
Little Talks



09-19-2013, 10:27 AM
She needed to speak with Erani and Cormalin. Although her losses, as well as Gideon's losses were their own, she was thoroughly disappointed with the both of them. Erani for approaching the battlefield and being part of the count of five that Argent had set for them (even though between strangers and Glaciem her King was far from outnumbered, and three of the supporters were under two) Chrysanthe didn't care what the woman was so god damned livid about, she could have saved it for AFTER the conflict was over. She should have come to her, hell chewed her out if it was something that she did, but having her own mother come onto the field and make demands to the beta she was supposed to be able to trust to follow her commands with her very life? It was insulting, angry was only part of the emotion that welled within the woman. She would do her best not to let the fear of loosing her mate and taking on an enemy that she couldn't handle in Glaciem shield her from making a good decision when it came to this.

Cormalin had done a lot for Valhalla, but he had ignored her orders and instead argued with her where everything mattered most. If she couldn't trust him on the battlefield why the hell was he her second in command? There was the nagging doubt of course, that perhaps if Cormalin were calling the shots, the feeling of dread wouldn't be eating away at her stomach the way it would. Perhaps he could have called some sort of order to things.

Hell, she would have listened to him better but she was sort of busy loosing a fight to stop and respond.

Sighing, she would stop at Erani's den, figuring the woman would want to look at her wounds regardless. She let the woman know she was there, and wished to talk with her with a few low barks. "If Cormalin is with you, could you bring him out too?" If not she would call for him after speaking to the healer.