
solstice viking puppies!

Víðarr x Tenshi



Master Fighter (245)

Master Hunter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Cooperative Cooperative

7 Years
Dire wolf

OverachieverUnderachieverRapid Poster - BronzePride - PansexualDouble MasterSamhain 2022
Statue 1 Worship1K
11-17-2023, 07:17 PM (This post was last modified: 12-14-2023, 08:32 PM by Víðarr. Edited 14 times in total.)

Solstice Viking Puppies!

Following the official settling and survival of their first winter in Heiðinn, Víðarr and his wife Tenshi will be expecting their first litter!  We're both really excited about this one, so please forgive the length of this post

  • Pups will be asked to make all Heiðinn activity checks (one post per season in meetings) for the duration of their time in the pack
  • If you’re struggling with activity for whatever reason, please just keep us in the loop.  We’re not going to be waiting with baited breath to reclaim anyone’s beans, we just don’t want to see these babies abandoned
  • If you would like to indefinitely set a pup to inactive, we ask that they be returned to us instead
  • If you would like to set them inactive for a period with plans to bring them back later, let one of us know.  As long as there’s plot behind it, we probably won’t mind
  • We reserve the right to reclaim pups after three months of inactivity with no communication

Ok, now for the fun stuff!
  • Alignments: through both nature and nurture, it’s highly unlikely any of these pups will be lawful.  If you want lawful good, this really isn’t the litter for you.  Neutral and below alignments will be the name of the game for these guys.  
  • Build & Size: Both Víðarr and Tenshi are dire and heavy.  Dire height isn’t necessary, and if you want extra gem store inches that you’re struggling to pay for reach out to wicked and they will help get you sorted
  • Color & Design: grey, blue-grey, silver, and yellow are possibilities from parents.  Additionally, Víðarr’s family on site has some reds (his littermate sister Róta and his older half sister Sanngriðr).  Tenshi isn’t specifically koi, but koi-adjacent.  Markings from her side are more like lichens on trees.  We would prefer natural-ish base colors for this litter.  
  • Mutations: Tenshi has cool antlers (offensive) and thicker skin (defensive.)  Víðarr can shoot blood from his eyes (defensive.)  Again, totally not a necessity at all.
  • Names: feel free to pull from Japanese and Swedish/Icelandic/Old Norse for names.  There’s a cool site that shows names that overlap between languages, if you need a starting point– here.
  • Plots: most things are fair game, as long as you understand actions have consequences.  This litter has been long anticipated, and Víðarr is an extremely protective parent.  He’s already a little on edge, and this is your only warning
  • Family dynamics & other fun stuff: both parents for this litter are active, well loved characters who will be taking an active role in the lives of the pups. As they get to be more mobile, they're welcome to bring any parent companions with them to supervise shenanigans. I'm also working on a list of assumptions that you're welcome to use as a jumping off point, should you ever need one. My goal is never to micromanage, I'm just really excited.
  • Also this litter has older half siblings that live in Tojo, some of which come up to hide from the summer in Auster!
If you’re claiming a design created by me, once your pup hits 50 posts it’s yours to keep.  Outside of that, if you’re using a design provided by us, it will be reclaimed if your pup is reclaimed, unless otherwise agreed upon.  You’re welcome to bring your own design, which of course, remains yours.  We’ll be adding designs to the folder periodically!  Also if you're picturing something that you don't see in the folder, pls reach out to either of us and we'd be happy to make you something.  


Application deadline: UPDATE: December 21! it's the pup's due date!
<b>OOC Name:</b>
<b>Character Name:</b>
<b>Apperance:</b> (Either a visual design or the site minimum for appearance)
<b>Personality:</b> (Site minimum)
<b>Potential plots, plans, etc.:</b>
[Image: bfcOTDt.png]
Víðarr has two Karelian bear dogs and a white morph tawny owl.  Assume they're within calling distance unless otherwise stated.  
Víðarr speaks with a dense Swedish accent.



