
Fear the reaper, or be stupid and don't

Lurid(Amarix's welcome)


11-23-2023, 11:06 AM

It's not sin, or a murder for carnal disgrace

Black on a white canvas. That is what the masterpiece that was Mortem was. His nose was to the ground as he tracked his last lead. The liar, he deserved the fate mortem had in mind for him. Vermin had crossed him for the last time. His eyes settled on the mountain in the distance, but the scent didn't go in that direction. The man who had grown up with the Amarix kingdom was well aware that crossing Mortem had been a bad decision. This last time had sent Mortem to lands further away where no one had even heard his name or seen his goddess. How dare that worm.

A snarl left his maw. Vermin had been once his friend but now the coward was on the run. He was running out of places to run though. And both Mortem and Vermin knew this. He trudged on, tracking the worm who had lied his way around the moment Mortem had came calling upon him. Sure he had once been sent away by his father for loving Lurid as more than just his sister but Mortem came back to find her the moment her scent left their home lands. Vermin had been lying to him since that moment.

He came like a shadow in the dark forest upon the man who had thought it safe enough to sleep. His form towering over the other. A deep snarl ripped from Mortem's chest, rousing the worm who began in with his stupidity. "Mortem, my friend, i can explain. I [romise i found you a better lead this time! Lurid is well within your grasp, i swear it." The snarl deepened as the worm started back-pedaling into the tree. He could read the moron in a second. Vermin's fear was thick in the air. Wrong choice. Mortem lunged as the worm decided to try to dart away. Fangs ripping into the other's skull as his paw came slamming down on the man's spine. A snap from Vermin's jaws, setting the beast inside Mortem off.

He dared to try to fight off his punishment.

Mortem saw red in an instant. His hackles lifting and everything changing in that moment. He had intentions originally of just rending his flesh from his face in a gruesome scar but now, now it was his life. He would pay. Mortem wrenched his canines loose throwing blood and flesh upon the tree. The scream from Vermin was ignored as he moved his paw to the other's throat, choking out the last of his scream as mortem set to work. Teeth rended flesh from the much smaller man, fur flying as he set about making the other wish he had just outright killed him.

A paw came upon Mortem's forehead, sending his own blood spraying as Vermin did his best to fight back. This was laughable though. Mortem was a hulking beast of a man. The wilds having made a once finely muscled man into a heavily muscled beast. Lurid would be impressed he knew, but still he was not happy. He snapped the offending limb into his jaws and began to pull and tear at it until it was rended from the man's body, blood dripping into his eyes.  He flung the limb having no care for where it went. Screams filled the air around him. They were music to his ears but annoying all the same. Vermin had made a mistake, showing weakness and not fearing the reaper that was Mortem Amarix enough.

He let the man scream for the moment, letting him create a symphony around them. A melody the Amarix siblings all knew well. He then went for more. Ripping bits and pieces off his probably barely living victim now. This wasn't a man he wished to make food of or a bed from.

it was almost ten minutes before silence was granted from the area finally. Mortem holding the man's bloody head in his jaws. His eyes were clody and blood was flowing into them, leaving him with blurred vision. He moved from the mutilated mess dropping the skull on his way unceremoniously as his sides heaved. His "tantrum" as his father had once called them, having finished finally. Though that didn't mean he was any less dangerous. He could barely see right now, and his anger could flare back up in any given minute.

His own paw came up to swipe at his eyes and try to clear them. Though he knew it would be in vain.

Walk, "Talk", Think

That would be unlawful, and sloth filled
Art by Asena; lines by BioZev



Expert Fighter (238)

Master Intellectual (255)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

8 Years
Dire wolf

Double Master1KHalloween 2020 - Spooky Cave
11-24-2023, 11:29 AM

Lurid bathed in a rare spot of moonlight, enjoying the light silvery rays of the natural satellite. The pale goddess had nothing to do at the moment though, and she was inclined to relax for a bit. Hunting her siblings had proven all but fruitless, though she had found Eldritch up north with offerings of the darkest sort. It was a rare peaceful moment for the Night Mother, night birds cooed their songs to one another to make a symphony of their own in the night. Cicadas and crickets also made their voices heard, along with tree frogs. Spring was in full swing and everyone was aching for a piece of action. Lurid giggled at the thought, wondering if she should go and find Requiem again. Suddenly, the forest around her went still and silent. The devil looked around for anything in the shadows that looked like a threat, then she heard it. A blood-curdling scream split the air and Lurid listened for a moment with a grin on her face. Perhaps her red devil had captured someone for dinner. She made her way fast through the underbrush of the forest, the leaves only barely whispering of her passing.

