
No Back Stabbing


The Syndicate

Master Fighter (250)

Master Intellectual (244)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

3 Years
Extra large

Rapid Poster - GoldHomebodyTeacherBest BudsDouble Master1K
Samhain 2022
12-10-2023, 10:11 AM

The taiga of Polar Sound was alive with the arrival of spring. The crisp breeze carried the familiar scent of pine and a lingering chill from the harsh winter that had just passed. Aresenn stood at the edge of the clearing, perched atop a weathered slab of slate. He took in a deep breath, savoring the freshness of the air as he prepared to call out to those who lingered nearby. The sun hung high in the sky, casting long shadows over the valley below. It was a peaceful scene, but Aresenn knew it wouldn't last for long. It simply wasn't going to be the nature of this beast. His voice reverberated across the landscape, a summons to those inclined for combat. Not that he was the authority on arranging a group of brawlers. But now that they were a unit, they needed to be familiar with one another capable of working on the same wavelength.

As the echoes of his voice faded, the surrounding territory was left in a silence that was soon filled with the whispers of the wind brushing against the rocky walls. Aresenn casually scanned the horizon, as he waited, a patient sentinel, for the others to manifest before him.

"Aresenn Praetor"

Sol + Khonsu


Intermediate Fighter (45)

Expert Intellectual (225)

3 Years
Extra large
12-10-2023, 10:45 AM

A call to gather rang out, and while neither twin recognized the voice enough to put it to a name or face, they could put two and two together enough to determine that this wolf was a member of the forming band. Sol and Khonsu snuffed out their fire, blowing out a sigh as the heat on their faces quickly evaporated. There was no requirement for them to attend this session, and frankly, they would not be surprised if they were instead sent away. Did the Saxe clan allow their Sidi to acquire skill in combat? Well, there was only one way to find out.

They arrived quickly, before the gathering had fully formed. The brothers dipped their heads to the man who had called, defaulting to the basic respect they were expected to offer to all of their mistress's family members. "May we join in your lesson, s-sir?" Sol stuttered. His brother offered clarification, raising his fuschia eyes to Aresnn. "We wish to be able to defend our mistress Yarra, when necessary."

Sol & Khonsu

Sol & Khonsu are RP'd as two individuals, although OOCly they are considered one character.
Their speech will be color coordinated to their eye colors (Sol & Khonsu) to designate the speaker.

They each have a crested caracara companion, and share a marmoset companion.
Unless otherwise stated you can assume their companions are somewhere close by.

Yarrabelle, as their mistress, may enter any of their threads.

They are never seen without their hourglass necklace, assume it is always present hanging below their necks.

DM me if you want to plot with them!

+ They do have a rather comprehensive backstory / religion in their profile, and I'm happy to allow anyone who's interested to jump in and make characters from their home land / family / religion.


The Syndicate
Effendi- Muqatil

Expert Intellectual (155)

Master Fighter (250)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

2 Years

12-10-2023, 07:05 PM
Elysia was craving her mothers rigid nettle training. She missed the stinging of her muscles after fighting her siblings. She missed the sweet taste of blood and victory. So when a familiar call echoed through the polar sound she wasted no time in seeking out the owner of the call.

She didn’t have to search long, slowing her stride as the man of living fire came into view. She’d fought him once before. It was  exhilarating to say the least. And she hadn’t spent much time with him past that. So she grinned as she skunk forward head held high, hips swaying as she walked.

“You called Aresenn?” She wondered why he wanted a gathering. And then from the corner of her eye she spotted the double headed wolf bowing. She shook her head and then focused on the man she knew. Waiting to see what this gathering would be about.


The Syndicate

Expert Fighter (200)

Expert Hunter (165)

3 Years

12-10-2023, 09:51 PM

Ezekiel is settling in with the rest of the Saxe family, simply happy to be reunited with his sister. Whatever El wishes to do, the man is happy to oblige and, right now, she wishes to remain with Sephiran and his crew. It is obvious that they are all expected to better their respective skill sets and Ezekiel has been missing the rush that comes from a good fight. Besides, lounging around the Polar Sound is boring for Zeke and his sister since they been molded from a young age to be fighters. So, when a call rings through the Sound, summoning all those inclined to learn about combat, the man obviously answers. Toying with the squirrel that he has been tossing between his paws as it franticly attempts to escape from the wolf, has become boring.

