
the venomless snake



The Syndicate
Effendi- Dhaka

Master Fighter (360)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Gambler Gambler

5 Years
Extra large

Ooh La La
12-14-2023, 10:51 PM

Sauntering along the borders of the Polar Sound, Rhazien was enjoying the midday warmth of the springtime sun. A majority of the snow had melted, giving way to patches of juvenile grasses and shrubbery. It was nice not having to wade through inches of snow. Being able to feel the earth at his paw pads, not having his toes feel like they were going to freeze off. And yet, even with the small reprieve from the winter’s unforgiving nature. Rhazien still hated living in the north.

Coming around a bend, he hadn’t expected to see the small, battered frame of Aurelia. The snarky, azure beauty. Lingering close to the border, and even closer to a small drop-off. There was a large patch of greenery here- perhaps she was foraging? He would give her the benefit of the doubt. Not wanting to drag her unconscious body back to her den, if she were thinking of attempting suicide again. His brows furrowed, sending a silent warning to behave. “Enjoying the warmth, little snake?” He croons, gravitating towards her, flashing her his suave, devilish smile. Did she remember how she had called herself, a snake in the grass? “I do hope you aren’t up to mischief.” Let's have a fun encounter- don’t make me parent you. Eyeing her while approaching, his domineering demeanor demanded a response.

Caution: Rhazien is a rated M character. Viewer discretion is advised.
Assume his companions, Zemir and Zemra, are present in his threads unless specified otherwise.



Master Intellectual (246)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

An icon representing the specialty Cosmetologist Cosmetologist

2 Years
12-15-2023, 11:22 PM
Aurelia ventured forth, her steps light upon the newly thawed ground, each footstep sending a soft rustle through the verdant foliage. The scent of spring lingered in the air, carrying the promise of the rebirth of spring- and it just so happened to be approaching her second birthday. Not that she was celebrating. As the taiga yielded to the wide valley, the gradual shift in the season and lengthening day brought her something that resembled contentment She paused at the valley's edge, gazing with casual disinterest at the sheer rock faces as they opened up into the only exit out of the territory. If only …

Not to torment herself with a daydream of leaving, her sapphire gaze swept over the short grasses and lichens, taking in the sight of greenery flourishing with what little warmth and sunshine that had been offered. Freshwater cascades from the thaw adorned the slate cliffs, their trickling symphony mingling with the breath of wind. Aurelia found herself drawn to the sprouting plant life, her interest piqued by the herbs that she recognized. Though there was something she had been searching for, and she couldn’t help but light up when she found it. Milk Thistle. 

But before she could devote any further thought to the matter, a sudden greeting set her entire posture rigid. Aurelia didn't need to turn around to know who was approaching her. The sound of his voice was enough to make Rhazien’s presence known. And she couldn’t help the sudden annoyance spread across her features. She immediately whipped around to face him, meeting his dual-toned gaze with a hard set to her own expression. “Mischief?” She asked- her tone one of sarcasm. “I’m just enjoying the scenery, Rhazien. Is that a crime?” The girl couldn’t help but push back- even if she had made herself untrustworthy when it came to behaving herself.

"Aurelia Veratti"


The Syndicate
Effendi- Dhaka

Master Fighter (360)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Gambler Gambler

5 Years
Extra large

Ooh La La
12-16-2023, 09:56 PM

His voice, despite being smooth and tactful, a real pleasure to the senses. It caused her body to grow stiff, her expression contorting into something shy of annoyance. Cocking a brow, and still smiling as he approached. Her reaction wouldn’t crack his debonair facade, even if she could see straight through it. Pivoting to face him, meeting his gaze. The duo shared an electrically dense moment, as his charm was met with a callous hesitancy. Would she think he was here to pillage her? Torment her? Degrade her?

Perhaps, if she weren’t the little tyrant’s plaything.