It took her a while to reach the source of the screams, by the time she did they had been silenced. She had expected a red back to greet her, instead, she got a raven's wing black one. Her first instinct was to pounce, but something told her to hold back. Holographic white-to-lavender gaze looked over the male before her, watching as he took apart his victim piece by bloody piece. She knew this artwork, and she knew the artist painting it. For a while she watched in silence, then once he held the man's head in his dark mouth, Lurid moved forward. "Mortem, esne hic vere?" She couldn't believe her eyes, or her ears, or her luck for that matter. Despite having searched for her siblings all over Boreas, they find ways of finding her it would seem. Perhaps not directly, but it would seem her luck was turning when it came down to missing siblings. This was her little brother Mortem, returned to her at last.

Word count: 367 words
Notes: Sorry it's so short, the baby woke up XD || Scroll over for translation. <3
"Speech" | 'Hear' | Think

Code by Sea, Art by Bunni
Despite her adorable good looks, Lurid is quite the nasty character. Use extreme caution when threading with her. Her threads are almost always considered mature, with possible triggers. Caution, this character is rated M for Mature! <3 She is unpredictable even to her author, who decides her conduct by random die rolls. Ilyn is a 24" tall polar bear & Samael is a black Augur Buzzard with a 50" wingspan, they travel with Lurid as her companions. If not directly mentioned, assume they are nearby. As her mate, Requiem is allowed in any of her threads regardless of label. Lurid possesses diamond-studded armor which she uses in battle.

Click the character icon to see Lurid's profile.
Discord: Bird_223 or PM character
to plot with me, ask about threads,
or to remind me about posts!


11-30-2023, 11:46 AM

It's not sin, or a murder for carnal disgrace

The reaper was so engrossed in himself as he attempted to get his vision clear to no avail that he hadn't even noticed another standing there watching him work through more than half of it likely. First was the scent getting caught though, Making him freeze with his paw over his eyes. Maybe it had been a scent he had smelled on Vermin though so it could be wrote off. But in the silence came a voice, Latin registering to him but not as another language all in the same instant.

The owner of the voice hadn't even registered with him yet.

His reaction was instantaneous. Too many wanted him dead or worse. His body turned tail raising, as the fur along his spine came to stand upright. Teeth showing to the would be intruder. But eyes clenched closed from the pain of blood in his eyes. One would think him uncivilized in the moment, but he was not the talker of the family. He was well known for death and reaping those around him. He had just ended the last one that could be near to him that wasn't his own family. Vermin had been aware of Mortem's ticking time bomb nature and when they were younger had made a point to not step on his toes. But he had finally done it. Thus he lost his life.


His body was tensed for mere moments. Then after a few seconds he opened his eyes, vision still blurred but clearer than a moment ago. Moonlight bathed the forms of both of them, one a shadow in the night that could blend into any darkness, the other a shimmering field of moonlight. A goddess among mortals.

His face immediately relaxed, teeth and blackened gums covered by his lips. Tail slowly lowering but his fur stayed standing up at his spine. Disbelief painted his face. He had seen this trick once though. So caution would be his next plan.

"Dependes, oculos meos fallis, et deam esse me fingis?" His vocals didn't betray his mistrust of the situation. His experience in the past had made him question this moment. She couldn't find him, he had to find her. Obviously.

Everything for his spawn rode on that one detail. Though Lurid wouldn't know, not yet. Not unless Vita could be smelled on him, that puppy scent he knew was hard to pick up over the scent of death, and his own cologne. But only time would tell. And if this wasn't Lurid he would dispose of this false goddess.

