
Kicking Up Seaspray



10-04-2013, 05:08 PM
There were few things more therapeutic than the seashore to Arayne. The waves, the wind, the absolute freedom she felt standing on the shore, it all helped to wash away her bad mood and replace it with giddiness. She galloped across the sand, pushing herself to go faster, loving the sound of the wind whistling her head ears. Leaping a large, twisted piece of driftwood, she skidded to a stop, throwing up chunks of sand. Tongue lolling and eyes bright, she looked about the beach and spotted a flock of seagulls. With a childlike grin, she charged through the flock, sending birds up into the air with a flurry of scolding squawks. One feather drifted down, and she made a spectacular leap to catch it midair, shaking it about before releasing it again to let it drift to the ground.

Finally exhausted, she loped to the water's edge and began searching for seashells and shark's teeth. Minnows darted away from her paws, continually dragged along by the waves rolling in and out. A large mass loomed in front of her, and she went forward to investigate, finding the smooth, bare, bleached bones of a long-decomposed beached wall. She had seen a whale once, but only it's back from a far distance as it breached, and to her the bones might have well been from a monster. She sat in the giant cavern that had once housed a gut, and tilted her head. "Echo!" she called, then laughed as her voice rebounded off the bones. "Echo!" she shouted again, listening to the phantom voice repeating her words.


10-04-2013, 05:20 PM
He loved this beach, there was so much easy pray. Seals that sat lazily on the shore, to far from the water to escape, fish that swam about slowly and sluggishly, they both made easy pickings. He could smell the salt on the air. He preferred the metallic tang of blood. He grinned.

He had seen the female as be was walking. He growled silently, she was frolicking inside a whales skeleton. She should not be so happy. He would confront her. He looked at her brown coat. It was boring, he liked interesting pelts. Some might say his was boring, but he thought of it as, minimalistic. He looked at her eyes, as much as he hated himself for it, they were beautiful. A bright electric blue.

OOC: sorry for the short-Ness.



10-04-2013, 05:52 PM
It seemed she wouldn't be alone for long. The wind was blowing the male's scent away from her, but she could see him clearly in the distance. She was not, however, close enough to see the scowl on his face. "Hello over there!" she called, wagging her tail. "Come to enjoy the beach too?"

Slipping between the bones of the massive ribcage, she trotted towards him, her posture loose and playful. "Have you seen that giant skeleton? Crazy, right? What do think it is, some sort of whale?" As she neared, she began to see his glare, and faltered slightly. Was she trespassing again?


10-06-2013, 11:34 AM
He growled. "Enjoy is such a strong word, I would say, more, hmmm... Well, kill, murder, mutilate." He said with strong distaste. He HATED females, especially happy females. "Where is your pack?" He growled. He chose not to answer the skeleton question, that would show interest, and that was definitely not there. He wondered if her skeleton would be fun to play with. The 'shadows' in his head twisted and laughed, so he laughed with them. His black fur kept the cold out nicely, he wasn't warm, but he wasn't dying of hypothermia. It was warm in his cave, his youth pelt-bed, the stone walls instigated his body heat quite well.




10-06-2013, 08:12 PM
Arayne drew her head back at the male's words, expression a mixture of fear and confusion. Well. Somebody didn't like the beach. She sniffed, affronted, as he rudely demanded to know what pack she was in. "I have no pack." she said, lifting her head and tail proudly. "I go where I please, when I please." Come to think of it, he had no pack scent either. Or maybe he did, and she just didn't recognize it. She had yet to meet any wolves in a pack, aside from that batshit 'empress' Cattina.


11-06-2013, 10:00 AM

"I go where I please, when I please." when and where she pleased? Someone should have the the bitch on reins. "Why little female, why don't you have a pack. You must belong to someone, my dear little darling." he began to circle her whispering in her ear "Why you could belong to me, come with me little one" he continued his circling, before stopping abruptly to stare into her eyes. Either she would come or she would not, he might just force her. He could be his slave. She would belong to him, his own little gem. He looked at her, he went up to her again , came closer and again whispered, "You would be happy little gem.", he tried his best to keep the hate out of his tones. His yellow orbs shon with a firey lust. This bitch was his and he wanted her.