Releasing a bout of laughter, Rhazien’s voice faded into a feline-like purr. “Depends on who you ask.” He said, moving towards her left, looming over her with his larger frame. Tracing the curvature of her hips, roving her frame with the eyes of a predator. He couldn’t help but wonder, how many different ways Sephiran fucked her in that little prison den. “Sephiran wouldn’t want you out here, all alone, yards away from escape.” He looked past her, peering beyond the drop-off and into the valley. She could try to escape by death, or running out of the Polar Sound altogether, given the border was so close. But perhaps, she was enjoying the scenery, now that she wasn’t confined to that den. “And if he sensed mischief-” A short pause, as his wandering gaze fell into those azure eyes. “He’d punish you, wouldn’t he?” Sephiran’s greed- and his jealousy- were insatiable.  

Caution: Rhazien is a rated M character. Viewer discretion is advised.
Assume his companions, Zemir and Zemra, are present in his threads unless specified otherwise.



Master Intellectual (246)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

An icon representing the specialty Cosmetologist Cosmetologist

2 Years
12-16-2023, 10:51 PM
She maintained her intense glare, refusing to break eye contact even as he laughed in response. As he closed the distance between them, she raised her chin defiantly and held his gaze. She could see that his attentions were elsewhere, consumed by his own interests as they grew closer to each other. The tension between them crackled like electricity, each trying to mask their true intentions in this game of cat and mouse. She’d recently had a great deal of practice at this game though, and she certainly wouldn't fear him. It briefly crossed her mind to lean into his gaze. To weaponize his allure. He couldn't touch her. Not if he was genuine in his respect for his nephew. But she would tuck away the temptation for the moment- keeping up the attitude that seemed to be her default anymore. “If you think the only thing preventing me from leaving … whatever this is, is nothing more than a hop, a skip, and a jump up an open valley. You are sadly mistaken.” Aurelia answered him sharply. His gesture toward the drop off wasn't lost on her, but she chose to ignore it.

Though it seemed that this who encounter had become centric of the aforementioned nephew. It made her begin to bristle. What business was it of his concerning any interaction she had with Sephiran? "I’m more of a reactionary individual, Rhazien- if you haven't been able to tell. If you want to waste your time thinking about what Sephiran may or may not do in a situation that may or may not happen, then be my guest.” Aurelia growled, her voice dripping in contempt. She offered a pause, but only one brief enough for her to catch a breath before continuing on. "But as for me, I'll leave the speculation to others who seem to have nothing else to occupy themselves with. I have better things to do.”

"Aurelia Veratti"


The Syndicate
Effendi- Dhaka

Master Fighter (360)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Gambler Gambler

5 Years
Extra large

Ooh La La
12-17-2023, 05:18 PM

So many words, and yet, they held no real meaning to Rhazien. Now, if she had been saying all this to Sephiran, the reaction would have been much different. The boy would have used her defiance and contempt as a catalyst, provoking him into attacking and degrading. And, if she were his plaything, he may have reacted similarly- but she wasn’t. Instead, Rhazien met her words with bubbling laughter. Raining down on her little facade, as he truly thought she was amusing. “Oh my, how I’ve struck a nerve.” The smile on his face widened, laughter dying down as he leaned in closer to her. Eyeing her, wanting to see if she would respond with physical defiance. But given her history, she always seemed to retort with words and harsh expressions.

“That’s your problem, Aurelia.” He began. “Instead of reacting, why not evoke?” Moving away from her, taking a few steps towards the drop-off. “We Saxe are insatiable creatures- if you haven’t been able to tell.” Using her own words, he continued on. “Playthings have always been a part of our culture. Sidi, we call them.” Still looking out at the scenery, he flicked an ear towards her. A soft breeze ruffling through his fur. He would continue on, even if she tried to interrupt.

Caution: Rhazien is a rated M character. Viewer discretion is advised.
Assume his companions, Zemir and Zemra, are present in his threads unless specified otherwise.



