
Calling Somebody


09-19-2013, 07:53 PM

Hajime gave a smile as he sat on the shore of the island. He had been here for a few days, since it took an entire one just to get from one end to the other. The boy was happy to have gotten through the entire place anyway. His black tail flicked back and forth, as his brown colored body relaxed where he was. Hajime had been walking for some time, now was the time to rest, although he was still on his guard. Even if he was a year old, turning two this winter, he still needed to defend himself when it came down to it. The boy was large, and muscled anyway. He nearly didn't even look like he was young.
The boys red eyes shimmering in the sunlight as he got up and sighed. There was still a lot to do here though. As he wandered over to a tree with shade he sat under it. The cooling weather came to relief to him though. He didn't like the heat. Not that much anyway. Hajime's ears flicked, his black one standing out from the rest of his body. As he tilted his head, wondering if anything interesting would show up.



09-19-2013, 08:22 PM (This post was last modified: 09-19-2013, 08:25 PM by Liberty.)


09-19-2013, 08:24 PM (This post was last modified: 09-19-2013, 08:27 PM by Liberty.)

This had been the first time she had ever went into the ocean before, let alone made it to an island. At first it had seemed so close, but the farther out she got the farther the island stretched from her reach. Finally, after some determination she reached the shore. She was tired as hell, and despite her stiff legs she managed to find a nice shady area to rest in. She laid down slowly, letting her legs edge into her fall as she laid down. After a few moments her eyes closed, and she fell asleep.

-Few hour nap-

Her eyes snapped open, pools of crystal blue scanning the area around her. She was still on the island, untouched it appeared, which was a good thing. With a yawn she rolled onto her side, then lifted herself up. She stretched out her legs, tail raising up as her front end went down. Ah, it felt good to stretch. After a few moments she stood straight up and made her way around the island. At first it seemed she was alone, but after further exceptions it appeared she was not. Someone else was out there, and it made her determined to find out who it was. What if it was another man like Isardis? She would fight for her freedom is she needed to, she was sure of it. Suddenly he came into view, an odd colored male draped in a brownish russet color with black markings. He was cool to look at, but she couldn't trust him. She couldn't trust anyone. "Hey you! What do you think you're doing on my island? I challenge you to a spar!" She said with her head held high, eyes scanning over him as she waited for a response.



09-19-2013, 08:41 PM

Hajime wasn't expecting this kind of entertainment. In fact he was a bit taken back by the girl when she suddenly showed herself to him. His red eyes blinking. His darker brown ear moving forward towards her as for his black one hanging back. The light brown wolf with muddy paws tilted his head. "Okay but.....after it why don't we have a proper chat." He didn't want to come off as someone evil to her. As he crouched down and then stood back up with a stretch. He had been trained, so he shouldn't be too worried should he?
"You can start, my name is Hajime Walker." Hajime said as he watched her. His tail curled up as his legs separated and kept his balance for his ears pining against his skull and toes splayed. His stomach tightened, and he pulled back his lips. He waited, fully prepared for whatever her first attack would be. Claws and teeth at the ready.



09-19-2013, 09:02 PM

Ears fell forward as she listened to him state his name. "Liberty Sovari." She would say, then her mind faded into her training. She remembered all the things her mother had taught her. Her ears folded flat against her skull, her legs spread to equal out her balance, her tail raised to become level with her spine, her toes spread for traction, and her eyes narrowed into slits. All defenses were set into place. Then, without warning, she was off. Sand and dirt flung behind her as she bolted toward him, all defenses still in tact, her tail now not only being used for balance, but as a rudder to help her move from left to right. Her jaws splayed open, and right before she attempted to slam into him, she pushed her head forward in an attempt to bite the right side of his face, hoping her top canines would sink in above his eye, and the bottoms dig into his fleshy cheek. While doing this, she was also attempting to use her forward momentum to slam her right shoulder into his left, hoping to cause bruising and or a loss of balance on his part.

