
Widow Mystery Litter



Easter Egg Hunt 2023Easter 2022
11-09-2023, 12:03 AM (This post was last modified: 11-12-2023, 04:17 PM by Skelle. Edited 2 times in total.)
Widow was traumatized with her first pregnancy, so let’s keep up the trend and give her another one to stress about. She has literally no clue how she ended up pregnant; we’re just saying someone slipped a little something in her food, she lightened up, and found a hot loner somewhere and had a good night. Does she remember any of it? Absolutely not. Yay!


Look at me, I’m not the most active! We all have lives and I’m not going to expect miracles from you guys. All I ask is that they are posted at least once a season and discussions/plotting are kept up through ooc. I want to know what my kids are out doing through the day, even if they’re not threading it. Should a character not be posted with in 4 ooc months, then I will reclaim the character. Should they be set inactive, I will reclaim the character as well.

All designs provided by me belong to me. You are welcome to purchase the design from me directly, but they are not allowed to be used off site otherwise. This is to prevent anyone spending money on commissions for a design they do not own, since said art will become useless if the pup is reclaimed from inactivity.

Characters with a history involving Widow as their mother may not be used offsite. You’re welcome to reuse the personality you write, the first name, etc, but you may not use the history, relations, surname, etc.

Widow is e x t r e m e l y protective of her children and will not tolerate them straying far from Insomnia after Cryptis was kidnapped, not to mention her abandonment issues from her own mother. They will be welcome to leave with supervision of Widow, so feel free to mention her in posts.

Pups are expected to stay in Insomnia for the first year, after that Widow will try to let go but she will ugly cry the whole time.


This is a mystery litter, so go wild! Keep in mind that Widow is a Klein and so asymmetrical markings, chimera’s, piebalding, etc is very popular, and albinism and melanism have appeared on many of Widow’s siblings and other relatives. Widow has leopard spots as well, which is either rare or new to the line but could also appear on her children. Eye color doesn’t matter either! Widows are silver, but the Kleins carry every color almost so it hardly matters.

Some designs are provided, however, feel free to play around with your own design! More are definitely going to be added, and I'll post updates in the discord when they are.

Here is a link to Widow's profile, as well as her parents for design inspiration!
Pups Mother ─ Widow Klein Nightwing
Pups Grandmother (deceased) ─ Recluse Klein
Pups Grandfather (deceased) ─ Oxx Carpathius

Mutations & Discounts

Widow is not going to favor children with mutations/dire height over ones without, so don't feel pressured to purchase anything for these kids! Widow will love them all equally regardless.

─ 25% off height up to 42”

Inheritable Mutations
─ Cat Claws (offensive)
─ Dexterous Paws (offensive)

Name Bank

I am going with a naming theme for this litter - anything creepy sounding! I’ve included a list of names below that you are welcome to pick from, or you’re welcome to find your own! Widow would not name her children after anything spider-related.

Goblin, Shock, Screech, Shriek, Haunt, Scream, Ominous, Coffin, Cadaver, Fang, Eerie, Cackle, Horror, Horrify, Seance, Shudder, Menace, Sinister, Pitch, Fiend, Fright, Ghastly, Howl, Beast

They will not be given the Klein surname, instead Widow will adopt a new surname with their birth and it will be: Nightwing

Other Notes

5 total puppies, 3 available for adoption

I will be playing the runt of the litter, Terror, and Hermes will be playing Gruesome.

I got three free pups with this litter, so never fear! Adopters will not need to pay for a pup pass. If you need help paying for anything else (with gems, I can't help with usd donations, sorry!), let me know and I'll see what I can do.

I’m not opposed to overly good or evil children, but it would be more realistic for them to fall somewhere in the neutral zone than an extreme alignment without good reason.