Master Intellectual (246)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

An icon representing the specialty Cosmetologist Cosmetologist

2 Years
12-20-2023, 08:14 PM
Aurelia stood her ground, steeling herself against Rhazien's overwhelming presence. He loomed over her, his imposing figure casting a dark shadow on her. As he leaned in closer, she could feel the heat radiating from his body, sending tiny tremors down her spine. But she refused to let him see any hint of vulnerability, even as his warm breath tickled her skin. With every inch he closed between them, she pushed back with equal force, determined not to submit to his intimidating nature. She wouldn't be the first one to break line of contact, but she was certainly prepared to answer him if he did. "You haven't struck a nerve," she declared firmly. "I simply have no interest in participating in your petty mind games." Her eyes narrowed, cold and unyielding, as she stared him down with unwavering determination.

Though after a few more moments of lingering intensity, Rhazien pulled away from her. And she almost wanted to slump in the absence of the charge. Of course, she didn't though- remaining rigid where she had collected herself in a seated position. He prompted her to be more introspective- to which she silently rolled her eyes. But in that moment, it seemed he wanted to provide some inkling of insight for her- not that she cared to hear it. Still, he had her attention. And as she watched him, he hadn't turned to face her in the beginning of his explanation. Electing to tell her about the place of playthings in the culture of their family. Sidi. "I will never submit to being someone's plaything." She grumbled lowly- in a tone just barely above a whisper. It was more of an acknowledgement to herself, while her physical being might be manipulated, she would never lose her sense of self.

"Aurelia Veratti"


The Syndicate
Effendi- Dhaka

Master Fighter (360)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Gambler Gambler

5 Years
Extra large

Ooh La La
12-20-2023, 10:22 PM

At her comment, he couldn’t help but smile. Inky lips pulled back into a sly smirk, the steel coating on his teeth shimmering beneath the midday sun. Of course she wouldn’t consider herself a plaything- which was exactly why Rhazien was trying to inspire her. “You’ve said it yourself,” He continued, still standing at the cliffside, but keeping an ear turned in her direction. Needing to anticipate if she was going to act suddenly or brashly. “If you’re more than a plaything-“ His mind wandered to the Sidi back home. So many of them were docile, fragile creatures. Women and men they could properly toy with, mutilate, and terrorize. But every once in a while, someone would bring home someone electrifying. They would either be killed or worm their way into Saffron's ranks. And Aurelia, she was electrifying. “Start acting like it.” So why keep hiding in the shadows until Sephiran appeared?

He suddenly whirled around, facing her once more. Studying her expression, wanting it to morph with his next set of words. “Sidi can be more than a toy.” A short pause, to allow the gravity of his words to sink in. “It’s possible to relieve yourself of the title. Rare, but possible.” Another pause, as he recalled memories of his siblings and how they treated their Sidi. “Call it petty mind games.”  Referring to her words, wanting her to understand, this was not a game. She may have craved death- but he knew she didn't crave the torture that prelude it. “But if you can evoke affection from Sephiran. Hell, evoke anything but possession. If you can interact, instead of react- you may find a comfortable alternative.” His smile faded a bit, expression becoming more serious. “…why be the prey, when you can stand alongside the predator?”  Falling silent, giving her time to consider his words. Would she understand what he was trying to say?

Caution: Rhazien is a rated M character. Viewer discretion is advised.
Assume his companions, Zemir and Zemra, are present in his threads unless specified otherwise.



Master Intellectual (246)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

An icon representing the specialty Cosmetologist Cosmetologist

2 Years
12-21-2023, 07:56 PM
While he sat before her, allowing his attention to wander the surroundings- save for an ear tilted in her direction- her own sapphire gaze remained fixed in place. Glaring at the back of his head as he spoke. If you’re more than a plaything, start acting like it. “And how would you have it that I act?” She immediately fired back. She had a good idea as to what the ideal would be. But she’d like to have an idea as to how far off reality Rhazien was before she answered.

