
i dare not go, for if i do, my mother will say...



"The Bully™"

Raiders Hollow
Raid King

Master Intellectual (635)

Master Fighter (870)

An icon representing the specialty Gambler Gambler

An icon representing the specialty Marauder Marauder

7 Years
Extra large

Rapid Poster - SilverWordyBest BudsSocialiteCritical Attack!Legendary
LoserRaiderCritical Fail!Samhain 2022Statue 4 WorshipScarred
Snake EyesWinnerOoh La LaDouble Master1KAll Oozed Out
The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3By the skin of my teethVengeanceHow many times do I have to teach you a lesson?! Overachiever
Critical Block!
01-11-2024, 12:02 PM (This post was last modified: 01-11-2024, 12:04 PM by Gilgamesh. Edited 1 time in total.)

The trip to Auster was not as long or as difficult as he had presumed. Other than the rain that poured from the heavens and laden their supplies with muck, it had been a rather enjoying journeying. With most of the group made up of his own pups, Gil was excited to see how they fared. Sloshing around the Hallows territories, Gil allowed them to slow pace enough as they approached the roaring falls. Water gushed from atop a lone cliff that could be heard through a grove of trees. Taking a pause along the territory's edge, Gil turns to address his ragtag group of Raiders.

"The goal is to take their chickens and leave without causing too much harm. Only do unto them as they do unto you," Gil looks at each wolf for a second or two to ensure they understand. "I'm not sure where they're located so whoever can sneak in and get to them without being noticed, will earn something," he smiles now, winking down at the pups before turning back. "Now let's raid!" He moves forward as quietly as the soggy terrain will allow him.

On the other side of the cliff, the sun has set. Stars hide behind clouds and rain continues to fall. Gil does not call out. He does not warn Ethne of their advance. They are here for one thing and one thing only: to raid. And as he keeps to the shadows, he reminds himself of the goal: to win.


gilgamesh is aggressive, don't trust him



Master Fighter (240)

Master Intellectual (245)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

5 Years
Extra small

Pride - DemisexualPride - BisexualCritical Attack!Double MasterHomebodyCritical Block!
StudentRapid Poster - Silver1K
01-11-2024, 04:56 PM

Their chickens-- they have chickens! Jael's gaze flickered to Gilgamesh's in that moment, a little knowing. Concealing the smile that threatened to flicker to life on her lips. Right, they have a job to do. More than that, Jael felt like she had something to prove to him. Something important to prove to him. Butterflies in her stomach that were much, much different.

Butterflies, wasps. Whatever they were, she couldn't help be a little excited by it. Spurred on by the idea of the fight, and the prize that was on the line. The excitement was something she couldn't help. She hung rather close to Gilgamesh in their formation, ever light on her feet. She feels safer closest to him, and she could cover his back this way. Tension rising thickly in her system, moving as quietly as she could. Hoping her dappled coat kept her safe in the shadows as they grew longer.

Get in. Get the chickens. Get out. That's a plan Jael can follow.

As her keepers, Gilgamesh and Modesty may join any of Jael’s threads if they deem necessary.


"I'll Rise Up"


Master Fighter (320)

Master Intellectual (305)

An icon representing the specialty Bard Bard

3 Years
Extra small

ScarredDouble MasterRapid Poster - SilverSamhain 2022
01-11-2024, 06:17 PM

The sky seems to weep for the death of autumn and the cloud’s tears have thoroughly soaked everything underneath. Worry has kept Haydée from her warm den this night and forced her to walk paths around the muddy lands. Celeste, the woman who had been attacked and left in Ethne lands is not recovering as Hay had hoped and worry for the woman plus the fact that those who had hurt her are still out there, is what has her walking this evening. It has always helped her to process her thoughts and, even though she is soaked, it is helping.

A thick, plush fur is wrapped tightly around her shoulders as she wanders, the material sticking to her while the mucky ground pulls at her small paws yet she continues to trace familiar trails and patrol through her thoughts. Suddenly, a strange, unexpected sound tickles her ears and forces Haydée to immediate pull to stop suck in a breath so she can listen. The constant drum of the rain muddles scents and covers some of the softer sounds (such as stealthy paws being carefully placed) but the young woman strains to pick up out what had caused her to pause and question what she had heard.

Minutes tick by until there, underneath the soft plunks of drops on the muddy landscape, Haydée realizes that some of the underbrush that surrounds the falls, is gently rustling. Careful to keep herself hinden, the Leader quietly moves toward the disturbance to see what is causing the noise. As she nears, a familiar calico coat comes into view and pauses to hides in the long shadow of a tree as Hay realizes that Ethne is being raiding. Of course, she expects nothing less from the Raiders Hallow since their name basically says it all but still, with everything she has had to deal with lately, the young woman is more than a little incensed at the fact.

