




Master Navigator (240)

Advanced Fighter (65)

4 Years

Samhain 2022
10-10-2023, 02:54 PM (This post was last modified: 12-19-2023, 01:32 AM by Rusalka. Edited 1 time in total.)

Breaking away from her brother and family had been difficult, but oh how she had enjoyed the time she had spent letting the breeze carry her wherever it wanted her to go. She had drifted for a few seasons and seen a whole host of different landscapes and interesting things, animals she had never seen before, rock formations that she'd certainly have to try and sketch out to show her family what they had looked like. Still, no matter how much fun she was having filling her wanderlust, she still missed her family dearly and eventually that had driven her back to Boreas–only to find her mother along the way who seemed to be feeling the same sort of longing. It had been far, far too long since she had seen her mother and finding her on her way back to Boreas felt like a sign that this was the right move. She still didn't know if she'd settle back into a pack and if she did if it would be Ashen with her parents or Elysium with her brother–assuming he was still in the northeastern pack–but being back in the familiar lands felt good.

"I can see it!" she said excitedly as she glanced back at her mother with a grin, her tail wagging behind her as she bounced forward toward the Ashen border. She could see the distinctive lake just up ahead so she knew they were close. It was hard to keep herself from just bounding across the border to find her father considering it had been ages and ages since she had seen him last, but she didn't want to be rude to her aunt so she stopped herself with just some excited shifting from foot to foot at the edge of the pack's scent markers. Her mother caught up to her quickly and she glanced over to her as she leaned her shoulder into her and told her to call for her father. Ruse nodded eagerly and tipped her head back, letting out a howl to call him to them. Hopefully he wasn't too far away–she was impatient!

"Rusalka Alondra Klein"



Master Fighter (240)

Master Healer (255)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

7 Years

The Ooze ParticipantPride - Demisexual1K
10-10-2023, 03:02 PM

She'd never regret accompanying the boys even if it had taken her away from her other family for far longer than she had wanted to be, but now that they were all plenty old enough to fend for themselves and make their own decision over whether they wanted to return to Boreas or not she felt like it was time that she make her way back. She had missed them all very much. She had briefly thought about finding a way to send word that she was on her way back, but in the end had decided to make it a surprise. On the way, however, she had found the familiar scent of her daughter and had an earlier than expected reunion with her spirited little girl. Finding her had brightened up the long trip dramatically and made her even more excited to reunite with Chimera–especially after finding out that Ruse had also been out on an exploratory journey of her own. She couldn't wait to see his reaction to having both of them back home. The trip to Ashen's border was a smooth one and she chuckled as she watched their daughter bound forward with barely contained energy. Stepping up to the border herself, she leaned into Ruse's side and said, "Go ahead and call for your dad," intentionally not revealing that she was also here just yet. Smirking, she looked across toward the lake ahead of them, searching the nearby foliage for his distinctive frame.

"Dalila Vista Klein"



Master Hunter (245)

Master Fighter (275)

An icon representing the specialty Cooperative Cooperative

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantHalloween 2020 - Haunted House
10-21-2023, 04:09 PM

Chimera was always grumpy as of late. Days were long and boring and there wasn't nearly enough mental stimulation to keep the man's mind occupied. He was slowly returning to that sulking child that he had once been. Dark and brooding and scowling. Others of the pack avoided him most of the time, but thankfully he wasn't around all that often. Not around the rest of the pack, anyway. He kept his temper around his children and queens, but it was a lot to ask otherwise.

While stalking around the perimeter of pack lands, a call rang out. Chimera's brow furrowed for a moment. It had sounded like Rusalka, but he hadn't received word that she was returning. The black and white brute surged forward, heavy paws thudding the well worn path as he made his way towards the border.

Ruse came into his line of sight first and Chimera couldn't help but grin as his pace slowed. His little girl. She was so very lovely and grown. A second form beside her caught his attention and the man stilled for a moment. "Dalila?" A moment later the brute swept both women into his embrace, sitting on his haunches so that he could hold them close. He placed a kiss upon Ruse's brow and then buried his muzzle into the side of Dalila's throat. "I've missed you both so much," he murmured, emotion in his deep voice.

