
a moment not so alone



"One With the Mountains"


Master Fighter (420)

Master Healer (280)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Fitness Coach Fitness Coach

7 Years
Dire wolf

Critical Fail!1KDouble MasterCritical Attack!OverachieverSnake Eyes
11-28-2023, 09:21 AM

A lot had plagued Tenshi's mind since she had rescued Val from the crypt. Now that her babies lay to rest with the bear's head proudly hung over their markers, her heart had settled slightly. Not completely, no. There were still emotions swelling inside her that she could not hide. At least not for long. Her dreams were marred with nightmares of her own tragic past. Her future, while bright, is now slightly bleak with the idea that Val could never truly be happy. Tenshi understood that. She knew how it felt to lose those that were closest to a mother. She tries to hide it. As best as a mountain woman could hide her emotions. Truthfully, it was well, but the weight that hung on her shoulders was too much to bear at times.

Tenshi felt that now as she moved about the den. Vidarr had mentioned that Val requested a den of her own, but Tenshi wasn't so sure she was okay with that. Val would be better here with them where she could be watched. Val's injuries had been critical and left the woman hardly able to walk. If Val were to pass in the night because she wasn't there to help... That was something she didn't want on her mind.

Gathering some supplies from her own personal stores, Tenshi moved to the small fire that crackled in the hearth. There she places the sachet of herbs within the pot and has the help of Vidarr's companions to ladle some water into it as well. Giving it a good stir, she stands back and then moves over to grab and place a few bowls nearby. As she waits for the tea to brew, she settles down on some pelts, stretching out before looking over to where Val rested.

"Care to join me for tea?" Tenshi's deep feminine tones are soft and tender, hoping Val was up for some afternoon snacks and conversation.

the viking trio



Intermediate Fighter (30)

Beginner Hunter (0)

3 Years
11-29-2023, 10:16 AM

Being at the mercy of others was... difficult. Valtiel was a very 'do it yourself' lady and relying on others just wasn't her strong suit. Even though she didn't have much choice at the moment, it bothered her. The wounds in her neck and shoulder were stiff, preventing much movement. Still, Valtiel did her best to keep the sleeping space neat and tidy, organizing the furs once Tenshi and Vidarr woke for the day. After that, the dark lady just tried to stay out of the way.

Orange and gold eyes followed the movement of Tenshi as the larger woman began moving about her den. Val said nothing until the gold flecked fae settled down and asked if she wanted tea. The spiral-striped fae lifted her head from her paws and gave a gentle nod of acceptance, careful not to put too much strain on her wounds with the action.

As they waited for the tea, Valtiel spoke, her voice still a little scratchy from grief. "I've requested my own space. It's not fair to you for me to invade your home." Vidarr hadn't seemed on board with the idea. Maybe Tenshi would. Not only did Val want to give the wolves their privacy, but she would like time and space to think; to put herself back together.



"One With the Mountains"


Master Fighter (420)

Master Healer (280)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Fitness Coach Fitness Coach

7 Years
Dire wolf

Critical Fail!1KDouble MasterCritical Attack!OverachieverSnake Eyes
01-08-2024, 07:05 AM

Tenshi would wait. She was a patient woman and frankly, had nowhere else to be. Her schedule had been cleared so that she could care for Val and for... herself. That was going to be a hard thing to admit to the woman who had recently lost pups, but it would need to be done. As she waited for Val to make her way closer, she turns to the brewing tea and divvies it out into two separate bowls. One for her, one for Val.

Once Val has settled, she sips from her own tea. The words from Val have her choking slightly, forcing her to clear her throat. Well, Val really wasn't going to give her a chance, was she? Inhaling deeply, Tenshi closes her eyes a moment. Breaking hearts was not her forte. "I don't see that as unreasonable," Tenshi comments first, her eyes opening once more to land on the obsidian and gold femme. She assesses Val, wonders if she should say more.

"You are not invading. We enjoy sharing. But if your own rooms is what you wish, I'll have Vidarr clear out the closest rooms so I can check on you easily," the warm smile on her lips doesn't stay long because she does have to admit the other thing that lingers at the back of her mind. "It would probably be best you have your own rooms. I," Tenshi hesitates, her teeth gritting for a moment before the courage she needs is summoned, "I am pregnant. As much as I would enjoy you staying in our rooms, I get the feeling you will want your own space," her voice is tense, her nose wrinkling slightly, but her eyes never leave the woman.

the viking trio



Intermediate Fighter (30)

Beginner Hunter (0)

3 Years
01-23-2024, 09:45 AM

Valtiel quite liked Tenshi. The woman was... calming. There was an air about her that made Val feel like everything was going to be alright. This obviously wasn't the case as her current state proved, but it was nice to feel protected in her vulnerable state. Gently lifting the dish of tea, Val sipped, savoring the taste and the warmth that filled her belly upon drinking. It was good tea. She'd never had the knack for making good tea. Val was a horrible homemaker and that was part of the reason that she had been seeking asylum from her grandmother.