Easter Egg Hunt 2023Pride - BisexualEaster 2022Toys for Tots
11-17-2023, 07:54 PM (This post was last modified: 12-12-2023, 03:11 PM by Lolaf. Edited 10 times in total.)
Note: For ease of understanding and writing I'll be using They/Them for Nori's app (and profile if chosen)

OOC Name: Lolaf
Character Name: Nori
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Apperance: My own design
(Height and/or mutations might be subject to change depending on event outcomes, flip-flopping on tongue colour being natural or in line with ref)

Nori certainly is something. They'll never quite reach their parents in height. Standing a whopping 40 inches tall as an adult though, no one would argue they're small by any definition. Though maybe they mean their build, since Nori is the exact opposite of their parents. Where both Tenshi and Vidarr have some heft to them Nori is light as a feather. They have a dancer's build, long limbs made to look longer by their slim shape, dainty paws and perfectly sculpted bodice. Nori also moves with a grace that sells this image further. [Strangely the inside of their mouth shows a deep yellow color.]

As for their pelt they are a much smoother mix of their parents here. Nori's pelt is thick, built for the chill of the mountains and a crisp winter wind. Nori is a mixture of shadow and light, it's unclear which colour forms their base coat as it seems two colours in particular war for space upon their form. The majority of the front of their body is white but a grey-black colour appears on their face in a mask that fades just above their brow, the back of their ears, front toes, faintly in flecks along their back and then finally it largely takes over Nori's rump, starting in a thin line at their belly and growing wider until it hits their hips where it swallows the rest of Nori's form, except for their hind paws which have remained white. A single other colour marks Nori, a gift from their mother: yellow. Said colour accents Nori's pelt, running under the grey line on their side, taking up the middle toes on their front paws, in a single curved marking above the white of their back paws, as a small dot on the sides of their ears, in curved stripes down their tail and finally on their face. Their facial marking is reminiscent of Vidarr's with it's own flair, symmetrical lines arch above Nori's brow and move to the center of their face until they merge into a single line that stops at the mid point of their muzzle, and run under their eyes, when they meet the front corner of their eyes they move down Nori's muzzle until just before their nose. The final notable part of Nori's pelt is that the fur on their tail is elongated, long enough to pool on the ground, though Nori rarely lets it.

Finally a pair of deep amber, nearly golden, eyes are how Nori looks upon the world, not a single pigment out of place to draw away from the total picture.

AFAB Gender Fluid (Any Pronouns, can get pregnant)

Nori doesn't seem to have an urgent bone in their body. Though that is not entirely true and they can in fact rush if needed to for the majority of what they do Nori does not seem too hurried. They also approach life with little worry, which can also mean sometimes a lack of care. They'd rather just approach everything in a relaxed nature and may even seem like nothing can ruffle their feathers. While that is not entirely true they will do their best to project a devil may care attitude even when they do care a bit. They may also make others frustrated by the lack of gravity they give to things.

Nori is stunning and they know it! And they also won't let anyone else not know it! From an early age they will be very focused on their appearance and won't let a single hair remain out of place and as soon as they learn about jewellery and other adornments they will desire to have some of their own though while young they may over do their accessories as they age they'll learn how to balance those sorts of things. Further they will hold others to a higher standard for their own appearances and cannot imagine why anyone would ever not care or choose to allow themselves to look dirty, dishevelled or even just ruffled. Neither will they take well to anyone else making them look as such and may be a bit towards anyone who doesn't respect their appearance or ego.

Nori isn't just a pretty face though, they got some pretty words too. Even know how to use 'em. Though they don't use their verbosity just to look smarter. Rather they know where and when to use their vocabulary, match their speech to their audience. It does make them pretty good at arguments and will often be very careful when trying to convince others. They will also as they age learn the power of compliments and may be prone to laying it on thick but hey it can be assumed most will have never heard a compliment quite like the ones Nori gives.