Chimera is a very adult character and takes part in very adult situations. Don't read his threads. Ever.
[Image: tOAj1ES.png]
Chi has three black Tibetan Mastiff's as guards. Assume they're very close by.



Master Navigator (240)

Advanced Fighter (65)

4 Years

Samhain 2022
11-07-2023, 05:27 PM

Ruse shifted from one paw to another, impatiently waiting for her father's familiar form to appear from among the trees around the lake. It never crossed her mind once that he wouldn't be here or that he might not come. Of course he would, he was always there when she wanted him to be! And sure enough, his split large, black and white figure eventually emerged from the trees and she grinned, practically prancing in place as she waited for him to make it to the border. She noticed how his expression brightened when he saw her and then the extra surprise that quickly followed when he noticed her mother's smaller figure beside her. She always liked seeing her parents together and seeing how excited he was to see them both made her grin even wider, her tail wagging wildly behind her.

It had been far, far too long since she had seen her father so the moment he was close enough for her to do so she leapt forward, throwing her forelegs around his neck as he swept her up into his embrace. "I missed you too!" she replied excitedly, giggling as he kissed her brow. Even though she was an adult now in every regard she still felt like his little girl whenever she was around him. She hugged him tight for a long moment before she finally let go and took a step back so she could grin up at him. "I found mom while I was out exploring and we decided to come back and surprise you!" She peeked past him at the Ashen owned lands behind him and asked, "Are Aunt Siren and Aunt Ali still here too? I can't wait to see everyone!"

"Rusalka Alondra Klein"



Master Fighter (240)

Master Healer (255)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

7 Years

The Ooze ParticipantPride - Demisexual1K
11-07-2023, 05:39 PM

If she knew anything about Chimera she knew that he would most certainly come running if his daughter called for him as long as he was near by. Sure enough, they were hardly kept waiting before his handsome face came into view. A grin pulled across her lips at the sight of him, her tail wagging with a giddiness that she hadn't felt in quite a while. His massive forelegs swept them up as if they weighed nothing and she laughed lightly as she slipped a foreleg around him to hold herself tightly against him, closing her eyes for a moment as she nuzzled into his neck with a smile that made her cheeks hurt. "I missed you just as much," she replied, the same emotion in Chimera's voice reflected in her own. She had of course known she was going to miss him and their family when she volunteered to keep an eye on his wandering boys, but only now that she was back in his embrace did she really realize just how much she had missed him.

When Ruse stepped back from her father and questioned him about her aunts, citing her excitement to see everyone, Dalila remained leaned into his chest even as she lifted her head from his neck to give their daughter a smile. "Why don't you go say hello to everyone? I'm sure your Aunt Venom won't mind if you head in," she told her, glancing up at Chimera as if to confirm her assumption. Once Ruse was given the all clear, she watched as the dappled young woman went running off into the woods that surrounded Wolfpaw Lake and she chuckled softly before turning her pale blue gaze back up to Chimera's. Now that they were out from under the watchful gaze of their daughter, Dal reached up to gently hold Chimera's cheeks between her paws and pulled his muzzle down to hers, kissing him long and hard for a proper show of just how much she had missed him.

"Dalila Vista Klein"



Master Hunter (245)

Master Fighter (275)

An icon representing the specialty Cooperative Cooperative

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantHalloween 2020 - Haunted House
12-19-2023, 01:29 AM

It was almost surreal, having two of his favorite ladies back home with him once more. Ruse pulled away from the embrace and asked after Ali and Siren. Chimera nodded. "They're here." and then Dalila was suggesting that Ruse go find her aunts. Chi knew what was on her lecherous little mind. At least... that's what was on his lecherous little mind, anyway.

Once Rusalka loped off towards Ashen proper, leaving Chimera and Dalila alone, the dire brute wasted no time in hefting the mottled fae upon his back. He then proceeded to carry her to thicker foliage a little ways back from the lake. It would provide them with the privacy that he knew Dalila would want. He wouldn't have cared if any adult saw him fucking, but even he tried not to do it around the kids.