Quickly, she brushes off the anger and steps out in front of the sneaking alpha, her tiny form standing tall as she challenges him for trespassing on Ethne land and she calls out, “Well, hello there Gilgamesh. Pleasure to see you again. I hope you ready to go home with your tail between your legs!” The words are happy, teasing, and filled with excitement because, in Haydée’s mind, this is just a friendly fight. Tipping her head back, Hay issues a howl, alerting all those in Ethne to the fact that they are being raided.

Thankfully, due to the increased predators that have been boldly traipsing onto their land, Haydée never leaves her den without her armor and dagger and she knows her companions are nearby. Once the alert is finished, she levels a grin at Gil and does not waste any more time before charging the taller alpha head on. Darting forward, she seeks to use her smaller size to her advantage and hopefully race around the man’s right side to try and bite at his back ankle. It is meant to hurt but not leave any lasting damage because, again, this is all friendly in her naïve mind.

Haydée vs Gilgamesh for Dominance (Raid)
Round 1/?
Age: Over 1 year
Size: Extra small
Build: Medium
Offensive Battle Accessory: Damascus Steel Bowie Knife
Defensive Battle Accessory: Leather Brace/Vest
Companion 1: Male Northern Cardinal, 20"
Companion 2: Fossa, Female
Skills: Master Fighter & Master Intellectual
Specialty: Bard

"Haydée Kedieo"

"Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.”
Haydée has a male northern cardinal named Chanson and a female fossa named Manon. They are always close by.



Expert Fighter (130)

Beginner Intellectual (10)

2 Years
Dire wolf
01-11-2024, 08:15 PM

Nova wasn't that familiar with raids as none had taken place as far as she had been here, so she had a lot to learn about those mayor events or what it meant. But as she heard calls and spotted strangers breaking into their pack uninvited something on her told her they were to be fought. Seeing her aunt already going to the attack, feeling the same energy through her veins, she didn't wait for any orders or permission. She wanted to fight for her pack even if she had to fight older wolves.

There her eyes fell on a wolf or so she guessed it was. Floppy ears and weird factions, but well right now they were enemy to her so even with so much inexperience in fights she went to attack Jael, aiming to go from behind and attempting to firmly bite on the female's left back leg, aiming to catch the middle of her back leg. She only wanted to chase her off.

Nova vs Jael for dominance r}(Raid)
Round 1/?
Age: +1 year
Size: Dire wolf
Build: Medium
Skills: Intermediate fighter & beginner intellectual

code by Cloudy



Master Fighter (290)

Master Intellectual (254)

An icon representing the specialty Berserker Berserker

9 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022Statue 4 WorshipScarredVengeanceCritical Observation!1K
Christmas 2019Trick 2019
01-11-2024, 08:26 PM

Bellamy is curled on her bed, not yet asleep, but wrapped within her snow leopard cloak for warmth. In and out the breaths come one by one, mind too active to settle despite the rain. She knows she needs to go for Fenix, to bring him home, and to begin patrolling once again. It is the cold that deters her. She is older, and rain and cold are far less favorable now. Her companions nestle with her, Whiskers offering a comforting paw by Bellamy’s own. She closes her eyes, considering attempting to rest, when her daughter’s call is heard. Bellamy’s ears shoot up and her eyes narrow. Raiders? A snarl rips from her throat and the woman stands so quickly she sends Whisker’s rolling.

“Bells hold on!” The badger calls to her… but it is too late.

Bellamy is running, paws slamming against the muck. She ignores the ache in her bones as the cold greets her fur. She ignores the rain that falls upon her body. The last time the woman was within the rain she was broken, but now there is anger, like an ember bursting into a roaring flame. Bellamy is angry, and there will be hell to pay for those who dare cross these borders. Her mind flicks to Gavroche, and then Hay crosses her mind. Bellamy snarls again as she arrives on the scene, looking damn near feral as her lips peel back to reveal her teeth.

“You have all fucked up big time.” Bellamy’s words drip with venom. Her daughter’s playfulness is missed. Bellamy doesn’t see this as a friendly fight. She is ready to defend her home and loved ones, and whatever came her way would come. Her companions slide into their position beside her, Ears with a wicked grin and eager for a fight while Whiskers look more cautiously at what opponent may come their way.

((Bellamy is very much so in a livid / gloves off state. I would ideally like to go for a minor maim with her, and would like to ask that others only fight her if they are okay with that possibility. <3 We can work out maims in DMs to avoid certain ones as well if you are okay with some and not others.))