Popping the squirrel into his mouth, he beheads the creature quickly and slowly chews his snack as he ambles toward where the call came from. By the time he reaches the clearing, the morsel is fully devoured and he is licking the remaining blood from his maw as he allows his gaze to roam over the small group. A male streaked with red as if he is made from fire, seems to leading this and he spies a strange, two headed wolf before Ezekiel finds his loving sister in the ranks. Sauntering over to where is Ely, he eyes the others before coming to a stop near his sibling. Rumbling a soft, “Hello” to El, he offers her a smile before turning his attention to the leader of this meeting and quirks a brow in silent question, waiting for whatever this is, to begin.

"Ezekiel Saxe"

Ezekiel is considered a mature character. All warnings apply to his threads.


The Syndicate

Master Fighter (380)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Poison Master Poison Master

3 Years
Extra large

Double MasterBest BudsCritical Dodge!Rapid Poster - SilverOoh La La
12-11-2023, 11:50 AM

Lingering within the Polar Sound, Sephiran was having a conversation with his falcon companion. Commanding her to keep an eye on his followers from the sky, and report anything that may be treasonous. He had sent her off for her off into the midday sky, watching her flutter away with purpose. And once she vanished into the greenery, Aresenn’s howl broke the silence of the Polar Sound.  A deep, guttural sound rumbled from inside the beast. Driven by curiosity, and his lust for authority. Sephiran followed it to the brute's location, where a small gathering had collected.

Entering the clearing, Sephiran’s demeanor was anything but inviting. Head held high, shoulders rolled forward, tail erect above his hips. Now that he had a group to command, the boy walked with purpose. Daring those beneath him, to challenge his sovereignty. Casting his gaze to Aresenn, before surveying the others. He was here to watch the training, and analyze for weaknesses in his warriors.

note: Seph is just observing, you can skip him in the posting order  

Code by Sea
Caution: Sephiran is a rated M character. Viewer discretion is advised.


The Syndicate
Effendi- Dhaka

Master Fighter (360)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Gambler Gambler

5 Years
Extra large

Ooh La La
12-12-2023, 06:55 PM

My, was Rhazien surprised. If anyone was going to be calling a group together to train, assumably it would have been a Saxe. So, when Sephiran’s little crimson friend released a howl, summoning the warriors to gather. He couldn’t help but chuckle to himself. These young bucks were so haughty, weren’t they?

Enthralled by the call, and the possibility of bloodshed. Rhazien loped through the Polar Sound, until he found the gathering of wolves. Several had already arrived. Two of them, the distant cousins that pledged their loyalty to Sephiran. Sweeping his gaze between everyone's faces, before flashing a smirk at the tyrant himself. Rhazien took a seat among the others, waiting for whatever this was to begin.  


Caution: Rhazien is a rated M character. Viewer discretion is advised.
Assume his companions, Zemir and Zemra, are present in his threads unless specified otherwise.


"I'll be a good Girl in Hell"

The Syndicate

Master Fighter (405)

Master Intellectual (375)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

3 Years

TeacherWinnerHow many times do I have to teach you a lesson?! Pride - DemisexualPride - BisexualPride - Demisexual
Double MasterWordyStudentBest BudsHomebodyRapid Poster - Rainbow
12-15-2023, 01:47 AM
Absinth had heard the call. Easily slipping out from her den, the wound inflicted by Rhazien healing - uncomfortable but on the mend. She felt a great amount of distain for him, hatred even, but she was better of not acknowledging the simmer beneath her fur. Especially as she entered the the gathering of wolves, Aresenn spearheading some sort of.. lesson. Rhazien seated with the others who had come before her, she felt the twitching of her lips as she fought not to smile widely. That unhelpful quirk of hers made it hard to keep a straight face, instead warping her face into one of easy cheer.

