



6 Years
11-05-2013, 01:04 PM

Gitan had waited long enough, scanning the battle field for a target or anyone who might choose to target him a familiar form had leapt out at him a few times, the woman had been with the silver demon when he had attacked Taurig. A growl bubbled up from his throat, he wanted nothing more than to avenge his alpha however she had been busy but upon seeing her victim fall he felt the rage bubble up in him again, with a growl he flattened his ears against his skull. His hackles raised, Tail raised out behind him for balance, his eyes narrowed and claws digging into the dirt for traction he would rush towards her. The man would attempt to slam into her right side, trying to knock her off balance, should that succeed he would then attempt to rise up top of her and grab her scruff.
Gitan Vs. Argent for knockout/seige Round: 1/2
Defenses: Flattened his ears against his skull. His hackles raised, Tail raised out behind him for balance, his eyes narrowed and claws digging into the dirt for traction
Attacks: He would rush towards her. The man would attempt to slam into her right side, trying to knock her off balance, should that succeed he would then attempt to rise up top of her and grab her scruff.

Injuries: N/A



11-05-2013, 05:31 PM

[Image: 2tHh5hD.jpg]

Everything moved fast and went by quickly as actions done by himself and others went by in a blur. The man would note the attack Tidus had taken, that must mean he was out. He figured he was alone now; on the king's back and soon joined by another foe. A white dame would come to aid the king. As Thane clung onto the albino man's back he would try to hold on by digging in his claws as best he could as he tried to tighten his grip. The dame who came forth to fight alongside the king against Thane would come up behind him and the albino man. At the same time Isardis would try to turn the nape of his neck to the right to grab Thane's right limb. In reaction to this the man would attempt to pull back his right limb as his body started to slip off the king's back from the angle Isardis was at above the ground. The man did not fall fast enough; his right forelimb felt a strike of pain as the albino bastard's teeth sunk into his limb just above his ankle. The paw was out one side of the mouth while the upper limb was out another. Trying to react quickly the man knew that if he were to try and pull out his forelimb that it would only cause further damage. Instead of sliding down any further the man who was in pain attempted to dig claws into the man's sides from all four limbs but his one that was in the white man's mouth. Due to the fact that Isardis had his nape turned to the right to grab Thane's right forelimb the man would lean forward and attempt to sink his teeth into the far left of the man's neck. If he should succeed Thane would bite down onto the supposedly exposed left piece of neck from the wolf's nape turning towards the right. If his bite should sink into the man's skin; sharp hard canines and teeth would dig into the skin as Thane would try to shake his head back and forth to try to butcher the area as best he could. If the attack should not succeed Thane would retract his head and go back to attack the mid-back of the man. He would attempt to sink his teeth into the man's back and keep a hold onto the skin as he would try and use his hind-limbs to scratch the king's hindquarters.

Then came the teeth, a rather small pain but an unexpected one compared to Isardis' blow. The male's right hind limb would be set in the jaw's of the white dame that Thane had foolishly forgotten about. And now her fangs were wrapped around his right hind limb just above the ankle. In an attempt to have his limb be freed the man would try to rip his limb from her jaws by giving it a good tug. Doing so would cause a deep gash and there would be gashes along where her teeth would have been along with a path of semi-deep gashes where they would have ran across the limb if he were to be successful.

an eagle's cry would scream as Cyril swooped down towards the white dame. The golden eagle would extend and open it's talons as they were aimed toward's the fea's back. The eagle would swoop down swiftly and attempt to have his talons sink into the woman's left shoulder-blade deeply and gouge out some skin. If not successful then the eagle would attempt to fly back up high into the sky before diving back down again to open his talons and attempt to gouge at the dame's face if the first attack were not to go through. If both attacks by the golden eagle were to somehow be dodged the eagle would attempt to flee back to the sky and would continue to circle above the pair of three as he would let out screeches and cries.

Thane would pay no attention to Cyril for the moment as his priority now was himself. Seeing now that Isardis had supposedly freed his right limb from his jaws Thane would watch as the albino man would dip down some more which would cause Thane to slide off the king's back but to the side in which he would have his jaws latched onto the king's neck if the attack would follow through. Either way first attack to the left nape of the neck or not the man would slide to the left and he would meet the man's attempted attack to his left limb with jaws clashing. The brute would open his jaws wide and would let out a growl as he would do so. Instead of having Isardis grab onto his left limb that would no longer be there, Thane's face would be in that place. The man would meet his opponents attack with open jaws, hopefully teeth and jaws clashing together as one another tried to get a hold. Isardis' attempted attack to the left would result in his canine's scraping the man's nose. Thane would ignore the burn and would attempt to clamp his jaws down on Isardis' upper muzzle. If the attack would follow through then the brute would bite down hard and he would shake his head left and right, to and fro. If the attack were not to succeed then the brute would try to jump backwards in an attempt to get some space between the two. During this his eyes would be narrowed as his white lined ears would still be pinned against his skull. the man's neck would be lowered slightly as he held his jaws agape. All limbs that would be free would be spread evenly apart in an attempt for better balance as they were bent slightly at the knee. The toes of each paw on the ground would be splayed out as his claws would dig into the dirt in another attempt to hold his stance and balance with his neck scrunched up as well.

Thane vs. Isardis and Artemis

Defenses:Thane's eyes are narrowed and his white lined ears are pinned against his skull. His neck is scrunched up while all four limbs are spread evenly apart and bent slightly at the knee. Toes are splayed on the paws of each free limb as the claws are digging into the ground or dirt.

Attacks: As Isardis turns the nape of his neck to the right to grab Thane's right forelimb he would attempt to lean forward and attempt to sink his teeth into the far left of the man's neck. If he should succeed Thane would bite down onto the supposedly exposed left piece of neck from the wolf's nape turning towards the right. If his bite should sink into the man's skin; sharp hard canines and teeth would dig into the skin as Thane would try to shake his head back and forth to try to butcher the area as best he could. If the attack should not succeed Thane would retract his head and go back to attack the mid-back of the man. He would attempt to sink his teeth into the man's back and keep a hold onto the skin as he would try and use his hind-limbs to scratch the king's hindquarters. Next Cyril(Thane's companion) would swoop down and would extend and open his talons as they were aimed toward's the fea's left side of her upper back. The eagle would swoop down swiftly and attempt to have his talons sink into the woman's left shoulder-blade deeply and gouge out some skin. If not successful then the eagle would attempt to fly back up high into the sky before diving back down again to open his talons and attempt to gouge at the dame's face if the first attack were not to go through.