Attack: Splaying jaws open, attempting to bite the right side of his face, wanting her top canines to dig into the flesh above his eye, and her bottom to grasp his fleshy cheek. While doing this, she is also trying to use her momentum to slam into him, using her right shoulder to slam into his left, hoping to cause bruising and or a loss of balance on his part.
Defenses: Ears laid back, legs spread for equal balance, tail equal with spine, toes spread for traction, tail also being used as a rudder for a change in direction.
Damage: None



09-19-2013, 09:22 PM

Hajime felt the heat in the fraction that it started. Already his reflexes kicking in as he moved to the side so that she didn't dig her teeth into his face area. All his muscled clenched together as he relaxed only his front shoulders for the moment of impact for his chance to attack. With his raised position, her jaws caught wind of his right shoulder and the pain made him growl. Her smaller size made it harder for her to knock him off balance but it did put pressure along him. The boy tightened his abdominal area to stay put his jaws opening to aim for her scruff. Hajime's eyes narrowed as he went for the move. He wanted to give her a good shaking and jerking with his head to try and inflict as much damage. His front legs lifted to try and get a hold on her shoulders. Then maybe he could over throw her, but there was always a weakness.
His back paws made fast effort to make sure he stayed forward, pressing himself against her. The claws on his back paws dug into the dirt, feeling himself being pushed backwards. His tail level with his spine to keep more balance, as he made his attack. Pressing on her to see if he could press her back as well. Hajime wanted her underneath him, rather than at a higher source. You never knew what would happen with a smaller opponent.


Attack:;He has aimed for the back of her scruff to get a hold on her and shake back and forth to cause tearing and plausibly the ability to pin her down.

Defence:; Back paws digging into the dirt, tail keeping balance and stomach muscles clenched. He has his ears pinned against his head eyes narrowed and body raised. Front legs trying to lift onto her shoulders in a hug type position.

Injury:; Wound on his right shoulder, tearing from teeth in his flesh.



09-19-2013, 10:12 PM

Just as quickly as she had moved, he too had moved. His body jerked to the left, causing her to snag his right shoulder. Frustration built inside the little woman as she quickly recoiled her neck, hopefully tearing away some flesh as she did so. Her lips curled into a vicious snarl as her tongue rolled angrily within her open mouth. She would need to be quick and attack like a serpent, because now the man was coming in for his own attack. Her head titled toward the left, and with her smaller size, she hoped she was pretty close to his throat. With a quick lash she aimed to grasp the left side of his neck and throat in her mouth, and if she were to succeed she would apply pressure in the hopes of pushing on his windpipe with her bottom jaw until he lost conciseness. Due to her tilted head and sudden lashing toward his throat, the mans teeth grasped the right side of her scruff, as opposed to the direct middle. She could feel his head starting to jerk, and it only have her more determination. A growl vibrated her chest as she noted the pain surging through her body.

She could feel the change in his positioning, and since he had moved to the right to get away from her, it had put them at a slight angle. As quickly as she could, she would raise up from her two front legs, balancing her weight mostly on her backs. Her tail was still flagged out, slightly moving toward the left side of her body as she kept her balance. As his legs moved to touch her shoulders she would attempt to wrap her left forearm around his right shoulder, and if she were to succeed it would further assist her balance and keep him from tossing her against the ground. She would also try to pull him toward her, which would also further assist her attack at his throat. His right paw would place itself on her left shoulder, causing her foot to touch back to the earth. With her right leg raising, his left paw would slide off of her shoulder, and if it were to keep moving, it possibly could touch the ground again as her left had. Her ears were still pulled back, her eyes were still narrowed, her weight was pushing toward the man while balancing on her back legs and slightly on her left front leg. Her tail was raised, and slightly toward the left to act as a rudder and help her balance. All toes were splayed open to help her grip the earth and resist his forward movement.