"Speech," 'Thought.'

Bellamy has two companions - a Tasmanian devil and an American badger. Unless otherwise mentioned IC, assume that they are close by.



Expert Fighter (186)

Advanced Hunter (60)

4 Years
Extra large

01-11-2024, 08:52 PM (This post was last modified: 01-11-2024, 09:58 PM by Bae-Syl. Edited 1 time in total.)
It was a more peaceful night for Bae and his family, until he was awoken by the howl for fighters to rally. His ears pricked at this and he unhappily moved, dumping his wife off him from where she slept. He was a necessary piece in his mind for this and even though he knew she would protest him going it was his duty to be there. Not to mention he looked to his sleeping yearlings. Of them he knew Gav, Jericho, and Nova would want to go, so he nudged them with his nose to rouse them. Motioning for them to follow him quickly and quietly so as not to rouse the entire pack. It was late after all.

He moved as swiftly as he could, Ruby flying over him and Dagan at his heels. His eyes were set ahead as the rain pelted him. His words to his children who hopefully followed him were said to hopefully give them an idea of how serious this matter was and how serious their father took this. Even if others might not see this as an act of violence or war Bae-Syl had lived differently before he had met Lucy. These were things ohers used when they were intent on harming those they took from. "Keep your defenses up tonight, and do not take fights you aren't sure of. Stay together if you can you two, Jer and Gav. Do not under any circumstances if you need to fall back hesitate. Your mother will have her herbs ready." Bae was certain Lucy didn't like that he was allowing their children to fight but he was already certain that if he hadn't they would sneak their way in anyway. Which would stress him and Lucy more. At least if he allowed them to fight, they were doing so with some supervision.

His paws gripped into the muddied ground as he lead those who followed him into the area. His eyes hardened as he took in the raiding party on their land. Hay was already taking her chance going for what looked to be their leader. He nodded at that. Though if she didn't put a mark on the man's body, or win he intended to take the man's next fight. He would be reminded why Ethne was not to be trifled with if Hay didn't remind him for Bae. His eyes fell to another then. A tiny little thing with ears folded hanging close to the fight with Hay. Too close for Bae to not be certain the female wouldn't intervene with the Leader's fight. Couldn't have that. She would hopefully be shooed off with just him after her.

Just as he was about to go for it though and give her a chance to leave without a fight or a fuss, Nova beat him to it. He smirked as his daughter went for the smaller woman. Good she wouldn't be giving an inch it seemed. His eyes then cut to the shadows of the area. And his ears turn to his mother-in-laws snarled words. He couldn't agree more. He moved sliding into the spot beside Bells as his muzzle wrinkled. She had his full support. And he was certain he wold have hers. "His next fight is our's Bell's We give him something to remember us by, together." His eyes are on the calico male as he speaks under his breath into Bell's ears. His tail lashed. Hair on his spine stood on end.

His snarls cut into the night as he tenses and readies himself. He is a loaded gun in the moment, ready to fire at anyone. The raiders being here in the beginnings of their winter, attempting their chickens, a threat in his mind's eye to everyone in Ethne. And everyone in Ethne was his family. He was prepared to send them all running with new scars and what not for such transgressions. Dagan was beside him with every defense in place and snarling just as loud. The husky like Bae was not in the mood for this crap. Ruby circled above doing her best to keep her eye on him and his kids, though her screeches were the clue that she was not fond of this one bit.

Lucy would have his ass later but he cared not. His ears pressed back keeping the rain out of them and expressing his mood thoroughly. His eyes were hardened as he looked out for the next to fight.

Art & Code © Rex/Witchdogtor DO NOT USE WITHOUT PERMISSION

ooc1: perms for waking his 3 kids and getting them to follow given to me by their players.
ooc2: I am ok with anyone attempting to maim Bae if they feel the need to do so <3 Bae is also likely to escalate to maims as he is pretty pissed that his extended family is being in his mind threatened. i would like any who decide to take him on to keep this in mind. <3

ooc3: edited for table code legibility <3

As his best friend and personal medic, Lucette is allowed to enter Bae-Syl's threads as she sees fit. That being said Bae-Syl is her self appointed protector and might enter threads with her in them to ensure her safety.



