbled onto the pair. It looked much like the scene at the whale carcass and Aislin again groaned to herself. Instead, this involved a pup - one that couldn't fend for itself against an adult, and the adult that towered over it had a more or less evil look on her face and a grin that spoke of craziness. "Here we go again..." Aislin thought as she once again walked over and stood over the pup this time. If the pup didn't move, the pup would only see the front portion of her body as she walked up with her skull cast sharply on the female, and as Aislin stood over the pup only the belly and the long winter coat hairs would be seen. Aislin was medium height, but it was tall enough to stand over the pup. Aislin spread her legs so they were all around the pup in a defensive stance as it was apparent the pup didn't want anything to do with this female. Perhaps Aislin read it wrong, maybe the situation wasnt as Aislin predicted it, but Aislin couldn't help but listen to her gut about it.

As of this moment, Aislin said nothing. Only the gaze of her orange eyes settled onto the fae and said mostly what needed to be said in body language; need to back up a little bit, you're scaring the pup. Aislin had heard most of what was exchanged about play, and it was apparent that play to this female and play to this pup would probably mean two different things. If Aislin had misread the situation somehow, Aislin would apologize and leave of course, but not until she was sure that this pup was safe. Especially since both did not have their scents on each other, which meant they were not related, or friends of any sort. For now, Aislin simply gauged the potential of this female, and where her mentality lied.

741 words


11-22-2013, 11:03 PM

"I am in love with the word of death, and the being of it all"

Ryu backed up a bit in surprise to the larger female. Her sudden thoughts kicked at her, she had forgotten that she didn't hurt pups. Well, she didn't forget, she just didn't realize she was scaring the smaller one. She was naturally this way, and after easily sizing up the other Fae. Her steps stumbled backwards, in graceful strides she took two steps back. Her crystal eyes turning towards the small pup. Was this the mother, no they didn't look alike apart from those black sections upon it. She was still smiling however, she couldn't stop. "I sorry for scaring, just usually that way!" She giggled rearing her rump in the air at the pup. Looking at the female, as she raised her body once more licking her chops once with a slightly wagging tail.
"Are you this welps mother?" She asked, dearly curious. After all a stranger protecting a pup was not uncommon. But it was odd for Ryu since she had somewhat of a mother complex when it came to pups. Ever since her siblings, where she cared about them sooo much. They were probably dead though, and the way they looked at her when they practically disowned her had torn at her heart strings.
