Scavenger hunt
Fight training - Raiders
Storm Herald
Master Navigator (306)
Master Intellectual (260)
5 Years
They might have been claiming the beach, but the Gulley was right next door and would be frequented by their healers and scouts, so it wouldn't hurt to do some housekeeping. As they stepped off the sand, Modesty began to speak. “There are three main points to keep in mind when you're up against multiple opponents. Awareness - of your surroundings and the number of opponents you face, teamwork - work together to take on more challenging opponents and eliminate them quickly, and adaptability - try not to overthink it, things will change quickly in the heat of the moment and you need to trust your instincts.”
The grass was soft and swayed in the summer breeze, the hills were rolling. The sun was setting at their backs, making it easier for them to spot their opponents, who would probably avoid looking directly at them. She flicked one of her large caracal ears when she thought she picked up coyotes yipping in the distance. She gestured with her nose that they should head in that direction to see if they could track some playmates down.
-Fighting lesson 1/3 - fighting multiple opponents-
You're not feeling so well...
The Quartermaster
Master Fighter (291)
Expert Intellectual (215)
1 Year
Ken was distractable. Every grasshopper was bounced after, every bug that burst from the overgrown grass lunged after. He still kept moderately within the vicinity that would be considered to be 'following his mother', but he was bored of walking.
When Modesty came to a halt at the top of a small rise and began to speak to them, his ears turned forward attentively and his tail waved at his back. Fighting was fun, fighting more than one opponent could only double the fun right? When his mother's ear flicked, his own turned forward to try and catch what she might have heard... was that... chattering he heard in the distance? When she gestured the direction they should go, the boy bounded forward, ready to get his teeth bloody finally.
"speech"After a beat of silence, Modesty speaks about utilizing teamwork to take down multiple opponents. As Calliope goes to ask who, she can hear them in the distance. Yips and sharp barks that clearly come from coyotes. Easy targets. Coyotes had never really seemed eager to fight and only did so if caught. Her lips begin to turn up into a devilish smirk as she glanced over to her brother, Kenway.
Moving through the lush grass, she heads to Kenway, stopping beside him. "So what yer sayin' is I use Ken as bait to lure the coyotes close an' then I'll take 'em down?" Calliope is only half joking as she leans over to bump Ken with her shoulder.
Warning: Calliope is callous, rude, and unpredictable. Do NOT expect nice things from her.
Storm Herald
Master Navigator (306)
Master Intellectual (260)
5 Years
Modesty chuckled when Siduri suggested using Ken as bait, “Not the worst idea, but coyotes are small, and he might scare them off. If you had someone smaller and faster,” She pointedly looked at Jael, “They might be too focused on the chase to realise they were being lured into a trap. But we aren't doing ambushes today, we're fighting more than one. These ones happen to be quite upset with me already, so I don't imagine they will scatter.” They'd been getting bolder every time she had come by, so she shrugged. "I can't help it they make my favourite coyote balls."
Now that they were all aware of their approaching foe, Modesty stepped forward, the quills bristling over her neck and shoulders, her ears folding back tightly against her skull. Her head dropped as she charged to grab at the point where the shoulder met the neck of the coyote at the front of the pack of eight. This wasn't a time to revel in a fight. She needed to efficient, use her size to throw bodies and break bones and then move onto the next. She would have to trust the others to keep an eye on her blind spots, to follow their instincts and not hold back.
-fight lesson 2/3-
Finally Cal puts her full attention on the group of coyotes. Their yipping and yapping pulls her in. She can count eight of them as she hangs back for a second. Watching her mother charge forward, Cal wants to see what position her mother will take. Which coyote will she go? The leader? Take them by surprise? "Yer lucky she ain't lettin' me use you as bait," Calliope whispers to Jael, her grin growing wider on her before she takes off after Modesty.
Flattening her own ears against her skull as she loped forward, she watches as the rest of the pack of coyotes turns on her mother. Releasing a sharp bark to catch their attention, she notices how some of them hesitate. Do they keep going for the horned one that is currently bashing through them? Or do they start to go after the younger girl? Calliope doesn't care nor does she stop. Coming up to the right flank of Modesty, she grabs a coyote by the scruff and flings it away. No coyote would be touching them today.
Warning: Calliope is callous, rude, and unpredictable. Do NOT expect nice things from her.