Master Fighter (240)

Master Intellectual (245)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

5 Years
Extra small

Pride - DemisexualPride - BisexualCritical Attack!Double MasterHomebodyCritical Block!
StudentRapid Poster - Silver1K
01-11-2024, 09:12 PM

The way the Ethne alpha spoke to Gil... maybe didn't sit quite right with Jael. Triggering feelings that shouldn't be there, that she'd pretend weren't. Still.
Bro. Her hackles up, hovering close to his flank. The playfulness of it... hm. In the sudden outbreak of activity, Jael's gaze scans for Modesty, too. It's near instinctive, but had she heard that? Before Jael can find the woman's face in the crowd, she's been attacked. It was a cheap shot, coming from behind. The wolfdog snarled, snapped as she rounded on her opponent.

A behemoth, Jael snarled as she found teeth on her rear leg. A little whimper, too, but she'd bite that back as much as possible. She couldn't look weak, she couldn't look like a sitting duck. She wasn't. Right. The girl lunged forward with another growl, rippling deep within her chest. Awareness once more keen on the din of battle around her, as it seemed the Ethne wolves faded out of damn near nowhere. A woman with something to say dully registered... later, later.

In close quarters... that was just a baby. A yearling. Someone who needed to be taught better-- the flash of Jael's teeth, she goes for the purple behemoth's ears. To rip to tear, to push the attacker away from her. It's a lunge and a leap, especially from someone of Jael's size, but she's not particularly happy about the cheap shot. "Fucking rude!" Panting, but just as quickly as she's gone after her assailant, Jael was attempting to stumble back. Harrying or whatever.

She'd been taught how to fight, once upon a time.

Jael vs Nova for dominance (raid)
Round 1/2
Age: over 1
Size: Extra small
Build: Medium
Skills: Intermediate Fighter & Advanced Intellectual
As her keepers, Gilgamesh and Modesty may join any of Jael’s threads if they deem necessary.


"The Audacity™"

Raiders Hollow
Raid Queen

Master Navigator (306)

Master Intellectual (260)

An icon representing the specialty Fleet-footed Fleet-footed

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

5 Years
Dire wolf

Wordy1KRaiderDream WeaverTeacherStudent
Double MasterSamhain 2022Statue 5 WorshipThe Ooze Participant
01-11-2024, 10:32 PM


Modesty arrived on the field on the right flank of Gilgamesh, allowing Jael to sidle up to his left. They were here to do a job, after all. She could keep her shit together when she had to. That was almost all undone when Haydee arrived with her bright happy almost flirtatious tone, dual tone eyes quickly darted to Jael, Yes she had heard that, and her quills rose defensively, lip peeling back to reveal the tips of canines, a growl growing in her chest as the fight began in earnest.

She didn't expect the uncomfortable flip in her stomach when a giant yearling took on the pet.

When she saw the big white guy smirking about it, her mind was made up. She charged, flexing her ring covered toes, bringing artificial claws up to grab at shoulders and hold him in place. Quills bristled about her neck defensively and she aimed her teeth for the thick fur and skin around his neck. It wouldn't bleed, but that wasn't the intention. She wanted to shove him down, into the dirt.


Modesty vs Bae-Syl for Dominance (raid)
Round 1/?
Age: over 1 year
Size: Dire wolf
Build: Medium
Offensive Battle Accessory: Spiked rings
Defensive Battle Accessory: Saddlebags
Companion 1: Brahminy Kite, Male - Flying
Companion 2: Jackalope, male - Battle
Mutation 1: Quills - Defensive
Mutation 2: Muntjac antlers - Offensive
Skills: Expert Navigator & Master Intellectual
Specialty: Professor



Expert Fighter (186)

Advanced Hunter (60)

4 Years
Extra large

01-12-2024, 12:54 AM
Bae wasn't blind nor was he daft. He saw as the purple woman came barreling at him. He waited. His tail lifted and legs positioned to balance him. He pressed his ears back to protect them. His nose wrinkled as he let a snarl rip from him.

She made her move, rising onto two legs and trying to wrap her legs around him in a manner to hold him. His head tucked back and up as he saw her jaws aiming for his neck, which ensured she would miss her bite. Her face would be close to his though and he would allow for her paws to be on either side of him. Not to let her damage him but for him to throw a counter at her. She might stand taller but it was only just, they were of the same build type as well, though Bea was alot of compact muscles, which had been tensed and he used this opportunity to release those tensed muscles. All at once his own jaws would open and snap forward, aiming for a grip on her neck, between the chest and throat section to her left side and his right side. His body would push, hoping that with her having less legs touching the ground she would be less balanced, while also helped hopefully by the fact that mud was beneath them that she might become unbalanced from this. His back legs pushed with a controlled amount of muscle behind them. His toes splaying to grip into the mud and keep him upright.