Walk, "Talk", Think

That would be unlawful, and sloth filled
Art by Asena; lines by BioZev



Expert Fighter (238)

Master Intellectual (255)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

8 Years
Dire wolf

Double Master1KHalloween 2020 - Spooky Cave
12-06-2023, 04:58 PM

Lurid watched the hair along his spine begin to rise as did his tail, teeth bared he rounded on her. There was no movement from Lurid, where most would have recoiled or flinched, she was calm and collected. Though he may seem a savage to some, Lurid knew the real Mortem. He was a savage, a brutal killing machine with only one tiny off-switch. When the family needed someone butchered, Mortem was often the one who found himself in the executioner role. His brutality had often been on display with Old Mirovis, a graphic reminder to those who wished to challenge the Amarix rule not to cross them. He often gave her the hides of his kills, dark offerings to his patron goddess. She stood there, staring death in the face, and dared to smile. She had found Mortem! Blinking the blood from his eyes, Mortem seemed to relax a bit, taking on a more suitable posture even though he did hesitate. She could see the disbelief in his abysmal face and could tell from the blood still in his eyes that he wasn't fully seeing her. Lurid could understand the shock of seeing her ghostly golden form, but the way he spoke to her rubbed her wrong. "Sic deam tuam alloqueris" She took a step forward, towards him so that he could see her eyes through the bloody haze.

She could hardly believe he questioned her, though it wasn't entirely his fault. The shock and disbelief that had presented on his face was enough for her to know she had taken him by surprise. Holographic white-to-lavender eyes fall to the tangled mess of what used to be a wolf by the looks of it. "Hoccine sacrificium est pro me?" She moved closer to Mortem, so that his other senses could kick in and he could smell her perfume of butterscotch and rum, a signature scent. Upon doing so, she moved close enough to smell his own cologne and the scents he carried with him. One she knew as Vermin's stench, a childhood friend of Mortem. That was when she recognized the body behind him, or rather, what was left of it. There was something else beneath all the recent death and carnage, and when she scented it, she simply stared into the obsidian pools of his gaze and waited for him to explain what she was smelling.

Word count: 398 words
Notes: ---
"Speech" | 'Hear' | Think

Code by Sea, Art by Bunni
Despite her adorable good looks, Lurid is quite the nasty character. Use extreme caution when threading with her. Her threads are almost always considered mature, with possible triggers. Caution, this character is rated M for Mature! <3 She is unpredictable even to her author, who decides her conduct by random die rolls. Ilyn is a 24" tall polar bear & Samael is a black Augur Buzzard with a 50" wingspan, they travel with Lurid as her companions. If not directly mentioned, assume they are nearby. As her mate, Requiem is allowed in any of her threads regardless of label. Lurid possesses diamond-studded armor which she uses in battle.

Click the character icon to see Lurid's profile.
Discord: Bird_223 or PM character
to plot with me, ask about threads,
or to remind me about posts!


12-07-2023, 07:24 PM
Art by Asena

I have a secret

He waited, impatiently for his answer. Was she just a imposter he could tear limb from limb in pleasure, or was she his Goddess and the head of their family now? He studied her through blurred vision waiting for her to speak again. When she finally broke the silence between them he flicked an ear at her. His face relaxed into its natural state, hard to read, a mask of indifference and deadpan. There was none Mortem feared, not even her wrath.

No if she were to rip into him he would take nothing but pleasure from it. No fight would be put up against her either. It was a trust he gave her, and a loyalty she got from him. She was well aware of his intent from day one. To protect and keep his goddess on the top of the pyramid of power. And he would follow her to the ends of the earth, by casting himself into the role of a reaper, his soul would be forever bound to hers this way.

He didn't answer her first question, it came across as more of a statement anyway. More of a way of telling him off without actually telling him off. She knew the answer would make it to the surface on why he acted as such one day, or at least he hoped. His eyes followed her, as his body relaxed into the ground. His chest first then his ass. A lazed way about him as he waited for her to decide the next move. He hadn't seen another Amarix in what felt like eons. Though he had seemed to make a mob form looking for his head in other lands away from this. But such was expected from him he was certain.