Some wolves are down to earth and humble. Nori is not one. Not only do they present themselves physically as pretty over the top their personality isn't exactly demure either. If they can make a scene out of something they will. And they'll drag any unwilling participant they can into their shenanigans. If something is camp you can be assured that Nori is interested!

Maybe then it's not a surprise that Nori is what some might call charismatic, they are easy to get along with by design and Nori is such an extrovert. It's be rare to see them without a friend or family member around, they may even not know what to do with themselves without a companion around.

That said Nori has commitment issues, in all sorts of ways. Maybe they are too eager to please others and will often agree to things that they don't want to actually follow through with. Unless someone keeps an eye on them expecting Nori to follow through on things is maybe ill-advised, there's about a 50-50 chance they'll actually show up. They also aren't too keen on serious relationships, friends? Sure. Familial bonds? Yeah okay but like not too much. Committing to a romantic relationship? Oops there they go running away! They aren't incapable of those sorts of stronger loyalty and commitment they simply struggle to handle the responsibility that comes with.

Unlock at 2 years old:

Maybe Nori is modelling their father or maybe it's their inability to handle commitment but Nori will once they come of age realize they not only want physical relationships they want them often and with many others. They may choose some partners they return to but they will never be able to be monogamous and maybe that's for the better, more partners means more wolves to help handle their soaring libido.

From the moment of first discovering pleasure that becomes their primary driving force. Drink, drugs, carnal pleasures. All the usual suspects will be things Nori actively seeks out but more than that. They will be open to trying nearly anything in the pursuit of discovering new things they can add to the list of things they derive pleasure from. They will become somewhat of an adrenaline junky as a result.

Skills: Healing and Intellect (Cosmetologist and Gambler)

Potential plots, plans, etc.:Very open, mostly as a child sort of just have them be loud and dramatic. As an adult sleep around, get into trouble and otherwise just float around chasing their next adventure.


"The Floofiest Cat"

13+ Years

Easter Egg Hunt 2023Rapid Poster - GoldToys for Tots
11-17-2023, 09:16 PM (This post was last modified: 12-14-2023, 08:30 PM by Beau-tifullyWritten. Edited 10 times in total.)
OoC: Managed to finish~ <3

OOC Name: Beau-tifullyWritten
Character Name: Ragnfríðr
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

  • Body: Ragnfríðr is a creature built to withstand both rough weather and activity alike. Her body is large, standing at forty inches tall, and beneath her soft, spiked coat are firm muscles. Unlike the dorsal half of her coat, which has a more rough texture, Ragnfríðr’s unders are soft and plush. Overall, her body is thick, bearing a heavy frame while still holding a more delicate face. Her muzzle is a bit on the shorter side, as are her ears, while her tail is a bit longer and thicker compared to others. Ragnfríðr carries herself with certainty in her movements, head held high as she comes face to face with everything and everyone the world has to offer her.
  • Coat: Ragnfríðr’s base coat is a deep, silver-y gray and the color dominates the dorsal part of her body. Starting from her cheeks and the front part of her muzzle, white breaks up the gray as it runs up along her underside from chest toward the tip of her tail. This white even dips down onto the backs of each leg, though it comes up around the paws to cover them in white. More eye catching are the spots and striping across her back, shoulders, tail, and legs. Some stripping also runs from the backs of her eyes towards the tops of her cheeks and down either side of her muzzle. Even more striping and spots can be seen on her forehead, resting below gray ears. At the base of her tail markings the black color makes one last appearance by capping her tail.
  • Eyes: Ragnfríðr’s eyes are round, soft, sky blue.
  • Skin: Ragnfríðr’s skin is a rich, deep black.
  • Scent: Ragnfríðr carries the scent of pine mixed with the sweet scent of sap.