Attack: Releases his left shoulder, tilts her head slightly to the left, and with jaws still splayed she attempt to bite the left side of his lower neck and throat. If she succeeds, she will apply pressure on his windpipe in the hopes of causing him to pass out. While doing this, she raises her front end slightly, attempting to wrap her right forearm around his left shoulder to assist her balance and attack. If this succeeds, she will attempt to pull him toward her to help with her biting attack.
Defenses: Ears flat, eyes narrowed, balancing weight on back legs and toward Hajime, toes splayed. Tail level with spine and toward her left to help with balance and act as a rudder.
Damage: Half inch deep wound on the right side of her scruff, and he is now in the process of shaking his head. More damage to be determined in next round.



09-19-2013, 11:49 PM

Hajime let a deep growl escape his throat a menacing one as the pain built up. The attack was fast like any other fight as she quickly tried to take the upper hand. If he stayed on her neck with his head shaking she would probably succeed with her plans. With her movement he suddenly let go, raising his left paw and trying to slap her in the face and claw at her eyes. As her teeth came in contact with the lower confines of the right side of his neck in his position close to his chest. Her teeth dug in as he continued to try and slap her face as hard as he could. Placing pressure on her with his body and shoulders to try and flip her to the left. His tail whipped behind him like a rudder to keep him balanced as his back legs used their muscles to keep afoot. His ears pinned back and eyes narrowed.
She tried to pull him closer with a paw coming up to hook him, as she hooked her right forelimb on his left shoulder. His head went down jaws splayed open to try and get a hold to the right side of her neck and shoulder. Again with his shaking to attempt to try and tear as much flesh off as he could and cause the most damage. Though causing more damage towards the wound inflicted on his neck near his chest. He didn't want to kill her, but he was not going to let her take the upper hand so easily. His toes splayed apart as his upper legs pressed against her shoulders down on her. Hajime tightened his muscles more for his support and better balance. Shaking his head, to try to prevent her from choking him along with her attack.


Attack:; Hajime is trying to swat her off with his left foreleg, by lifting it and clawing at her face. He then presses against her shoulders with his legs to try and push her to the left side down. He opens his jaws to shake and tear on the right side of her neck and shoulder. While placing most of his body weight on her.

Defense:; Ears flat, tail flailing behind for balance. Eyes narrowed and muscles around stomach area tensed. Toes splayed with his raised body position to avoid his jugular being hit. Shaking his head to try and make it difficult to choke him out.

Injuries:; Tears on right shoulder about an inch deep. Right side of neck near chest has gashes and possibly more damage depending on next post, more tearing because of his own movements.



09-21-2013, 12:34 PM

Just as he luck would have it he had managed to move once again. Just as her jaws closed around the lower portion of his neck she began to shake, trying to do as much damage as possible. The mans left paw came up to smack her in the face, and she did not make an attempt to dodge it. Instead she would allow it, and as his pat smacked her she would recoil and follow it's momentum, jaws splayed open as she snapped viciously toward his paw. She was hoping to grasp it in her mouth, crunching down on it then apply more pressure in the hoped of either breaking it, or causing severe pain. Her face throbbed, and she knew it would end up bruising and have minor claw marks, but it did not cease her determination. Now she was out for blood.

Teeth punctured the are between her shoulder and neck, and she couldn't stop the snarl that escaped her lips. It hurt, and with the man shaking the pain was starting to amplify. His teeth had sunk about a half inch deep into her flesh, and as he shook fur an flesh were starting to tear away. The pressure from the man was starting to take it's toll on her, so she quickly started thinking of counters. She needed to go down, but she would not let him be the one to do so. She allowed her back legs to crumble beneath her, and using her right armed support around his shoulder, she would slide herself downward and beneath him in the hopes of getting away from his pressure. She now laid flat on her back, and with another swift movement, she would release whatever attack to his paw she had managed to find if she were lucky, and she would quickly recoil her neck, then strike for his throat once again. If she succeeded, she would again apply pressure in the hopes of knocking him unconscious. Jaws were splayed open, ears were still pinned, eyes were still narrowed, and now her tail tucked close to her body to protect her abdomen and genitalia. Her abdomen also tensed, which would further protect her vitals from lashing fangs. As a one last effort to do as much damage as possible, she would kick her back legs upward rapidly in the hoped of doing some damage to his abdomen, and cause his balance and future attacks harm.