OOC : If you don't want Arayne to go with her just run away, he'll be too lazy to follow XD

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11-06-2013, 04:02 PM

Maybe it was his voice dropping to a sibilant whisper that keyed her in that something was up, but when he began to circle, her hackles rose along her spine. "I don't think I need to belong to anybody," she replied, going stone still but tensing up as if she was about to bite. When he propositioned her, all that came out was a choked noise of disgust and disbelief. "Excuse me?" she demanded. "I just escaped one pair of shackles, I'm not about to take on another." She held her tail high, crinkling her muzzle at him to expose her teeth as he drew closer. "That's close enough." she said in a tone of quiet threat. "I think you need to leave." Half of her attitude was bluff, of course. She wasn't a good fighter, and while she felt she could hold her own for a while, if it came to a fight she would be more interested in trying to squirm free and head for the hills.

(It'd certainly make for a fun plot xD Although she's done a lot after this particular thread was posted, so I think her timeline would get jumbled up. She's also got a thread with Isardis and we know what he's like (although Yumpy hasn't posted yet due to being busy) so I don't know if he'll invite/claim her to Glaciem. If you do want to do this plot though, we could probably sort it out.)"Speech"


11-06-2013, 05:47 PM (This post was last modified: 11-08-2013, 03:57 PM by Aislin.)

The beach was not necessarily something she thought she would ever venture on to, and it felt funny on her toes. It was as if millions of stones, or funny crawly things were tickling her toes as she walked on the sand and even though it felt funny, it felt rather relaxing. It was better than walking on large boulders and stones from the mountains all day, where snow was abundant and the crisp air froze the lungs. Down at the beach and the sea, the salt air replaced the cold in the lungs, and the tangy sort of taste was a welcomed change to her tastebuds. Orange eyes scanned the open area of the beach and noted that two wolves were speaking amongst each other and Aislin watched for a moment as the two frolicked near a whale carcass. Eventually, Aislin began to lose interest and walked the opposite direction they were in to continue her exploration. Aislin knew she was nearby the Ludicael pack and it had struck her interest compared to the blood thirsty, harem type, too goody two shoes sort of packs that made her nose turn. Ludicael seemed like it would be a good fit considering that it had a mix of everyone all in one place. When Aislin got to about a couple hundred feet away, she still could hear the conversation.

"I think you need to leave."

Aislin turned around to take another glance at the two. Was there a fight about to break out? Aislin wasn't sure and she sure as heck didn't want to break up some mate fight, with the way that the male was acting. The black aggressive beast circled her and a flag rose in her gut. The earth toned female with ice blue eyes glared at him and obviously a little disturbed. Aislin grumbled to herself as she fought with her conscious on wanting to intervene, but what would happen if word caught that a girl was hurt due to an aggressive male not wishing to take no for an answer? Finally sighing in defeat, Aislin loped over.

Aislin could tell that the male was much larger than she, and she could only assume that he liked killing things or causing mayhem more or less. Aislin stepped in between the both of them and looked at the male like he was nothing, but then stood up against the female with her right side since Aislin stood on the strange females' left side.

"What are you doing, bothering my girlfriend here?"

Aislin asked as she glanced over to the copper female and gave her a wink as if to tell her to play along before glancing back to the male.

"Don't you know a taken female when you see one?"

Aislin spoke again with her orange eyes glaring into the males yellow ones. Aislin could see that there wasn't something right with him, and he had been through a few fights from the scars on his muzzle. Whether he lost them or one them was another story, but it proved that this male was dangerous.

"Why don't you go find someone else more your type?"