As he suddenly turned to face her, it seemed he seemed to study her expression much like she had tried to do with his. But the more he tried to lead her to a more comfortable resignation. The more she began to simmer on the inside. Even more so she couldn’t really begin to comprehend the logic in his words. “What I’m hearing is that they can be more than just a toy. But they are a toy no less, just a toy with other uses. So you’re whole … attempt … at achieving compliance via motivational speech lacks the draw you seem to think is there” His denial at her accusation of the manipulation was frustratingly hilarious, but there was no laughter from her. Not this time. As he tried to provoke her into considering playing along, she couldn’t get past her own ingrained aversion to do much critical thinking on the matter. “Why be prey when you can stand alongside the predator and be domesticated prey,” She echoed, trying to mock the tone of his voice in an exaggerated way. “Is that what you’re asking? To me that just seems to be the insurance of prey when the hunt is unsuccessful. But what do I know … ?” I’m just a Sidi. She almost finished, but refused to identify herself as such, even if it was meant to be a barb at Rhazien’s expense.

She was acutely aware of his expression staggering as he adopted a more serious note. But as he had managed to disrupt her peace and worked her into an annoyed frustration, she couldn’t hold herself back. She was reactionary after all. “Sephiran has already professed his love for me- actually at the thought I might have been- as he said ‘tainted’- by you amidst a psychiatric break at the very idea, and it does me absolutely no good. In fact, the only thing that has been semi useful is his possession because it seems that he has all the likes of you and your relatives convinced he is something worth respect- or fear. I can’t tell which.” Aurelia seethed, her anger bubbling to the surface once again as she searched for any hint that a mark had been made.

"Aurelia Veratti"


The Syndicate
Effendi- Dhaka

Master Fighter (360)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Gambler Gambler

5 Years
Extra large

Ooh La La
12-22-2023, 12:15 AM

Studying her expression, which didn’t initially change. Rhazien listened to her words and mulled them over. Still, they seemed to go in one ear, and out the other- because, no matter what Aurelia chose to say, it wouldn’t have swayed Rhazien from trying to give her some advice. In his mind, she was a wasted beauty- perhaps it would have been better for her to be a docile plaything. Regardless, he had struck a nerve within her. She was spewing interpretations, not understanding his reasoning. And that’s why she would continually fail, in the clutches of the Saxe. But what do I know… “You know nothing” He was quick to cut her off. Wanting to interject, voice similar to a hiss as he almost glared at her. She was so naive.

A sudden rush of air left his nostrils, which served as his initial response to Sephiran's mention of love. Was the boy even capable of such a thing? No, and Rhazien wholeheartedly believed that. “Ahh, that’s where you’re wrong. Respect and fear coincide with one another. It’s the foundation of supremacy- of dominion. There is no democracy, in the Saxe kingdom.” Correcting her, but not prompting further. Rhazien wanted her to hear him. “Claiming he loves you in a manic episode- quite typical for Sephiran. And when the mania subsides? What are you left with, Aurelia?” Leaving the cliffside, and gravitating towards her. Rhazien was once again looming over her, staring down into those enraged blue eyes. “If you’re content with random bursts of affection that morph into a cold reality. One where you are nothing more than a hole for him to fuck. One where he will eventually grow tired of your outbursts, and rip your tongue out of your mouth. Where he will break your limbs repeatedly, and force you to crawl on the ground beneath him. Where he will eventually grow bored, and let his siblings gang bang you, breeding pups into you until you can’t keep track of who sired who.“ The words dripped from his maw like venom- bitter, minacious, and crude. These were the realities of a Sidi. “Then continue with this act, by all means.” And with that, Rhazien had spoken his piece. Moving past her, to saunter away in the direction he had arrived. Of course, he wouldn’t stray too far- he had to ensure she wasn’t going to chuck herself over that cliff after all.


Caution: Rhazien is a rated M character. Viewer discretion is advised.
Assume his companions, Zemir and Zemra, are present in his threads unless specified otherwise.

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1. the venomless snake The Polar Sound 10:51 PM, 12-14-2023 11:12 AM, 01-11-2024