I’m not providing an app code because I want you to vibe with your application the way that you want to and will help you get into character. I’ll accept just about any form of application as long as it’s detailed enough to give me an idea of your thought process! Want to make a powerpoint? Go ahead! Moodboards, traditional applications, nothing but bullet points, have at it. Just show me that you have interest in the character and a good handle on it, and I’m happy! If you go with a standard application form, know that those with alternate forms of applications won't be considered over yours simply because they look pretty! I just want everyone to get into the character the best way for them. The only things I will ask for however are: basic information (gender, name, etc lol), reference or appearance description/bullets, a blurb on their personality or a few bullet points, and a rp sample if you've never written with me before! If you would like to include anything else, feel free! I'd also love to know any plot ideas you may already have, but no big deal if you don't, either. Keep in mind that anything written for the appearance and personality bit doesn't need to meet the word count for this application, but it will of course need to be rewritten for the profile when it comes time to set up the profile.

Keep in mind that only completed applications will be considered, so please make a note at the top when it is so I can consider it!

Pups are born on December 8th, so I will give everyone until 11:59pm on December 6th to get their applications in and players will be chosen either right after the window closes or late afternoon December 7th! Pups will be playable on December 22.

please DM all tags to @betchasaurusrex!
eightysichs/wolfbea was hacked, what's owed has been made/paid,
and i wasn't involved or even knew her during the time she was hacked, thank you ♥


11-09-2023, 12:50 AM (This post was last modified: 12-20-2023, 03:28 AM by TrenRanu. Edited 26 times in total.)

Illusion "Illu" Nightwing

Female — Light Build — 32" Medium

Coat; She is wrapped in a gorgeous deep slate blue-gray, it covers her from head to toe in a luscious dark coat. Her eyes are lined with intricate dark golden markings, rising up from her nose as well. Upon her shoulders there lies fleckings of gold, leading down to her elbows and forearms, creating an entrancing tapestry of elegance.

Build; She is a woman of medium build. Light in muscle tone, delicate in her form and features. With an attractive walk that exudes poise, she remains ready to capture attention - an enchanting vision of delight inviting admiration from all who dare to look upon her.

Posture; Illu walks with a sense of grace, fully aware of her absolute beauty. She saunters with every step, grace and poise encapsulating her being. Always ready to be looked at with attraction- in fact, she wants it.

Eyes; Her eyes, a captivating fusion of silver with a touch of blue, maintain an endless sharpness and observational gleam.

Voice; A soft, feminine tone colors her voice incessantly, occasionally bordering on monotone; delivering words with a careful purr of confidence and/or sweetness. Depending on her mood at times- devilish.

Scent; The air around Illu carries a scent both gentle and completely provocative, defying precise description. It is an all-encompassing thickness, subtle yet intense, leaving an indelible trail of allure in her wake.




+Illusion possesses a magnetic personality, to say the least. She draws others toward her with an addictive enthusiasm, be it through a captivating smile, an engaging conversation, or simply her charismatic presence alone- she has a way of leaving a lasting impression on those she encounters in life. She is talkative and curious, making sure to please when it suits her- or the situation

-While her charisma captivates, it can also be a double-edged sword to her. The spotlight she commands may cause jealousy among those overshadowed by her presence, leading to conflict. She may also gain unsavory attention that would be better left alone, for her own good and safety. Not that she wouldn’t adore it. Or feed into it. To be wanted is to have a place all her own, one she will not let go of willingly.


+Her seductive charm is a potent weapon in her arsenal of attributes. With a subtle glance, a sultry voice, or a well-timed gesture, she can create an atmosphere charged with desire. Her allure isn't just physical; it's a blend of confidence, mystery, and a keen understanding of subtle manipulations she can use to her advantage. Those who fall under her spell find themselves willingly ensnared, in fact, by the intrigue she weaves.

-Her seductive prowess, if misused, can sow seeds of mistrust and leave a trail of broken hearts in her wake. The same charm that attracts can become a source of disillusionment for those who discover the transient nature of her affections, and unfortunately, Illusion may not even care for the pain she may inflict die to her self-serving nature. She desires to exploit the affections of others, to weave herself a tale of machinations most vile. All in the name of progressing herself, no matter the cost.


+Quick-witted and sharp-tongued, the woman navigates conversations with ease, utilizing her intelligence to create a spiderweb of possible outcomes and reactions- to which she can ready herself with a response. Her intellect allows her to also create clever remarks and playful banter that showcase not only her smarts but also her ability to disarm others with humor and diffusion tactics.