She eyed the remains of Vermin, questioning if it was a sacrifice for her. He wasn't going to lie to her, it was not how they would start out on this new land. "It would be a lie to say it was, my lady. Was a mere punishment, for leading me on, lying to me and then trying to get me to be chained down in one place."  he had no intents on lying, and this scum had been the one to send him in the direction of the witch that had vexed him.

He could smell another on her coat as she came closer, and the beginnings of a growl came forth. Requiem. He knew the man from their homelands, but the man's scent lingered upon her as more than a follower or a companion. How dare he. The goddess was above mortal men. "Deam Requiem angit? Cogere se ubi non debet? Num novum caput habeo collectionis meae et pellis pro lecto tuo?" His shoulders tensed, like a cat ready to pounce. His face was twisting into a new anger, and not at Lurid, no but at the mortal who dared touch her.

Vita was placed out of his mind for the moment, and he was none the wiser that she had even smelled her on him. Nor that she sought an answer for the scent upon him that he had become numb to.

Walk, "Talk", Think

Can you keep it?
Art by Asena



Expert Fighter (238)

Master Intellectual (255)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

8 Years
Dire wolf

Double Master1KHalloween 2020 - Spooky Cave
12-09-2023, 08:38 PM

At first, Mortem said nothing in reply to her question of his way of addressing his lost sister and goddess. She took his laying down as a submission of sorts, at least the closest she could get from the family's reaper. Each of her found siblings seemed to forget decorum when it came to addressing the Amarix Matriarch, but no matter, she would remind them all soon enough who the boss was. Watching Mortem lower his front half then the back, she licked her lips irritably, her brow furrowing just a bit. Most wouldn't see the expression change, it was so minute, but she knew each of her siblings would be able to spot it. They would know it meant her patience was waning, though Mortem was afforded a bit more leeway than her other siblings. He had been gone the longest, perhaps he did not know the capabilities of the Night Mother just yet, maybe he didn't know that she had spent months looking for them. He had not been gone that long, and he did know better.

As she asked about his sacrifice, Lurid's brow creased further. He explained his mess as a mere punishment, effectively erasing any irritation even though she was a little disappointed he had not killed the wretch for her. She laughed, the sound akin to the tinkling of bells. "It would seem he was not lying to you this time, brother mine." She was grateful he hadn't lied to her, she would have had to take his tongue, and that would be a shame. Lurid liked to hear the voices of her family, and she hoped to have them all together in one place soon enough. Perhaps, they could all travel together until they found a home to truly settle in. Lurid drew closer to her brother, the dark beast lounging almost lazily on the forest floor, she could smell the unique scent of a puppy on him. She was about to ask about the strange scent, as she knew Mortem wasn't really one for younglings, but he beat her to speaking. His midnight lips formed his questions, asking about Requiem bothering her or forcing himself on her, making Lurid laugh once again. She shook her head, smiling at his inquiry. "I chose him, Mortem...He is my mate and is to be respected, just as you respect me. What of the scent on your pelt?"

There was a warning in her words about Requiem, a serious one though her tone was light and entertained. The mood was fleeting though, as she needed to get serious with him. Yes, he had been searching for her, but what had he learned in the meantime? Her expression went blank, "I have a long road ahead of me, my brother, are you along for the journey?" Really, she was telling him he would go with her, his loyalty was being tested in this moment. She would need an answer from him, the right answer. He knew the punishments for not complying with her wishes. Violence would break out, there would be a clash of light against dark. Blood would be spilled. It was something she wished to avoid, but some had to be reminded of their place. Eldritch had been found, but she still had to find her sisters. Requiem was helping her to find them, maybe she should set Eldritch and Mortem to do the same.

Word count: 570 words
Notes: ---
"Speech" | 'Hear' | Think

Code by Sea, Art by Bunni
Despite her adorable good looks, Lurid is quite the nasty character. Use extreme caution when threading with her. Her threads are almost always considered mature, with possible triggers. Caution, this character is rated M for Mature! <3 She is unpredictable even to her author, who decides her conduct by random die rolls. Ilyn is a 24" tall polar bear & Samael is a black Augur Buzzard with a 50" wingspan, they travel with Lurid as her companions. If not directly mentioned, assume they are nearby. As her mate, Requiem is allowed in any of her threads regardless of label. Lurid possesses diamond-studded armor which she uses in battle.