His forelegs were off the ground for only seconds, aiming to push the woman backwards and onto her back hopefully. His fore legs if successful would be on either side of her and hopefully with her flesh in his maw. His bite might bring blood to her skin but he didn't care of that, they would deserve as much. The kiddy gloves could not be used with this pack. They needed to know there would be repercussions for their actions.

Dagan took his chance now to aid Bae-Syl. The husky darted forward aiming to bite into the woman's ankle. He was aiming to help Bae by hoping to surprise her enough that maybe she would lift that leg after his attempted bite which would only unbalance her more in Bae's favor. The rainbow marked man kept the guard hairs along his back standing as stiffly as they could while getting drenched with the downpour.

Art & Code © Rex/Witchdogtor DO NOT USE WITHOUT PERMISSION

Bae-Syl vs Modesty for Dominance(get off our lawn aka raid)
Round 1/2
Age: over 1 year
Size: Extra large
Build: Medium
Companion 1: Husky, Male - Battle
Companion 2: Macaw, Female - Battle
Skills: Advanced Fighter & Advanced Hunter

ooc: confirmed with nacho that Modesty was attempting something like this, feel free to dm me if anything is confusing here nacho <3

As his best friend and personal medic, Lucette is allowed to enter Bae-Syl's threads as she sees fit. That being said Bae-Syl is her self appointed protector and might enter threads with her in them to ensure her safety.


Raiders Hollow
The Scion

Master Healer (245)

Master Fighter (240)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

1 Year
01-12-2024, 01:32 AM

A raid! Her very first raid! The colorful child was practically skipping with every step that took them closer to their targets border. She was giddy. She was excited. She was ready to bite things!

When they finally arrived, Gil spoke of chickens. Sid didn't care about the chickens. She just wanted some action. As the Raiders were released and the enemy began to show up, Siduri leaped upon a nearby rock and crowed loudly. "Take their cocks! Hens! Chicks! Eggs! No feather left behind, ye brigands!" Did that light a fire under everyone's tail? She hoped so.

A brown and white fae cursed Sid's clan and that simply wouldn't do. With a whoop, the pastel child launched herself from the rock, landing in the stripey womans path. It never crossed her mind that an adult might want to fight her, let alone hurt her. Today would be a day of lessons.

Picking up a rock, Sid chucked it at the old womans shin. That would surely show her who was going to win. "Go back to yer den, ye olde prune!" The young girl bristled, her pale coat puffing up, but there was happy excitement in her eyes.


Siduri vs Bellamy for Maim
Round 1/2
Age: under 1 year
Size: Medium
Build: Light
Skills: Advanced Healer & Advanced Fighter


"The Audacity™"

Raiders Hollow
Raid Queen

Master Navigator (306)

Master Intellectual (260)

An icon representing the specialty Fleet-footed Fleet-footed

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

5 Years
Dire wolf

Wordy1KRaiderDream WeaverTeacherStudent
Double MasterSamhain 2022Statue 5 WorshipThe Ooze Participant
01-12-2024, 02:11 AM


Her charge was met with a wall of muscle and it was a nice change from the opponents that tried to dart beneath her lengthy legs (a small prideful part of her might joke with her not-husband after such events that resulted in snickers and smirks and entirely inappropriate remarks but fuck! Honestly? She really hated fighting, especially in the rain and the mud! It was going to take hours to look semi-decent again).

Her back paws slid and she spread her toes to hold on as best she could while her antlered rabbit took the opportunity to dart out from under the cover of her torso and drive the bony protrusions up into her opponent's delicate underside. Modesty felt her back leg slip further as someone's companion pulled at it, but she gritted her teeth to try and ignore it before lashing out with her teeth in retaliation, to grab hold of the shoulder right in front of her face. If she was going down she was taking him with her.

Perhaps the dark and the rain obscured his vision enough that he couldn't make out the bristled quills about her shoulders and neck, but she didn't mind when his teeth grabbed hold. With any luck some tips would break off and burrow their way through his soft palate and up into his brain long after she had left. A reminder. The couldn't shake the feeling she was slipping.

Modesty could hear Siduri now and it only spurred her on to get this done before the rest of the children arrived on the scene.