Injuries:Thane has deep gashes on his right forelimb where Isardis' teeth had sunk in. His right hind leg has deep gashed on his limb but depending on if pulling his leg out of Artemis'mouth or not was successful; if that is what went through then the gashes would be across his limb starting from where her teeth sunk in and then reaching across the limb from Thane pulling his leg out of her mouth if it was successful.

I talk,
I think,
you speak"


11-06-2013, 12:11 AM


It was really the only thing he could feel, the only thing he could comprehend other then the white hot rage ebbing through his veins. He bit down on that pain and let the anger fuel him as he aimed his attack at the male he had come to suddenly hate so much. He felt blood and flesh tore away and stuck in his teeth as the male dropped down suddenly and seemed to disappear. At the same time there was pressure on his hind leg and flash of pain on his tail. He needed to get away, needed to flee, and that was the thought that propelled him forward. Flesh ripped away from his tail, almost balding the end and probably fracturing the bone near the middle as the pressure increased near the thickest part of his tail. His movement forward caused him to stumble and trip as tried to get his legs away from what was behind him. He couldn't even comprehend anymore. Something hit him hard on his right hip and if he wasn't already out of the wolf's grip he was when an even bigger wolf threw all his weight at Vixe. If not for his lunge forward he knew it would have hit him in the ribs and knocked the air out of him but now it was simply gone and instead heat, pain and then finally numbness took over his hind limb. He didn't know where his original attacker was but there was more blood coming from his left shoulder, flesh ripped from the muscle and he only vaguely noticed a harsh bite wound to his right that before the impact sent him spinning and then tumbling away.

Getting up was hard this time, adrenaline still flared through him but weariness and pain were beginning to take their toll. He was a bit of a distance from the three now, blood was pouring freely from his shoulder, tail and skull but still a twisted grin formed on his features. "Your her dad aren't you? Just do it then, come and fucking kill me like I know you want to! Just you and me!" He barked, his voice a twisted growl as he took a step forward. His hind leg was beginning to regain some feeling, a sharp tingling coming through his limb as it returned to life. he kept his weight off it for the moment, knowing it would need to take more weight when his front left leg began to give out. Hell, he knew the worst part was the amount of blood he was loosing, his injuries were nothing to bother him for life but the blood loss was what could easily kill him if he wasn't careful. He waited, wanting to see if Collision would take him up on his offer or if he would have to face all three of them until he either killed one or they killed him. The earth ached for blood and he was willing to give it even if it meant his own. Paws spread slightly and joints loosened so he lowered his centre of gravity. He didn't even want to look down at his paw, didn't want to see the damage done but pain and heat rippled up his right leg as surly as it ebbed through all his other wounds. Ears flattened once more as sickly green eyes narrowed at the massive beast standing before him. He tried to steady his breath, curling his abdomen in and attempting to flex his tail out behind him but all there was was a sharp pain that arched all through his spine so he let it hang as it was. Nails spread and then clenched into the blood soaked earth to better traction then finally his shoulders rolled forward as he scrunched his neck and tipped his chin down as far as he could before blood started to pour into his eyes. He was ready for him...

0 of 3 Vixe vs. Collision DEATHMATCH

ooc;; gonna try and get Vixe away so we can more this to a 1 v 1 battle with Collision and Vixe, so I'll let Collision start us off!

Defences: Stance widened and joints loose to lower his centre of gravity, eyes narrowed, ears pinned, saying fuck it to the tail, tummy tucked, toes spread and clenched into the earth for traction, neck scrunched, shoulders rolled forward and chin tipped down.

Attacks: This is pretty much what he did since I'm writing like he's delusional and it might not make sense. Bailed hard from Caerul and tried to lunge forward, moving him forward so Collision hit his right hip instead of ribs and sent him spinning at the same time as Sarak took a large chunk of flesh off his left shoulder and Vixe went tumbling like a sack of potatoes away from them. Sarak's last attack was a bit unrealistic to land since Vixe went flying so I wasn't sure how to play that. If you want to run after him and say it landed thats okay by me, I just wasn't sure how to write it in sorry :( other then that no attacks at this point. Switching to 1 v 1 mode!

Injuries: A shit ton... Lets start at the beginning shall we? Four gouge wounds to the top of his skull, split ear that is bleeding heavily. Flesh wound on his right front shin. Four deep puncture wounds to his left shoulder with bruising as well, leg damaged and he will begin limping once the adrenaline wears off. Puncture wounds with a bit of a tear to the top of his inner and outer left thigh, also will hurt once the adrenaline wears off as well as superficial punctures and tears to the loose skin of his ruff. Newest wounds being slightly skinned and either fractured, dislocated or broken tail (judge's choice cuz I know you guys like inflicting pain on us), heavy bruising on his right hip, more flesh ripped off his left shoulder as well as flesh torn off his front right paw.




11-06-2013, 07:07 PM
Success. She?d strike her aim true, biting into the male?s eyeball and leaving him blind however she would. Argent stepped backwards, defenses checking themselves. Legs spread equally apart, limbs bent, weight evenly distributed, claws biting into the ground, toes spread, center of gravity lowered, hackles raised, tail lashing out behind her, head lowered to align with her spine, shoulders rolling, neck scrunching, chin tucked, jaws parted, eyes narrowed and ears pinned back. Solid was her stance, eyes flickering to her right as movement came to her periphery. Hips began to pivot to her own left, preparing for the impact of the incoming smaller wolf.