Click the character icon to see Lurid's profile.
Discord: Bird_223 or PM character
to plot with me, ask about threads,
or to remind me about posts!


12-11-2023, 12:18 AM

It's not sin, or a murder for carnal disgrace

He could pick out every minute detail of her face as it shifted, he wasn't daft nor blind. He knew Lurid just as well as she knew he. He was the brute of the family, the closest one could be to a true reaper. If you needed someone dead, there was no one more violent and happy to do it than Mortem. He found a pleasure in harming others. While Lurid, she was the families keeper, their matriarch. She was a goddess among mortals. Though she had a temper, the same as him, she had more patience than he.

He was edging on her patience already. Her minute change told him so. Thiugh he was more than willing to answer any questions for him she had, she only need ask. He had always worshipped the ground she walked upon. He was putty to her paws.

His ears prcked to the answer she provided him. He was to respect Requiem. Unlikely. But he would tolerate the man when he needed to work with him. He would likely avoid him otherwise. Requiem had already made a mistake in his eyes. Touching his goddess and binding her to himself. His nod was stiff, enough to let her know he had heard her and would obey but he couldn't keep the emotion from his face. Jealousy? Ire? Maybe a bit of both. He had once sought to keep others away from Lurid, to let her be worshipped by all but touched by none. Even now he wouldn't touch her.

Time away from Lurid had never dampened any part of his devotion to her. She wasn't done though after her command. She wanted an answer to a scent upon him. And confusion brought his brows together, knitting them. His own nose diving into his pelt at his chest. His perfume was in tact. Death, decay, cedar wood, but another. This one pure. Ah. Realization on his face brought his eyes and face back to meet Lurid's gaze. "That would be Vita, my daughter. Another reason this wretch was punished.... her mother was a witch, her spell making me believe she was you, seducing me..... I was forced to wait to find you even longer while I waited for the child to be weaned. I believe the child to be much like you, a goddess among mortals." His voice held no particular love when discussing his daughter. She was his, but he did not have any love for children. There was no softness he would show to any who weren't Lurid.

She once had his oath, his devotion. She was the world for Mortem. None would be allowed to take her place.

He watched her as she was moving on. Her next question almost had him snorting laughter. What kind of question was that? Like he wasn't ready to follow her to the ends of the earth. "You ask, though you already know the answer..... do you take me for a deserter? I would walk my whole life chasing you if I must, I would raze entire continents with one word for you. I shall make certain none question your divinity, there will be preists that sing your praises should I have my way." he raised onto his legs as he spoke. Ready to follow her anywhere.

First though he would need to collect Vita. There was no allowance for the child to grow away from his sister and learn from her. "Shall I go collect the child while you enjoy yourself and feast on this fool's remains?" he had of course stashed Vita nearby. He wasn't stupid. She would be easy food for just about anything that wanted her at her age. But it would be Lurid's decision now if she was allowed to live.

Walk, "Talk", Think

That would be unlawful, and sloth filled
Art by Asena; lines by BioZev



Expert Fighter (238)

Master Intellectual (255)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

8 Years
Dire wolf

Double Master1KHalloween 2020 - Spooky Cave
12-11-2023, 08:41 PM

At the mention of Requiem, Lurid watched as Mortem's expression changed before her eyes, not sure which emotion he landed on. Those pitch-black pools seemed to shine with something akin to jealous anger, but he nodded all the same. Lurid was content to take the nod as him obeying what she said, though she would usually demand verbal confirmation from her other siblings, she knew this was the closest she would get with Mortem. As for her other question, she watched as Mortem gave himself a smell test with confusion plastered all over his face. Those holographic eyes danced over his face as realization hit, and he looked back up at her. With a carefully blank face, Lurid listened as he told her what happened and who the scent belonged to. He explained what took him so long to find her, why he had been set back in his quest for his queen. A child had been born! The family had a future, even if she wasn't the first to produce that particular fruit.