Modesty vs Bae-Syl for dominance (raid - gimme dem nuggies)
Round 2/2
Age: over 1 year
Size: Dire wolf
Build: Medium
Offensive Battle Accessory: Spiked rings
Defensive Battle Accessory: Saddlebags
Companion 1: Brahminy Kite, Male - Flying
Companion 2: Jackalope, male - Battle
Mutation 1: Quills - Defensive
Mutation 2: Muntjac antlers - Offensive
Skills: Expert Navigator & Master Intellectual
Specialty: Professor



Novice Intellectual (20)

Expert Fighter (180)

3 Years
Extra large

VengeanceCritical Observation!1KLoserCritical Fail!Pride - Pansexual
01-12-2024, 02:42 AM

Flurry let her father and mother take point though she didn't fail to spot the look that passed between her mother and the wolf-dog and she quirked a brow. Were all the older adults this fucking boring? That they got jealous at a little playful teasing? Somehow it only bolstered the sympathy she felt for her father. It seemed emotions were running high though, some of the talk was more open threats than banter. Fuck, was it just never going to go back to being fun? Was she just always going to have to be hyper aware of the hurt feelings of wolves who took being raided by the raiders personally so things didn't break out into all out war? It wasn't personal, at least not with this pack. And if she ever earned her father's trust back, hopefully eventually it'd never be personal with anyone. But that was a problem for another day, when they weren't trying to steal some chickens.

With her little sister rushing forwards to claim the last combatant that had showed up so far Flurry decided it would be a good idea to try and push further in, try to find those dang birds! Dropping low the young woman skirted the fights that had broken out, trying to sift through the unfamiliar scents as she slunk deeper into the pack lands.


Art by Honrin
Updated 01/13/23: I am currently on indefinite scarcity, please be patient and don't remind me of missing tags right now.


"The Bully™"

Raiders Hollow
Raid King

Master Intellectual (635)

Master Fighter (870)

An icon representing the specialty Gambler Gambler

An icon representing the specialty Marauder Marauder

7 Years
Extra large

Rapid Poster - SilverWordyBest BudsSocialiteCritical Attack!Legendary
LoserRaiderCritical Fail!Samhain 2022Statue 4 WorshipScarred
Snake EyesWinnerOoh La LaDouble Master1KAll Oozed Out
The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3By the skin of my teethVengeanceHow many times do I have to teach you a lesson?! Overachiever
Critical Block!
01-12-2024, 06:20 AM

He moves through the brush on stealthy paws. Toes stretching out, covering as much of the muddy ground as he can. The rain that falls around him helps to hide the steps that he and his members take. Instead of their paws sloshing through much, one would hear the plunk, plunk, plunk of rain falling through the canopy. If they draw close enough, one could possibly hear the drum of their paws. One after the other, an almost gentle movement about them as they march in an arcing pattern. Spread out, slip through, and acquire the prize. Easy, straightforward, one for the books.

Gilgamesh is stopped in his tracks. Weight leaning backward, eyes widening as they blink out the rain. If it hadn't been for her sudden movements and aggressive posturing, Gil wouldn't have noticed the tiny Alpha. He steps back, repositioning his weight to an even more stance as his ears turn toward her words that dart at him in a teasing manner. "Evening Haydee, it appears you do have a sense of humor after all," Gil teasing back, his lips turning up into a smirk as he prepares for what happens next.

As Hay lifts her muzzle to alert her members through the drizzle that still falls onto them, Gil sets his own defenses. Lowering his head his head until it is even with his spine, his eyes never leave the girl. His fur bristles between the crystals that line his spine. The terrain isn't in his favor nor is it in Haydee's. There is a likeliness to slip and fall if they're not careful. Twisting his front paws slightly so they are aligned with his shoulders and set into the ground, he isn't given anymore time.

Haydee dashes forward and suddenly past him. Her size indeed is an advantage, but not one he isn't expecting. Turning to look over his shoulder to see where she is projected to go, Gil lets out a chuckle. Just as Haydee's small jaw is aiming to wrap around his rear ankle, Gil leans back and sits down onto his butt. Whether Haydee is still there and now beneath him is up to her. He doesn't move too quickly, he gives her the grace of timing, allowing her to notice his much large posterior size to come down over her face. It almost felt as if he were play sparring with one of his own pups. Fun.

Gilgamesh vs Haydee for Dominance (Raid)
Round 1/2
Age: Over 1
Size: Extra large
Build: Medium
Offensive Battle Accessory: Spiked bracers
Defensive Battle Accessory: Gold chainmail cuirass
Companion 1: Barn Owl, Female - Battle
Companion 2: Wolverine, Male - Battle
Mutation 1: Crystal spines - Defensive
Mutation 2: Tufted deer fangs - Offensive
Skills: Master Intellectual & Master Fighter
Specialty: Bard & Marauder

gilgamesh is aggressive, don't trust him



Expert Fighter (130)

Beginner Intellectual (10)

2 Years
Dire wolf
01-12-2024, 09:30 AM
Her young yet sharp fangs managed to snag the leg of the invader, and Nova felt relief and an small sense of victory threatened with invading her mind. she was but a child, and this being her first fight excited her, and not knowing better she might was letting that blurr her sense. She had yet to learn not to get too trusting when something had just started. This older wolf could be pretty much wiser and more experienced than her. Yet all she thought was that she wanted to make her dad proud.

