

jael / fighting seasonal


Raiders Hollow
The Powder Monkey

Master Fighter (393)

Master Intellectual (290)

An icon representing the specialty Bard Bard

1 Year
Dire wolf
11-27-2023, 10:59 AM (This post was last modified: 01-03-2024, 09:53 AM by Calliope. Edited 1 time in total.)

Calliope awoke with a start that fine spring morning. A rather aggressive wind snapped at the broken panes of the bedroom window. The loud crackle of glass hitting the concrete had the pup looking around bewildered. After spending a long night wandering the beach for nighttime crustaceans, she had hoped to sleep in. Unfortunately for her, the early afternoon weather had other plans. Fully disgruntled, she rises and makes her way with furrowed brow to outside. If someone had anything to say about this, it would be Calliope. Intent on probably screaming at the wind that pushed against her side, Cal made her way toward the back of the isle. Perhaps she could find some kind of predator to beat up on. Maybe that would help her sour mood dissipate. Probably not, but hey, if she was going to be awake, someone would feel her wrath.

Pushing through a rather tight knot of brush, trying to make her way toward the smaller outcropping of buildings, she realized she was no longer alone. Her hair stands on end as she freezes and looks around with alert features. Letting out a grumble, Cal keeps walking as she makes her way through the thick brush. As she finally makes her way out, her coat snagging on brambles and sticks, she stumbles from the foliage. A sudden strong gust of wind pushes her and causes her to stumble even more. Curse words whisper hoarsely under her breath as she tries to catch herself. Its of no use as her paws continue to trip over each other until she is falling into a rather angry appearing badger.

Sliding back after the momentary contact, Cal turns with ears flattened and lips peeled back. "What was that for!" She screeches as she lowers her head and flexes her toes. "You'll pay for bumpin' inta me!" The pup sneers as she assesses the badger that stares back at her. The equally sneering rumble that comes from the badger has Calliope's senses turning up a notch. Though the wild animal couldn't speak the common language back to her, it could tell she meant business. Standing before each other, sizing each other up, Cal wondered if the badger would retaliate. They had bumped into each other after all.

Seconds pass as they stand like two cowboys about to draw their guns. Muscles tense, teeth clenched, eyes narrowed until that fatal moment. Another gust of wind pushes from behind the badger. Out in the open of the clearing, the animal stumbles forward toward Calliope. She takes that as an initiation and lunges in response. Before the badger has time to collect itself and retaliate, Calliope is reaching her paws forward to swipe at its muzzle. Her head is twisting to the side to try and grab ahold of its scruff.

The wind picks up around them, blowing dirt and leaves into her eyes. She feels fur and skin between her teeth, but the searing pain of claws and teeth raking through her own skin send her yelping. Trying to pull away, the badger proves to be pretty strong. Struggling, Calliope writhes in its grip as she is once more blinded by the gale of wind encircling them. A little too big for her britches. She realizes that now as she fights to get the badger to release her.

Realizing that she had to focus and collect herself, Calliope goes limp. Her head falls to the side, eyes closing, muscles relaxed. The badger clamps down on her shoulder, claws digging into her sides, but it hesitates. Bright eyes widening as it stares at the pup in its arms. Had it really killed her that easily? The animal freezes, unsure if it should continue ripping her to shreds or leave her to die a slow and painful death.

Perhaps the smarter tack in the box (and taking quite a few tips from her older sister, Fuzzy) Calliope slipped from the badger's grasp. Too much dead weight for the pudgy animal to hold onto, it releases her and she falls to the dirt with a thud. Laying there with the wind stinging her dirtied lashes, she waits and she waits. Waits until the uncertainty leaves the badger and it believes she's dead.

Once the badger turns, walking a few steps back into the shadows, Calliope can't help but smile. The dumb animal had fallen for her trick! Though she is injured, bleeding and feeling rather woozy from the blood loss, the pup stands. Stumbling slightly because god damn, its fucken wimdy, she goes after the badger. Lunging, but not really because its more like she's falling over her paws, Calliope swipes at the badger's tail. She lets out a cackle, but instead, the animal doesn't fight back this time. Rather, it takes one horrified look at her bloodied corpse, perhaps believing she was back from the dead, and takes off into the wilderness.

wc: 819/800

Warning: Calliope is callous, rude, and unpredictable. Do NOT expect nice things from her.

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1. dRoWN Daager Isle 10:59 AM, 11-27-2023 05:32 PM, 01-07-2024