He wasn't particularly warm when discussing his little goddess-child, as one would expect any father to, instead he was cold and rather detached from it. They could have been discussing the scales of a dead fish for all the warmth he held in his tone. Lurid was not understanding of his ways, but she would see to it that he at least treated the girl right. No doubt he would, but she would keep an eye on their relationship. Couldn't have an Amarix child out there with daddy issues, that would reflect poorly on the family. Lurid knew Mortem only truly loved death and his patron goddess, but if his chilly disposition became an issue she would address it. "When can I meet this little goddess?" Lurid loved babies, children, and teenagers, it was the chink in her armor of darkness. Would she kill them if she deemed it necessary? Yes. Were they adorable and hard not to cuddle? Yes. Lurid would be a light for the child, she had already decided. If the girl needed guidance, Lurid was ready to step up to the plate. Moving on, though she would much rather discuss her niece, Lurid asked about Mortem's allegiance. Her brother had a hard time holding in his laughter, making Lurid arch a brow at him.

Declaring his oath to follow her once more, Lurid gave a warm smile. While he lavished and embellished his praises, Lurid could only offer a proud smile. Rising as he did, Lurid could tell her brother meant every word of his small speech, his words making her tail wave behind her. "I am grateful to have you in the fold again, brother mine." There was a rich sincerity in her voice, and emotional tears welled up in her eyes before she blinked them quickly away. Mortem asked then if he should go and collect little Vita, "Yes, yes, go and get my niece, bring her to me so I may have a look at her." Lurid wanted to know this little Amarix inside and out. If the girl was strong enough she would be allowed to live, Lurid would have looked to her own father for guidance here, but she had killed him a long time ago. Lurid was the leader now and the strength of the bloodline rested in her claws. No doubt Mortem would have culled her if he didn't see anything special, but she had to see for herself. Getting a snack in the meantime was a bonus.

Word count: 593 words
Notes: ---
"Speech" | 'Hear' | Think

Code by Sea, Art by Bunni
Despite her adorable good looks, Lurid is quite the nasty character. Use extreme caution when threading with her. Her threads are almost always considered mature, with possible triggers. Caution, this character is rated M for Mature! <3 She is unpredictable even to her author, who decides her conduct by random die rolls. Ilyn is a 24" tall polar bear & Samael is a black Augur Buzzard with a 50" wingspan, they travel with Lurid as her companions. If not directly mentioned, assume they are nearby. As her mate, Requiem is allowed in any of her threads regardless of label. Lurid possesses diamond-studded armor which she uses in battle.

Click the character icon to see Lurid's profile.
Discord: Bird_223 or PM character
to plot with me, ask about threads,
or to remind me about posts!


12-16-2023, 02:20 AM

It's not sin, or a murder for carnal disgrace

Mortem watched everything Lurid did. If one were to say he was stupid, then they were fooled. Mortem was just as cunning and observant as the others of his kind. But the cold brutish front probably made many question his intellect levels. He knew where his own daughter had received her cunning intelligence from, and for as cold as he was to her, he was doing her a favor. If Lurid had more to do with her training then he did she would come out better for it. Lurid wasn't as much of a brute, and was more cunning than he was.

Her tail wag went noticed but he said nothing about it. Though he was proud he could bring some happiness to his goddess. He wasn't sure who the first to bring children into the world was but if it was him then he was solidifying Lurid's empire. He would proudly do so more if she needed, though he cared not for children nor for taking a wife. It would be distracting from his one true love. Battle was only a mere second to Lurid, nothing could compare to her.

His lips turned up with the slightest smirk, before allowing the emotion to fade as Lurid gave him permission to fetch Vita and come back. "I shall not be long, I feel you will enjoy the child I bring to you as if she were your own." and with that he lifted himself, no need for goodbyes. He would return as fast as possible. His paws lead him out of sight of Lurid. Closer to the edge of the forest. It was his way of keeping vita safe enough when he had found a fresh sign of Vermin.

He moved to the old fox den, it was well too small for him to enter, one reason he had chosen to tell her to stay there. As he approached he did not mask himself, even allowing for his paws to be loud enough the child would know she was not alone now. Only two words were spared to her as he came to the spot.