  • Ambitious and Competitive: Ragnfríðr thrives on challenge, feeling the most joy when she can push herself and give her all. She is the sort of femme who shoots to test her limits and break beyond them. She wants to be the strongest in Boreas and Auster, and will work continually to achieve her dream. Hunting will be an additional challenge, especially going after larger prey, so she can avoid injury and find the best way to take them down quickly. When it comes to her packmates Ragnfríðr may not hold back per se, only working within the limits that her parents will allow. She will avoid taking the body parts of comrades, but will be an admirer of scars and the tales of battles survived that they tell. Ragnfríðr’s ambitious and competitive nature will expand outside the pack as well, for the femme will want to ensure that as a member of Heiðinn, she is stronger than any other pack wolf or loner she meets!

  • Blunt, Distant, and Loyal: One should not need to wonder what Ragnfríðr is thinking - she is a blunt creature who speaks exactly what is on her mind or how she feels about a situation. While this can sometimes make her feel like she is heartless, that is far from the truth. Ragnfríðr cares, but mainly for her family and comrades. Their safety and comfort come before all others, and so she takes a more distant approach when meeting others. Tell them little about yourself, let them do most of the talking. She is untrusting of those outside Heiðinn, knowing that she may one day need to face them in battle. Ragnfríðr is also the sort of femme who will come knocking on your door to kick your ass if you harm one of the pack, even if they don’t necessarily need back up. When meeting offenders in battle Ragnfríðr will be ruthless - the price for their misdeeds will be paid in blood.

  • Rigid and Hardworking: Ragnfríðr’s ties to Heiðinn will be clear from an early age, and so will the way she goes about things. She is very particular in what she does, and making sure her tasks have purpose. Hyper focused on goals, so to speak. Ragnfríðr sticks to what needs to be done and puts her best foot forward. There is no room for slackers in the femme’s eyes. She will rise up to any task that needs done and do so without complaint, using the experience to continue to build on her own skill. She will naturally gravitate toward other wolves who do this as well, wanting to follow their example with her own actions.

Skills: Fighting and Hunting
Potential plots, plans, etc.: Find a rival to compete against within the pack, striving to keep at the top of her game as she tries to become the "better" one. Family plots and pack plots in addition, of course, and whatever else may naturally bloom due to her personality.
"Here we do not place bets. We place concerns." - Starcrosst of DeviantArt

Beau's Inklings


11-17-2023, 09:40 PM (This post was last modified: 11-19-2023, 07:27 AM by MalBelle. Edited 11 times in total.)
OOC Name: MalBelle
Character Name: Styrmir
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Apperance: 4-E0-F66-D9-7416-47-D4-8362-9-E4-B66-BAB285

Male / Dire wolf / 45” / Heavy / bi icon

an absolute behemoth of a man with a thick-furred pelt, Styrmir is built like a tank. the boy was gifted a warrior’s frame, as though comprised with only combat in mind, and will be packed with muscle by the time he turns two. largely his pelt is unremarkable, painted in differing shades of grey that vary particularly about his legs and chest. but it is the lighting that sets him apart, luminous white strikes under both eyes and along each side of his body. in this way he is transformed from a mere boy to a storm incarnate, his fur the recesses of a turbulent sky. twin sapphires are set into a broad, stern face, one that bears a heavy brow - and, later, perpetual worry lines.
- thick skin mutation inherited from Tenshi

protective, obsessive, stubborn, loyal, possessive, stoic, emotionally-constipated

from the moment he opens his eyes, the boy will desire nothing short of the complete and total protection of his family. he is very possessive over his siblings and frets over them often; he will want to spend his life following them from place to place, keeping everyone together and safe. he is highly protective of the family unit and will want everyone to stay together; should any of his siblings leave their birth pack it will deeply upset him. highly obsessive, he covets that which is his, and is fiercely loyal to loved ones - whether it be his friends, his family or his lovers, to touch one of his own is to die.