-Her sharp wit, while entertaining, may occasionally border on sarcasm or rudeness, alienating those who might not appreciate the cutting edge of her humor. It's a delicate balance that, if tipped too far, can leave others feeling diminished or offended. She tries to be careful with this, but sometimes she is unable to control the sharp whip of her tongue. Not that she cares, for all others are meant for bettering her own livelihood, never uplifting them. If they are hurt by her tongue, were they really worthy of it at all? No. They are just stepping stones, born only to further herself in her goals.


+Fear is a foreign concept to her. In matters of the heart or in facing challenges, the woman approaches life with unwavering courage. She's unafraid to take risks, stepping outside conventional boundaries to pursue her desires if need be. This fearlessness gives her a quality that draws others in with intrigue. Her bold and adventurous spirit being one of the most attractive features of hers to pine after.

-Her unafraid nature may translate into recklessness to others, as she pursues her desires without considering the consequences. This lack of caution can lead to unintended fallout in her relationships with others, making them think she does not care for herself- nor the bond she shares with them. This may be true, but she certainly will play on the feelings of others if she has to. Hurting them, playing them, and casting them aside when they have no more use.


+Adaptability is a key strength of Illusion. She navigates the complex intricacies of social dynamics with grace, adjusting her approach to suit different situations if needed. Whether in high-society events or gritty unexpected encounters, she seamlessly adapts- showcasing a versatile nature that adds to her allure. Her ability to read people and environments makes her a formidable force, always one step ahead in the complicated game of interactions.

-While adaptability is a strength, it can also be a mask to conceal her true self. Constantly shifting to fit different scenarios may create a sense of inauthenticity, making it challenging for others to truly know or even trust her. At times, she  herself does not know what is real and what is her simply changing her skin to suit any given situation. This leaves her with a sense of depersonalization, a terrible foe in her daily life. But. She welcomes the fact that she can do whatever she wants, manipulating whoever she wants to- easily shoving her own emotions down until they are nothing.


>>>example thread link<<<


  • She will be Neutral/Lawful Evil.
  • Skills will be Healing & Intelligence.
  • She will seek relationships that benefit her, actively seducing/befriending those with power.
  • She will desire a powerful individual to take control of her, even using her to their own benefit.
  • She will seem outwardly seem True Neutral, making sure to fool others into thinking she is not the cruel, unfeeling creature she truly is.
  • Most likely a sociopath. This may not be apparent as she ages, given her endeavors to blend in and act as she thinks she should.
  • Her mother may recognize her odd tendencies to orchestrate others into doing her will unknowingly, and attempt to correct this. I am not opposed to Widow trying to rectify her behavior while she is young. If she wants to that is.
  • I believe she will stay with Insomnia, but often venture out in search of advantageous souls to capitalize on.

Cherry OOC

11-10-2023, 10:54 AM (This post was last modified: 12-02-2023, 09:06 AM by Cherry OOC. Edited 7 times in total.)

It's the fear, and not the ghost

OOC Name: Cherry

Character Name: Haunt Nightwing
Gender: Trans male (he/him)
Alignment: True Neutral
Appearance: While his siblings retain their mother's appearance in some way, Haunt is the odd one out, potentially- maybe- having taken after his other parent from the second he was born. The only thing he will, appearance wise, take after with his mother is her size. He won't be as big as his mother- she'll always have a few inches on him, height wise- but it'll become clear even when he's a pup that he'll be big. And he will- by the time Haunt is fully grown, he'll rest at a staggering 42 inches, just barely smaller than the biggest wolves.

It's Haunt's fur that will well and truly separate him from his family, especially his mother. He's covered nearly head-to-toe in ivory, save for a cloak of pale blue that covers his head and shoulders and darkens around the top of his back, interrupted by speckled white. Slightly deeper blue stripe-like markings stretch across his frame, fading into nothing like ghosts of markings themselves. The same speckled blue stretches down their front legs, ending in not-quite-stripes just like the ones along his back. He has a deeper blue blaze on his face, as well, and a marking in the same shade of blue extending across each cheek, just under his eyes.

His eyes are just as pale as the rest of him- the icy blue of a barely-frozen lake, only slightly darker than the white fur that covers his body. There's something about Haunt that just seems cold, and his eyes, reflecting the icy colors of his body, do nothing to change that.