His right paw collided with her left shoulder, leaving mild bruising and scrapes, and pushing her to her own left slightly. Such a motion would deny him any balance upon her shoulder. His left would miss completely due to the angle she?d moved to, and thus the silver knight was not pushed to the ground, for she?d only received half of his intended attack and she was of larger size than he was. The silver knight wasted little time in further pivoting her hips to her own left and moving forwards, seeking to slam her right shoulder into the outside of Gitan?s right, head lowering and seeking to bite around one of the foremost ribs on his right side, seeking to deliver a powerful bite.


The Judge


11-06-2013, 07:51 PM


Round 1:

10 for clarity-

10 for powerplaying.

10 for defenses. eyes narrowed, limbs square, weight equal, spine aligned, tail tucked, abdomen tense, elbows bent, chest lowered slightly, toes splayed, claws digging, shoulders rolled, chin tucked, hackles raised, ears pinned, jaws ready.

8 for attack. shoulder to ribs, jaws to side of throat

10 for injuries.First round

Round one Total: 48/50

Round 2:

10 for clarity- Notes

7 for powerplaying. I really didn?t like how Satis didn?t take anything from Obsidian?s attack, and instead pushed the response back an entire round. I don?t think she could have moved that quickly, and I think this could have been dealt with differently.

10 for defenses. limbs square, weight equalizing, spine aligned, tail tucked, abdomen tense, elbows bent, chest slightly lowered, toes splayed, claws digging for traction, shoulders rolled, chin tucked, hackles raised.

7 for attack. holding her bite, realigning jaws to aim for windpipe/jugular, attempt to drag Rayne into the path of Obsidian?s attack.

8 for injuries. skin graze below left ear

Round two Total: 42/50


Round 1:

10 for clarity- Notes

10 for powerplaying. Notes

5 for defenses. Chin tucked, eyes narrowed, back hooves planted, ears pinned

8 for attack. hooves for Satis? spine, teeth for her scruff

10 for injuries. First round.

Round one Total: 43/50

Round 2:

10 for clarity- Notes

7 for powerplaying. ?Obsidian tasted fur on her tongue as her large, horsy teeth met their mark around the loose skin of Satis? scruff.? This doesn?t automatically just happen, Satis attempted to move, Obsidian has to attempt to go after her.

5 for defenses. hind hooves square, ears tucked, eyes narrowed

6 for attack. lifting up to pull Satis up and off of Rayne, attempting to shake Satis if still holding her, if not still holding her ? attempting to drive her back with her forelegs. Also, watch the if, then attacks as they can be tricky to respond to.

10 for injuries. Not attacked

Round two Total: 38/50

Round 1:

6 for clarity- There were a few clarity issues in here, and some grammatical things that were difficult to read. Make sure to include lefts and rights, and be SURE to say who you are talking about? the terms ?her? and ?she? don?t help in a fight between two girls.

8 for powerplaying. ?Hind legs moved back and out as the dame pulled the woman closer to her.?

10 for defenses. chin tucked, ears down, eyes narrowed, tail tucked, legs spread & bent, shoulders rolled, hackles raised,

6 for attack. jaws for left side of Satis? face/ear, pulling back to bring Satis closer to her (pp deducted)

6 for injuries. Please describe injuries more in the post so we know the severity.

Round one Total: 36/50

Round 2:

6 for clarity- ?despite the odd position she found herself in. ? what position, exactly? You need to be more descriptive to make it fair to the other players. Really really need to work on adding lefts, rights, angles, etc into your posts.

5 for powerplaying. No one said Satis was successfully lifted up, you can?t assume this.. and most of your attack depends upon her being lifted. ?with her chin tucked over he throat it would difficult for the woman to grab her throat? avoid phrases like this when possible.

10 for defenses. Ears pinned, eyes narrowed, hackles raised, shoulders rolled forward, tail flagged out like a banner, limbs spread out equally and bent for balance.

6 for attack. jaws aiming for Satis? left forelimb, right paw aiming to scratch Satis eyes,

5 for injuries. again, no description is given on severity of injuries.

Round two Total: 32/50

Round 1:

10 for clarity- Notes

10 for powerplaying. Notes

7 for defenses. Ears folded against his skull, eyes squinted slightly, chin tucked, and lips curled. His entire pelt flared for extra padding, shoulders rolled to protect the sides of his throat and neck. Abdomen tensed, legs all evenly placed to ensure balance, knees slightly bent, paws pushing into the earth, claws extended and gripping the earth, and all toes splayed. His excessively long tail lashed out to be level with his spine while also out to act as a rudder in battle. Lost points because his balance is completely compromised during his leap/attempt to land.

10 for attack. Leaping up onto the horse?s back, hoping to sink his claws into the sides of her neck, jaws aiming for poll/forehead

10 for injuries. First round.

Round one Total: 47/50


Satis: (45) 90/100

Obsidian: (40.5) 81/100

Rayne: (34) 68/100

Kusugra: 47/100

And the winner is...

Satis & Kusugra! Rayne must give up by either submitting, fleeing, or passing out and may no longer participate in the siege, she has been knocked out.


Satis- Skin graze below ear, will heal in approximately 3 OOC days.

Obsidian- Injuries to be determined based upon Kusugra?s attack?s success ( you guys can talk about this)

Rayne- Deep bite wound to side of neck, will heal in approximately 2 OOC weeks.

Kusugra- No injuries.


Tips for both writing, and some suggestions. (no points are deducted here)

For Yumpy
I only really had issues with you putting off an attack for an entire round, and that was probably only because this fight was determined to be so short and so it really put difficulties on how things would play out. Otherwise, great fight!

For Briena
Work on your defenses considerably, as well as watch your power playing.

For SecretAffair
Work on your clarity (lefts, rights, angles, positioning) as well as power playing.

For Ais
Not much for me to say, as you only were involved in one round.

For Everyone
I know this was a difficult fight, but you all stuck with it and did a good job. Contact me with specific questions and I?ll do my best to explain my reasoning.