despite his tumultuous internal life, outwardly he is a stoic creature who struggles to express his emotions. often he is in denial of his own feelings, refusing to address them directly until they become so big he cannot physically ignore them any longer. as such he is emotionally-stunted and is often the last to know how he himself is feeling, which may lead to him being labelled ‘dense’ and ‘clueless.’ dependable and stubborn to a fault, it’s important to him that he’s there when needed; a blizzard couldn’t stop him from reaching a loved one in distress.


from puphood he hears a voice in his head, the voice of a woman who whispers promises of protection and safety for those he cares about. a mere few months after birth he will make a pact with her: if she keeps his loved ones safe, he will make sacrifices in her name once a season. at first they will be small: the heart of a bird, the skin of a rabbit. as he grows the demands become darker, asking for drops of his own blood, or strips of his own flesh. and then, darker yet: that he kill in her name, and that he deposit the bodies of his victims at her alter. he will grapple with this for most of his adult life, torn between his love for his family and his own morality.

Styrmir will suffer from schizophrenia and OCD.

Skills: Hunting & Fighting
Potential plots, plans, etc.: Grapple with his morality, devote himself to his family and pack, climb the Viking ranks, either succumb to or overcome his inner demons



Easter Egg Hunt 2023
11-18-2023, 11:01 PM
OOC Name: Kingpedle
Character Name: Sejd
Alignment: True Neutral
[Image: Vienshi.png?ex=656c0949&is=65599449&hm=4...ae06e45d4&]
Possibly 39" I’d have to check my gems
Feminine | stubborn | pragmatic | spiritual | curious
Skills: Healing, Intellect
Potential plots, plans, etc.:



11-19-2023, 12:44 AM

OOC Name: SailyntSteps

Character Name: Masashi

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral


Personality: (Site minimum)

Skills: Intellectual & Hunting

Potential plots, plans, etc.:



Easter Egg Hunt 2023Easter 2022Rapid Poster - GoldCoder - RainbowToys for Tots
11-20-2023, 12:01 AM

OOC Name: Shelby

Character Name: Rúna

Alignment: Chaotic neutral


(Will add antlers to her ref and art if I get her of course!)

Coat: With a dark base of black for her more eye catching coloration to play off of, she has clouds of golden and auburn coloration that start at her front legs and drift back over the sides of her neck and in rough stripes along her sides. The same gradient of warm, fall-toned hues wraps around her muzzle, dips the tip of her tail, and appears in subtle flecks all along her flanks.
Eyes: Her eyes match her father's with a bright, clear silver to stand out from the darker fur around them.
Physique: She stands at an impressive forty two inches tall. While not quite as tall as her parents, her height still makes her a formidable presence when she needs to make a statement. Her lineage is also very evident in her build, matching the strong, heavy build of her parents. While she is stockier than some other ladies, her build is almost entirely muscle and still notably feminine.
Scent: Rich and smokey with notes of charred oak and moss with a subtle lightness similar to sweet flowers, her scent is not one that is easily forgotten.
Unique Traits: She proudly carries the antlers that she inherited from her mother. The bone that grows from above her brow curves back over her ears. They are only slightly lighter in coloration than the base color of her fur, nearly black at their base and lightening to a warm gold near the points.  
PS: I'm open to changing the design if there's too much gold/orange for what you're wanting for this litter! I've just had it sitting around for a long time and thought this might be a chance to dust it off!