Personality: If his appearance weren't enough to inspire Haunt's name, then his personality will more than make up for it.

He's picked up on his mother's quiet nature from the start, being a pup of few words- eerily quiet, preferring to watch while the rest of his siblings are out doing what they do best. Getting him to actually say anything will be like pulling teeth, especially if he has nothing to add; as it is, he'll border on voluntarily selectively mute at best, especially around those he doesn't know. Even Haunt's siblings, his mother, will have trouble getting him to say much at all.

While he does care, actions speak louder than words for Haunt, and as an adult it will be something he sticks by. To those that have somehow wormed their way into his heart, Haunt just follows, taking it upon himself to be a silent guardian of sorts. He's quick to step in should something happen, and as he grows, he'll pick up on the fact that his size and silent nature alone can be intimidating to some. He won't be afraid to use it, especially to defend those he cares about. In the same length, however, he doesn't like being touched- it'll start when he shies away from affection as a pup, and continue all into his adult life.

Haunt is, by nature, a wanderer; he loves his family, and would at least think about staying with them if asked, but at the end of the day his heart will belong to the unknown. It's a hard conflict, and, in order to mitigate any guilt he may feel, he won't be above bringing back gifts he finds along his journeys. A sign, even if a small one, that even if he's gone he's still thinking of and still loves his family.

His relationship with Widow, especially as he gets older, will become strained- as a pup, he'll pick up on her refusal to trust others and make it a part of himself as well, being a complete mama's boy and almost in every step under her paws. As he grows up, he won't learn to trust as easily- it's more that he'll realize how overprotective she is, and quietly rebel against that in any way he can, possibly even trying to include his siblings to as well. He loves her, he really does, but the idea of being trapped under her watchful gaze for the rest of his life will terrify him.

Skills: Navigation and Intellect
Plans: Mostly go with the flow and see what drama happens, especially with Insomnia being as chaotic as it is. He will, upon becoming a year of age, leave Insomnia, at least temporarily; depending on if it's there later on, he may or may not come back. Regardless, he will at least try to visit, even if he ends up more of the wanderer type. I'd also def love for him to meet a Klein, especially one aligned with Recluse! He probably won't trust them, but learning that they exist at all would likely be fun to play with.

RP Samples: Unfortunately the bot isn't working with me, so I'll instead link some posts I've done since joining!

Thorax 1, Thorax 2, Harumi 1

that leaves me haunted.


"The Floofiest Cat"

13+ Years

Easter Egg Hunt 2023Rapid Poster - GoldToys for Tots
11-13-2023, 06:09 PM (This post was last modified: 12-04-2023, 07:01 PM by Beau-tifullyWritten. Edited 6 times in total.)

Name: Shriek Nightwing
Gender: Female
Alignment: Neutral Good


  • Body: Shriek is a small creature, but barely just, standing at twenty-eight inches tall. The majority of the femme’s height comes from long, slender legs with tea-cupped paws. Her body will be light and lithe, a creature of elegance and grace. While she will have lean muscle upon her frame, she is not one to show any sort of ferocity. Her features will be sharp and defined, yet looking at her a wolf can see that Shriek is a woman, highlighted features being her hips, muzzle, and facial structure. The only thing that throws off her aura is a rougher fur texture, particularly around her man and along her back and the top of her tail.

  • Coat: Much like her mother, Shriek is blessed with a dusty, dark denim coat. The color across her shoulder blades, hips, and top of her tail starts to give more depth to her back and sides. This color gives way to the round ringlet markings on her sides and down each back leg. This same darker denim wraps around her left foreleg, back left leg, her muzzle, and parts of the right side of her face. A lighter blue will sit just behind the darker color on her back in a rough “V”-esc shape. This is where her chimeric traits trickle in, as most of Shriek’s right side is bathed in white with some of the color bleeding out across her chest onto the left side of her neck and across her rump down onto her left side where it races toward her shoulder. The underside of her tail is white, as is much of her back right leg that is broken by denim striping. Her right foreleg gives way to a denim patch at the top, bleeding down onto the front where striping breaks up the rest of the white that covers the rest of the area. Gold accents her left eye and can be seen in little flecks on her face, neck, side, hip, and either leg on her left side where the denim color is present.