- By [Andy]



4 Years
11-06-2013, 10:40 PM

The pale woman was knocked out of the fight, and as much as Satis wanted to let free a sigh of relief, the sudden pressure of a blow to her shoulders would cause an impolite yelping of frustration to refocus her onto the events that loomed ahead. Hair began to tear free of the equines clutch atop the shoulder blades, and out of retaliation the marked warrioress would strive to whip her skull around to her right; and with narrowed sights fixated firmly upon the dark eyes of her equine attacker, gaping jaws would attempt to reach for Obsidian?s right eye in an ambitious effort to try and sink canines into the tender flesh that encased her socket. For a moment Satis felt forepaws lifting free of the earth beneath her as the horse shook her skull, as if gravity had been seized by the monster that threatened their lives; fearful she would whine, however her coat hadn?t been strong enough, and as rapidly as it had come, the bristles of her shoulders would rip free and the youth would find herself again sure-footed.

Raw skin lay bare beneath, prickling with pin-drops of blood where the skin had threatened to tear away also. But it seemed the babe was no longer alone, and although she didn?t entirely trust the efforts of the barely familiar jaguar; she was appreciative as much was possible within her adrenaline-fuelled state of mind. And on the presumptions the equine was now distracted, she would seize the same opportunity that the cat had seemed to; and regathering her senses Satis would attempt to leap out of harms way, to her left, and with no more than two hopeful strides attempt to approach Obsidian?s hind limbs. Haunches would aim to point away from the mare, at a slight angle towards the right in order to attain vision of the vital tendons that loitered beneath the skin of her lower left hind limb; which Obsidian now relied upon to maintain her rear. And carefully, however hopfully, Satis would bare her jaws and aim vicious incisors and canines towards the shallow suspensory ligament in an attempt to attain a grasp, secure it, rapidly shake her skull upon whatever grip was attained (to exceed no more than 3 seconds), and then hastily turn to her left in an attempted lope to move out of harm?s way as fast as was realistically possible.

She was aware now that she was likely to be joining her sister in Valhalla, but she wasn?t to be as disappointed in such an event as one would suspect. Dissapointed she was, however Impra would likely require her emotional and physical assistance, and Satis was willing to provide her with it. It would not be long until they would return home. Defences remained still, rigid and faultless in their standings as she would attempt to pause in her flee a safe few strides away, if it had been managed; Eyes narrowed, limbs square, weight equalizing, spine aligned, tail tucked, abdomen tense, elbows bent, chest slightly lowered, toes splayed, claws digging for traction, shoulders rolled, chin tucked, hackles raised, ears pinned, jaws ready.

Satis & Kusugra vs. Obsidian ? Round 1 of 1

For Dominance/KO.

Defences: Eyes narrowed, limbs square, weight equalizing, spine aligned, tail tucked, abdomen tense, elbows bent, chest slightly lowered, toes splayed, claws digging for traction, shoulders rolled, chin tucked, hackles raised, ears pinned, jaws ready.

Attacks: Attempting a blow with her jaws at Obsidian's right eye, then attempting to bound to the left out of her way, and take advantage of her rearing position; at the angles explained in post, strive to bare her fangs and sink teeth into the left hind suspensory ligament. She would then attempt to shake her skull for no more than 3 seconds to cause excess damage, turn to her left and move a few strides away to safety as best she could.

Injuries: Large area of torn hair between the shoulder blades, with small skin cuts where the coat was ripped free.

Ooc: Obsidian says if Satis gets free of her jaws she will lash out, but she actually had a hold on her scruff for some time so I wasn't sure whether or not to have it hit/occur?


11-06-2013, 10:53 PM

This was wasted time. She let herself go limp with submission, her adversary releasing her as Obsidian struck. The moment jaws parted, the pale dame took to the ground running. She needed to get back to the Healers den and help with the wounded, there was no one on the battlefield. Long limbs stretched, pushing her across blood stained grass, her two toned gaze intent on her destination. She kept her head low, tail tucked, an attempt to avoid being grabbed as she sprinted to the safety of the den. The scent of blood flooded her nostrils, Obsidian could handle herself, the healer wasted no time.




7 Years
11-06-2013, 11:55 PM

Surreal completely missed her mark, as her enemy brought down Pontifex and managed to face her head on in time. So instead, she collided with the larger male?s chest, halting his progress, but bruising her right shoulder and affecting her balance. Quickly, her mind snapped through solutions, and found one. So instead of trying to dart out from danger, she lowered herself further, almost laying down in a sphinx position, before attempting to lean hard in against the male?s left front leg,hoping to knock the leg out of the balance stance, simultaneously craning her head sideways and up in an attempt to latch her jaws onto the opponent?s throat, chest, or lower jaw. Whatever she managed to grasp, she would bear down on it in an attempt to strangle his breathing or immobilize his jaw.

Teeth connected with her upper back and she flinched away, forcing herself not to give a growl. Then his weight began to press down on her, and she attempted she shove upward into the male's chest, hoping to throw him off, tightening her jaws on whatever was between her teeth, before throwing herself to the left, hoping to rip away whatever she had in her jaws, clenching her teeth as she felt his teeth sear through the flesh in her back, tearing away a three inch strip of flesh and fur. She came to her paws and automatically fell into a squared stance, neck scrunching back into her shoulders, which rolled forward to protect her neck, her hackles raising, and her ears pinned back flat to her skull.

Surreal tucked her chin to her chest , narrowing her eyes as she forced herself to ignore the pain in her upper back. Abdomen muscles tensed and her toes splayed, claws seeking traction in the soil as she readied herself for his next move.

Fight Stats

Surreal vs Jet for Knockout
Round: 1 of 2

Defenses: Attacking his underside is some form of defense as it could hopefully make him pull away. Flinching away when his teeth connect with her back. shoving upward into Jet in an attempt to shove him off of her as he starts trying to pin her. Throwing herself to the left. Once on her feet: Squared stance, rolled shoulders scrunched neck, hackles raised, ears pinned, eyes narrowed, tucked chin to protect the neck, tensed abdomen, tucked tail, splayed toes, and claws digging into the ground for traction

Attacks: Dropping down to her belly, and trying to basically shove into his left front leg in an attempt to knock him off balance. Attempting to fasten her jaws around his chest, neck, or lower jaw and apply pressure on whatever she gets a hold on. (If she gets the jaw, for example, she will try to apply the pressure to immobilize it. If she gets the neck/throat, the pressure she hopes to apply will either cut off his air, or threaten to do worse damage. Chest will have the least damage should it be what she gets, if she manages to fasten on anything at all, though there is the hope that anything she does get might make him pull away.)