Sephiran was there as well, but Absinth was far more interested in the fucking two-headed wolf. She moved closer, her intense gaze completely overtaken in interest toward the unique male... males? She grinned at him, them? "That's fucking insane." The woman cocked her head to the side, contemplating the wonder that the man.. men were. She cast her gaze to Aresenn, almost to say Are you seeing this shit?


m o o d b o a r d 
Absi is a mature character. She's very vulgar and volatile. Discretion advised.


The Syndicate

Master Fighter (250)

Master Intellectual (244)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

3 Years
Extra large

Rapid Poster - GoldHomebodyTeacherBest BudsDouble Master1K
Samhain 2022
12-17-2023, 07:48 PM (This post was last modified: 12-17-2023, 08:00 PM by Aresenn. Edited 1 time in total.)

The first individual- err individuals(?) that answered his summons happened to be a creature unlike any he had ever seen before in his life. Was this a dream? Was he drunk? It was a struggle to collect himself upon the two-headed wolf’s approach, but he managed to do so. Together, they offered a request to join the lesson. In which he hesitantly nodded his confirmation. He recognized the name Yarra. It made sense for them to be here … but he remaiend quiet more or less for the purposes of not fumbling words or gawking. The rest were all faces he recognized from the gathering. Elysia, Ezekiel, Rhazien, Absinth, and even Sephiran. He offered them each a nod in greeting and acknowledgement, allowing his attention to linger on Absinth a little longer. His expression remained blank, but he was certainly on her same wavelength.

After a couple more minutes of no one else joining them, he prepared to speak. “Of course, I won’t speak for all of us. But I get the impression that a lot of us haven’t ever fought in a group setting. Not like it will be in the future: our numbers against another group- perhaps larger than us.” The clearing remained still, the tension gradually settling among them. Aresenn knew that preparing for battle was not just about physical prowess, but also about mental fortitude and unity. That was the point of this gathering today. An introduction. To each other. And to expectation. “There are foundational skills that we need to hone as individuals before we start stringing everything together. But there are concepts to keep in the back of your mind to be working toward as we each train individually.” He paused, looking for recognition among those gathered before him.

After clearing his throat, he continued. “The way we orient ourselves as an attack or defending body can be crucial ... For example, ground can be covered far more quickly and throughly in a fanned out wedge shape than in a straight line. And when it comes to defending an attack, fighting back to back or even in an outward facing circle is far more flexible and easier to defend than spread out to be picked off one by one.” These were all basic concepts, but still things worth being said. He had no idea what everyone's backgrounds were. And a big part of success was going to be making sure everyone was on the same page. He didn't want any information being missed based on assumption. “Another key component of group tactics are flanking maneuvers. Luring a small party into thinking you are on your own with hidden or spaced out flankers is a great way to disorient adversaries and create vulnerabilities- think of it as a battlefield ambush. This is also an aspect of ‘Target Allocation’, which is the prioritizing of targets based on threat level, versus the resources we have available to neutralize that threat.” It was a lot of information to have thrown at them at once. But again, this was the introduction. He would go back and detail whatever he needed to as it became necessary.

"Aresenn Praetor"

Sol + Khonsu


Intermediate Fighter (45)

Expert Intellectual (225)

3 Years
Extra large
12-17-2023, 10:55 PM

Sol and Khonsu felt the weight of many eyes upon them as others joined the gathering. It wasn’t the first time they had encountered such stares, this was a world that favored the ordinary.

Sol, the more sensitive of the two, shifted uneasily under the gaze of Absinth, whose expression of fascination and surprise was hard to miss. "Yes, quite unusual, isn't it?" He murmured softly, a hint of self-consciousness in his voice. Khonsu, ever the bolder counterpart, added with a more assertive tone. "But it makes us twice as effective in serving our mistress Yarra and now, in training here."

As Aresenn began to outline the basics of group combat tactics, Sol and Khonsu listened attentively, their heads tilted slightly to catch his every word. They had some experience in skirmishes, but only for the purpose of self-defense or to drive away a predator, none of it in a group setting. At mention of the concept of fighting in a wedge formation and defending in an outward-facing circle, the twins considered the strategic advantages. "In a wedge, we could take a central position." Khonsu suggested. Their mistress would be pleased to see them participating in the group's discussions, right? "Our.. unique form could be an asset, covering angles that might be blind spots for others. And in a circle defense, we can watch two directions simultaneously, allowing us to warn others of incoming threats."