  • Eyes: Shrieks eyes are almond shaped and full of curiosity, often fixed on an object or element for extended periods of time. Her left eye is a soft silver, whereas her right eye is a bright, rosey pink.

  • Skin: On her left side, where the color of denim is prevalent, her skin is a dark black. However, on her right side the color is a soft pink as is seen in albinos. Her nose is the exception, however, being a mix of both pink and black flesh.

  • Scent: Shriek carries a scent that seems to be oregano mixed with sage.


  • Eager, inquisitive and loud: A child is full of curiosity, and Shriek as a child will be no different. From the moment she leaves the den the girl will be overcome by the elements of the world. Grass, trees, skies, prey, predators, all of it will be fascinating to her. Striving to learn the names of them all, Shriek will often ask questions and explore things on her own. The changes of seasons and the different weather patterns will be a whole new level of intrigue for the girl as she learns how to best deal with each. She will be eager, never shying away from the chance to learn something new, even though she will stay close to home. That eagerness will also give way to excitement, and in her excitement she will embody her name with a loud, booming voice. The more excited she gets the faster she speaks.

  • Adaptable, dependable and a homebody: As long as Shriek can be doing something, or learning about a task, she is happy. She doesn't mind what that is, or if plans suddenly change and she needs to do something else. Shriek doesn’t like being idle unless she is studying something, and she greatly enjoys testing limits and boundaries of different elements. Once Shriek gets older, she will be the sort of femme who can adapt to change easily, and use her intelligence to figure out the best ways to overcome a problem. She enjoys hands-on projects and exploring the world she has close to home, not the sort of wolf who likes to be gone for long. It is very easy for Shriek to get homesick and miss her family and pack, so trips longer than a day will be a no go for this girl!

  • Impatient, temperamental and reckless: As mentioned, Shriek wants to be actively doing something or engaging in a task. She gets bored easily, and waiting for things can lead her to be very impatient. Impatience gives way to a flaring temper, and when frustrated it is not uncommon to hear the girl screaming. But while she often does things to figure out the best way to do them, she doesn’t always consider the things that might not work or could be dangerous. That is part of the experience, right? And what is life without a little risk? As long as things work out in the end, that is all Shriek cares about.

Skills: Navigation and Intellect

Plans: Definitely more of a scholar feel for her but also with some setbacks with her more fiery personality. A journey of learning to balance herself so she can do what she enjoys. Family threads and staying in Insomnia. Also, to clarify since I do recognize that Widow will be hesitant to let her kiddos go far, I intend for Shriek to focus on studying terrain, weather, and the stars vs necessarily visiting lots of lands. To tie into her scholar theme~
"Here we do not place bets. We place concerns." - Starcrosst of DeviantArt

Beau's Inklings

Dragon Mod


13+ Years

Easter Egg Hunt 2023Rapid Poster - RainbowPride - DemisexualEaster 2022Toys for Tots
12-05-2023, 11:33 PM (This post was last modified: 12-06-2023, 12:01 AM by Dragon Mod. Edited 4 times in total.)

Mood board
Name: Howl Nightwing
Gender: Male
Alignment: True neutral
  • Serious
  • Quiet...sometimes.
  • Indifferent
  • Aloof
  • Brutally honest
  • Blunt
  • Can be either emotionally distant or shows too much
  • Introverted
  • Observant
  • Might help others, might not. Depends on his mood.
  • Loyal to those who have earned his trust
  • Mysterious
  • Flirty
  • Wears his heart on his sleeve, can be easily heartbroken
  • Charismatic
  • Vain (cares a lot about his appearance)

Skills: healing x intellect



Rapid Poster - Rainbow
12-06-2023, 10:41 PM (This post was last modified: 12-06-2023, 10:52 PM by Indie. Edited 2 times in total.)
Cadaver Nightwing

***This is the design Fox6, but I darkened it a little bit. If that's not cool, than please let me know and I'll figure something else out.***
Male - Heavy Build - Dire Height 45" - Neutral Evil
Stats: Fighting & Intellect

PERSONALITY. At the foundation of his character, Cadaver is fueled by a pursuit of power and control. His aggressive drive will be ingrained in him even as a young pup, always seeking to assert his strength over his siblings and the other pups around his age. While he's young, it may just be passed off as a competitive spirit- always wanting to be the first, the best, the strongest, the bravest. But as he ages, it will become clear how fatally serious he takes the contest. His natural aggression is evident, and he will stop at nothing to achieve his goals. Intimidation and brute force are his preferred methods for having his way, and with his imposing size, he has no qualms about throwing his weight around to get what he wants.