Injuries: Heavy Bruising to the right shoulder. Bruising and three inch gash in her upper back (Just below her shoulderblade area)

Out Of Character Notes: This has to be one of the messiest fight posts I have ever done.

[Image: a5Wob8t.png]
Surreal's family is allowed to crash any thread she is in, regardless of it being private or not.



6 Years
11-07-2013, 05:58 PM

Azalea paced herself. She couldn't be sure when the fighting would start but she guessed that it was already well underway. Glaciem and Amenti wolves had rolled out long ago and that left Azalea with a lot of catching up to do. It felt bizarre, being out of the snow capped north. Fall became more and more evident as she moved toward Valhalla. Her home called to her and longed to race toward it full throttle. There was surely a fight waiting for her, though, so she needed to save energy.

Walking upon the familiar grounds of Valhalla's border, it didn't feel as warm and welcoming as usually. Her ears caught the angry snarls of the fight and her nose caught the whiff of blood. The battle was on.

Azalea picked up the pace, racing across the familiar plains. The battle wasn't hard to spot, it was out in the open and wolves clashed everywhere. Her eyes struggled to find focus on any one wolf but they couldn't. She thought she saw Isardis but it could have been any white wolf. She wanted to see Chrysanthe, to see her parents. Sarak.

There was a flash of Argent, the Glaciem she-wolf thick in battle. Azalea's hackles raised surprised that they were not already on end. This field of hurting wolves, it was exactly what she had feared. She had dreamed about this, endless nightmares. She just hoped that it wouldn't go as it did in her dreams.

In real time there were only seconds spent sidelined, doing nothing. Her head lowered, tail pulling tight between her legs. Ears folded back against her skull as a wicked grow boiled up from the pit of her stomach. Glaciem had chosen to fuck with the wrong wolves. The little Adravendi woman was furious.

She had grown tense, stance widening for a more grounded balance. Forward she moved in a stiff war dance. There was no time for hellos, it was time to go to war.

Her eyes grew narrow, looking around for an opponent as well as protecting from any attack. There was only one question on her mind: who would it be?

Azalea v. --

0 of 2

defenses: Hackles raised, eyes narrowed, tail tucked, ears flattened, stance widened for better balance.

attack: --

wounds: --



11-07-2013, 10:01 PM

Due to the rightward angle of Isardis? reaching jaws, Thane?s attack to the left side of his neck would fall unfortunately short of significant damage; the muscles and skin were tightened due to the flexions of his right-extension, and somewhat luckily his opponents incisors would manage little more than to break the top layer of stretching skin and pull away sensitive hairs. The dark beast began to shake his skull as Isardis would mercilessly attempt to tighten the muscles of his jaws around his landed attack above the ankle, pushing forwards in an attempt to force the limb into his molars where bone-crushing force would potentially be applied. Meanwhile, fragments of his coat would be torn away from his red-raw skin with the thrashing of Thane?s skull, pins of blood threatening to break the surface due to abrasion.

Upon his retraction and change of direction to left, Isardis would instead be met with the boys face; a somewhat welcomed surprise as Thane would latch against the structures of Isardis? upper jaw, teeth grazing over sensitive leather as The King would retaliate. Ambitiously, Isardis would strive to lock mid-way and slightly to the right side of Thane?s lower jaw with his own ravenous teeth; determined to tighten relentlessly as lower canines would seek the sensitive, bone-less skin on the underside of the jaw (under the tongue, on the outside) and the upper canines into the soft flesh of the tongue. With the man now apparently freed of his back, Isardis would aim to twist his haunches to his right until hopefully forming an ?L? shape with his opponent?s right side; still striving to maintain his jaw grasp. Then, stepping several times to the left, and hoping to push downwards with his skull (simultaneously twisting his head rightwards to ease any discomfort on himself), Glaciem?s King would attempt to push Thane?s lower jaw back towards his chest until it possibly snapped or dislocated at the hinges due to the unnatural angle.

If the boy moved backwards Isardis would strive to move with him, the idiot?s grasp upon his upper jaw managing no more than surface-scathes and discomfort to the bone and nerves. It seemed Thane would aim to thrash his skull, however Isardis hoped his own defences and rigid spine would ease the severity of the motions. As was typical of the practised warrior his defences would remain; limbs square, weight equal, spine aligned, tail tucked, abdomen tense, elbows bent, chest slightly lowered, toes splayed, claws digging for traction, shoulders rolled, chin guarded as much as was possible in his actions, hackles raised, ears pinned, eyes narrowed, jaws ready, muscles rigid.

Isardis & Artemis vs. Thane ? Round 1 of 2!

For permanent maim to Thane; Severe Lameness, and/or defected speech via tongue attack. (To be decided on by The Judge)
Defences: limbs square, weight equal, spine aligned, tail tucked, abdomen tense, elbows bent, chest slightly lowered, toes splayed, claws digging for traction, shoulders rolled, chin guarded as much as was possible in his actions, hackles raised, ears pinned, eyes narrowed, jaws ready, muscles rigid.

Attacks: Attempting to worsen damage to attack on right forelimb. Attempting to lock with Thane?s lower jaw (as he bites Isar?s upper jaw), hoping to sink lower canines into the soft, bone-less skin under the jaw, and striving to sink upper canines into the tongue. He will then step left-wards after repositioning his body, and hope to push Thane?s jaw back towards his chest in hope to break or dislocate at the awkward angle.

Injuries: Small skin tears and abrasion to the left side of the neck, also loss of hair. Grazing on the skin of the upper jaw.



13+ Years
Extra large
11-07-2013, 10:22 PM

Obsidian snorted as she saw Rayne flee. Her objective to protect the Healer from further damage had been successful and her attention turned to Satis as the wolf yelped in her teeth. As the young wolf tried to snap at her eye, the horse instinctively shied away, head jerking to the left, and loosening the fur in her teeth, and one canine scored a small gash just below her right eye. Indeed, as she began to rear, the weight of her opponent pulled the wolf free. And that was when her pinned ears heard the rush of air, and Her nostrils flared. Flight instinct kicked in, sending the horse in a headlong charge, disregarding the dropped Satis.