You're not feeling so well...
The Quartermaster
Master Fighter (291)
Expert Intellectual (215)
1 Year
At the mention of coyote balls, Ken's tail picked up its tempo. No bait was a bit of a bummer, he'd been keen to offer himself up to help Cal rip some throats out (he was just glad she wouldn't be trying to get his for a change). He gave Jael a companionable shoulder bump to make up for Cal's teasing and trotted towards the approaching pack, distracted by his mother's charge and Sid's bark. It probably helped he had more natural colouration too, he didn't stick out as much as the did. Jael had the same advantage.
Crouching to make the most of the cover offered by the ferns, he flanked the pack on the far side, charging forward when he spotted one of the vermin trying the same move on his sister, biting the smaller canine over the hips and base of its tail, shaking violently. It screams caught the attention of another that tried to come to the aid of its brethren, and Ken swung the coyote in his jaws to block the one going for his flank. This was fun!
"speech"There’s no time for that. Eight coyotes, and Modesty is quick to spring on their leader. Making sure to keep in mind what Modesty said about playing off her party, Jael’s mind kicks into overdrive. Taking off at a dead run, she circles wide back and around them. Spacial and situational awareness. Quick to flank and take out the coyotes just behind the leader, as she doesn’t like the way it looks at Modesty. The cold leer so focused on the raid queen, it barely clocks the little dog as she goes for the ankles. Slamming the first into one more, all three tumbling to the ground in a snarling, toothy, writhing mass. Hey, had to be efficient, and this was the two for one special. Not graceful like Modesty, but she gets the job done.
Storm Herald
Master Navigator (306)
Master Intellectual (260)
5 Years
Modesty tries to keep an eye on each of her students today, Cal is along her side, and Kenway is covering her other flank, but they are all facing the same direction. Jael was facing them and had visibility on their backs, but it wasn't really fair to ask the collie to cover all three of them. Dropping the limp body of the opposing leader from her jaws, she speaks. “Make sure to have eyes in all directions as they close in, watch each other's backs.”
She smiled as Jael tackled one coyote into another, the girl had pluck and a decent brain. She was small, but she'd hold her own. Modesty pushed forward to snap at the face of one of the mongrel vermin that thought to try and sneak up on the smaller woman from behind, hoping her children were teaming up similarly. Timing her steps to match Jael and snapping at any coyote silly enough to take her on, she was demonstrating, rather than relying on words alone. “Keep at them, not many left now.” They never had much fight in them to start with. It would be interesting to see who among them held their ground, and who would choose to pursue.
-lesson 3/3-
You're not feeling so well...
The Quartermaster
Master Fighter (291)
Expert Intellectual (215)
1 Year
His mother's words made so much sense, why hadn't he thought of that? The coyote he had grabbed by the hips couldn't use its back legs anymore and he discarded the smaller predator as useless, gone from his mind as it tried to drag itself into the cover of the ferns and away from the bloodthirsty invaders.
Kenway quickly adjusted his position to mirror his mother's alongside Jael, but with Cal, so maybe he was more like the collie in this pairing? He was the shorter of the two. He got into position just in time to spot a brown form launching from the ferns, letting lose a surprised yelp as teeth grabbed at his muzzle, bruising the flesh with the force of the bite. He bought his foreleg up and threw his weight forward to his elbows, leaving his butt exposed if his sister didn't cover it. Jaws reefed free of the grab of the smaller canine and he retaliated, almost fitting the small dogs whole head between his parted jaws. There was a resounding crunching as he bit down, a sharp pain lancing through his hip as another coyote chose to target him while he was distracted.
"speech"With almost all of them out for the count, Calliope charges the last one. With the confidence of having three others to back her up, she reaches around and clamps her mouth over the spine of the coyote, right behind its shoulders. Picking up and giving it a good shake until it no longer could use its legs, she spits it back on the ground. Stepping forward to place a paw upon its neck, she glares down at the puny canine. "Better luck next time," she hisses before finally ending its life.
Taking a step back, she turns breathless to the group. "That was fun," Cal beams, her tail wagging as she smiles through the blood and gore that cover her face.
Warning: Calliope is callous, rude, and unpredictable. Do NOT expect nice things from her.
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1. | Scavenger hunt | Fern Gulley | 07:44 PM, 01-13-2024 | 11:03 AM, 03-07-2024 |