Sol & Khonsu

Sol & Khonsu are RP'd as two individuals, although OOCly they are considered one character.
Their speech will be color coordinated to their eye colors (Sol & Khonsu) to designate the speaker.

They each have a crested caracara companion, and share a marmoset companion.
Unless otherwise stated you can assume their companions are somewhere close by.

Yarrabelle, as their mistress, may enter any of their threads.

They are never seen without their hourglass necklace, assume it is always present hanging below their necks.

DM me if you want to plot with them!

+ They do have a rather comprehensive backstory / religion in their profile, and I'm happy to allow anyone who's interested to jump in and make characters from their home land / family / religion.


The Syndicate
Effendi- Dhaka

Master Fighter (360)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Gambler Gambler

5 Years
Extra large

Ooh La La
12-22-2023, 02:45 PM

Settling into his seat, while staring at Absinth for an uncomfortable amount of time. Rhazien shifted his gaze to the crimson man who started to speak. The odd duo had certainly caught his attention. Listening in silence, not bothering to interject with his own knowledge. He let the young brute take center stage. There would come a time when Rhazien would step out of the mentor role, and this brood of heathens would have to teach the next generation. So, why not practice now, while they were still building their foundation?

Flicking his tail behind him, and casting his gaze across the group. He studied each one, before something astonishing caught his attention. In fact, the atrocity started to speak and from both mouths at that. Tilting his skull, as a more serious expression overtook his face. This thing was claiming they would protect his sweet, little Yarrabelle. His pelt started to bristle, and it took a lot of willpower to keep himself from becoming an aggressive mess. He made a mental note, that he would need to hunt this thing down later and interrogate it.

Caution: Rhazien is a rated M character. Viewer discretion is advised.
Assume his companions, Zemir and Zemra, are present in his threads unless specified otherwise.


"I'll be a good Girl in Hell"

The Syndicate

Master Fighter (405)

Master Intellectual (375)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

3 Years

TeacherWinnerHow many times do I have to teach you a lesson?! Pride - DemisexualPride - BisexualPride - Demisexual
Double MasterWordyStudentBest BudsHomebodyRapid Poster - Rainbow
12-22-2023, 11:44 PM
It was easy for her to ignore the stare of Rhazien, her mouth twitching at the corners, fighting to keep her expression under control. She wanted to stare back at him, wanted to show her defiance openly… but she kept her attention on Aresenn. Her fury may not have been obvious to anyone else, but her fiery friend would most likely spot it a mile away. Still, she listened, even with the fire burning in her chest.

Aresenn’s words were easy to follow. She could listen to him talk all day with that formal fucking tone. Partly to poke fun at him, partly because he was looking so distant and it thrilled her. Haha. He spoke of attack and defense as a group. How easy it was to position themselves in order to benefit each other, and make quick work of the targets. She could visualize it well, that wedge shape he spoke of; and then the two headed one spoke. Their unique form would most definitely offer the most coverage in terms of a look out, if that first head could stop being so soft. It had been easy to clock, the second head asserting to her that they were twice as effective. She merely gave a grin in return, eyes alight with amusement. Not everyday you were told off by something like that.

Absinth shifted her focus back to Aresenn’s lesson, smirking as he was speaking on the allocation of targets. To which she spoke up, just as the freak had - making a suggestion of her own. “Bait sounds fun, I like when my enemies want a piece of me. Makes the ambush part all the more rewarding.” Absinth hummed, fighting her urge to peek over at Rhazien.

m o o d b o a r d 
Absi is a mature character. She's very vulgar and volatile. Discretion advised.


The Syndicate

Expert Fighter (200)

Expert Hunter (165)

3 Years

12-24-2023, 03:34 PM

From his place beside El, Zeke only spares the others the briefest of glances before turning his full attention to the fiery pelted male since he is the one who had issued the summons. He doesn’t have to wait too long for the teacher to begin the lesson and his lips immediately tug up into a smirk at the mention that a lot of them probably haven’t fought in a group setting before. Memories of the training sessions he and his siblings were forced to participate in since they were pups swirl in his mind and the fiery male is correct; they seemed to have forgotten group tactics.