Confident: It is difficult to shake the confidence of this imposing wolf or make her feel as though hope is lost. She is not one to be blindly optimistic and won't ignore when times are difficult, but she will never falter because of one mistake or one failure. She is sure of herself and her place in the world without being obnoxious or boastful about it. Whenever possible she likes to stand on her own and fix her own problems, confident in her own abilities to rise to any challenge. She is laidback about most things, but will not accept any nonsense and has no patience for liars. There is an aloof air about her at times that might make others at a passing glance not believe that she cares or is paying attention, but rest assured that she very much is.
Reserved: You wouldn't expect someone of her stature to be as elegant as she is, but she carries herself proudly and says a lot while also saying very little. Even from a young age she likes to let her actions speak more than her words and she is very reserved when it comes to what she says and how she expresses herself. Some might even begin to assume she is introverted with the way she behaves, but she never shies away from social situations–she just handles them in her own way. In some instances she can actually be quite forward and will speak her mind without a second thought if the situation calls for it. She just simply does not want to speak for the sake of speaking and absolutely abhors the idea of small talk and chit chat.
Superstitious: There is something about fate and finding signs in nature to guide her decisions that she finds so calming and yet so confounding at the same time and its something that she loves to search for. If she is ever at a cross roads and trying to make a decision about something she will always look for a sign or look to the stars to let them guide her. There are also a few things that she picks up over time, things that begin to feel like bad omens or signs of good luck that she takes to heart and she has no qualms with letting them sway her decisions one way or another. The only thing that will convince her to go against the sway of fate she feels or the signs she picks up around her is the safety of her family. She doesn't care if the stars are saying that harm was fated to come to them–she will spit in the face of fate in order to keep them safe and well.

Skills: Fighting, Healing

Potential plots, plans, etc.: For as long as she's in Heiðinn I'm thinking she'll want to work her way up to a notable rank of some kind, wanting to earn it and not get anything just because she's Víðarr's daughter. Not that she'll be driven to lead, necessarily, but she'll want to prove that she's the best at what she does. I picture her as not "girly" in the traditional sense and will probably put gender as a whole as like the very last trait she considers about someone. Can you fight, are you smart, can you hold your own? Great! Doesn't matter to her if you're male/female. Because of that I think she'd probably be more inclined to be in a very battle heavy role or some kind of field medic maybe. Her learning healing would start more from a place of wanting to learn things from her mother and seeing it as a practical skill to have rather than from a nurturing, caring sort of place. Since I think she'd be very proud of her heritage I don't foresee her wanting to leave Heiðinn unless she finds a really good reason to or if she's sent somewhere else for a particular purpose.


13+ Years

Pride - GayPride - AromanticPride - TransgenderEaster 2022Rapid Poster - Silver
11-20-2023, 12:41 AM (This post was last modified: 12-19-2023, 01:48 AM by Virgil. Edited 2 times in total.)
This is a big boy WIP

OOC Name: Verg
Character Name: Oðr (insert middle name) Víðarrson
Alignment: Lawful Evil

Ain't it a cold, cold world?
Coat & Eyes;; A spectral figure born from the frigid north, purpose-built for success in the harshest climes. Painted mottled silver from head to toe, Oðr is a flowing river of mercury made flesh. Around his middle his colours are at their palest, ash and slate mingling along the cage of his ribs. Not unlike a seal-point feline, his colours darken at the points furthest from his middle. Head, paws, tail are all silver-blue, just a few shades darker than his back and belly. A subtle lightening of his base hue along the fronts of his shoulders and chest create the illusion of a cloak resting over his back when Oðr is viewed from the front. The transition between the hues of his pelage are indistinct and amorphous, like the koi-fish splotches that many of his maternal kin display. Oðr's paws are far lighter in hue than the rest of him, off-white tendrils snaking up from his toes and trailing off before they reach his knees or elbows. Much the same for his tail, where only a few hints of his faux-point markings are visible around the streak of glacier-white that wraps itself about the plush fur from tip to rump. Where his markings become the most notable, though, is upon his face. Thin streaks of pale silver trace over his features, stretching from nose to cheek to brow like ripples across the surface of a pond. One might be tempted to rub at his face with a damp cloth, thinking the dainty streaks are the work of cold northern winds dispersing ice through the short hairs, but they are as much a part of him as his teeth and claws. The same odd tracery covers the backs of his ears as well, though to a far lesser extent.