As soon as she followed his orders and came out he did a thing he had not since she had gained the ability to walk. His jaws closed on her, lifting her by the scruff, neither had words for the other though. He ignored her raised brow and set back towards Lurid. His pace was brisk and faster than if he had let the child walk on her own.

As he finally came back with Vita he moved towards Lurid. His jaws dropping Vita who let out an oomph quietly as he unceremoniously dropped her on her ass. His body moved over the top of her and towards Lurid. Moving to stand off beside Lurid and facing Vita as he came to an about face.

"Here she is my goddess, Vita Amarix. This is your aunt child and a goddess, show her the proper respect she deserves...." his words were proud when announcing Lurid to Vita, and warm as he spoke to Lurid, but he gave Vita his one warning. He would not tolerate any disrespect for Lurid.

The reaper was home, ready to serve Lurid's every whim and to make those who spoke to her respect her or die for it. This was Mortem. His black eyes didn't move from the child waiting and observing. His ears listening for the judgment from Lurid.

Walk, "Talk", Think

That would be unlawful, and sloth filled
Art by Asena; lines by BioZev


12-16-2023, 12:17 PM
Vita had been hidden away while her father had been out dealing with a male he called vermin, scum she said. As if she ever spoke much. She really had no care, but the way Mortem had painted the male made her think he was better off dead. How beautiful it would be. Death loved those in her embrace. Such a melancholy of songs was to be sang that night.

But Vita had been kept from it all. She had waited like she had been told. Until steps approaching the fox hole she was holed up in sounded. Her ears stood tall on her head as she waited silently. "Vita come." he had left no room to mistake who he was. Nor any room for argument. His order was solid.

As such she came out shaking the dirt from her pelt and turning large brown eyes on him. She was expectant of him. He was the leader of their little duo for now. What she had not expected was for him to break the rule of touch he had made. Her scruff was captured with no complaints though. She wasn't one to complain. Words were not her style.

He carries her to another. The scents here sang of death. The visage the other painted was of beauty. Whites and pale golds. She was dropped on her rump and a oomph escaped her from the height of the drop. She sat up though and tucked her paws in close. Her tail was brought over her paws as she looked upon the scene before her.

Her ears sat upright and a tilt of her head had her observing the woman. Mortem called her, her aunt and claimed her to be a goddess. She sat there unblinking without words. She needed none yet. The spiderling was one of few words anyway. She had heard the threat from her father and she didn't much care. He was more than aware that if she didn't speak she wouldn't offend the woman. Time would wait though.



Expert Fighter (238)

Master Intellectual (255)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

8 Years
Dire wolf

Double Master1KHalloween 2020 - Spooky Cave
12-19-2023, 06:59 PM

Lurid gave a smiling nod to Mortem as he said he would return to her shortly, motioning for him to hurry up and get back with the newest member of the Amarix dynasty. True to his word Mortem returned carrying a tiny pup in his lethal jaws and set her down not far from her dire aunt's paws. He came to rest at her side, gazing down with a proud expression to his voice as he announced his daughter. Holographic eyes roamed over the small girl, looking over the tiny doll. Her dual-colored pelt would be pretty to hang on the wall should she displease the bitch-goddess, though she seemed to please her for now. Vita said nothing, only stared unblinking and cold, so unusual for a child. "Hello, little one. How was your trip?" She knew Mortem's side of the tale, but hearing what the child had to say about it would no doubt be entertaining. How did she cope with life having Mortem, the cold one, as her father? Her answer would tell Lurid just how much work would have to be done with the child. If she could speak at all since the child was so composed and silent. Was she selectively mute? So much curiosity surrounded the child.

Moving in, Lurid towered over the girl, not to scare her but simply because of their enormous height difference. One bat from her massive paw would send the babe flying, one bite from her jaws and the pup would be done. Sure, the child would grow, but she would always be small. Her dainty little paws told Lurid she would never be like most of the giants of the family. Perhaps, she was more like Atropos. Maybe her smaller stature came from her mother, if that was the case it wouldn't be held against her. Making a full revolution around the tiny girl, Lurid came to rest once more at Mortem's side. "Have you taught her our ways?" Of course he had, but the girl offered no bow or nod. "Little one, pater tuus te docuit verba nostra?" The test was on both of them, her as an Amarix child, and Mortem as an Amarix father. Yes, Lurid would stick her nose wherever she wished to when it came to their futures. Right down to playing child services, couldn't have little ones who hated their parents and as an extension, Lurid herself.