Pain flared on both haunches as sharp claws sank into her flesh. As her front hooves met the ground and took her weight, the horse lashed out with both hind hooves, attempting to land a double barrel kick to the big cat clinging to her rump, giving a shrieking whinny that rose above the sounds of fighting and wolves snarling. She lashed out again, trying to dislodge and damage her attacker. Unknowingly, her flight and kicking kept her out of danger from Satis? opportunistic attack, or at least the worst of it. She?d lost complete track of the wolf after the cat?s scent rammed itself up her nostrils. The big cat, to her, was a much larger threat than the wolf. Her tail was firmly clamped against her rump, but other regular defenses were thrown to the winds, taken over by a horses? natural response to being pounced by a predator.

Fight Stats

Round: 1 of 1

Defenses: Shying her head to the right side as Satis snaps at her right eye. Kinda flew out the window once the cat smell hit her nose. Charging forward in instinct, lashing out with both hind feet once her front feet touch the ground and take her weight. Kicking out again. (If these kicks hit, they'll most likely land around the ribs or abdomen, maybe around the thighs. She's not really aiming, just flailing wildly like a girl with a spider caught in her hair.) Satis' attack has missed due to Obsidian's forward leap/lunge, so her jaws will probably snap on air, or catch a few feather hairs. And due to the horse's forward charge, Kus has not landed on her back, but has landed instead with front end clinging to her rump, and his claws will have latched onto her hips.

Attacks: Kicking out with her hind hooves in an attempt to injure or dissuade Kus. If these kicks land anywhere, the most likely places of impact will be as listed in parentheses in Defenses.

Injuries: Small rip below her left eye. Deep gashes on her hips, bleeding heavily.

Out Of Character Notes: I am so sorry for taking so long... And I imagine that if Obsidian manages to dislodge the cat, her rump will match her shoulders, strips of flesh gashed away by Kus' claws, but this is up to Ais.



6 Years
11-07-2013, 10:30 PM

Gitan should not really expect his attack to do much, the woman was bigger than he was, a definite strength advantage there. But then? he might be faster, more agile. That would remain to be seen however as his charge did make contact, pushing her left somewhat. His next attempt failed however and he came back down upon his paws gearing up for retaliation, crouching down some to prove a smaller target. If she could use her size to her advantage he would do the same. He kept his eyes glued on her but wasn?t quite fast enough to avoid her charge, snarling as she collided with his right side. That would leave bruising no doubt, he felt her make to bite for his ribs and skirted away quickly, though she had managed to bite at his skin some.
On the offensive now the male attempted to quickly skirt around her, attempting to snap at her flank on the left side before quickly rounding behind her and lowering his head, covering some of his throat, and opening his jaws, mirroring her previous attack, in an attempt to grab hold of her left back leg. He was positioned so that the majority of his body was behind her out of easy reach. Tail out behind him for balance, forest green eyes narrowed and ear back, hackles raised and claws burrowed into the ground for protection.

Gitan Vs. Argent for knockout/seige Round: 2/2
Defenses: Tail out behind him for balance, forest green eyes narrowed and ear back, hackles raised and claws burrowed into the ground for protection, head lowered covering his throat some. Crouched to be a smaller target.

Attacks: Attempted to quickly skirt around her, attempting to snap at her flank on the left side before quickly rounding behind her and lowering his head and opening his jaws, mirroring her previous attack, in an attempt to grab hold of her left back leg.

Injuries: Bruising upon his right side and torn skin near his ribs on the right side.



11-07-2013, 11:36 PM

War had reached the dames ears, and so she had bided her time to leap into the fray with her dear husband. Though her husband did not know it, she would aid him just as she had promised during their life together. Even with her memory loss, Ookami had regained some of it back, and she knew that Thane was her husband and that they were extremely loyal to each other. Small paws danced across the ground as she moved like a shadow through the bodies of flailing and fightings warriors. The stench of blood did not unnerve her as her sights fell upon one goal. Her heart quickened when she finally spotted him, her husband being attacked by a white albino who seemed to be threatening the life of her beloved. With a snarl, she would place her defenses. Ears tucked, hackles raised, head lowered over her throat, weight evenly distributed, shoulders rolled forward to add protection, eyes narrowed, tail out for balance, and then she would charge from behind the beast. Her small body ran swiftly over the ground, her paws quiet as her weight was evenly distributed, and the noise around them would hopefully aid in masking her approach. Her narrowed glare glinted with hatred to those who sought to harm her family, and so she would seek to do as much harm to them as she could.

She would close the distance, lips curling over her open maw to reveal sharp daggers as she aimed for the white beasts left hind thigh. Her teeth would seek the femoral? Artery(can't remember the name atm but the main artery in le hindleg lol) and she would attempt to grab on as best she could and then try to rip out what she could to cause heavy bleeding and pain. If an enemy wanted to play, then she wouldn't play nice. She had no mercy for those that tried to hurt her loved ones, and so this bastard would learn. Fury edged her features, her tail tucking as she made the attack, scruff scrunching and her muscles tightening and going rigid as she held her body low to the ground, kneees bent, toes splayed, claws digging into the soil for ease of movement. She wanted to try and handicap this beast, and so after her initial attack wherever she hit, she would leap back and go for another target on the same leg; his Achilles tendon. Her teeth would seek a mark, wanting to rip flesh and muscle from the body of the beast. She wanted to do as much damage as she possibly could, so she would put everything she had into her attacks and not hold back.

Ookami & Thane Vs. Isardis

Round 1/2

Defenses: Ears tucked, hackles raised, head lowered over her throat, weight evenly distributed, shoulders rolled forward to add protection, eyes narrowed, tail out for balance, weight evenly distributed, lips curled, teeth bared, her tail tucking as she made the attack, scruff scrunching and her muscles tightening and going rigid as she held her body low to the ground, kneees bent, toes splayed, claws digging into the soil for ease of movement.

