
Brynjolf Clan


11-07-2023, 11:26 PM

Brynjolf Clan

A clan born of ice, women are the ones who hold all of the power in the Brynjolf Clan. The Brynjolf Clan are a clan of warriors, and are often larger wolves. The Clan are very closely knit, and even though who aren't blood related to the Clan but rather marry into it or are adopted into the Clan are still considered family to all. There are, however a few things about this Clan that makes them unique and that any who join officially into the Clan must accept and follow.

For more complete and in-depth information, see the google doc here. Only basic information will be listed here for ease of access.

The Brynjolf Clan is a strictly Matriarchial society. This means that even if a male is the firstborn pup of the Matriarch, he will never hold a higher rank than his female siblings. They worship any and all Norse gods, and its common for a portion of meat from a hunt to become an offering to their gods before any of those in the Clan are allowed to take their portion of the meat. When it comes to having pups, it is considered an honor to get permission from the Matriarch to have a litter.
Any pair wishing to have pups must receive permission from the Matriarch before trying for pups. This is an old tradition reaching back many generations of Brynjolf members, and is done in order to make sure the Clan doesn't overpopulate more than they can provide for. Another reason why permission must be granted is so that all the pups can be born around the same time, and so they can share the care of all the pups between them.
If a member is found to have gotten pregnant/had pups without permission, they will be stripped of their rank down to Affiliate within the Clan and must work their way back up the ranks by gaining respect of their fellow Clan members. Once again, an old hold-over from the founding of the Clan. If a member were to have pups apart from their fellow clanmates, those pups could risk not having close bonds with those around their age and potentially risk dying if their mother was unable to provide for them.


Some of the traditions of the Brynjolf clan might seem old and outdated to those outside of the Clan, but to those born and raised within the family its normal. A few of them are as follows:
❆ A hunt must be overseen by the Matriarch, and the gods must be prayed to prior to the start of the hunt. A hunt that is done without paying to the gods will be considered tainted prey, and must be discarded.
❆ All those who wish to have pups must request permission from the Matriarch prior to trying for pups with their partner.
❆ Betrayal of the Clan will place a bounty on one's head. The betrayal of one's Clan and family is not taken lightly by the Clan.
❆ Those who betrayed the Clan will not be given funeral rites, and they will also have the Brynjolf name stripped from them.
❆ Pups and elders eat first. The pups are the future of the Clan, and the elders are the past. Preserving both is very important, as we must understand our past to teach the future.
❆ Any pup under Clan protection is to be protected at all costs - even if they are not in any way related to anyone in the Clan.

Clan Ranks



Tier One
❆ Matriarch - name here (taken)
❆ Consort - name here (semi-open)
❆ Heir - name here(closed)
❆ Thane - name here (open)


Tier Two
❆ Princess/Prince - name here (closed)
❆ Hersir - name here (open)
❆ Aesir - name here(open)
❆ Berserker/Valkyrie - name here (open)

❆ Læknir - name here (open)

Tier Three
❆ Affiliate - name here (open)
❆ Prisoner - name here (open)


Design Tips


❆ Blood related members of the Brynjolf Clan have a very defining mark that spans across their shoulders. It is a white or nearly-white roughly 'T' shaped marking. It is uncommon for one who shares the Brynjolf blood to not have this distinctive marking.


❆ Cool-hued eyes (blues, greens, and purples) are a marker of the Clan. If a wolf in the bloodline has warm-toned eyes, they are considered 'impure' in the eyes of the family and typically looked down upon.


How to Join

So being a part of the Brynjolf clan intrigues you? Please at least provide these basic things for joining - everything else is up to you!


Character Name:
Character Age:
Character Rank:
RP Sample:

Background © Unsplash | Code + Concept © Zodiac

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1. Brynjolf Clan Adoptions 11:26 PM, 11-07-2023 12:07 AM, 08-24-2024