Gently, the dual-toned brute placed his lovely woman down in the soft grass. pressing her down on her back so that he could look upon her. "I've missed you, my queen," he rumbled huskily, a growl edging his speech. Standing as he was at the edge of her tail, Chimera lowered his head and tasted his absent queen for the first time in... who knew how long. The giant's long, skilled tongue pulled over sensitive flesh, dipping within here and there. Chi dropped down to his belly, front paws on either side of the woman's hips. Claws dug into her flesh and he pulled Dalila's body more tightly against his maw. His lips and tongue worked, though he was careful of his teeth. Chimera continued, prepared to keep this up until be brought his woman undone.

"Chimera & Dalila"
Chimera is a very adult character and takes part in very adult situations. Don't read his threads. Ever.
[Image: tOAj1ES.png]
Chi has three black Tibetan Mastiff's as guards. Assume they're very close by.



Master Fighter (240)

Master Healer (255)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

7 Years

The Ooze ParticipantPride - Demisexual1K
12-20-2023, 01:11 PM
It was funny to think how even just a few years ago she had never wanted or sought after physical desires. Of course, she had far larger issues to contend with at the time, but it was evident in every way–especially in this area of her life–how much Chimera had helped her open up and blossom. Her suggestive kiss immediately turned into him hoisting her onto his back, pulling a surprised gasp from her and putting a wide grin across her lips. She had been with no one else in her time away and she didn't realize until now just how much she had not only missed him and their family, but how much she missed the sexual pleasures he had introduced her to. She nuzzled into his scruff while he took them away to a more secluded spot, wrapping her forelegs around his neck to hold onto him as they moved, the bronze band around her upper leg shifting slightly as she did so. It only took a moment for Chimera to get far enough into the surrounding dense foliage for him to be satisfied that they would be away from prying eyes and then she felt the world shift around her again as she was placed down onto the grass on her back.

Her breath caught as she looked up at his familiar, handsome face as he stood over her, a slightly shy, but excited grin on her lips. Even after several years together and being far from inexperienced at this point, she still felt those eager, shy butterflies in her stomach when he looked at her like this. "And I've missed you, my king," she replied in kind, her voice a breathy whisper. Regardless of whether or not he was an alpha or king any more, it didn't matter to her. In her eyes he would always be her king. She could only watch as Chimera went right to work welcoming her home in his own way, giving her a taste of pleasure for the first time in far too long. Her body immediately reacted to his touch, shivering and arching as her forepaws went to the top of his head with needy insistence. "Chimera..." she gasped as her head tipped back, doing her best not to react too loudly and biting her lip to keep herself in check. Even though they were well off the beaten path she didn't exactly want her first reintroduction to the wolves here to be her moans. Her claws scratched at his scalp as he quickly made her come unraveled, her toes curling and body trembling uncontrollably.

It took a few moments for her to have any sort of control of herself again, but once she was able to she lifted her head to look at him with a satisfied grin, loosening the grip she hadn't realized she had on his head and scratching appreciatively around his ears. She wasn't going to let him be the only one catching up on last time, however. She shifted and slid out from under him so that she could roll to her paws and nudge him down onto his back instead, reversing their roles and resting her body atop of his own. With a smirk, she nuzzled into the side of his neck and began to nibble lightly along his jaw as she pressed her hips back into his, joining them together for the first time in far, far too long. She gasped at the feeling of him and groaned as she began to ride, sitting up a bit with her paws on his broad chest so she could move a bit more easily. As she gazed down at him with heavy lidded ice blue eyes, she marveled at not only how far they had come together, but how far she herself had come that she could be so confident as to take over from her mate so eagerly. The thought brought a wider grin to her lips and she began to ride him with even more lustful eagerness, her eyes fluttering closed as she began to get lost in the sensations of it all. She wouldn't be surprised at all if Chimera eventually took back over and she wouldn't mind in the slightest, but she'd certainly enjoy herself in the meantime.

"Chimera & Dalila"

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