Cadaver's will extends far beyond his physical prowess, encompassing a dark and cunning intelligence. He takes pleasure in preying on the weaknesses and vulnerabilities of those around him- twisting their fears to suit his desires at his own convenience. As he gets older, a large part of his interactions will be tainted with subtle threats and veiled duress, leaving an eviscerated mess of social ties in his wake. Unfortunately, Cadaver's general lack of respect for others doesn't stop there. It extends to his treatment of women. As a pup, he may seem pushy, or more likely to bully a girl. Is it cute? Boys pick on the girls they like, right? Not in his case. Weakness lacks value to him, and early on he will decide to write the fairer sex off altogether. They are all weak- save for the rare exception. Weakness is meant to be manipulated. They're nothing more than pawns, to be moved around and discarded at his leisure. They have their uses, sure. But he will make that determination when it becomes necessary.

Growing up, it would be no surprise that the behaviors he exhibits would be concerning to his mother. With no father around, it will fall on her shoulders to combat the monster he's destined to be on her own. Perhaps that's where his disdain for authority stemmed from- or maybe he simply lacked enough discipline to steer him on the right path. Pointing fingers will do us no good. Despite his mother's tireless efforts to tame him, Cadaver's thirst for more will only grow stronger over time. To say the least, this brute will become a force to be reckoned with, with hopes of being feared by many. As a result, he will be respected by few.

NOTES. Okay so, Oxx was definitely the inspiration for Cadaver, and a character like that is kinda what I'm after. So I totally get it if that's not what you have in mind for your children lol. You aren't going to hurt my feelings if you don't wanna be responsible for bringing more of this into the world. I GET IT.

To kind of reiterate if chosen, Cadaver is going to be a problem child. Constantly going against the rules. Constantly getting into trouble- I would imagine. But I guess that just depends on Widow's parenting style. I see him pushing around his siblings given the opportunity to do so and constantly trying to "one-up" them. I guess, depending on how Widow tries to handle him is going to determine their relationship. He's gonna be a brat, and certainly deserves whatever attempts at correction he gets, but he might resent her for it *shrugs* so who knows.

Also. I feel like we've written together. But I'm happy to do a rp sample if you'd like c: 



Easter Egg Hunt 2023Easter 2022
12-07-2023, 11:28 PM
Thank you to everyone for applying! All of your apps are wonderful, making it way too hard to choose! So I'm not gonna!


You all get your puppies! Cherry has agreed to bring Haunt in as a rogue, unrelated puppy that Widow is going to adopt as one of her own. I've also used an extra pup slot, bringing her max little size up to 6 and allowing me to give the rest of you your pups! It's still sitting in maintenance though (bc I forgot to post it before today whoops), but otherwise, you're all set to get started on your profiles and get them into acceptance~

Widow had three free pups, so the randomly selected winners of those will be: TR, Beau, and Indie!

Please remember that if you plan to purchase art for the design, you would be better off purchasing the design directly from me so please DM me if you would like to! Everyone is using a fox design so it's only $8/each.

If you need any help with gems, let me know and I'll see what I can do!

Birth order (random after the twins): Gruesome, Terror, Cadaver, Illusion, Howl, Shriek

If you have any questions, please DM me!

please DM all tags to @betchasaurusrex!
eightysichs/wolfbea was hacked, what's owed has been made/paid,
and i wasn't involved or even knew her during the time she was hacked, thank you ♥

Thread Move Log
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1. Widow Mystery Litter Adoptions 12:03 AM, 11-09-2023 04:50 AM, 01-10-2024