Attacks: Attempts to bite Isardis' left hind femoral artery?(whatever its called) and she would attempt to grab on as best she could and then try to rip out what she could to cause heavy bleeding and pain. Afterwards she will then leap back and then move forward again in an attempt to grab and bite the achilles tendon on the same leg and do as much damage as she could.

OOC// As stated beforehand, I don't want her becoming maimed. I already allowed one wolf to do so even when I asked him not to be...I would kindly ask that this be respected. Thank you.



11-08-2013, 02:52 PM



Success? Not so much. Despite the mans effort to inflict serious damage to the horse he hadn't even landed in the desired area on her back. Nevertheless he still had an advantage. Though his landing had been rough due to the horses sudden charge forward his claws had not been totally useless. Razor sharp claws sunk into the flesh of her hips as his chin fell upon the front part of the woman's group. His chin would likely bruise from the impact, but it would be no where near a threatening injury. His mouth had been open and ready to grasp her head, but due to the impact it had momentarily clicked shut- but now it was gaping open again, fangs seeking to purchase the back part of her loin. (beneath where his chin had landed) Back paws had landed in a very particular place. His original aim had been to set them on the woman's sides, but since she had charged forward, they had landed on the woman's gaskins on both of her back legs. Instinctively his body had curled around the curve of her massive rump, which not only assisted his momentary balance, but his grip. Luckily for him this had caused her first kick to miss. Due to his gripping claws and curved body, he had managed to hold onto her during the first buck.

The second buck? He would not be so lucky. As she quickly rose and bucked again the man realized that he could not hold on much longer. He could risk a full blown kick to his body by holding on, or he could be flung across the battle field away from her and to safety. He would take a bruised body over punctured organs any day. He would release any flesh he had managed to grasp between his jaws (if his attempted bite worked, because despite her movement he was still aiming to bite her somewhere) and he would allow his body to be flung backward and off of the horses back. Front claws would be curved and drug as he attempted to do as much damage to her hind end as possible. A loud roar would raise above the snarls and growls of the wolves around them as he flew a good three feet away from the she beast. He hit the ground with a loud thud, and instinctively he allowed his body to roll a few times before quickly gathering himself back onto his feet. His muscles already ached from the impact, but with the adrenaline pumping through his body the pain was bearable.

When he was up again, and during the entire time on her back, he had kept his defenses in place. While on her back his ears were folded against his skull, eyes were squinted slightly, chin was tucked, and lips were curled to expose his fangs. His entire pelt flared for extra padding, and his shoulders rolled to protect the sides of his throat and neck. His abdomen remained tense, his body was slightly curved to align with the curves of her rump, his tail was out and curved slightly to assist with his balance, his claws were extended, and his toes were splayed to assist in gripping as much flesh as possible. When he had been bucked off, he had closed his jaw to protect his teeth from any possible kick, had pulled his legs close to his body to protect them from any lashes, and had relaxed his body to prepare for the grounds impact. Once standing up again his legs evenly parted, his knees slightly bent, his head leveled with his spine, his tail leveled with his spine, his claws extended to grip the earth, and his toes splayed. He was again ready for anything she might throw at him.


1/1 Kusugra & Satis vs Obsidian for KO
Attack(s): Attempting to bite the end portion of her lion before she begins to buck (since he had been intending to bite her head he was still aiming to bite something upon contact) | claws gripping her flesh before and as he gets bucked off, attempting to rip and do as much damage as possible.
Defenses: Both during and post attack defenses stated clearly in the last para.
Injuries: Bruised chin, moderate bruising on his entire body(ribs/sides/stomach) from hard impact during his landing.
OOC: I used THIS as a reference to the words i use in my post regarding areas of the horse. I also drew on THIS picture of a bucking horse to give you an idea as to where kus landed on her before being bucked off.

talk, think

Tagged: name | Word Count: ---

The Judge


11-08-2013, 03:29 PM

Azalea and is now permitted to fight in The Siege.

However Ookami may NOT participate in the siege due to her rogue status and because she was not informed IC of the war.

- Vivien (please contact ME if you have an issue with this, thanks.)

The Judge


11-08-2013, 03:50 PM

Due to NOBODY fighting back against SYRINX'S challenge for Azalea in the three day time slot, AZALEA IS NOW A VALHALLA WOLF. Due to NOBODY fighting back against CHRYSANTHE'S challenge for Satis in the three day time slot, SATIS IS NOW A VALHALLA WOLF.



11-09-2013, 12:30 AM
Defenses remained in place during the entirety of her battle; legs spread apart equally, weight evenly distributed, limbs bent, center of gravity lowered, toes spread, claws gripping the soil beneath her, tail lashing out behind her, hackles raised, shoulders rolled, head lowered to align with her spine, neck scrunched, chin tucked, jaws parted, eyes narrowed and ears pinned back. The silver knight?s jaws and shoulder collided with the male, but he was quick, moving swiftly. He first moved in front of her, a foolish move by far. Alas, did he truly think he was quicker than her jaws, which were released and free?

She pushed forwards, hoping to slam into him and bisect him, seeking to intercept him on his way to move to her left side. Jaws snapped, seeking to bite into his spine, head shaking back and forth to hopefully bring about severe damage (COUNTER, DAMAGE FROM BOTH OF HIS ATTACKS PENDING). Success would prevent him from moving around her side and trying to get to her leg and her flank. He was fast, but he wasn?t that fast, and although Argent could certainly be underestimating his speed, for him to move completely in front of her and to her side without receiving the pain of any sort of reaction from her would be quite some feat on his part.




11-09-2013, 02:59 AM (This post was last modified: 11-09-2013, 03:02 AM by Gael.)

He was done fighting; he had managed to beat the crazy skull wearing bitch who thought it a good idea to try and stake her own claim on him. Well he had definitely showed her that he wasn't about to be taken down that easily or at all. He was a Valhallan wolf, born and raised, and he would remain that way for the rest of his life. And there was no one that could or would change that for him.