Round: 3/3
Attack: She shook her head from left to right after grasping her target, then releases and recoils as his paw smacks her in the face. She then viciously snaps toward his paw in the hopes of grabbing it in her mouth, crushing down on it, and applying steady pressure hoping to either break it or cause immense pain. When he pushes down on her, she decides to go down by using her paw around his neck to help support her as she let her back legs slide forward, putting her on her back and hopefully beneath him. She then releases any attack she could have gotten on his paw(if she were to succeed) and recoils, then strikes again toward his throat. Her back legs kick upward rapidly, hoping to attack his abdomen.

Defenses: Jaws splayed, eyes narrowed, ears pinned, tail tucked to protect abdomen and genitalia, abdomen tense.
Injuries: Bruised face with claw marks, but no tearing. Half inch deep bite wound to area between shoulder and neck, tearing in process along with hair loss.



09-21-2013, 02:40 PM

His chest was in pain as he let out a deep whining painful growl. Her jaws released and clamped onto his leg. Hajime yelped when he felt the pressure and let go. Suddenly she rag dolled him, he had gotten her underneath him but not in the way he had wanted. Not only that but the tug on his paw made a painful sprain. As he buckled and tried to keep himself from falling over her. He didn't have enough time to react to her kicks, all the defense he had was his tightened muscles to avoid tearing. Hajime hissed deep in his throat in pain. He wasn't about to give up, as he placed his injured left paw on her chest near her throat and opened his jaws to snap at her right eye. He wasn't happy either with her attacks as he snapped against her. Putting pressure from his bleeding paw on her chest and neck. She tore up pieces of fur from his abdomen as he tucked his tail to protect his genitals. He narrowed his eyes, and his ears still pinned to the back of his head.
Hajime pinned his ears back as she grabbed onto the side of his neck as he ducked down. Not realizing that she had been aiming for his throat. He whined as she dug into the side of his cheek. Hajime locked his legs and put more pressure on her chest towards her throat. Keeping his balance, he just wanted to stay put until she gave in. And keep an hold on the right side of her face if he hadn't gotten to the way he was. Toes splayed and head forward as his muscles locked themselves to tighten like armor.


Attack:; Hajime is trying to put his left paw on her chest right near her neck, near the collar bone area. Jaws open letting go of her as she slides under her. His legs buckle and he aims for her right eye.

Defense:; Eyes narrowed, muscles clenched and buckled. Tail tucked to protect genitals. His head is forward and downward to avoid vital neck being attacked. Toes splayed.

Injuries:; Tears on right shoulder about an inch deep. Right side of his neck is torn and bleeding. Left paw sprained and burning along with bite mark tearing. Left side of his cheek having large gashes in it. Fur missing on abdomen and bruising.


The Judge


10-06-2013, 03:29 AM

Liberty vs Hajime

Round 1

CLARITY: 10 / 10

Clearly written.


No powerplaying found.

DEFENSES: 6 / 10

Ears pinned back, legs spread for balance, tail even with spine for balance and direction, toes spread for traction, eyes narrowed.

ATTACK: 5 / 10

Two move attack, aiming to bite his face while also using the momentum to ram into him.

INJURIES: 10 / 10

First round. No injuries.

Round one Liberty Total: 41 / 50


CLARITY: 9 / 10

I had just a few problems reading through this. There were a few places where some grammar/punctuation/wording checking would have been helpful. Nothing too major, but enough for me to notice.


No powerplaying found.

DEFENSES: 6 / 10

Back paws dug in, tail even for balance, narrowed eyes, tightened abdominal muscles, raising his legs to wrap around her shoulders.

ATTACK: 6 / 10

Two moves, aiming to bite at her scruff, wanting to shake her by it and possibly pin her down.

INJURIES: 10/ 10

Bite to the right shoulder.

Round one Hajime Total: 41 / 50

Round 2


CLARITY: 9 / 10
It was pretty clear. It just started to get a little muddled with all the weird angles and things going on toward the middle of the post.

No powerplaying found.