Aislin tipped her nose upwards in a gesture for him to turn around and leave. Aislin wasn't a strong figher, but with her skills from hunting and tracking, she could dodge a few moves and outwit him if the need came to be. Inside her gut, something told her to take her and run, but if she turned her back now, there was no telling what this male would then do. It was best if the two of them stood their ground and faced him until he either left, or made a move to fight. Regardless, this situation was proving more dangerous with every passing second. "Man, why did I have to go all goody two shoes today?" Aislin thought to herself.

641 words; Don't mind Aislin. She's strange that way.


11-23-2013, 06:29 AM

A black female stalked onto the scene, he turned to face her What are you doing, bothering my girlfriend over there. Don't ya know a taken female when you see one? Why don't you go find someone else more your type? he smirked. Ah but you see, there is no scent of another on her. So you cannot care too greatly for her. he came up and around behind The little black female. And what is this lovely ones name he wiped his face of expression. He began to walk back to the copper fae. And I haven't even gotten your name yet, but I know that you are not taken. he looked back to the black woman. So why don't you scamper back from whence you came wench, we are getting along just fine he growled.

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11-23-2013, 08:11 AM

(xD Lesbian rescue!

If this does come to a claim Arwen, would you be okay with her getting away for the moment? I'm just trying to keep her timeline from getting scrambled up.)

Arayne had been seriously contemplating a fight when they were joined by a second female, similar in color to Sebastian. At first, she watched the newcomer warily, but when she spoke, Arayne's expression shifted to confusion, followed quickly by a brief feeling of understanding. Ohhhhh. She pressed her side against the other female's, and adopted a properly waif-like look, trying to play the part of missing lover. It was an odd way to rescue someone, to be sure, but she wasn't about to pick and choose who could help her. Besides, alignment was not really something she judged on.

She gave Sebastian a smug smile, feeling braver now that she had another wolf on her side. Unfortunately, it seemed he wasn't having any of it. She winced internally as he picked apart their ruse, stalking around the two she-wolves. Arayne watched him carefully, ready to come to her "girlfriend's" aid if he attacked. When the male asked for her name, she snorted, attempting to ignore his proof that she was still a lone wolf. "I don't see why I should give it to you, especially since you've neglected to give me yours." If she knew his name, perhaps she could better avoid him."Speech"


11-23-2013, 10:48 PM
OOC;; Aislin isn't claiming, but more or less in for the fun of it :3 It's yall whatever you wanna do :D
"Just because she doesn't smell like we had sex in a while, doesn't mean she isn't mine. Besides - you are sitting under a whale corpse. Surely the stench has gotten your nose messed up. It surely has mine all funkified." Aislin was glad the female got the message and then relaxed by leaning into her more, and in response Aislin did the same and wrapped her tail around the brown females toes, to try and make the ruse more believable. It was kind of entertaining, this ruse, that she had thought of within the last couple of moments quickly, and it could be useful for later times. However, it seemed the ruse wasn't working all that well on the one male wolf, as he verbally confirmed it. A sigh escaped her lips and as if mentally putting a hand to the face in frustration, she lifted her paw and hid her eyes for a moment. "Okay you see, here is the problem. Obviously this woman doesn't wish to go with you, and it's not right to force a girl like her to go with you. Yeah, goody two shoes talk, but I mean come on. Who would want to go with you with a face like yours anyway?" This was now a challenge. With Aislin now standing tall in front of the female, she bulked up her muscles and lowered her head some in a challenging gesture. He was bigger than her. Sure. She was more nimble however. Not to mention there were two wolves here, and not just one against him."Won't need to know his name after I kicked his ass. He would be too embarrassed to give it out. But since I will be giving you the ass whooping you have been begging for, you should know the gifter. I am Aislin D'Toula."