Tenshi spoke again, this time informing Val that she wasn't intruding and that they liked to share. The edge of a gold marked brow lifted in question at that, but anything that she may have wanted to say was quickly forgotten as the larger fae shared her news. Pregnant. She was going to have children.

Sorrow struck hard like a kick to the guts and Valtiel felt ill for a moment. It was a happy thing, being pregnant. Tenshi would be giving Vidarr lovely babies and she was sure that they would both be great parents. Something splashed into Val's teacup and, as she looked down to investigate, she noted that it had been a tear. She was crying.

Placing the cup upon the earth between them, Valtiel raised a paw to wipe the tears away. "I'm very happy for you, Tenshi. Happy for both of you." Again she wiped her tears away. They were stupid and pointless and gods... why did they keep falling? "I don't know what's wrong with me," she spoke softly. "The world can't stop having puppies just because mine are gone." She wiped her tears for a third time then began to rise, planning on leaving the den as soon as she could get her injured leg to hold her weight. "Thank you for the tea."

the viking trio


"One With the Mountains"


Master Fighter (420)

Master Healer (280)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Fitness Coach Fitness Coach

7 Years
Dire wolf

Critical Fail!1KDouble MasterCritical Attack!OverachieverSnake Eyes
02-01-2024, 09:30 AM

The feeling was rather mutual. Val was a pleasant woman to have around and she could tell Vidarr had taken a liking to the younger woman as well. Of course there were feelings rumbling deep in her that she couldn't deny, but that was to be saved for herself. Jealousy was an ugly creature that Tenshi dared not allow rise. Instead, she focuses on the moment. On her tea, on Val who is crying. Reasonably crying, mind you. The news of pregnancy after losing your own was a hard pill to swallow.

Though she isn't quite convinced. The pleasantries were nice, but she didn't want Val to lie either. Tenshi believed Val had every right to be upset, to leave if she wanted. But instead of telling Val to be truthful, Tenshi lets out a small laugh and scoots closer to Val. "You suffered a great loss," Tenshi starts as Val begins to rise. "You don't need to go," she offers, her eyes watching Val's tear stained face. "I-I'm sorry. I don't mean to upset you. I," she hesitates, gaze drawing away toward the nearby crackling fire. "I've also lost pups before as well. Not soon after they were born as well," her voice grows quiet as her lips turn down in a frown.

"It has been quite a few years since so the pain doesn't hurt as much, but I still remember as if it were yesterday," she grows slightly hoarse as she tries to fight off her own tears.

the viking trio



Intermediate Fighter (30)

Beginner Hunter (0)

3 Years
02-28-2024, 04:57 PM

Tenshi began to apologize and Valtiel grimaced. She hadn't meant to make the woman feel bad. "You've no reason to apologize, Tenshi." The horned woman scooted a little closer to Val and shared her own past tragedy. Dark ears tucked back against her skull for a moment before Valtiel was stepping forward. Gently, she placed her forehead against that of the older woman. Fiery eyes closed and she spoke softly. "I am sorry for your loss."

After the women had shared their moment of pain, Val sat back down, though she didn't move away, leaving them both in close proximity still. "I am truly happy that you are to be a mother again," clear tones remained softened. "Please don't let my grief make you think otherwise." This moment between the two... it made Val want to share a little more. She felt safe and unjudged.

"My pups father... I killed him." Now it was her turn to look away into the fire. "He was wicked and abusive and he was going to mold them both into being the exact same as him." The dark lady's maw parted as she took a shaky breath. Her tears had dried, but pain remained in her gaze. "I killed him and ran... and then my pups were taken from me." Was that the price that she had to pay?

Another sigh pulled from Val, this being one of clarity and resignation. "A hard world breeds hard wolves. Your pups will be lucky to have you and Vidarr as parents." Then she gave the barest smile. Life was tough, but they would either live through it or they wouldn't.

the viking trio


"One With the Mountains"


Master Fighter (420)

Master Healer (280)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Fitness Coach Fitness Coach

7 Years
Dire wolf

Critical Fail!1KDouble MasterCritical Attack!OverachieverSnake Eyes
03-12-2024, 09:44 AM

A hesitant smile hovers on her lips as she watches Val sit back down. The close proximity with the woman is comforting. While they share their grief, Tenshi tends to the fire and busies herself with brewing more tea. It helps her to move while she thinks. Staying still while she grieved had never been a strong suit of hers. As she sits back to enjoy her freshly brewed cup, her steely gaze turns back to Val as the shadowed woman speaks.

Tenshi's eyes widen a moment before softening. The news is harsh at first because she could never imagine killing a lover, but this man sounded horrible. Horrid enough to have his life end early. And yet, the price Val paid for that... Her heart squeezes tightly, the pain washing over her once more. "I am glad you removed an evil from this world," her words are soft as she leans closer to Val, her smile reappearing once more. "A pup's upbringing is more than just their parents. The whole of the pack plays a part in their lives," Tenshi reaches out to gently touch her nose to Val's neck. "You are included in that now," she murmurs before pulling away.

the viking trio

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1. a moment not so alone Fenrir's Maw 09:21 AM, 11-28-2023 11:37 PM, 04-06-2024