Blood was oozing from his chest in rivulets, staining his silver pelt a deep crimson. He could feel the blood pulsing painfully beneath his skin, pain radiating all through his body. Breathing was becoming just a tad bit difficult now. He could see that his fellow packmates, family and friends alike, were still battling against the enemy, but as much as he wanted to continue on in the fray, he just didn't think it to be the best option. He was already severely injured and to throw himself into another fight would be to sentence himself a prisoner and the young Heir wasn't looking to put himself in that position. Not with the new rank that he had acquired. They had taken his sister, but they wouldn't be taking him too. Frame would turn away from the woman's slumped figure, limbs pulling the Heir out of the fray and towards the borders, hoping that no one would notice his exit. He needed to get back to Meili. He needed to find her and know that she was safe.



11-09-2013, 04:43 AM

Bloodlust filled the beasts jaws as teeth met their mark upon the back of the girl. He felt pressure against his left leg, and instantaneously he would lurch forward as he became unbalanced. The girl had succeeded in unbalancing him, but only for a moment as he would pull back to lift his head out of her reach. He snarled when he felt her teeth latch onto his mid-chest. Narrowed eyes glared with fury at her form, ears laid back, tail lashing behind him in anger, hackles raised, his head lowering over his throat as he felt her teeth grasp him. When she moved to the left, he pulled the opposite way and her teeth would rip out fur and skin; a 4 inch gash that would bleed upon his chest. The attack only enraged him further, and he was furious that this welp would try to best him. Drool and spit leaked from his maw, a most venemous snarl erupting from his vocals as he lunged forward and towards her right. Teeth gaped open in search of her flesh, this time aiming for her right foreleg. If he could manage to grip her foreleg, he would attempt to grasp her in his jaws and twist his head away from her to try and cause immense pain, possibly break or fracture the bone.

The beast ensure to keep his defenses up. Tail became aligned with his spine for balance, eyes narrowed, ears flat, hackles raised, claws digging in for traction, toes splayed, knees bent, head lowerd over his throat as he makes his attack, weight distributed throughout his limbs as he prepared for a second attack. Whether or not his previous attack hit, he would try to bring his right paw forward in an attempt to scratch at her face while simultaneously turning his head towards her to bite at her right shoulder or upper back. Teeth would seek any sort of mark, however, depending on how she would move. His claw attack merely a distraction. He would try to keep moving with her, using his larger size to the advantage. Should his teeth make their mark upon her shoulder or upper back or wherever, then he would try to dig his teeth in deeper before pulling away as fast as he could to cause pain and possible bleeding or whatever damage he could.

Fight Stats

Jet Vs. Surreal

Round: 2/2

Defenses: Tail became aligned with his spine for balance, eyes narrowed, ears flat, hackles raised, claws digging in for traction, toes splayed, knees bent, head lowerd over his throat as he makes his attack, weight distributed throughout his limbs, jaws splayed.

Attacks: lunges forwards and towards her right in an attempt to grasp her right foreleg in his jaws and twist his head away from her to try and cause immense pain, possibly break or fracture the bone. Whether or not his previous attack hit, he would try to bring his right paw forward in an attempt to scratch at her face while simultaneously turning his head towards her to bite at her right shoulder or upper back. Should his teeth make their mark upon her shoulder or upper back or wherever, then he would try to dig his teeth in deeper before pulling away as fast as he could to cause pain and possible bleeding or whatever damage he could.

Injuries: 4-5 inch strip of flesh ripped from his right flank, bleeding and will scar. 4 half inch puncture wounds on his right shoulder. Severe bruising to his chest. 4" gash on his mid-chest area, bleeding and will scar.

Out Of Character Notes: I am so sorry if this post sucked, I've got a lot goin' on right now ^_^;

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think



11-09-2013, 11:40 PM
Edited to add counter--

ooc: i had actually been pending the wait of Sarak to exit their fight...and since I don't see that happening? Brie I am gonna assume you'll be alright with me assuming Collision said fuck the world this is mine? Okay good -and begin-

his blood pumped and churned and he could feel the heat explode through him. This was...everything...intense and awful and wonderful and it was utter bliss. Something he could not simply come to understand. His lips curled in anger and hatred for the boy that was before him and only after each of his attacks racked the others body did he listen to the words that poured from his mouth. Death? Is that what he wanted to bring to this court? But, of course. Collision could only see red now. He could only see blood and payment--and he was aiming to bring back what had been taken. Honor. They all doubted him and the things he was capable of, but alas...Collision was more than capable of giving them what they had brought on themselves. Death. Anyone that had once thought him a poor leader would have their views altered. Today was the last day he allowed himself to be the submissive king.

"Then to the death! You will never hurt my flower again!" and with that he could only expect for hell to be unleashed.

-fighting begins-

Shoulders slid up over his neck and his head pulled back (also tucking his jaw a bit) to coil his neck back and further encumber his neck in flesh, fat, and fur. Jaws were, clearly, open and his eyes were narrowed in on Vixe's bloodied body. Ears rolled back against his head and limbs evenly positioned themselves on the ground below.. Tail was struck out to act as a rudder and knees were slightly bent to further advance his already proficient balance. Paws lightly gripped the soil and Collision made sure to equally distribute his weight and keep his spine in perfect alignment.

Collision would then try to force himself on Vixe and would aim to sink his teeth directly into the boy's face wasting no time. His attempt would be to throw his head directly forward and aim to push his top set into Vixe's right eye and his bottom set into Vixe's right cheek. Regardless of his succession he would gnash his teeth together. Hopeful, of a grip it would be done with enough power that he could hope to heavily and deeply scar Vixe's face. Collision's skull remained upright.

His left shoulder would thrust forward, in the same time as his aforementioned attack, attempting to smash into Vixe's mid-chest. His goal was to make the boy breathless. Oh how he aspired to rock his body of the life giving breath. Simultaneously his right paw would lift and attempt to hook around Vixe's left ankle and pull it out from under him in an attempt to unbalance him. Everything was done simultaneously, including Collision re-distributing his weight onto his three still grounded limbs. To further assist this his back legs would sprawl apart a bit and give him a more powerful base despite his quick and reckless decision making.

Collision vs. Vixe for DEATH

round one