When it comes to his coat in itself, Oðr is a northerner through and through. A dense double-coat covers him from head to toe, and keeps the cold out in even the worst blizzards.

Build & Carriage;; The boy is a fairly large beastie, standing all of forty inches tall when he's grown up big and strong. Hardly the biggest, or the strongest, but more than enough of both.
Voice & Scent;; a positively unique mixture of baritones like the rasping of fine riverbed gravel.
Quirks & Mutations;;

Stoic;; first and foremost, he's a creature of ice and stone. Like the jagged peak of a mountain, and you feel the same kind of distance when you look at him. Oðr wears neutrality as well as he wears his own skin, with an even expression and cold eyes that toe the line of being entirely off-putting.

Skills: Fighting & Intellect
Potential plots, plans, etc.: tbd


"I'm just happy to be here"

13+ Years

Pride - BisexualEaster Egg Hunt 2023ContributorCoder - GoldEaster 2022Artist - Silver
Rapid Poster - SilverToys for Tots
12-04-2023, 10:59 PM (This post was last modified: 12-11-2023, 04:18 PM by Joe. Edited 3 times in total.)

Big WIP vibes

OOC Name: Joe

Character Name: Hallvarðr Trygg

Alignment: True Neutral


Protective: With his name meaning "guardian of the rock", Hallvarðr is a paragon of loyalty to the death. He would sooner bleed himself out than let an enemy lay a single paw on his family's mountain or any land they claim. The same goes for his family, and Hal is not afraid to turn to violence to back up his siblings and half-siblings. The greatest defense is an unstoppable offense.

Possessive: Anything Hallvarðr believes is his, is his. Sharing is caring, but too bad this boy doesn't always care. It doesn't mean he doesn't like you, per se, it just means keep your paws off unless you wanna risk losing them.

Alluring: Hallvarðr is a bit of a charmer and takes after his father. A flirt and a romantic, pursuing the fairer sex will always be a game he wants to play, and one he intends to win. Monogamy is likely not ever going to be his vibe, so try not to get too attached, he won't apologize for that broken heart. Between his rough hewn mountain man vibes and his silver tongue, the ladies of Boreas had better watch out when this sly devil is prowling about.

Sarcastic: Hope you enjoy being the butt of a joke every now and then! As sharp with his tongue as he is with his teeth and claws, Hallvarðr holds nothing back when it comes to roasting you. Don't be too butthurt about it though; it's all in good fun, and if he's teasing or mocking you, it means he likes you—probably!

Devout: If there is one thing that Hallvarðr fears, it's the wrath of angry gods. He shares his father's beliefs and they are some of the few hard tenets he adheres to. He sees signs all around him in the world. A gathering storm on the horizon, a sudden landslide, a bountiful harvest, a beautiful woman looking his way, they are all blessings and curses from the deities.

Skills: Fighting & Nav or Intellect

Potential plots, plans, etc.:

I write sins not tragedies

I respond best to DMs on Discord or in the Ardent channel!

Come play with my lovelies!



Master Fighter (245)

Master Hunter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Cooperative Cooperative

7 Years
Dire wolf

OverachieverUnderachieverRapid Poster - BronzePride - PansexualDouble MasterSamhain 2022
Statue 1 Worship1K
12-07-2023, 09:24 PM (This post was last modified: 12-07-2023, 09:26 PM by Víðarr. Edited 3 times in total.)
I'm loving these apps so faaaaar!  
Just giving a little heads up that I've added a bunch of designs to the folder ^^ In the interest of this thread not being too image heavy, I'm only linking a few here.  Go take a look at the rest!! Design folder!

[Image: bfcOTDt.png]
Víðarr has two Karelian bear dogs and a white morph tawny owl.  Assume they're within calling distance unless otherwise stated.  
Víðarr speaks with a dense Swedish accent.