Staying silent, he listens intently to what this man has to say, realizing that, as part of a group, they will all be called on to do and try new things. Group tactics was something that had been glossed over by his mother and had felt like more of an afterthought during his training. Now, listening to Aresenn speak, Ezekiel realizes that there are gaps in his knowledge and he isn’t exactly sure how he feels about that.

As a natural pause fills the clearing, the tension thick from so many wolves being gathered together, Zeke shifts his weight slightly so he can turn his gaze to look at the two-headed… thing. His entire demeanor is aloof but he is courteous enough to allow the creature to speak without interrupting them. Next to speak is the monochrome fae who, to the best of his knowledge, is not a Saxe. Still, her words have his lips tugging into a smirk as he turns his attention back to the teacher. This is all uncharted territory in terms of battle knowledge so he keeps silent and allows the lesson to continue on… especially because this is actually beginning to intrigue him.

"Ezekiel Saxe"

Ezekiel is considered a mature character. All warnings apply to his threads.


The Syndicate

Master Fighter (250)

Master Intellectual (244)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

3 Years
Extra large

Rapid Poster - GoldHomebodyTeacherBest BudsDouble Master1K
Samhain 2022
12-26-2023, 09:55 PM

Aresenn's gaze swept across the group, taking note of the varying reactions and engagement levels of the wolves before him. He appreciated the attentiveness displayed by some, the thoughtful suggestions offered by others, and even the simmering tension evident in the interactions.

"Good observations,” Aresenn acknowledged, nodding in response to Khonsu's insights about their unique form. "Indeed, your ability to cover different angles could be a valuable asset in both attack and defense. Remember, our strength lies not just in individual prowess but in how well we can complement each other.” He then turned his attention to Absinth, a smirk playing on his lips as he responded, "Bait can be an effective strategy, Absinth. It plays on the mentality of your adversaries. If they believe they have an easy target, they might let their guard down, giving us an advantage ... Just be sure not to underestimate your opponents; some might see through the ruse.”

Aresenn continued his discourse on group tactics, delving into specific scenarios and detailing how each member could contribute to the success of the pack. He emphasized the importance of communication, coordination, and adaptability in the midst of battle. "As we progress, we'll delve deeper into these concepts, practice them in simulations, and refine our strategies,” he concluded, locking eyes with each wolf in turn. "This is just the beginning. Remember, our unity is our strength. Our strength will be tested in the days to come, and we'll face challenges that none of us can predict. But as a group, we'll face them together ... Dismissed for now. Take what you've learned today and reflect on it. If you would like someone to train with, please seek me out ... Until the next gathering.” He finished with a nod.

Aresenn lingered for a moment, checking to see if anyone wanted his further attention. A sense of purpose and camaraderie lingering in the air. The lesson had hopefully set a precedent. With any luck, there would be many more to come.

"Aresenn Praetor"

Sol + Khonsu


Intermediate Fighter (45)

Expert Intellectual (225)

3 Years
Extra large
12-28-2023, 07:01 PM

As the gathering drew to a close Sol and Khonsu remained silent, absorbing the complexities of the lesson and the dynamics of the group. They had listened, learned, and even contributed, yet they could not forget the unbridgeable gap that separated them from the others. The weight of their servitude was a heavy one, a constant reminder that while they were part of this collective, their participation was not born of the same freedom.

Sol felt a twinge of appreciation for Aresenn's recognition. It was rare for the twins to be acknowledged for their potential rather than gawked at for their appearance. "Thank you, sir." He murmured quietly, his voice barely carrying across the clearing, cobalt eyes downcast.

The stares and reactions from the others, ranging from curiosity to disdain, were familiar, yet, sparked an unspoken resolve within the two-headed wolf. They were more than just a spectacle; they were capable and intelligent beings, forced into a life of servitude but not devoid of dignity or purpose. Khonsu had to work to conceal his distain as they faced each member of the assembly in turn, forcing his expression neutral and his movements deliberate and respectful.