Distracted by these thoughts, she didn't pay attention to the smaller canine retaliation. Growling, she felt her ear being snagged by the folded-eared canine. Feeling sharp teeth digging on there. Insticntively, she aimed to pin her ears, and she attempted to bite harder on the same limb she had bit into, wanting to drive her opponent away from her.

Nova vs Jael for dominance r}(Raid)
Round 2/2
Age: +1 year
Size: Dire wolf
Build: Medium
Skills: Intermediate fighter & beginner intellectual

code by Cloudy



Master Fighter (295)

Master Intellectual (260)

An icon representing the specialty Tactician Tactician

5 Years

VengeanceThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2VengeanceUnderachieverExplorer
Mammoth HunterIce Bridge ExplorerPride - BisexualSnake Eyes1KDouble Master
01-12-2024, 05:48 PM

Dagrún curled up tightly in her den, cursing the wet, dreary weather but grateful to have the evening off to rest. Well, that had been the plan until Sperla came flying into her den warning of intruders. "Are you fucking serious?" It just figured that of all nights some low lifes could go raiding they'd pick her night off. Dag got to her feet and donned her armor and weaponry. Her companions stood by the cave opening, awaiting her command. She nodded stiffly. "Move out."

Dag began the arduous descent to the waterfall basin where Sperla had spied the intruders. She moved at rapid speed, moving with practiced precision and altering her course where the stones were slickest so she could make the best time without risking arriving injured.

Mud flew as she hit the ground running, defenses falling into place as she flew toward the first available opponent. A spotty, horned pirate. Dag dispensed with pleasantries and just went straight for the attack. She sought to approach head on but slightly off to her left as she launched her right shoulder forward, seeking to slam it into the crevice between the other woman's right shoulder and chest, seeking to use her momentum to sprain the joint. At the same time her jaws flung forward, head rotating parallel with the earth as she attempted to catch the other's throat between her teeth, right below the jawline.

Dagrún vs Flurry for Dominance
Round 1/?
Age: Over 1 Year
Size: Large
Build: Medium
Offensive Battle Accessory: Spiked shoulder harness
Defensive Battle Accessory: Spiked helmet
Companion 1: Cougar, Male - Battle - Boosted
Companion 2: American kestrel, Female - Flying
Mutation 1: Cat claws - Offensive
Mutation 2: Enhanced vision - Perception
Mutation 3: Water Deer Fangs - Offensive
Skills: Master Fighter & Master Intellectual
Specialty: Tactician


Raiders Hollow

Master Fighter (320)

Master Hunter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Cooperative Cooperative

1 Year
Extra large

01-12-2024, 07:34 PM

Worc helped Tarnish slip on his chainmail cowl and strap the spiked leather straps over his shoulders. He was jittering with excitement, eager to participate in his first raid with his companions and fellow raiders by his side. He hadn't picked a weapon yet but that was alright, he had his claws and his fangs and maybe by seeing the other raiders in action he'd get some ideas.

The journey was long, all the way into Auster and along the way he took note of lands he'd like to explore so that he could make his way back later. Soon they arrived at a territory boasting a lovely waterfall. He wasn't given time to admire the territory before the wolves who owned the land came out and fights started breaking out one after another.

Raider Brats

Calico Jack

Raiders Hollow

Master Fighter (465)

Master Navigator (285)

An icon representing the specialty Marauder Marauder

3 Years
Extra large

Critical Dodge!1KPride - PansexualOoh La LaSamhain 2022Statue 5 Worship
01-12-2024, 08:50 PM

Rain pours from the heavens as the Raiders carefully trek to the borders of Ethne and Calico Jack is excited to be out raiding again. The red paisley bandana that protects his head is now stuck to his fur but the mud and dreary weather only serve to heighten the young man’s excitement. Paws slosh through the landscape and, when Gil pulls them to a stop, Jack’s features are bright with happiness. Oh right, they are supposed to be sneaking. Nodding fervently, the tall lad crouches, splaying his toes as he oh so carefully, begins to sneak.

They fan out, slowly working their way toward the roaring waterfall in the distance. Careful of his steps and the noise he is making, Calico Jack works his way deeper into the territory in the hopes of snagging a few chickens for the Raiders. He does not pause or hesitate as fights begin to break out because, so far, he has been super sneaky and they have not spotted him. Onward he moves, all stealth and whatnot as he eagerly seeks to try and find where they are keeping the chickens when a thought suddenly occurs to him, ‘Wait… do the chickens have their own house?’