Master Fighter (245)

Master Hunter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Cooperative Cooperative

7 Years
Dire wolf

OverachieverUnderachieverRapid Poster - BronzePride - PansexualDouble MasterSamhain 2022
Statue 1 Worship1K
12-14-2023, 08:30 PM
Hey friends!
Initially I had the deadline set for today but I don't... actually know why I did that lmao???
The real deadline is December 21! <3
[Image: bfcOTDt.png]
Víðarr has two Karelian bear dogs and a white morph tawny owl.  Assume they're within calling distance unless otherwise stated.  
Víðarr speaks with a dense Swedish accent.



ContributorEaster Egg Hunt 2023Rapid Poster - Silver
12-16-2023, 10:06 PM
OOC Name: NachoMumma
Character Name: Steig
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral/Evil leaning

Unbeknownst to the boy, he bears a striking resemblance to one of the pups his aunt lost on the road to Boreas. Mostly coated in earthy hues of brown and russet, the most striking rusty colours take up place on his face. Ghoulish markings seem to stretch his grin right up above his striking emerald eyes, the top of his head and ears coated in a dark chocolate. He is lighter over the shoulders and down his front limbs, before his coat darkens toward his hind, a cream dipped tail tip, the only break in almost black of his tail.

He will grow to be XX" tall and take on a runners build, light on his feet and in his frame.


Basically this

Dramatic and Theatrical: Steig approaches life like a grand performance, adding dramatic flair to even the simplest of actions. Whether delivering a punchline or negotiating with a dragon parent, Steig's theatrical presence captivates those around him.

Quick-witted and Clever: Steig will grow to be known for his sharp mind and quick thinking. In the midst of chaos or danger, he can come up with ingenious solutions and clever one-liners that keep the group both entertained and on their toes.

Curious Explorer: Steig's insatiable curiosity often leads any who dare to accompany him into 'uncharted territories' (and by uncharted territories, it's probably actually trespassing on someone else's patch). Whether it's investigating a mysterious cave or deciphering an ancient relic, Steig's thirst for knowledge is as strong as his desire for a good story.

Lover of Puzzles and Riddles: Steig enjoys challenging his mind with puzzles and riddles. He sees each 'quest' (outing) as a grand puzzle waiting to be solved, relishing the intellectual stimulation that comes with deciphering cryptic clues or navigating 'enchanted' mazes... even if sometimes he can be a little dense.

Charismatic Diplomat: Steig likes to think he excels in diplomatic situations, using charm and persuasion to negotiate with both allies and enemies. It's mostly because he is so ridiculous that most quickly write him off as harmless, but he has a way of weaseling himself out of tight spaces in a pinch that at times, seems downright supernatural.

Team Player with a Twist: While Steig values teamwork, he adds a whimsical twist to his collaborations. Unorthodox plans and unexpected detours are not uncommon when Steig is involved. (For a guy with a name that translates to 'One who steps forward', it is surprising how often that step seems to be sideways).

Storyteller at Heart: Steig sees life as a grand narrative, and he takes every opportunity to share tales of his adventures. Whether around a campfire or in a bustling market (watch out Armada).

Skills: Nav/Intel
Potential plots, plans, etc.: Torture Aunty Rota.



Master Fighter (245)

Master Hunter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Cooperative Cooperative

7 Years
Dire wolf

OverachieverUnderachieverRapid Poster - BronzePride - PansexualDouble MasterSamhain 2022
Statue 1 Worship1K
12-29-2023, 03:59 PM
I just realized that I never announced on site so there's no "proof of adoption" post to link to sorry--
as previously announced in discord, congrats mal, shelby, joe, and nacho on your new beans!
[Image: bfcOTDt.png]
Víðarr has two Karelian bear dogs and a white morph tawny owl.  Assume they're within calling distance unless otherwise stated.  
Víðarr speaks with a dense Swedish accent.

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1. solstice viking puppies! Adoptions 07:17 PM, 11-17-2023 04:50 AM, 01-10-2024