
Silent Solidarity


The Syndicate

Expert Hunter (130)

Expert Navigator (140)

2 Years
11-26-2023, 01:20 AM

The return of his brother did not bring much joy to the shadowed wolf. Such a simple presence was nothing more but a large joke that carried no amusement from him. This had not been what he thought would come of their reunion. A new bitch at Sephiran’s side. Whose tongue held no respect for the Saxe Gods themselves. Yarrabelle took a quick liking to her. He, on the other hand, wanted nothing more other than to get rid of the beautiful woman. It stirred something within his gut and he chose to distance his self from them entirely. Wandering the paths until barren cold lands became spring’s warm Forrest embrace. Grass brushed his paws as his walked. Ears shifting at the slightest of sound. Whilst, those blood red eyes remained sharp and narrowed ahead. Taking in all and everything that crossed their path.

Cifarelli mumbled under his breath a series of foul words. His mood utterly ruined these past weeks. He did not return home. Even after the band was named and he chose to stay. They were family after-all. However, it did not mean he could not sulk in a way he wished. Several trees held marks from where claws slashed into their trunks. Blood littered the grounds he blessed with his steps from uneaten carcasses. Their insides nourishing the earth for future plants to grow. Left for others to scavenge. It was what brought him to the calming state he so happened to be in as of present. A coyote shortly behind picked up a rabbit and darted from view. Earning a chuckle from the black plague himself. Tongue licking at stained teeth and red lips. With everyone so busy with their own entertainment, he thought best to find something of his own. Perhaps a friend or lover to keep his mind busy if he were to continue on this fantasy the other Saxe siblings wished to portray.


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1. Silent Solidarity The Red Forest 01:20 AM, 11-26-2023 03:14 AM, 02-13-2024