The girl's future hung in the balance as well, though Lurid would hate to have to snuff out the little light. Her birth was the first that she knew of between her siblings, they were all that was left of the great Amarix empire. Whether any of their other family members survived she did not know, if they had she was sure they would have shown their faces by now. A lot was resting on those tiny shoulders, for now. Lurid had plans for a family of her own, then Vita could share the responsibility with her cousins. Lurid scoped her over both as an individual and for what she meant to their family. The girl was the start of a future for them, and that alone made her special to the pale goddess.

Word count: 538 words
Notes: ---
"Speech" | 'Hear' | Think

Code by Sea, Art by Bunni
Despite her adorable good looks, Lurid is quite the nasty character. Use extreme caution when threading with her. Her threads are almost always considered mature, with possible triggers. Caution, this character is rated M for Mature! <3 She is unpredictable even to her author, who decides her conduct by random die rolls. Ilyn is a 24" tall polar bear & Samael is a black Augur Buzzard with a 50" wingspan, they travel with Lurid as her companions. If not directly mentioned, assume they are nearby. As her mate, Requiem is allowed in any of her threads regardless of label. Lurid possesses diamond-studded armor which she uses in battle.

Click the character icon to see Lurid's profile.
Discord: Bird_223 or PM character
to plot with me, ask about threads,
or to remind me about posts!


01-17-2024, 02:35 AM

It's not sin, or a murder for carnal disgrace

The reaper stayed as he was, allowing Lurid her time to judge his offspring and to determine her fate. His eyes cut like knives into his child as he waited. He knew she had a voice, but he also knew she rarely seemed to use it. Peculiar. Though he had grown used to the silence from her and even enjoyed it. It made actually interacting with the child tolerable.

He wasn't a man of many words. And it was even better that the child decided not to talk his ears off ever. Though he glanced at Lurid's backside as she began questioning the girl, not on herself but on his competency. His hackles rose and he gave her a blank stare as if telling her she had offended him with the mere suggestion of the way he would shirk their ways and educating Vita on them. It was offensive. And wounded his pride slightly. But he felt the best way for her to learn his competency was observing the child. He turned his gaze from them. His back would not turn on Lurid but he would show her his wound wordlessly. HE was not a dumb brute. Even she should know that.

Walk, "Talk", Think

That would be unlawful, and sloth filled
Art by Asena; lines by BioZev


01-17-2024, 03:11 AM

two can keep a secret

She did not fear the woman, nor her father. Even as the woman stood over her. Her doll-like expression remained even as she now had to look up at the woman to meet her eyes. Her muteness had never been a problem for Mortem so now she expected the same of this woman. She only needed rules laid out and then to figure out this female. She had no reason to answer everything, but she took in all the questions, the way her father behaved and started to decide her answers. she had asked three things of the girl, though one had been to her father. He refused to answer verbally though.

She could answer for them both she supposed.... though what the woman expected was boring and monotonous one word answers it felt. She could do that though she would rather just not. Not from laziness, but from the fact that these sorts of conversations bored her. Not to mention she kept labeling her with little one. Seemed pet names would be needed this night.

"odiosus, amita." Her little voice was like chimes in the wind. Just as creepy to listen to as the child was creepy to watch. She knew her father had brought her here to be observed, but now she did the observing. She would let her aunt hear her vocals only once more in the moment. She loosed the only question to the woman she had. Her eyes could tell the other things she wished to find out.

"Tu animas mortuorum gustas?"

She had wanted to know how the girl was educated, and truth be told she was far more intelligent than Mortem had placed stock in. She had become bored of his lessons. His education was lacking in the thing her body craved. She wanted to learn more than he had began to teach her. Her ticket was in front of her as well.

Walk, "Talk", Think

If one of them is dead

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1. Fear the reaper, or be stupid and don't Soulless Forest 11:06 AM, 11-23-2023 05:24 AM, 05-01-2024