To Aresenn, they bowed their heads first, acknowledging his leadership and the lesson provided. Then, to each wolf - from the fiery-tempered Absinth to the aloof Ezekiel - they bowed their heads slightly. Even towards Rhazien, whose glare seemed to promise future confrontation, they showed a measured respect.

After completing their round of acknowledgments, the two-headed wolf turned then towards Sephiran, their movement cautious. To him, Sol and Khonsu lowered their heads more profoundly than they had for the others. There was a momentary pause as they held their bow, ensuring their gesture was seen and understood before straightening to take their quiet leave.

Sol & Khonsu

Sol & Khonsu are RP'd as two individuals, although OOCly they are considered one character.
Their speech will be color coordinated to their eye colors (Sol & Khonsu) to designate the speaker.

They each have a crested caracara companion, and share a marmoset companion.
Unless otherwise stated you can assume their companions are somewhere close by.

Yarrabelle, as their mistress, may enter any of their threads.

They are never seen without their hourglass necklace, assume it is always present hanging below their necks.

DM me if you want to plot with them!

+ They do have a rather comprehensive backstory / religion in their profile, and I'm happy to allow anyone who's interested to jump in and make characters from their home land / family / religion.


The Syndicate
Effendi- Muqatil

Expert Intellectual (155)

Master Fighter (250)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

2 Years

12-29-2023, 09:06 PM
It seemed that Aresenn had called them for battle training and a spark ran through her nerves, setting them ablaze. She missed her mother’s brackets. Though there were a group fighting sessions it wasn’t ever focused on teamwork, it was about coming out on top. But her eyes flickered to Ze at the memory. Knows he was probably thinking of the same exact childhood.

Ely had tuned out the banter of those around her so she wasn’t exactly fully aware of all who’d joined her to Aresenn summons. Until Absinth spoke. She found her eyes flickering to the Monochrome woman and a warm smile followed. There was something about her that Ely couldn’t put her paw on but she liked it.

“And if they do see through it?” She called out. She was trained for one on one, maybe two on one but past that she wasn’t prepared.

So she would train, she run whatever practices Aresenn asked if her. She moved from her brothers side to step towards Aresenn. She definitely had some questions for him.


The Syndicate

Expert Fighter (200)

Expert Hunter (165)

3 Years

12-29-2023, 09:35 PM

Yes, Ezekiel’s mind turns toward the brackets that he and his siblings would fight in as they grew up and he is uncertain how they will all be able to work together as one. If the other Saxes’ were raised in a similar way to what they had been, then it seems like a tall order to require them all to trust and fight together. Still, life is about pushing up to and past your limits and the fact that group tactics was not something he had actually considered shows Zeke that his fighting knowledge has gaps… and that doesn’t settle well with him.

Others speak and he carefully absorbs the information, remaining aloof but attentive as the lesson draws to a close. El stands and moves toward Aresenn, mind obviously abuzz with questions much like his own. However, he does not seek out the teacher and, instead, approaches each wolf that had gathered to murmur requests to train and fight together.

By fighting them all, one by one, he can learn their strengths and weakness intimately and, when the time comes to fight together, they will be able work to limit the weaknesses and play to each wolf’s strengths. Idly, Zeke wonders if this is what it feels like to work as a ‘team’. What a revolting, yet intriguing, idea.

"Ezekiel Saxe"

Ezekiel is considered a mature character. All warnings apply to his threads.


The Syndicate
Effendi- Dhaka

Master Fighter (360)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Gambler Gambler

5 Years
Extra large

Ooh La La
12-29-2023, 09:40 PM

My, was Absinth a snarky little bitch. Her comment was rewarded with a shift of his gaze- emerald and amethyst eyes honing in on her, as his tongue slipped through his jaws to caress his serrated fangs. He had taken a piece of her alright- surely, the memories of him sawing through her skin were vivid and nauseating? Still, Rhazien chose not to say anything. He only kept his gaze on her for several moments, before shifting it to comb through the crowd.