Questions roll through his mind as Jack wonders how exactly one even cares for chickens but he leaves those details to Gil since he is the King and all. For now, the large young man continues to be a sneaky Raider and worm his way further into Ethne lands.

"Calico Jack"



Expert Fighter (140)

Intermediate Intellectual (30)

2 Years
01-12-2024, 09:06 PM

Jericho had been deep in slumber land when his father rouses him. Confusion crosses his sleepy features as Bae-Syl directs him and his siblings outside and the boy does not question as he quickly follows. His father’s attention is set ahead of him and Jericho knows that something serious is afoot so he keeps alert and finds the sounds of fighting growing closer.

As the group stops and Bae-Syl’s offers them some advice, the dark boy gives his dad a determined nod. Looking down to his smaller, scrappy brother, Jericho gives him a gentle nudge and softly whispers, “Good luck Gav.” With a wink, he then peels off as he spies a dark Raider pup without a fighting partner.

As he moves, Jericho speeds up, rushing at the still growing pup with barely a sound as he seeks to try and barrel into them and possibly bowl them over. This is a serious affair but Jericho simply wishes to chase off the intruder without harming he too much.

A growl rolls from Jericho lips as he charges toward the younger boy, seeking to intimidate the youngster and maybe even put them off their game as he bears down on them.

Jericho vs Tarnish for Dominance (Raid)
Round 1/?
Age: Over 1 year
Size: Large
Build: Medium
Skills: Beginner Fighter & Intermediate Intellectual

"Jericho Agatsuma-Kedieo"



Novice Intellectual (20)

Expert Fighter (180)

3 Years
Extra large

VengeanceCritical Observation!1KLoserCritical Fail!Pride - Pansexual
01-12-2024, 09:13 PM

Busted! With the dark and the rain it was hard to make out what shapes were what as she slunk along, but even with the ever present pounding of the falls the rythmic thudding of someone barreling down on her was nearly impossible to miss. It gave her forewarning... Barely. Not enough to stop the force of the older woman's shoulder slamming into her own shoulder joint but enough that she'd already been moving to protect her throat, lowering her head to protect it and starting to pivot to her left, head leading. Really she'd just been turning away from the direction of the noise but it had the added benefit of jaws scraping against the side of her neck instead of right at her throat.

"Woah." Flurry hid a wince with her exclamation. Her shoulder was gonna suck tomorrow. "Can I at least get the pretty lady's name before she rips my throat out?" Flurry was lowering her head even more, ducking it to try and swing it back towards the other woman and jam her horns under the other wolf's jaw. Looking more to control her opponent's head movements than do any serious damage. Might as well get her money's worth though. Flurry lifted her right foreleg (ow) and sought to slam it down on the other woman's left paw (still and also ow). "I'll even toss in my name for free, whaddya say?" Was it probably weird that she just bantered during the fight? Maybe but that's how she'd always done it, had always added a hint of flirting to her fights. Except for the time she'd fought a horse... At this point a perfectly silent focused Flurry was a sign you'd fucked up. And right now? Right now she just wanted to enjoy a good fight.

Flurry vs Dagrún for Dominance
Round 1/2
Age: 1+
Size: Extra large
Build: Light
Companion 1: Maine Coon, Female - Battle
Mutation 1: Water Deer Fangs - Offensive
Mutation 2: Pronghorn horns - Offensive
Skills: Beginner Intellectual & Advanced Fighter


Art by Honrin
Updated 01/13/23: I am currently on indefinite scarcity, please be patient and don't remind me of missing tags right now.


Raiders Hollow
The Modyguard

Master Fighter (291)

Expert Intellectual (185)

An icon representing the specialty Saboteur Saboteur

1 Year
Extra large
01-12-2024, 10:03 PM

The boy, more leg than anything else at this point, in the middle of an awkward growth spurt, didn't bother too much about keeping quiet under the cover of the rain and the night. In fact, he happily bounded from puddle to puddle as they crossed the borders, doing his best to muddy Cal's coat in the process.

Dad mentioned something about chickens and the vanguard were under attack, so the soaked boy continued his bounding wander forward, what did chickens even look like? And why did they need them alive? His mind wandered back to the birds Jael had been keeping in the pool. Did they look kinda like that? (How boring)


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1. i dare not go, for if i do, my mother will say... Lazuli Falls 12:02 PM, 01-11-2024 04:54 PM, 02-08-2024