DEFENSES: 6 / 10

Ears flat, eyes narrowed, balancing weight on back legs and toward Hajime, toes splayed. Tail level with spine and toward her left to help with balance.

ATTACK: 7 / 10

Multi move attack. Releases his shoulder and aims a bite to his left, lower neck area to attempt to press down on his wind pipe to make him pass out. Also raising up to try to hook her right leg over his left shoulder to help with her bite attack.

INJURIES: 8 / 10

Bite to her scruff, possible tearing from him shaking his head.

Round two Liberty Total: 40 / 50


CLARITY: 8 / 10

It started getting a little bit muddled and hard to read at times.


Didn't take off any points, but it felt right on the border of powerplay at times so just be careful.

DEFENSES: 5 / 10

Ears back, eyes narrowed, tail out to help with balance, muscles tense to help with balance and support

ATTACK: 6 / 10

Multi move attack. Let go of her scruff to try to swipe at her face and possibly claw at her eyes. Then going for a bite at her shoulder/neck and shaking his head to cause more damage, also pushing down on her with his paws.

INJURIES: 7 / 10

Tears on the right shoulder and gashes on right side of the neck, tearing worsened by his own movements.

Round two Hajime Total: 36 / 50

Round 3


CLARITY: 7 / 10

It was kind of hard to read at times with a few very slight grammar errors and so many different movements, attacks, and angles.

No power playing found.

DEFENSES: 5 / 10

Eyes narrowed, ears back, tail tucked, tensed abdomen, jaws spread wide.

ATTACK: 8 / 10

Multi move attack. Shakes her head after biting to cause more damage, releases him to aim a bite at his paw and crunch down on it. Then releases his paw if her attack on it landed to attack at his neck, also kicking up at his stomach.

INJURIES: 6 / 10

Bruise to the face, bite wound between the shoulder and neck, movement causing tearing.

Round three Liberty Total: 36 / 50


CLARITY: 7 / 10
Again, feels a bit confused or muddled.

Bit of a wording issue for me with how he "placed his left paw on her chest." Nothing too serious I think, but a "tried" might have been good in front of that just to avoid this issue.

DEFENSES: 5 / 10

Eyes narrowed, muscles clenched, legs locked, tail tucked, toes spread

ATTACK: 5 / 10

Holding his left paw on her chest near her neck, releasing his bite as she slid under him, aiming a bite at the right side of her face.

INJURIES: 6 / 10

Sprained and bitten left paw, left cheek has gashes, brusing to the abdomin, tears on right shoulder and right side of his neck

Round three Hajime Total: 32 / 50


Liberty: 117 /150

Hajime: 109 /150

And the winner is...

Liberty! Hajime must give up by either submitting, fleeing, or passing out.


Liberty- Bite and tearing on the right side of her scruff, bruise on her face, and bite would with slight tearing between the neck and shoulder.

Hajime- Several bites and tears to the right shoulder/neck area, bruising to the abdomen, and bad sprain and bite to the left paw.

Ais: Overall, very good and interesting to read! I would just be careful with making your attacks too complicated cause it makes them hard to understand at times.

Sei: Be really careful about the clarity of your posts. They keep getting muddled around the middle through the end. You had some good moves, they were just hard to read.

- Shelbs


10-08-2013, 11:26 AM

Hajime was out of energy as he dropped to the floor a few feet away panting. He gave a small chuckle, the little girl packed quiet a punch that was for sure. "You have quiet the bite there, are you alright?" He asked with a tilt of his head. Well that meant this was her island, but he certainly hoped she would let him visit it. He was a friend not an enemy after all. Sore, the male stretched out his body, knowing that it'd be there for a few days. Happily nothing would scar though, and it wasn't like anything was life threatening. His red eyes looked at the smaller girl.
"I guess the islands yours, but I do hope I'm allowed to at least visit, it'd be a shame just to keep it to yourself you know Liberty." He said saying her name. His black tail flicking against the ground where he relaxed. Hopefully she didn't show any hostility towards him. Hajime wasn't entirely a fighter, though it was clear it had been a close call. The boy was happy none the less for the add on of experience for himself.