The young wolves were quite interested in this lesson, which was encouraging. Aresenn even answered their questions, and gave more pointers. Rhazien was starting to understand why Sephiran wanted this boy in their brood. He seemed to have experience in battle, with other packs at that. He was also open to teaching the others, to increase their chances of success in the near future. And he reiterated the importance of unity, which was a concept Rhazien had been trying to force down everyone’s throat. The Saxe were hardly the type to restrain themselves- they turned on each other from time to time. But, so long as this group shared a goal and worked together to achieve it. They would become unstoppable.

Offering Aresenn a nod of approval, the older Saxe stood from his seat. Bowing down to stretch out his upper half, before straightening out and shaking his pelt. A look of indifference on his face, as he sauntered away to reflect on Aresenn’s teachings.


Caution: Rhazien is a rated M character. Viewer discretion is advised.
Assume his companions, Zemir and Zemra, are present in his threads unless specified otherwise.


The Syndicate

Master Fighter (250)

Master Intellectual (244)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

3 Years
Extra large

Rapid Poster - GoldHomebodyTeacherBest BudsDouble Master1K
Samhain 2022
12-29-2023, 10:13 PM

Aresenn acknowledged Elysia's question with a nod, appreciating her proactive approach to the training. "Excellent question, Elysia. If they see through the ruse, adapt. The key is to stay nimble and be ready to shift tactics on the fly. One of the advantages of a group is our ability to adjust and cover for each other's strengths and weaknesses. If one strategy isn't working, don't be afraid to switch it up."

He then turned his attention to the broader group, catching glimpses of interactions among the wolves. The silent acknowledgment from Sol and Khonsu, the subtle tension between Absinth and Rhazien, and the analytical gaze of Zeke. Each member brought their own dynamics to the group, and Aresenn was determined to mold them into a formidable unit.

As the wolves began to disperse, Aresenn made his way towards Elysia. "I see you're eager to dive into the training. What's on your mind?" he inquired, ready to address any further inquiries she might have.

"Aresenn Praetor"


The Syndicate
Effendi- Muqatil

Expert Intellectual (155)

Master Fighter (250)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

2 Years

12-29-2023, 11:07 PM
She nodded along as he answered her question. It wasn’t unlike what her mom would say for a one on one fight too. Fighting was all about being able to respond to whatever your opponents threw at you. And it was unlikely that you’d have fought your opponent before so you don’t know their moves as she knew most of her siblings.

As the lesson came to a close and others began to take their leave her began walking towards her closing the gap she had already started closing too.
“Always” she beamed. “My mother was fierce when it came to training us. I grew up fighting my siblings in brackets. I’ve been missing it honestly” she shrugged

“She never taught us to fight as a unit though, always be the last one standing was her thing. So I guess I’m very… new to the whole teamwork thing.” She smiled sheepishly at that.

“Do you have any suggestions for me? You’ve fought me before. Any advice would be appreciated, I need to prove my worth here.  My name will only get me so far, ya know?” She tilted her head a bit.


"I'll be a good Girl in Hell"

The Syndicate

Master Fighter (405)

Master Intellectual (375)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

3 Years

TeacherWinnerHow many times do I have to teach you a lesson?! Pride - DemisexualPride - BisexualPride - Demisexual
Double MasterWordyStudentBest BudsHomebodyRapid Poster - Rainbow
12-30-2023, 02:52 PM
Absinth smirked back at Aresenn, following his every word of the danger of enemies seeing through the ploy of vulnerability. She nodded, knowing at that point it was about fighting tooth and claw while back up arrived. It was rather foreign to her. Never one to have relied on others before… but trust was a funny thing — it didn’t have to come from bonds or closeness. She could trust that they would not let her die if she was useful.

As Ely spoke up with a question following the topic of bait, a new advice flowed from the fiery males jaws. Adaptability. This, she was well accustomed to. She was quite capable of making the best of her situation, and the same would hold true of her tactics in the heat of battle.

Though as Absinth listened to the conversation off to the side, she was keenly aware that her little comment had gained her the attention of Rhazien — something she grinned about given that dickbags cocky attitude. One day, he’d pay. And Absinth was sure to keep on fucking with his peace in the meantime.

m o o d b o a r d 
Absi is a mature character. She's very vulgar and volatile. Discretion advised.

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