Aislin's hackles rose knowing that there was no way this guy was backing down. His very aura seeped from him and gave her goosebumps, but it has been way too long since she last had a fight that was worth while - or even got her adrenaline going. The orange eyes she had set on Sebastian glowed even brighter now with the aspect of a potential fight. Not to mention the fact that she could use the whale as leverage, though it's own body could cave in from even her leaping onto it. However, with the fact that it was so massive, and that the scent was so strong, that perhaps she could use it on this 'battlefield' for the time being. Aislin could tell that the brown female was also gauging for a fight as she watched her body language change in response to the male out of her peripheral vision. "I'll give you a warning. You're big. I'm not. You're strong. I'm not. But I can out-step you better than you can bring the biggest game in the land down, and I will wear you out faster than you can call for your momma. Not to mention your fat ass will slow you down from your size. You got two against one here - get your brain to be bigger than your balls and step off".

538 words


12-01-2013, 06:44 AM

He grinned at Her words, You see the only purpose woman serve is so that you can screw them over. All I want to do is put you to good use. And you can trust me, my nose isn't, Funkified At her next comment, he roared with laughter. How pitiful that she thought that she could beat him. See these scars, you see them, I have been in many fights. These were won as I ripped a man's throat out. Because he pissed me off. I killed him, and his family. I sleep on a pelt from a female that trespassed on my land. You REALLY don't want to mess with me. She rose to a defensive position. She wanted a fight. But he couldn't be bothered with one. He had met finer females that he could enslave. He walked up to her and whispered, You've been lucky this time, but cross me again. You're dead. he reached his head over to Aislin and nibbled on her ear. Hoping the perverted movement would repulse her. Before leaving with a brisk walk.


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12-01-2013, 10:05 AM

Arayne followed Aislin's lead, puffing up her hackles and staring a lupine challenge at the black male. Her muzzle crinkled at his final boasts and threats. When he finally left, she couldn't resist a parting jibe (although an admittedly cowardly one, seeing as he had already turned tail). "I do so ever look forward to our next meeting," she called after him, the bratty princess in her briefly resurfacing. "I'll be sure to bring my girlfriend."

When he was a speck in the distance, she turned to Aislin, lips quirked with barely contained laughter. It finally rushed out in a boisterous torrent as she laughed at the sheer oddness of their ruse, as she laughed at his melodramatics, as she laughed as the sheer, heart-hammering terror she had felt transformed into shaky relief. "That," she said, sitting down and managing to recover herself, "was the most unorthodox way of rescuing someone I've ever seen." She grinned at Aislin, nodding her thanks. "I'm Arayne Na'Varra, a pleasure to meet you." She turned to look at Sebastian's pawprints in the sand. "Wish I had gotten his name, though. He looked like somebody I'll want to avoid from now on." Despite her boast as he left, the whole event had left her shaken. She had never been threatened like that before, and it frightened her. "Speech"


12-02-2013, 12:50 PM
When Sebastian spoke, she watched him carefully and noted the aggressive tone on his voice and how he was not interested. Glaciem would be the perfect pack for him it seemed, but for now he was a loner. As he turned to leave, Aislin watched with a strict look until he was well out of sight. His offensive speech was nothing to Aislin and more or less it was a waste of time for her. Letting out a sigh, Aislin smiled and turned to Arayne who was laughing her ass off at how Aislin saved her. Aislin had to mentally laugh at the cowardly comment she gave, but for someone not used to such a situation, it wasn't too much to worry about. So long as he didn't come back, Aislin was pleased. In turn, Aislin also laughed at the cunning, and yet strange, way to step in the middle of something for someone elses sake. when Arayne introduced herself, Aislin nodded in response. "My name is Aislin D'Toula. And yeah, that was one of my more less impressive ways to save someone, though I was wishing for something more heroic... though I am not sure what. Still, it was quite funny." Aislin turned to look in the direction of where Sebastian left and determined that he was far away enough to not listen. "I am pretty sure the name won't be what you recognize, but his smell. The odor he has is quite foul, and I could smell it before I even got here. It tells me he is of the more violent type in more ways than one, but none-the-less, he looks fairly harmless." Aislin looked back and shrugged.

I just got done from recovering 10 days of the super bug from hell, so I am keeping this short.